An Opalline Tide

Game Master Patrick Curtin

My homebrew world with the addition of the classic Savage Tide AP as a plot device. Might throw some Razor Coast and Skull and Shackles in too. YARR! Time for adventure mateys!!

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Silver Crusade

Male Celestial Cleric of Myself 10/Radiant Servant of Me 10
Storyteller Shadow wrote:
Tragon Stormblade wrote:


I... do I remember some rule about 1's?

Isn't it half?

I'm not sure what that means.

Without other direction, I'm letting that role lie. Tragon's new max hp is 26.

M Ratfolk Cleric 3 {Init +3; F +4 R +4 W + 6; Perc +6 (darkvision); hp 21/21; AC 18 t 14 ff 15; BAB +2, CMB +1, CMD 14; CLW 8/50}
Celestial Healer wrote:
Storyteller Shadow wrote:
Tragon Stormblade wrote:


I... do I remember some rule about 1's?

Isn't it half?

I'm not sure what that means.

Without other direction, I'm letting that role lie. Tragon's new max hp is 26.

I can't find any info on character build. Unless it's in Google Docs, 'cause I didn't look there.

Norveg acquired the Toughness feat because of bad rolls. I was going to be L3 with 18 hp. Took a feet to get me within 5 points of Tragon.

The wizard is back. Physically at any rate. Mentally might take a few more days. (If ever) ;P

Once I catch up on my actual work I'll catch up on my Pbp work :)

Silver Crusade

Male Celestial Cleric of Myself 10/Radiant Servant of Me 10

I’m on vacation until Friday. I might be slower than usual posting.

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Hey all. This month has been a bear, but I am hoping to get up to speed soon. Thanks for your patience!

So I survived my surgery. (Yay?)
But I literally cannot sit up right now.
I can recline, or I can stand. (I am typing this standing at my desk right now) ;P

Hopefully on my next Dr visit (Tue, Sept 6) I will be able to sit up straight again. THEN I can catch up on everything. :)

Have a good week!


RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16

Good luck! Hope your recovery is a quick one.


Quick recovery Rags!

Thx all, I hope so too! ;P

Actually, NOW that I can sit upright in a chair like a normal nerd, (without pain) I will now be starting to catch up on the posts!

See you all soon!

Hello all,
I am so sorry.

Remember what I said about 'being able to sit up in a chair like a normal nerd'?
('Painless' was the word i used?)

yeah. Not so much. :(

Add to that, this past week has been determined,
to both p!$$ me off, and break my piggy bank.


Monday- Daughter talking me sitting at dinner table, tells me she doesnt feel good, (She had been having 'tummy trouble' for a day or 2) and passes out. (Doing a complete unconscious backflip out of the chair to the floor) Cue panicked wife spending hundreds of $$ and hours in an ER to be told; "We don't know what's wrong with her. She looks fine. Drink more water".

Tue- My one good news,


And then discover that they left out some particular details about how much harder and longer this recovery would be than my previous one.

Wed-Thu- go in to work (Against Dr orders, dont tell my Dr!) to be eyes on and make sure certain things happened properly. And even though I did not personally touch any of the physical work to be done, just getting out and around wore me out and caused me pain.

Fri- sewer drainage in house backs up, and I have to call a 24 hr plumber to clear it and then clean the mess(es) it made. Again, pushing myself too far.

I NEED to be patient. Patience is a virtue.
Sadly, it is not one of MY virtues! ;P

This rant brought to you by an aged, recovering wizzie, who is VERY sorry to be slowing down the fun and adventure. (Both of which he sorely needs right now!) And he promises to catch up as soon as he can.

Thank you,

Shadow's Status

Yeah, that's not a great week Rags!

Hopefully this week will be better? :-)

From your mouth to God's ears! ;)

Have a good week all!


RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16

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Yeah you do need to be patient. And I know how hard that is when you're usually the person who takes care of everything. But you're no use to anyone if you run yourself into the ground.


Yep. Rags, Don't redline yourself. You don't want to cause more damage by pushing things.

All - apologies. I am working to get back into things. I don't know if it is age or what but time dilation is getting to me. Suddenly I blink and I haven't posted in six weeks. I can honestly say it has been a very busy six weeks, but I do hope to do better.

Thanks guys.
I KNOW that's true. (And my age-old besties keep telling me the same thing!) ;P
But as I may have mentioned. (once or twice),...
I know that Patience is a virtue. It just isn't one of MY virtues! ;)

At least I tried much harder to take it easy(ier) this week. Honest! :)

Hey no worries mr Monkey-GM-Boss-man!
Although I don't recall any of us thinking time-dilation as the culprit before. Interesting. I must do more research. (Leading to more loss of time,... waitaminute!)

I've said it before, and I'll say it again.
1- As frustrating as it can be, RL must take precedence.
2-And Your games are worth waiting for! :)

See you you all in game soon! (as possible!) ;)

HAve a good week all~!

male half-orc Aristocrat-3rd/ Marketeer-6th, Pure Awesome - 35th

Hope everyone is doing well. Rags hope you are on the mend. Real Life is just that needs to take precedent not to worry Patrick happy to wait. Hope everyone has a great Sunday and perhaps we can catch up in the week.

Sorry for lagging, guys, I've been sick sick sick. I have errands to run today, then will try to get posting done.

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16

Hope you feel better soon.

male half-orc Aristocrat-3rd/ Marketeer-6th, Pure Awesome - 35th

Feel better Treppa. Hope things are well besides being sick.

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Thanks, gang. I'm over it, but recuperation seems to take longer than when I was 25. V annoying! I didn't sign up for the aging feature!

