Kunsheng nods. "I am with you, Sinan. These are creatures that do not belong here. If Pepper can convince them to leave, so much the better, but one way or another they go."
You would know that they are cunning as most animals are, but intelligent would not be a word you'd use describing them. They can be single-minded if driven to a frenzy. One thing you feel you should tell your colleagues, friends?, is that once a bloodseeker has attached itself onto you, they should be removed with care or you'll be bleeding for quite some time as wounds tend not to clot.
Mechanically: If the bloodseeker is killed or pushed away while attached to a creature it has drained blood from, that creature takes 1 persistent bleed damage. Escaping the attach or removing the bloodseeker in other ways doesn’t cause bleed damage.
(Slide 4, I always bump the current map towards the top)
male goblin ranger 4 | HP 58/58, Hero Points: 1 | AC 20 | Fort +10; Ref +11; Will +10 | Perc: +10 (+12 to seek target), darkvision | Exploration: Searching | Prey: None | Active Conditions: None
HP 40/40 | AC 19 | Fort +8; Ref +8; Will +7 | Perc: +7, low-light vision, scent (imprecise) 30 ft.
Deerslicer is very impressed at how stealthy Valor can be while holding a torch. He also tries to avoid being seen, but isn't holding a torch, he's holding his shortbow instead.
retired | f.k.a. "Valor Holysword" | human rogue (thief) minister of Sarenrae at the Sinan al-Razima chapel in Etran's Folly
"They're rather single-minded for blood, and inject you with something that prevents bleeding from stopping on its own. They can be scared off with fire, but they do attack in packs."
Valor creeps forward with the grace and the agility atypical of clerics. He's not trying to hide that he's there, he's trying to deceive the blood seekers that he's not moving towards them.
"They see a man with a torch," Valor explains, "And all they understand is the fire."
As you all slide closer to the ruins of the Old Shrine, you see that there are several tiny buglike creatures zipping around. They're about a foot long, with mottled, reddish-brown skin and a yellow underbelly. Four small batlike wings keep them in the air and their skin-colored translucent abdomen sloshes with a dark liquid.
Immediately, one of the red bloodseekers, starts flying more erratically, and emits a loud keening noise that is quickly echoed by the clot! Pepper is the first to react to their cry!
Initiative Order - If you're tagged, you may act! Round 1 - Active Conditions: None
Pepper |
Red Bloodseeker |
Black Bloodseeker |
Yellow Bloodseeker |
Pink Bloodseeker |
White Bloodseeker |
Sinan |
Kungsheng |
Valor |
Green Bloodseeker |
Blue Bloodseeker |
Gamble |
Deerslicer |
HP 24/30 | 1/1 Hero Point | 2/2 Focus Points | 0/3 lvl 1 Spells | Perc’ +8 ; Stealth +5 ; Speed 25 ft. | AC 16 (18 w. shield - hard' 3, 12/12 hp) | Fort' +7 ; Ref' +5; Will +10 | Spell DC 18
Active conditions:
Pepper smiles and walks out into the realm of this little creatures, her hands by her sides.
Not thinking to try and see if they are animals or not, she addresses them kindly--
"Hello long nosed friends? Can we try and find you nice sweet things to drink somewhere else? Like honey and water and such?"
Wild Empathy (connection to creatures of the natural world)
Can communicate with them on rudimentary level & use Diplomacy to Make an Impression on animals & make very simple Requests of them. Most animals give you time to make your case.
At Pepper's words, the bloodseekers zoom in as one, swarming Pepper fully. The tiny creatures attach themselves onto her bark and with their sharp proboscis seek to drain them of their sweet sap. All but one of them manages to pierce through Pepper's wooden frame as they begin to gorge themselves, their translucent abdomens becoming distended. You can easily see why these creatures are a danger to cattle as they feed on the naive leshy. (-11hp, ouch! Pepper!)
