Azmur Kell

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Well, Christmas break is over now. I am exhausted which has made me cranky. I have been for a few months and was hoping to catch up over the break. I don't think it's going to get better any time soon. So unfortunately I am going to close this down as I can't give it what it needs.

I have been dreading this and putting it off but I think it is the thing to do. Thank you all for playing and putting up with me.

Dadna smashes another statue and then Leothar finishes the last one. Silence then fills the room and calm.

The Paladins search the rest of the Citadel and find no more foes to fight. It appears all have been vanquished.

Dadna moves in and smashes one of the guardians with two swings and turns it to rubble. Leothar then pounds the next one down the line but it still stands. Enos remember some things he heard about these creatures and makes it easier for Leothar to attack his target.

The two remaining guardians seem to focus on Leothar and unleash a flurry of blows at him. Only one gets through but it is a very solid hit. 34 damage and 4 bleed

Round 3
Party Up

B 38
O 0

Blue: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (11) + 12 = 23 Damage: 1d6 + 6 ⇒ (5) + 6 = 11
Blue: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (20) + 12 = 32 Damage: 1d6 + 6 ⇒ (6) + 6 = 12
Blue: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (15) + 7 = 22 Damage: 1d6 + 6 ⇒ (5) + 6 = 11

Orange: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (10) + 12 = 22 Damage: 1d6 + 6 ⇒ (3) + 6 = 9
Orange: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (5) + 12 = 17 Damage: 1d6 + 6 ⇒ (6) + 6 = 12
Orange: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (1) + 7 = 8 Damage: 1d6 + 6 ⇒ (3) + 6 = 9

Blue Crit: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (19) + 12 = 31 Damage: 2d6 + 12 ⇒ (5, 6) + 12 = 23

Ian Passeri wrote:
I posted Ian moved into the room, but it felt like his movement was interrupted by Initiative.

As soon as you took one step into the room initiative was rolled, that is as far as you got.

I don't know anyone has a screen big enough for that map. I zoom the map in and then look at the room. That being said I feel sorry for anyone who doesn't have a computer for that. Looking at that on a phone has to be impossible.

Ian makes an impressive display that would unnerve a lot of creatures but these don't seem to notice it at all.

Kn: Arcana

With speed they wouldn't seem to have the 3 statues move forward directly at Leothar crushing benches as they move.

Round 2
Party Up

As the group enters the room the statues begin to move.

Round 1
Party Up

Init Ardriel: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (5) + 3 = 8
Init Enos: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (14) + 8 = 22
Init Ian: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (15) + 3 = 18
Init Leothar: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (14) + 3 = 17
Init Dadna: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (18) + 3 = 21
Init Enemy: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 2 = 6

The heroes move back in to the citadel and finish clearing the western side. When they move back into the chapel to Iomadae the planetar greats them. They then finish up the center part and move through the eastern end. Enos has checked all the doors and had to unlock a few. Finally they come to the last room and the doors are opened.

A huge statue of a squat dwarf with a massive hammer and shield stands at forefront of this small chapel, flanked by twin tapestries depicting forges. Several rows of benches extend back from the dais on which the statue is mounted, watched over by three more stone dwarven sentinels in the alcoves along the eastern wall. A final, larger tapestry covers the back of the chamber, apparently illustrating and commemorating the construction of Citadel Drezen and its stand against demonkind. All of the room’s decorations have been torn, smashed, scratched, and otherwise befouled—their original sacred purpose can be barely seen below layers of filth and ruin. The three eastern statues in particular seem to have suffered the brunt of this blasphemy, for the entire surface of each has been etched with demonic runes.

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Happy Thanksgiving to you all!

Please give me a route you are going on the map. I am not going to make you describe every twist and turn and disable device. Let me know when along the route you will cast any spells please.

The paladins spend the rest of the day resting and that evening. They awake in the morning and prepare to head back into the citadel.

The planetar will be here for a day which will be 24 hours. Since he wasn't summoned first thing in the morning he will still be there for a few hours.

Ian Passeri wrote:
I'm a little lost, what are we waiting on?

I was waiting on you to decide who was getting the spell cast on them and next steps.

Ian got hit with 2 enervation's in 1 round. That is the -5. Please remember restoration is 1 per person per week so if you have more than one negative level you'll have it for at least a week.

I'm not gonna make you find diamond dust. Just come up with the gold or items and you'll be able to find diamonds worth the amount you need that can be turned to dust.

Irabeth looks grim at the news Dadna gives her and says, "I'll have Sosiel come see what he can do though I don't think it will be much. We can't move any of the army into the Citadel itself until that demon is gone. They are brave soldiers but wouldn't stand up to a succubus even in numbers." She then sends a runner to find Sosiel.

After a little while Sosiel comes and examines the group. He then says "I can cast restoration once today. We will need 1,000 gp of diamond dust for me to cast it to restore part of what was stolen. I can pray and see if I can do it twice tomorrow. We will need the dust for each casting. Whomever I cast this on can only receive it once per week."

