About LeotharBackground:
Leothar comes from Highhelm in the Five Kings Mountains. A young and proud dwarf, Leothar has been steeped in the history of his people, and seeks to restore them to greatness. Reclaiming the fortress of Jormurdun, deep in the Worldwound, is his life’s mission.
His father is a warrior, though aging and more often behind the lines as a strategist. His mother is a historian, working in the court of High King Borogrim the Hale. He has three brothers (one a merchant, one a woodworker, and one a tanner) and two sisters (both brewers). His family think he is being rather too ambitious, and that he should stick to defending dwarven territory rather than trying to reclaim what was lost. His mother, Thora, thinks her tales of the past are to blame for Leothar’s zeal. Still, they cannot deny his skill. A prominent priest of Torag in Highhelm, Father Rothgar, has read the signs and stated that Torag supports Leothar in this quest. Leothar left for Jormurdun four years ago. Two years ago, while searching for a way in, he was captured by demonic cultists and chained to an altar for a ritual. In a feat of strength he credits to Torag's son Trudd, he broke his chains, disrupted the ritual, killed several of the cultists, and escaped. Mendevian knights helped him reach safety. He has since dedicated his efforts to beating back the demonic advance. Jormurdun will not be safe to occupy until the demons are defeated once and for all - and the crusader nation of Mendev will be good to have as a friendly neighbor. Leothar has a smattering of wilderness skill from his explorations for Jormurdun, and a bit of expertise with animals from spending time helping Mendevian knights with their horses. He seems to have some knack for animals, though he doesn't ride well. Appearance and Personality:
Leothar exudes a quiet confidence, though he is not rash or foolhardy. He tends to let others do the talking most of the time, but is a good listener. Leothar is fairly tall for a dwarf, with tan skin and long reddish hair. As a follower of Torag, Leothar is less ‘soft-headed’ and a bit more ruthless than some other LG types. Character Sheet:
Leothar Dwarven Paladin 9 (Oath of the Skyseeker) LG Medium Humanoid Deity: Torag Init +4 (+1 Dex, +3 Mythic); Perception +10 ----------------- DEFENSE ----------------- AC 22, touch 12, flatfooted 21 (Armor +10, Dex +1, Deflection +1) HP 123 (9d10+45+5+15) Fort +14, Ref +7, Will +10 (+3 vs spells, SLA, poison) ----------------- OFFENSE ----------------- Speed 50 ft. Melee Radiance +16/+11 (1d8+8/x3) or Dwarven Waraxe +13/+8 (1d10+6/x3) Ranged Javelin +10 (1d6+4) ----------------- STATISTICS ----------------- Str 18, Dex 13, Con 14 (18), Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 16 BAB +9/+4; CMB +13 (+2 Bull Rush, +6 Overrun); CMD 27 (31 vs Overrun) Feats Power Attack, Weapon Focus (Warhammer), Improved Overrun, Greater Overrun, Combat Reflexes, Step Up Traits Glory of Old, Stolen Fury (+2 trait bonus on CMB vs demons; +2 trait bonus on Fortitude saves; by expending one use of mythic power as a swift action, can ignore a single demon’s damage reduction for 1 minute, and increase critical multiplier against that demon by 1). FCB Paladin +9 HP Skills (2 per level) Sense Motive 2 +6 Handle Animal 1 +6 Knowledge (Religion) 3 +6 Diplomacy 1 +7 Perception 9 +10 Knowledge (Planes) 1 +1 Survival 1 +4 Background Skills (2 per level) Knowledge (History) 7 +7 (+2 for dwarves and their enemies) Craft (Metalwork) 9 +12 Linguistics 2 +2 Languages Common, Dwarven, Abyssal, Celestial Spells (3/2) Enlarge Person, Protection from Evil, Divine Favor, Bull's Strength, Eagle's Splendor Special Aura of Good, Detect Evil, Smite Evil 3/day, Divine Grace, Lay on Hands (7/day, 4d6), Aura of Courage, Divine Health, Mercy (Fatigued, Dazed, Exhausted), Channel Positive Energy, Divine Bond (2/day, +2), Darkvision, Stonecunning, Hardy, Hatred, Defensive Training, Relentless, Lorekeeper, Weapon Familiarity Equipment Dwarven Waraxe (30) MW Fullplate (1,650) MW Buckler (155) 2 javelins (2) Ranger’s Kit (9) (backpack, bedroll, belt pouch, flint and steel, iron pot, mess kit, rope, 5 days’ trail rations, waterskin; dropped torches) Wooden holy symbol (Torag) (1) Radiance (+2 Cold Iron Warhammer) Swarmbane Clasp Ring of Protection +1 Righteous Medal of Valor Righteous Medal of Clarity +1 Ghost Touch Fullplate Belt of Mighty Constitution +4 +1 Heavy Steel Shield Adamantine Battleaxe 251.1 gp Potion of Invisibility Mythic:
Hard to Kill
Mythic Power (9/day) Surge (+1d6) +15 HP Champion's Strike (Fleet Charge) Path Ability (Mythic Smite, Impossible Speed, Burst Through) Amazing Initiative Recuperation Mythic Feats: Mythic Power Attack, Mythic Combat Reflexes Paladin code:
Paladins of Torag are dedicated to protecting not just the lives but the way of life for those under their charge, and hold the ways of their chosen people as holy, especially when they are the centuries-old works and traditions of an entire race. Their tenets include the following affirmations.
Oath of the Skyseeker Code of Conduct: Reclaim a Sky Citadel in the name of honorable dwarven ideals. Defend Sky Citadels already held by dwarves. Oath of the Skyseeker Archetype Changes:
Smite Evil Hordes (Su): When the paladin or an ally defeats the target of the paladin’s smite evil ability, the paladin can change the target of her smite to a different target within 30 feet of the previously defeated target without using an action. The new target must be of the same creature type and subtype as the previous target. If no applicable target is within 30 feet, then the smite evil effect ends. The paladin’s smite does not deal more damage to evil outsiders, dragons, or undead than to other evil creatures. This ability alters smite evil. Divine Bond (Su): At 5th level, the paladin adds mighty cleaving to the list of weapon special abilities that can be added to her weapon and removes flaming from the list. This ability alters divine bond. Mercy for the Lost (Sp): At 11th level, the paladin can use the Sky Citadels as a beacon leading her on the path to her deity. If she is on the Material Plane, the paladin can use find the path once per day at her paladin level, but only to find her way to a known Sky Citadel. If she is not on the Material Plane, she can instead use this ability to use plane shift as per the spell to travel to a known Sky Citadel. If she is in a Sky Citadel, she can expend her daily use of this ability to use plane shift to travel to the realm of her deity. This ability replaces aura of justice. Stalwart (Ex): At 14th level, the paladin’s quest has strengthened her body and mind. If she succeeds at a Fortitude or Will saving throw against an effect that has a reduced effect on a successful save, she instead avoids the effect entirely. A helpless paladin does not gain the benefit of the stalwart ability. This ability replaces aura of faith. Oath Spells: 1st—enlarge person; 2nd—find traps; 3rd—spiritual ally; 4th— blessing of fervor. |