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I know right?
What happened to all of that 'Respect" and 'Wisdom' we were supposed to get?!? ;P

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male half-orc Aristocrat-3rd/ Marketeer-6th, Pure Awesome - 35th

I wish I got the respect and wisdom. I wonder can we return the aging feature? Big birthday coming up next month ... at least for me. Half-Century on this planet of ours.

Early Congrats Gruumash!
(Ya young punk yah!) ;P

I, myself, have given up on getting any respect.
I'd be DELIGHTED if I could get a TEENSY bit of wisdom. And remember to use it. ;)

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Hello all!

Sorry, Been a busy week (week long musical show rental)

Yep, back to work JUST in time to get busy. Again. ;P

Hope everyone is feeling better?

SO sorry, just overwhelmed right now.
Work, recovery, etcetc
Crazy busy but will try to catch up between insanities. :)

See ya! (Soon, I hope!)


RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16

Same. Been taking care of the details of prepping for my 13yr old's emergency knee surgery

Shadow's Status
Mark Thomas 66 wrote:
Same. Been taking care of the details of prepping for my 13yr old's emergency knee surgery

Sorry to hear that, hopefully it will work out.

I've been buried lately as well.

Silver Crusade

Male Celestial Cleric of Myself 10/Radiant Servant of Me 10
Mark Thomas 66 wrote:
Same. Been taking care of the details of prepping for my 13yr old's emergency knee surgery

Oh no! Hoping for the best and a quick recovery.

Goodness! Hope all comes out well for the surgery!

I'm just going to keep apologizing for my long absences. Just busy at work now. I am trying to keep up.

Thank you, and HAPPY HALLOWEEN to all! :)

male half-orc Aristocrat-3rd/ Marketeer-6th, Pure Awesome - 35th

Hope all is going well for everyone while we rapidly approach Thanksgiving hope everyone has a fantastic holiday.

Happy Thanksgiving, (or as I also call it, 'Happy eattodarnmuchcuzIhaveanexcuse' day!) ;P

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Hello everyone

As you might have noticed, I have been absent from the boards for an extended period of time. There are many and sundry reasons for this - some legitimate, some ... not. Although I have not been posting, that doesn't mean that I have forgotten about these games. Believe that. Not a day goes by when I don't think of them, or some cool thing I can do in them.

This is yet another attempt to get posting again. I am declaring my intention, and I will post something small and innocuous today to get things rolling. I hope that everyone is doing well in 2023, and I hope our game can go forward.

Shadow's Status

Anything Jakun learns from that check on through his familiar he will relay to the party if I'm unable to post further in the next few weeks. I'll be baby busy!

Hello all!

YAY! I see a monkey icon!

Glad you're still around Pat!

I have also been busy,
Some legitimate, some not so much :P
SO glad to see action in my fave threads!

I AM still going slowly insane, but will be happy to try and keep up with games as they start rolling again!

( a certain wizzie in one thread could do with a little less talking time anyway. Keep him from getting into MORE trouble!) ;P

See you all in the game(s)

Hey guys. It's been a blizzard of trouble here, but I think we're digging out. If I can jump back in, I'd love to. If not, I understand.


Heh, "blizzard of trouble'.
My mom in Oklahoma JUST 'defrosted' from being stuck at home for a week. It was Supposed to be a 'snow-pocalypse' it was an 'ICE-pocalypse'!

Hope you and yours are all OK and safe?! :)


Janet, you are perfectly fine. I am the one who should be apologizing for my absence. We can try to crank this up again and see where it leads us :)

Shadow's Status

Back online but I probably won't be able to read and respond I/C in any meaningful way until the weekend.


Hi guys,

Sorry I went dark - I swore I had mentioned it, but I went on vacation last week. I am updating now :)

That;s OK,
WE are just going into Mardi Gras Weekend.
So I may actually have a couple of days where I can spend a little time actually having fun! :)

Shadow's Status

LOL, of course the game comes alive again once I have a newborn and zero time to post, will try and catch up this weekend.

LOL< but of COURSE! ;P

COngrats new parent! Good luck with that sleep thing! :)

(Seriously. COngrats!)

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Shadow's Status


He's doing very well goin on 6 whole weeks old next Friday.

My daughter is 10 now and acting every bit the 10 year old so it's pretty funny to have two at the opposite spectrums at the same time.

So small, so cute, so easily controllable.

As opposed to the older sister, who has discovered that she has a mind of her own. :P (I bet she's a great, big sis!) :)

Sounds awesome. Congrats again!

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Yes, congratulations on the new youngster. I enjoyed my children, but I think I enjoy my grandson more. It’s all the fun and none of the responsibility

Patrick Curtin wrote:
Yes, congratulations on the new youngster. I enjoyed my children, but I think I enjoy my grandson more. It’s all the fun and none of the responsibility


RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16

Congratulations!!! Enjoy every moment!

Dark Archive

Male human / well sort of English and Scottish with a little French blend: though mostly a single malt with orcish traits Aristocrat 4th/ Barbarian-4th/Bard-4th /Monk/Grappler-12th/ Marketeer- 6th Pure Awesome 35th

No Doubt grandchildren are awesome !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Shadow's Status

The odd thing is, my grandfather was MY age now when I was born whereas I have a child at that same age. That didn't occur to me until he passed away last summer before I even had a chance to announce the new one. But, at least he got to enjoy one great grandchild and I bet that's pretty special, I know he certainly enjoyed my daughter whenever we visited :-)

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My family trends towards earlier births. My grandson has a great grandmother (63) and a great grandfather (82). His great grandmother is my exes mother. There is an outside chance she could make it to great great grandmother (!!)

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