(Red, Black, Yellow, Pink: Stride - Attach - Sap drain) (White: Readies an action)
Initiative Order - The bold may act! Round 1 - Active Conditions: None
Pepper |
Red Bloodseeker |
Black Bloodseeker +4hp |
Yellow Bloodseeker +3hp |
Pink Bloodseeker +4hp|
White Bloodseeker | Readies an action
Sinan |
Kungsheng |
Valor |
Green Bloodseeker |
Blue Bloodseeker |
Gamble |
Deerslicer |
Foolish plant...and foolish creatures, to batten on her for little nourishment. Kunsheng hurries forward, drawing a vial from his bandolier and focusing on it before hurling it at the paler bloodseeker. It explodes in a burst of flames where it hits.
Lesser alchemist's fire bomb:1d20 + 5 ⇒ (5) + 5 = 10 Fire damage, if applicable:1d8 ⇒ 3
This does 1d8 direct, one point of splash damage, and one point of persistent fire damage.
retired | f.k.a. "Valor Holysword" | human rogue (thief) minister of Sarenrae at the Sinan al-Razima chapel in Etran's Folly
Valor runs up to Pepper, and waves his torch around to scare the blood seekers.
I'm not sure how the actions are going to work here. My actions will be determined by how the blood seekers - and Pepper - react to the torch. Are they scared?
The red unattached bloodseeker releases a keening noise. Perhaps it's scared as it flutters around in its place. The three bloodseekers on Pepper are too focused on feeding and don't appear to have noticed you.
Sinan's blade slices one of the engorged (pink) bloodseekers. The creature lets out a high-pitched wail that is answered by the larger bloodseeker. The larger one white begins to flap its way forward when Kunsheng tosses a vial at it. The creature dodges it and the vial explodes on contact against the shrine below the flying monster. Gouts of flame jump, splash and burn the nearest blue bloodseeker (- 1hp) as this one too emits another cry of pain.
With the creatures distracted, Simon comes to the aid of Pepper, but the sharp point of his rapier barely glances off the ravenous animals, coming dangerously close to a weakened Pepper.
++pain!++ ++hurts!++ ++food?++ ++more blood++
Initiative Order - The bold may act! Round 1 - Active Conditions: None
Pepper -11hp | Drained 1
Red Bloodseeker |
Black Bloodseeker +4hp |
Yellow Bloodseeker +3hp |
Pink Bloodseeker |
White Bloodseeker |
Sinan |
Kungsheng |
Valor | One action remaining
Green Bloodseeker |
Blue Bloodseeker -1hp |
Gamble |
Deerslicer |
retired | f.k.a. "Valor Holysword" | human rogue (thief) minister of Sarenrae at the Sinan al-Razima chapel in Etran's Folly
"Alas, my friend, the problem is that there is no such thing as a 'bit' with these things. Over time, they can drain an entire body, and they inject a substance to prevent the natural clot formation. While I don't know if you have blood or not, they will not be satisfied until one of us is dead."
Valor will stab again at Red for his final action.
Human Runesmith 3 | HP 35/35 | AC 20 (23) | F +7 R +6 W +8 | Perc +6 | Stealth +1 | 25 ft | Hero 1/3 | ◆ | ◇ | ↺ | Active Conditions: incredible initiative (+2)
To keep things from getting delayed, I'm going to post. Please adjust target if necessary.
"Keep your attention focused," Gamble calls out to the others with a supernatural sense of encouragement. "Take down one at a time, better once Pepper frees one off of herself."
He moves to a better vantage point and then drops his walking staff to free a hand to draws his bow.
Cast (V), Stride, Drop an Item (free), Interact (draw bow)
Inspire Courage: +1 to hit/damage, saves vs. fear.
Simon's rapier darts out and skewers the lone unattached bloodseeker, as it gives out its death cry, the large white pest hovers over to him. (Readied Action: Stride), but stops short of the lit torch making short distressed squeaking noises.
The two remaining bloodseekers move towards Valor, swerve away from his torch...
...and land on Kunsheng, flapping around his face before one of them green is able to find purchase on the Tien's neck, sticks his proboscis into him and begins to fill its abdomen. (-2 HP and Drained 1) The creature emits a chittering sound that is brought up by the others of its clot.
