An Opalline Tide

Game Master Patrick Curtin

My homebrew world with the addition of the classic Savage Tide AP as a plot device. Might throw some Razor Coast and Skull and Shackles in too. YARR! Time for adventure mateys!!

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Shadow's Status

No worries Pat, RL is a b%@~* sometimes, I was JUST on the verge of catching up on everything last Wednesday morning and got sick for 6 days, s%$& just happens... :-(

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Yeah, I had a week of tough illness in there. And it’s a busy time in the yard/house/etc homeownership game. Plus , a lot of elderly relatives are dropping. And, still working two jobs, AND trying to get to the gym, AND dealing with drama at all levels of this …

Sigh. Can I just be retired and play games and watch tv all day? Is that so much to ask?

Sorry to hear that Pat. (And Shadow!)

BELIEVE me, I understand.
(For once, I will try not to bore you with details!) ;P

Complete sympathies, prayers for recoveries, and hope we ALL get to enjoy at least a little bit of our summers! ;)

Pat wrote:
Sigh. Can I just be retired and play games and watch tv all day? Is that so much to ask?

No. No it is not too much to ask.

(Eventually.) ;P

Shadow's Status
Patrick Curtin wrote:

Yeah, I had a week of tough illness in there. And it’s a busy time in the yard/house/etc homeownership game. Plus , a lot of elderly relatives are dropping. And, still working two jobs, AND trying to get to the gym, AND dealing with drama at all levels of this …

Sigh. Can I just be retired and play games and watch tv all day? Is that so much to ask?

Yeah, I have to breakdown and hire some landscapers to tackle weeds, this past weekend was my only shot to do that before a party I am having in a few weeks and of course, I got sick.

Luckily the only two games I currently run are Vampire games where combat is lite or non existent so easier to keep up on posting. Of course, I seem to have melted all of the PCs brains in the Venice game so I'm going back to basics now :-)


howdy folks. I am going to be working on these games during the next three days, thanks to an auspiciously-placed federal holiday. I feel bad that i haven’t had the time to get things up and running.

Dont feel bad!

Believe me, i KNOW how RL can kick you when you're least ready for it.

(Usually in the 'Chicken Nuggets') ;P

Is all good! :D

Happy 'Mid-Week Federal Holiday' everyone! ;)

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Folks - I will be traveling on Thursday to Key Largo to see FAWTL alumnus Solnes get married. From there I am heading to Maine to vacation with my mother and daughter. I will check in and I can certainly do social-type posts, but anything combat-heavy will have to wait.

The good news is my time is starting to get better, so hopefully more consistent posts.

Male Minotaur - Wizard 3 (T) - HP 26/26 [Temp 21/32]| AC= 12 | CMD = 14 | Init +10 |F - +4|R - +3|W - +3|Per + 2/+4 || Hero P 1 +2 Perception & Sense Notice when Kossel w/in 10'
Patrick Curtin wrote:

Folks - I will be traveling on Thursday to Key Largo to see FAWTL alumnus Solnes get married. From there I am heading to Maine to vacation with my mother and daughter. I will check in and I can certainly do social-type posts, but anything combat-heavy will have to wait.

The good news is my time is starting to get better, so hopefully more consistent posts.

Have fun!

So, it's HAPPY travels! :)

Sounds great!
(tell Solnes that Rags said 'Hi!' & 'Congrats'!) ;)

Enjoy the nuptials, and have a happy vacation time!

Safe travels!

SO, before I forget to tell everyone and vanish mysteriously,

Tomorrow, Thursday, I am going in again for another surgical procedure to 'fix' me after the major cancer removal almost 2 years ago now.
This will be the second attempt to 'fix' the issue.
(Here's hoping they dont mess THIS one up!) ;P

It is considered 'minor' and out-patient, but I will be in pain and out of it for a few days at least. And literally not able to sit in a chair for who-knows-how-long. (2 weeks at least)

I will respond and keep myself in the loop as much as possible, but you get a break from my novel-length posts for a while! ;)

Since I'll be out of it, Happy weekend all ! :)


Silver Crusade

Male Celestial Cleric of Myself 10/Radiant Servant of Me 10

Wishing you the best for a successful procedure and swift recovery!


