An Opalline Tide

Game Master Patrick Curtin

My homebrew world with the addition of the classic Savage Tide AP as a plot device. Might throw some Razor Coast and Skull and Shackles in too. YARR! Time for adventure mateys!!

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D U I,...

Dead Upon Impact,... ;P

Nahuatl ti Female Human Shaman (Deep) 3 |HP: 32/32 | AC:14 (current 16), T 14, FF 10 | Fort: +3 Ref:+4 Will:+6 |CMB +4, CMD 16 | Init+3 | Perc +11 | Wave Strike 3/3

Wow. I'll be catching up shortly

Dark Archive

Male human / well sort of English and Scottish with a little French blend: though mostly a single malt with orcish traits Aristocrat 4th/ Barbarian-4th/Bard-4th /Monk/Grappler-12th/ Marketeer- 6th Pure Awesome 35th

So help me revenant class zombie? What sort of things might I know about these creatures that i could pass along to the rest of the party?


A revenant class of zombie often rises on its own, not through necromantic energy. As such it acts more like a ‘walking dead’ zombie, being independent and often hungry.

Fun! 'Classic' Day of the Dead type stuff!

Um, I mean,... RUN! ;P

Sorry, moving this from GAME thread to CHAT thread. :)

I know we are scattered all over the place, Who is in where of the snowpocalypse?

Im in South Lousy-Anna, and even we are feeling the icy fingers of the Snow Witch down here.

(Will whoever p!$$#% off Elsa PLEASE apologize already?!?!) ;P

Everyone stay safe, and stay WARM!


It heading my way tomorrow. But it should be a moderate storm

Silver Crusade

Male Celestial Cleric of Myself 10/Radiant Servant of Me 10

Those of us in the Northeast/Mid-Atlantic region are used to this sort of thing. The snow we're expecting in NY is nothing like what we had a couple weeks ago.

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16

Yeah. Texas is getting destroyed.

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Mark Thomas 66 wrote:
Yeah. Texas is getting destroyed.

It is painful to watch. >_<

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Well, maybe they’ll hook up to a federal grid now

I have friends who reside in Texas now, They are,... not having a good time. >_<

My mom (In OK) reported that the other day (Tuesday?) it was warmer in ALASKA than in Tulsa.

THAT is just wrong on so many levels. :P

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16

Yeah 19 in Ankorage, 7 in Tulsa

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Yep, THAT was it.

SO wrong. Just sayin'. ;P

male Orc Barb-4th

How is everyone holding up?

Just plodding along. ;P

Actually, getting ready to do our 'Opera' again, despite the Covids,...

Its funny actually, our Opera director has a penchant for writing his own shows by combining songs and /or scenes from other operas or musicals. All arranged to be perfectly legal. (Believe me, he's checked!) :)

So THIS year, in order to have an opera production, he basically re-wrote Cinderella, with music from several Cinderella Operas and the musical, AND combined it with several songs/scenes from 'parties' in operas. Since they have to wear masks anyway, he made it a 'Masked Ball' opera!

So the students have all been recording the songs, and NOW we are going to use my stage and another building on campus to film the acting while they lip-sync to the recorded songs. With old-style 'Masked Ball' masks hiding their faces.

THIS will be interesting. :)

Meh. At least I'm not bored! (Or out of a job!) ;P

male Orc Barb-4th

That sounds great hope everyone "Breaks a leg" in the production. Very creative why to incorporate the need for masks.


I'm an OLD theater-person, and I usually hang around theater people.
But ONE day there was a dance show on my stage, and when the show was ready to start I told those dancers near me to 'Break a Leg' without a second thought.

The looks I got were,... horrified.
One finally spoke up and said
"HOW could you SAY such a terrible thing?!?!?"
(Yes, It was hysterical. To me.)

Sigh, I had forgotten that in Dance they say 'merde' instead. ;P

Yes This guy who runs the Opera dept here was a true professional. Did Opera in NYC & NY state for 20-25 years. He just couldn't get off of the "B" list.
BUT he DID learn how to direct the heck out of a comedic musical or Opera!
I may have learned more from working with him the last 13 years than in all/most of my 9 years of college courses and shows. :P

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Taishe wrote:

The kobold gives his crossbow a look through slitted eyes.

"Hm. One would have ssworn that shot wass center masss. One thinkss that a sslight adjusstment iss in order."

Does Taishe play oboe? Because that's exactly how oboe players look at their reeds after they squeak.