Deerslicer & Pepper:
Deerslicer, although your bond to the natural world isn't as a natural part of you as with the bloodseeker covered leshy, you can almost feel the emotions of these creatures as the first one sips on Kunsheng.
++blood!++ ++BLOOD++ ++BLOOD!!!++ ++BLOOD!!!++
Initiative Order - The bold may act! Round 1->2 - Active Conditions: Inspire Courage
Pepper -11hp | Drained 1
Black Bloodseeker +4hp |
Yellow Bloodseeker +3hp |
Pink Bloodseeker |
White Bloodseeker |
Sinan |
Kungsheng -2hp | Drained 1
Valor |
Green Bloodseeker |
Blue Bloodseeker -1hp |
Gamble |
Deerslicer |
HP 24/30 | 1/1 Hero Point | 2/2 Focus Points | 0/3 lvl 1 Spells | Perc’ +8 ; Stealth +5 ; Speed 25 ft. | AC 16 (18 w. shield - hard' 3, 12/12 hp) | Fort' +7 ; Ref' +5; Will +10 | Spell DC 18
Active conditions:
Filled with courage, and afraid for Kunsheng, Pepper finds inspiration as she casts a spell filled with the power of storms, sending an electric arc between the two creatures on the healer from Tien--
17DC Basic Reflex save:1d4 + 4 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 4 + 1 = 8
Then she glowers at one of the suckers on her...
Intimidate, Untrained:1d20 + 1 ⇒ (11) + 1 = 12-4 if no language (if Wild Empathy does not work)
male goblin ranger 4 | HP 58/58, Hero Points: 1 | AC 20 | Fort +10; Ref +11; Will +10 | Perc: +10 (+12 to seek target), darkvision | Exploration: Searching | Prey: None | Active Conditions: None
HP 40/40 | AC 19 | Fort +8; Ref +8; Will +7 | Perc: +7, low-light vision, scent (imprecise) 30 ft.
Deerslicer calls out, "Gracie, get those things ..." He raises his bow, pointing toward the bloodseekers on Kunsheng. Gracie moves forward, getting ready to slash as Deerslicer attacks.
Command an Animal on Gracie (Stride, Support). Strike. Strike.
"Hold still," Deerslicer screams at Kunsheng as he fires two arrows at him.
(To keep things moving, I'll just use his highest roll vs. the bloodseeker. Deerslicer has one action left)
Deerslicer takes aim and his arrow flies out grazing the green blodseeker. The flying pest dodges to the left, and seeing an opening, Gracie stands on her hind legs and slashes at blood sucker. It falls on the ground limp and spasming. Kunsheng, I imagine, would feel a sharp pain as the proboscis snaps uncleanly and blood gushes out from his wound. (Kunsheng takes 1 persistent bleeding damage at the end of each of his turns)
Lightning jumps from one blue bloodseeker to another (any bloodseeker)! The latter one dodges the the bright electric arc (Crit. Success) of it, but the former is zapped raw (Success. -4 hp) and flies erratically trying to stay in the air.
Summoned by the blood rallying cry of the now deceased blood seeker the remaining ones avoid Valor's torch and rush towards Kunsheng, trying to attach their barbed legs and feed themselves on his exquisite blood!
(Sorry, I should have been more clear on this. Mechanically speaking, closest thing is Demoralize and this thing is not impressed by your torch waving. Remember you can attack it without even having it come off, it's flat-footed. You could also try to Grab it and remove it|Interact. So knowing this, what will Simon's actions be?)
NG Qadiran Male Cleric 2 | AC 19 | HP -4/24 | F: +6, R: +7, W +9;| Perc +7 | Focus: 0 | Hero Points: 0 | Spell DC: 17 | Active Conditions: Dying 1 |
Sinan reaches his arm out in Pepper's direction first and calls upon his Lady.
"Sayidat , min fadlik salat aldaw' ealaa shifa' sidiyq khadimik," he bellows as the light of the sun seems to focus on Pepper. He then switches to Taldane as he spits a curse at the bloodsucker.