1 person marked this as a favorite.

The paladins head back to the army camp and find Irabeth waiting for them. She smiles as they arrive back and asks "How did the hunt go?" Her smile diminishes as you get closer and she can see you better.

Enos Flamebrother wrote:
I guess I'm rushing things. The planetar can restore as many hit points as we can use and can remove the temporary levels, can it not? We are just stuck with the permanent levels?

No it can not. I has lessor restoration at will which will not remove any negative levels. It has greater restoration 1/day. It doesn't have restoration. HP wise he has 2xregenerate, heal, mass cure moderate wounds, 2xcure serious wounds, 2x cure moderate wounds, 4x clw and he might be able to summon something that can cast cure wounds. Those are all at your disposal.

The planatar approaches Dadna and places a hand on her. Her skin brightens and she almost begins to glow as the negative effects are removed from her.

The planatar frowns and says "Any permanent loss of life force I can only cure from one of you. Whom shall it be? I can also heal any damage you have taken."

Planatar has lessor restoration at will and greater restoration 1/day but doesn't have restoration at all.

The planatar tilts his head to the side and says "That depends on what wounds they have suffered. This looks more than physical. I am not omniscient. I don't know anything happening outside these walls."

This is said in the same dull tone that his first statement was. It was a statement of fact. No sarcasm, no condemnation, no ridicule. No Humor.

Ian is still in the dark though the others can see with their darkvision.

The party makes it's way back to the room with the Sword of Valor in it and the planatar. He looks at you when you enter and says "It looks like things haven't gone well."

After a short bit of time everyone is free.

It's a save every round and once you make it your free. Probably only takes a round or 2. You are paralyzed and can't talk but can breath.

Enos shakes off the effect and moves forward. Dadna, Ian and Ardriel stiffen up but it fails to take hold on Ardriel. Ardriel then puts an arrow into the demon and it falls to the ground.

You can't move is the effect.

Ian and Dadna begin to stiffen up more. Both failed the save.

Leothar pounds the demon as it moves away from him and the follows it and pounds it again with Radiance.

Go ahead and apply power attack damage as you want it.

Ian you can't see as the prevailing light level is darkness.

Leothar is the only one who has gone this round.

Leothar moves next to the demon and Radiance smashes into his head causing a grievous wound. He then brings Radiance up and completely shatters his head and the body falls to the floor.

Ardriel then moves down behind the group and smites the remaining demon and puts an arrow into him.

The remain demon looks shocked and flies back and up the stairs. That is an AoO from Leothar. He stares the party down and you feel yourselves getting stiff. Everyone please make a will save to avoid being held.

Round 15
Party Up

NB 28

The doors are in the middle of the wall. In order to have moved the door you would have had to be in that square. You never left it. To move out of that square you would have to move north then west.

Power attack is dependent on BAB which is defendant on level. Otherwise you are saying it is ok for a spell to do less damage but not someone swinging a sword.

You are correct I missed mythic bless, so you hit and killed it.

I stopped my round summary so far because there are some problems with your actions and my following your math Leothar.

First standing in the doorway as you were you would have had to go around a corner and you can't do that diagonally. It would require a move action to move.

I am having some problems with the math on your crit damage. I get:


Broken down: Weapon (1d8 x 3), Strength (inc bulls strength) and weapon plus (22 str +9 +2 (+2 warhammer)) x 3, Smite (+3 x3), Power attack (8 x 3), Bless (+1 x 3), Holy 2d6. For a total of 90 damage.

Power attack is level dependent and would only be working off of +3 effective bab.

Your Iterative attack would have become your fleet charge attack and hit an ac of 19 (roll (2) + bab (9) + weapon (2) + weapon focus (1) + str 22 (6) + smite (3) - power attack (1) - neg levels (6)+ tier (3)) which misses.

The demon would be very wounded but still up.

Am I missing any pluses anywhere?

Hearing Leothar call out, Dadna and Ian move up. Dadna mythically enhances her bless spell that she cast. That is not a core spell so you can't cast the other.

Ardriel looks down the hallway past Ian and uses some of his mythic power to hold the door shut.

From the other doorway Leothar and Ardriel see first one demon and then the other step out into the hallway. The first one points a finger at Leothar and a sickly ray hits him draining the life out of him and then all is dark around the demons.

Ranged Touch: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (14) + 12 = 26 Levels: 1d4 ⇒ 4

To try and get a handle on the lighting I have drawn the edges of the light darkness spells from their current points. The areas with the moon are darkvision only. The area with the sun is daylight. As Ian moves the daylight will move with him causing the areas to change.

Round 14
Party Up

NO 41
NB 0

Ian Passeri wrote:
DM Trawets wrote:
We are still on round 13 so Enos is still in the room. Waiting on Adriel. I don't think Ian and Dadna are doing anything.
Hey! Ian is holding the flashlight for two dwarves, this is a very important job seeing they are not used to needing someone to do so...

Excuse me. I meant doing anything that required move or standard actions.

