Radovan - Matsu Kurisu |
Scenario Reward
- Loot: Transmogrify
Adventure Reward
- n/a
Tier 4.1
- Hero point = Card(Armor)
New card = Glamered Leather Armor (AD2)
9 Available
Card Upgrade
Blessing 2: 1d1000 ⇒ 857
Pharasma's Knowing (AD1) in, Prayer (2) out
Banished Cards
- n/a
- Nil
TColMaster |
For the rest of the Adventure Path, when setting up each scenario, you may temporarily replace a blessing in your deck with a blessing that has the Corrupted trait from the game box. At the end of each scenario, return that blessing to the game box.
Mendevian Crusader (Ally B)
Blessing of Abraxas (Blessing B)
Blessing of the Starsong (Blessing 3)
Blessing of the Starsong (Blessing 3)
Blessing of Abraxas (Blessing B)
Lyre of Storms (Item 4)
Belt of Charging (Item 4)
Portable Altar (Item B)
Skitter (Spell B)
TColMaster |
NOTE: While Loot, there are 6 in the box!
Blessing 4:
Type: Blessing
Traits: Divine Nocticula Corrupted Veteran
To Acquire: 0
Discard this card to add 1 die to any check. Discard this card to add 2 dice plus the scenario's adventure deck number to your check; if the top card of the blessings discard pile does not have the Corrupted trait, remove this card from the game instead of discarding it. When this card would be banished, remove it from the game instead.
TColMaster Shardra |
Item 4: 1d1000 ⇒ 870
Replace Gem of Mental Acuity with Wand of Restorative Touch
Hero Point: Blessing +1
Add in Blessing of Thoth
Replace Blessing of Thoth with Blessing of Nocticula via Scenario Reward (leave there forever)
Alase - Dinketry |
Spending Hero Point on Wisdom +1 Skill Feat.
I'll swap out Blessing of Norgorber for Blessing of Nocticula.
I'm still planning on using Transmogrify, Banner of Valor, and Sacred Prism.
I'll defer on upgrades.
Yay, I get my role card back.
Ezren the Explorer |
Taking card feat spell. 8 HP left.
Putting Enlarge in the empty slot.
No upgrade.
Still using Black Robe.
Radovan - Matsu Kurisu |
Scenario Reward
- Loot: Corrupted Blessing(Blessing of Nocticula)
Adventure Reward
- n/a
Tier 4.2
- Hero point = Power
[X] When you would discard an ally for its power, you may bury a card displayed next to a displayed devil form to recharge the ally instead.
8 Available
Card Upgrade
Item 4: 1d1000 ⇒ 849
Belt of Physical Might (AD4) in, Spyglass out
Banished Cards
- n/a
- Loot: Blessing of Nocticula in, Prayer out
TColMaster |
Each character chooses weapon or spell and draws a card of that type from the box.
For the rest of the Adventure Path, when setting up each scenario, 1 character may temporarily replace 1 weapon in her deck with the loot Blancher; up to 2 players may temporarily replace 1 blessing with the loot Blessing of Nocticula. At the end of each scenario, return the loots to the game box.
Type: Weapon
Traits: Pick Melee Piercing 2-Handed Magic
To Acquire: None 0
For your combat check, reveal this card to use your Strength or Melee skill + 2d6+4; you may additionally discard this card to add another 2d6. If any d6 rolled on this check is a 6, count it as a 7. If a monster has an effect that increases the difficulty of this check, ignore that effect.
Type: Blessing
Traits: Divine Nocticula Corrupted Veteran
To Acquire: 0
Discard this card to add 1 die to any check. Discard this card to add 2 dice plus the scenario's adventure deck number to your check; if the top card of the blessings discard pile does not have the Corrupted trait, remove this card from the game instead of discarding it. When this card would be banished, remove it from the game instead.
TColMaster |
WotR Weapon 3
Traits: Mace Melee Bludgeoning Magic Corrupted Elite
To Acquire: Strength Melee 11
For your combat check, reveal this card to use your Strength or Melee skill + 1d8+2; you may additionally discard this card to add another 1d12 and the Poison trait. Display this card. While displayed, add 1d12 and the Poison trait to your combat checks. At the end of the turn, discard this card; if this card has the Corrupted trait, you are dealt 1d4+1 Poison damage.
WotR Spell B
Traits: Magic Arcane Divine Elite
To Acquire: Intelligence Arcane 6 OR Wisdom Divine 7
At the end of your turn, discard this card to move; you may shuffle your location deck before you move. After playing this card, if you do not have either the Arcane or Divine skill, banish it; otherwise, you may succeed at an Arcane 8 or Divine 9 check to recharge this card instead of discarding it.