Yes best wishes on the procedure! Swift recovery!

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16

Best of luck and swift recovery!

Thx much!
Well your well-wishes and prayers worked! :)

THIS time it went like it was supposed to. (YAY?!?!)

Still hurts, but MUCH less than the last (failed) attempt, and I had NO anesthesia-brain-fog.

I actually need to be careful, I feel good so I must be careful and not to more than I actually can!

Still cant sit in my desk chair for a while, so short(er) posts for a while.

You're welcome! ;P

male half-orc Aristocrat-3rd/ Marketeer-6th, Pure Awesome - 35th

Glad to hear that your surgery went well Ragadolf. Hope the pain subsides soon and you are back on the mend quickly.

Thanks, (Me Too!) ;)


Hey guys, sorry I've been quiet. Had an interesting July so far, and time keeps slipping by me. I promise I will carve some time out, but there is a big scene coming that I want to get right. Glad to hear things are going well Rags!

No worries!
I'm still recovering, and dealing with, well, 'life' in all it's annoying, infinite challenges. :P

I decide top 'take a break' because I'm standing too much (Still not going to be able to sit for another week or two) and didn't realize how many days had passed!

Thx Pat, I appreciate it.
I'm doing OK (only been a week) so crossing my fingers all stays good. :)


Hello all.

So, there really isn't a way to say this, except... sorry.

Maybe sorry doesn't cover it.

I haven't been active since the end of the summer.

This isn't the first time I've dropped off the map. As you well know.

I think it is a thing in my brain.

I get swept up in real life. Forces beyond my control consume me, and I get behind. My ADHD gets the better of me and my procrastination gets into a feedback loop and suddenly ... a month goes by. I'm embarrassed, then mortified. I don't want to visit because I am so embarrassed, and it gets worse the longer it goes. Meanwhile, life continues to pull at me relentlessly with its various emergencies, and suddenly it is Fall. Then Halloween. Then Thanksgiving. Then Christmas.

So Merry Hallothanksgivingmas everyone, from your inconstant Dungeon Monkey. I have finally decided to pluck up my courage and return to the boards to see if perhaps I can pick up the pieces and restart the games. Because, believe it or not, I miss them dearly. They are never far from my thoughts.

A quick synopsis of my recent life: I have gone through some good and bad things. I have had some health scares. Nothing too horrible, but things I need to work on. I have lost 50 pounds. I quit social media. I have had a financial scare. another thing that I have been working on, which has cut into my free time. I am about to start a new job. This will hopefully help with the previous issue. I have been working on reorganizing certain things in my life, and this game, and the others I am involved in are a part of that.

So, I am asking who is still here, and who is still willing to continue. I know that you have no reason to trust in my constancy, and I can't guarantee I will be constant. However, I do love creating world for you all to play in, and I think you all like to play in them. It may take a bit to get to where you are going, but we've been this far, and I'd love to see where we can go in 2025 and beyond.

Hey Man, NO 'sorry' needed!

(See "Silver Rose' Chat for full response!) ;)

Nice to se you again Monkey-Man!

If you'll have me, I'm still here! I love playing in your world(s).

"To 2025,... AND BEYOND!" ;P

Shadow's Status

Still here good to go :-)

I feel you, this last 6 months for me has been pretty inconsistent on the boards but RL happens! If you're ready to go, I'm ready to play :-)


Excellent. I am ready to go, and hopefully roll on to play. Time is at a premium. But I will at least try to post something to say I am present even if an update is not feasible at the moment

Isn't that all any of us can do? ;)

Welcome back! :D

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