We are still on round 13 so Enos is still in the room. Waiting on Adriel. I don't think Ian and Dadna are doing anything.

Leothar wrote:
Leothar has his old MW Dwarven Waraxe. Could that be wedged under a door to jam it?

It could be jammed under the door. Would it work? Maybe. You are improvising here. I will tell you if something definitely won't work though.

Ian opens the foot locker and finds it empty.

Enos goes into the room to the north and takes a loot around. There is a bed, a desk, a chair, and a footlocker. It is clear it hasn't been used in a while.

Either room off the small hall you are in was someones quarters. You have seen other quarters and storage rooms as well. As far as your tool kit, I don't see a description for it. I would think it would be more likely to contain knives and blades to whittle things but it is possible it could have a small saw.

While Ian's daylight, lights up one side it is dark on the other until suddenly you can see the hall in black and white as your new darkvision kicks in. It takes a little getting used to. As you look down the hall you can see down the hall and to the cross hall and past that is darkness. There is nothing laying around you anywhere. Thinking back other than rubble and occasional defacing of something the place has been neat and tidy, like the residents didn't want to live in filth.

2 ways to keep the door closed, feel free to come up with other possibilities. Disable device on the lock will take 1d4 rounds and I'll make the roll (yes, DD says less but it's a better than average lock and harder to disable). Second is to put something under the door to wedge it if it opens toward you. It will take however long to find the item to wedge plus a full round action to wedge it.

Leothar shuts the door.

I thought you went around the corner with the others Ian. If you stayed out where you are on the map your daylight runs north south in the corridor and into the hall to the east. You get a little spread at the north and south ends but not enough to see the other door. Remember daylight doesn't light up deeper darkness. They only cancel each other out.

Round 13
Party Up

NO 41
NB 0

Leothar moves up to the door and as he opens it the world goes silent and he is relying on his darkvision again.

If you go back the way you came at 20' movement you are looking 1-5 minutes. You haven't gone the other way but would guess similar.

When Ian shut the door. His daylight kicked in and the silence went away.

Ian wouldn't know if the doors lock automatically or not. He picked them to open them, that wouldn't let him know of the insides. That being said you haven't noticed any door but the one lock after it was closed.

While a wand is if negligible weight if an item isn't on someone's person then it's in the loot bag back at camp.

I don't think any of the ideas thrown out are impossible.

You guys don't have your loot bag with you. That is a fair bit of weight to be carrying around unless you have somewhere to store it all. If you do great. What is the plan?

While talking is a free action you only have 6 seconds total so a long strategy session is out. Dadna and Ian have gone this round.

Ian Passeri wrote:

Shifting so he can shut the door, Ian asks, "Are we staying or going?"

just some fluff, if were staying Ian will use an archetype talent, if going he will shut the door

If Ian is near the door he is in a silence area and can't be heard. The rest of the group is out of the silence other than Dadna.

With the party repositioning the demons strike at those left. Each demon fires a ray at Dadna striking her. 7 negative levels total They then move forward somewhat.

O: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (7) + 16 = 23 Levels: 1d4 ⇒ 3
B: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (15) + 12 = 27 Levels: 1d4 ⇒ 4

Round 12
Party Up

NO 41
NB 0

No new round. Ian and Dadna had used their turns already and I think everyone else has now.

After moving back a step Ardriel can hear his heavy breathing and some metal on stone noises in a direction. He can't see though.

Unless there is a window in a room on this level you have been relying on Ian's halo to see as there is no light sources. So no matter where you move it will be dark unless you have darkvision. Not sure how far you will try to move before using Wild Arcana.

Leothar wrote:

Then he turns back, motioning to others to follow him as he moves.

I believe once he is out of the dark room, everybody should be able to see him.

He would have used 1 Mythic Power to initiate Fleet Charge before his regular turn, so he is down to 2/9.

Those with darkvision can see Leothar move. Enos didn't make it into the room, there is a barrier there. No one can hear anything.

Leothar moves forward and runs into something but manages not to fall over it.

Ardriel Zinro wrote:

So, obviously my readied Glitterdust will not be going off, because the trigger called for seeing the demon, and I cannot see.

I'm also feeling a bit confused about what's currently happening. Here is my understanding:

1. Ian and Enos opened the doors.
2. The party is covered in darkness and silence.
3. Dadna went to charge into the room, but found her way blocked by a bunk (that she can see?).
4. Leothar wants to move into the room blindly. If he runs into something, he's withdrawing out of the room, instead, and around a corner.
5. Ian used his innate Daylight SLA, which sheds light within 60'.
6. Enos attempted to move into the room and then take one step to the left of doorway.

Do I have that understood correctly?

1. Yes

2. Yes
3. Yes. Daylight caused her darkvision to work.
4. I believe that is his intention
5. He used his daylight which in combination with the deeper darkness causes the light area in the overlap to be what is prevailing which is dark.
6. I believe that is his intention.

Who ever tries to enter the room first, make a reflex save as you run into something.

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