WotR Spell 3
Traits: Magic Arcane Attack
To Acquire: Intelligence Arcane 10
For your combat check, discard this card to use your Intelligence, Arcane, or Melee skill + 2d6+1 and add the Acid, Electricity, or Fire trait. If proficient with weapons and you would fail this check, you may ignore the result and evade the bane instead. After playing this card, if you do not have the Arcane skill, banish it; otherwise, you may succeed at an Arcane 12 check to recharge this card instead of discarding it.
Radovan - Matsu Kurisu |
Scenario Reward
- 1 weapon in her deck with the loot Blancher;
- up to 2 players may temporarily replace 1 blessing with the loot Blessing of Nocticula
- Draw Weapon
Adventure Reward
- n/a
Tier 4.2
- Hero point = Skill(Charisma)
8 Available
Card Upgrade
Banished Cards
- n/a
- Loot: Blessing of Nocticula in, Prayer out
- 1-4C Loot: Blessing of Nocticula: 1d1000 ⇒ 730 in, The Winged Serpent out
Alase - Dinketry |
I'll be using the Hero Point for a power feat: "[X] While you attempt a check to acquire (☐ or would banish) a card that has an adventure deck number at least 2 less than the scenario's adventure deck number, you may recharge a blessing to gain the skill Divine: Charisma +2."
I'd like to continue using Sacred Prism, Banner of Valor, Transmogrify and Blessing of Nocticula.
I'd be fine with a Spell 3 upgrade, but also finer with a Spell 4, depending on if I'm lucky enough to draw one of those with my upgrade choice.
TColMaster |
WotR Spell 1
Traits: Magic Arcane Divine Attack Healing Elite
To Acquire: Intelligence Arcane 7 OR Wisdom Divine 9
For your combat check, discard this card to use your Arcane or Divine skill + 2d4. Shuffle 1 random card from your discard pile into your deck. After playing this card, if you do not have either the Arcane or Divine skill, banish it; otherwise, you may succeed at an Arcane 9 or Divine 11 check to recharge this card instead of discarding it.
TColMaster Shardra |
Hero Point: Con +1
No Deck Upgrade.
Alase - Dinketry |
I’ll use the Spell 3 upgrade to swap in Confidence Boost for Evolution Surge.
Spell 3: 1d1000 ⇒ 572
Ezren the Explorer |
Spending my hero point on skill feat constitution. 8 HP remaining.
Actually will nab the spell 2 for Vampiric Touch.
Still using Black Robe.
Alase - Dinketry |
I’ll use the Spell 3 upgrade to swap in Confidence Boost for Evolution Surge.
Scratch this; Confidence Boost is divine-only. I'll use this upgrade instead to nab Fire Shield.
Alase - Dinketry |
Hey y'all - I'm going to be the lead for a large work conference beginning tomorrow. I will be tied up for the remainder of this week. My ability to reply to games that I'm in will be considerably limited. It's not that I'll go dark - but I might.
Anyhow, FYI. I should be back in 6 days. Thanks!
TColMaster |
If the party defeated The Defiled One, for the rest of the Adventure Path, when setting up each scenario, 1 character may temporarily replace an item in her deck with the loot Talisman of True Faith.
At the end of each scenario, return the loot to the game box.
Scribe (Ally 2)
Mendevian Crusader (Ally B)
Blessing of Ascension (Blessing B)
Blessing of Ascension (Blessing B)
Blessing of Nethys (Blessing 2)
Blessing of Sarenrae (Blessing B)
Blessing of Shax (Blessing B)
Blessing of Ascension (Blessing B)
Fire Shield (Spell 3)
Consecrate (Spell 2)
Steal Soul (Spell 3)
Shocking Lance +1 (Weapon 3)
Anarchy Hammer (Weapon 4)
Ezren the Explorer |
Save the hero point. 9 remaining.
No upgrades. No interest in the new loot.
TColMaster Shardra |
Hero Point: Bank (9 total)
Radovan - Matsu Kurisu |
- 1-4D
Scenario Reward
- n/a
Adventure Reward
- n/a
Tier 4.4
- Hero point = Saved
9 Available
Card Upgrade
Weapon 4: 1d1000 ⇒ 888
Limning Starknife (AD4) in, Keen Rapier out
Banished Cards
- n/a
- Loot: Blessing of Nocticula in, Prayer out
- dice=1-4C Loot: Blessing of Nocticula]1d1000[/dice] in, The Winged Serpent out
Alase - Dinketry |
Apologies for my delay.
I'll take the Talisman of True Faith for this next scenario (replacing Soul Shard).
No upgrades. Save the Hero Point.
TColMaster |
Each character chooses item or ally and draws a card of that type from the box.
Each player chooses one of her Pathfinder Society RPG characters. That character may treat her Fame score as 5 higher when purchasing weapons that have the negating property.
