Enos Flamebrother
Male Paladin 9/Trickster 3 | 84/84 hp | F+8/R+10/W+9 | CMB+9 CMD 26 | Perc +15 | Init +8 | Acro +13, DisDev +25, Stealth +24 | Lay on Hands 7/7; Smite Evil 3/3; Mythic Points 7/7; Weapon bond 2/2 | Effects : 1 negative level, 29 pts equipment damage
played by
Pixie Rogue
Ian Passeri
- 1 lvls - 5 hp - HP Paladin 9/Marshal 3 | HP 93/98 93 | AC27/T11/FF26 | F+13/R+9/W+14 | CMB+14/CMD25 | Perc +1 | Init + 3 | Dipl+17| Int+20/+22 | CotC 1/1 | CWS 3/3 | BoG + 6 3/3 | LoH 5/12 @ 4d6 HS/PoF | DB 2/2 @ + 2 | MP 7/8 DL1/1
played by
Robert Henry
M Dwarf Paladin 9 | AC 25 T 12 FF 24 CMD 29 | HP 123/123 | F +14 R +7 W +10 (+3 vs spells, SLA, poison) | Init +3 | Per +10 (Darkvision) | Mv 50' | Smite 2/3 | LOH 7/7 | Mythic 5/9 | Active: None | Shield: On
played by
Anton Delevanus
Male Human Paladin (divine defender) 7/Guardian 2 | HP 110/110 (0 NL) | Init +1 | AC 23 (T 22, FF 12) CMD 24+ | F +11 R +6 W +8 | Darkvision 10', Low-light, Per +8 | Smite Evil 3/3 | Lay on Hands 6/6 | Mythic Power 7/7 | Active Conditions: None
played by
Donnen Phelps
LG Male Dwarf Paladin (Stonelord) 6 Guardian 1 | HP 72/92 | AC 24 TO 11 FF 23 | F +10 R +6 W +9 (+2 vs. poison, spells, SLA, +6 to Stabilize) | CMD 21 (25 vs. BR, Trip) | Speed 20 | Init +2 | Perc +10 DV | Stonestrike 1/6 | Defensive Stance 9/17 | Lay on Hands 1/2 | DR 3/adamantine | Fortification 25% | Immune Fear | +1 Attack/AC vs. Undead | MP 4/5
HP 84/104 | AC 26 TO 13 FF 23 | F +12 R +6 W +11 | CMD 25
HP 0/13 | AC 17 TO 10 FF 17 | F +4 R -1 W +3 | CMD 13 | Acid 5 Cold 5 Elec 5 | SR 6