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I played brass and played piano. And that;s how EVERY musician looks at their instrument when they make a wrong note. ;P

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16

My son has definitely looked at his violin that way.

You haven't truly experienced betrayal until nunchaku do the opposite of what you told them to.


Just,... Yes. True. :P

Dark Archive

Male human / well sort of English and Scottish with a little French blend: though mostly a single malt with orcish traits Aristocrat 4th/ Barbarian-4th/Bard-4th /Monk/Grappler-12th/ Marketeer- 6th Pure Awesome 35th

Wow this has been a fantastically awful run of die rolls for me. Hoping to get it out of the way at least for this battle.

The digital dice are like those Candy commercials,

"First they're SOUR, then they're sweet!" ;P

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Pshaw. My dice are a bag of Sour Patch Kids. Never sweet.

Silver Crusade

Male Celestial Cleric of Myself 10/Radiant Servant of Me 10

Or Tragon can kill all the things...

Unfortunately, Tragon has just blown almost all his rage rounds on this combat.

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16

I think it's funny that Nahuatl ti's considered a frontliner. Hopefully, I keep rolling well.

Front-liner in the sense of 'she was in the front line.' Not a judgment on where she *should* be. Norveg can just stand behind her with the Poking Stick of Wound Closure so she can retain her front-line status.


Yeah some bad dice rolls, but the nice thing about dice is they can turn in a heartbeat

Dice are the EPIC example of "Chaotic Neutral" ;P


Hey Mark, I was looking back on the Silver Rose thread, and I noticed that Blayze hadn’t posted anything since June. Are you still interested in the game? I can write her out if not, but we will be getting into Erelhi-Cinlu soon, and I just need a headcount of who is still in.

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16

I think it was one of those periods where there was nothing for a while, then I blinked and there were 60 something posts and I kind of got lost. I'll give a quick read through and get back up to speed

I'm sorry, I have no clue where Norveg is. We were in a line with him at the end when the zombie came up from behind. Norveg tried to get past the zombie by tumbling... I don't know if he made it or not. Then the zombie got pushed back, which would have been right into Norveg if he was past the thing. I don't mind going without maps, but I'm really lost right now, especially with the information that the pushed back dead man lets us exit the tunnel? I don't get our spatial sitch right now.


I apologize, I haven’t had a chance to upgrade the map on this game. You were all in a tunnel and the zombie came up to the doorway while you were packed in there. I’ll get a new map up soon b

Well the good news is, (Last time I checked, no idea if they changed these rules too!) ;P

You can pass through a square occupied by a friendly, you just can't end up in the same space as another. So if Norveg made it past the zombie with his tumble, then Tragon could 'pass by' us in the hall, and end up where Norveg was.

Yes? :)



Folks I’ll be on vacation through Thursday. I am going to update today, and I might get a quiet moment to advance things, but I just want you to know.

Male Minotaur - Wizard 3 (T) - HP 26/26 [Temp 21/32]| AC= 12 | CMD = 14 | Init +10 |F - +4|R - +3|W - +3|Per + 2/+4 || Hero P 1 +2 Perception & Sense Notice when Kossel w/in 10'

Lurking in for possible pending return...


Oh you’ll be back, but there’s just no way to insert you at the current moment..

Yay! for Possible return!

and Enjoy your vacate Pat, :)

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Male Minotaur - Wizard 3 (T) - HP 26/26 [Temp 21/32]| AC= 12 | CMD = 14 | Init +10 |F - +4|R - +3|W - +3|Per + 2/+4 || Hero P 1 +2 Perception & Sense Notice when Kossel w/in 10'
Patrick Curtin wrote:
Oh you’ll be back, but there’s just no way to insert you at the current moment..

Understood, it's risky business these days, need to be careful where you insert yourself...


Yep. He went there.

Good job! ;P


I’m going to call Tragon and 13 Spider the Incredible Fumble Brothers

And Taishe, the incredible Kobold clean up batter!


Silver Crusade

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Male Celestial Cleric of Myself 10/Radiant Servant of Me 10

I question his investigative abilities when he keeps shooting zombies with crossbows even though they are resistant to piercing damage.


True, he DOES have a sling,.... ;P

Maybe he just wants to see how many arrows he can decorate one zombie with? :D


Maybe he’s just taking advantage of the mobile targets for practice?

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THAT'S his story, and he's sticking to it! :)


My apologies folks, I’m trying to readjust to my new schedule. Please bear with :)

Grinned and BEARed with! :)

(Mean Grizzly? Or friendly black bear?) ;P

Hang in there boss!

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