For the rest of the Adventure Path, when setting up each scenario, 1 character may temporarily replace 1 item in her deck with the loot Scale of Cloudwalking. At the end of each scenario, return the loot to the game box.
Type: Item
Traits: Object Magic Terendelev
To Acquire: 0
At the end of your turn, recharge this card to move.
You may redeem 1 loot card listed on the Redemption card that a reward allows you to temporarily add to your deck. (Note the redeemed card on your Chronicle sheet instead of checking it off on the Redemption card.)
Wolf (Ally 2)
Chief Sull (Ally 1)
Bat (Ally B)
Imperial Army Greathelm (Armor 2)
Magic Padded Armor (Armor B)
Black Dragonhide Breastplate (Armor 4)
Blessing of Sarenrae (Blessing B)
Blessing of Torag (Blessing B)
Blessing of Deskari (Blessing 1)
Blessing of Shelyn (Blessing B)
Blessing of Shelyn (Blessing B)
Good Omen (Spell B)
Charm Monster (Spell 2)
Life Drain (Spell 1)
Divine Blaze (Spell 4)
Shocking Lance +1 (Weapon 3)
Ezren the Explorer |
Save the hero point. 9 remaining.
Redeem doesn't matter.
No interest in the loot.
No upgrades.
Radovan - Matsu Kurisu |
Scenario Reward
- Loot: Scale of Cloudwalking
- Extra draw = Ally
Adventure Reward
- n/a
Tier 4.5
- Hero point = Saved
10 Available
Card Upgrade
Armor 4: 1d1000 ⇒ 890
Impervious Chain Shirt (AD4) in, Glamered Leather Armor out
Ally 4: 1d1000 ⇒ 957
Skoan-Quah Boneslayer (AD4) in, Crow out
Ally 3: 1d1000 ⇒ 221
Sable Company Marine (AD3) in, Crow out
Banished Cards
- lt Blessing of Nocticula(2)(Prayer) replaced with Pharasma's Knowing (2)(AD1)
- Loot: Blessing of Nocticula in, The Uprising out
- dice=1-4C Loot: Blessing of Nocticula]1d1000[/dice] in, The Winged Serpent out
Alase - Dinketry |
Not interested in the loot. No need to redeem anything. Save the hero point (#5).
Joining in on the random ally draw, please.
Spell 4: 1d1000 ⇒ 850 Swap Scrying (Classic) for Phantom Steed
Ally 4: 1d1000 ⇒ 29 Swap Bound Shadow Demon for Bound Elemental
TColMaster |
WotR Ally B
Traits: Human Hireling
To Acquire: Charisma Diplomacy 6
Bury this card to add 1d8 to any combat check by a character at your location. Discard this card to explore your location. If you encounter a boon, banish it.
WotR Ally 1
Traits: Human Wizard
To Acquire: Arcane Divine Charisma Diplomacy 6
Recharge this card to succeed at your check to acquire or recharge a card that has the Arcane trait. Discard this card to explore your location. During this exploration, add 1d6 to your non-combat Arcane or Knowledge checks.
WotR Ally 3
Traits: Animal
To Acquire: Wisdom Survival 10
Discard this card to evade a monster you encounter; if the monster's adventure deck number is lower than the scenario's adventure deck number, you may put the monster on the top or bottom of its location deck. Discard this card to explore your location. Add 1d6 to your first Stealth or combat check during this exploration.
WotR Ally B
Traits: Human Ranger
To Acquire: Wisdom Survival Charisma Diplomacy 9
Reveal this card to add 1d6 to your check against a card that has the Animal trait. Discard this card to explore your location.
TColMaster Shardra |
Hero Point: Bank
Pass on loot.
TColMaster |
For the rest of the Adventure Path, when setting up each scenario, 1 character may temporarily replace 1 item in her deck with the loot Amulet of the Abyss. At the end of each scenario, return the loot to the game box.
Type: Item
Traits: Accessory Magic Divine Corrupted Mythic
To Acquire: 0
If this card has the Corrupted trait, bury a blessing or you may not play this card. Reveal this card to reduce Electricity, Poison, Acid, Cold, or Fire damage dealt to you by 4. Recharge this card to add 1d20 to your check to defeat a monster that has the Minotaur or Mythic trait.
Retainer (Ally B)
Bejeweled Helm (Armor 3)
Blessing of Deskari (Blessing 1)
Blessing of Shelyn (Blessing B)
Wand of Cancellation (Item 1)
Demon Hunter's Handbook (Item B)
Glaive +1 (Weapon B)
Anarchy Hammer (Weapon 4)
Cold Iron Longsword (Weapon 1)
Traitor's Blade (Weapon 5)