"You'll not survive the day!" With a growl of pain, Sinan brings the thick, sharp blade of his scimitar to strike at the monster sucking at his essence.
retired | f.k.a. "Valor Holysword" | human rogue (thief) minister of Sarenrae at the Sinan al-Razima chapel in Etran's Folly
Simon will attack while it's attached as a last resort. It's mechanically better since he gets precision when they're flat footed. But this is the beginning of a kinder, gentler Simon where he's trying to care about others - Pepper's wishes to scare them off rather than kill them, not risking slicing his friends, and even the mere fact that he's here trying to make a shrine safer for near-strangers. That being said, I think Simon is out of options that New Simon threw into the mix. Murderhobo time!
Kunsheng moans in pain as the bear kills the one attached to him, but has no time to react before the other two are on him! "AAAHHH! Get them off of me!" Unable to use his best weapons, he draws his dagger and slashes repeatedly at the yellow one. In his panic he misses both times.
As the Dawnflower's warmth spreads over her stems, Pepper no longer feels as weak as before. (You're no longer Drained)
Deerslicer and Gamble can see their allies flapping around, trying to get rid of these pests.
Sinan hacks away ineffectually at the one latched on him, he can hardly feel the pain as the creature's beak digs in his flesh, he's so distracted that he barely manages to hear Valor say, "Hold still", as his blade digs into the large bloodseeker, injuring it badly. (-9 hp) He attempts another stab at the creature, but Sinan's and the creature's movements make it difficult to strike one without injuring the other. (Miss)
Meanwhile, surrounded by the flapping of leathery wings, Kunsheng tries to get them off, his sudden movements worsening the wound left from the dead bloodseeker.
Persistent Bleed Dmg:1d4 ⇒ 4
The blue bloodseeker annoyed at Kunsheng's flailing about, seeks finer drinks and moves towards Sinan, seeking to get its fill.
Human Runesmith 3 | HP 35/35 | AC 20 (23) | F +7 R +6 W +8 | Perc +6 | Stealth +1 | 25 ft | Hero 1/3 | ◆ | ◇ | ↺ | Active Conditions: incredible initiative (+2)
"They're tiny, and we're bigger and smarter than them!" Gamble calls out encouragement to his companions. "Help each other take them down one at a time."
His field of view limited, he fires at the nearest (black) bloodseeker at nearly point blank range.
Gamble's arrows go wide, but it creates just the opening Deerslicer and Gracie need! Gracie strikes twice. She rakes her claws against black, but its Deerslicer's arrow which finishes it off!
Initiative Order - The bold may act! Round 3 - Active Conditions: Inspire Courage
Pepper |
Yellow Bloodseeker +3hp | Attached to Kunsheng
Pink Bloodseeker |
White Bloodseeker -8hp|
Sinan[/b] -4hp | Drained 1 | White & Blue attached
Kungsheng -12hp| 1 persistent bleed dmg | Drained 1
Valor |
Blue Bloodseeker -2hp |
Gamble |
Deerslicer |
The large, barbed white one, even though hurt by the arc lightning emits a loud happy chirp as it keeps feeding on the exposed cleric (-9 hp). If anything it looks even more hideous as its abdomen fills quickly with dark liquid, it's body looking healthier despite the previous attack. Around the same time, the yellow bloodseeker keeps feeding on the Tien, the man deathly pale as he collapses on the ground unconscious. (-4 hp, unconscious?)
cheep cheep cheep
Still flapping around the lone unattached yellow bloodseeker floats in the air, sees its kin already lunching on the Qadrian, so it flaps it's small hungry body towards Gamble, where it tries to land on his face but misses as he's batted away by the Ulfen's shortbow!
sad cheep
Initiative Order - The bold may act! Round 3 - Active Conditions: Inspire Courage
Pepper |
Yellow Bloodseeker +3hp | Attached to Kunsheng
Pink Bloodseeker |
White Bloodseeker -6hp|
Sinan -12hp | Drained 1 | White & Blue attached
Kungsheng -16hp| Unconscious? |
Valor |
Blue Bloodseeker -5hp |
Gamble |
Deerslicer |
NG Qadiran Male Cleric 2 | AC 19 | HP -4/24 | F: +6, R: +7, W +9;| Perc +7 | Focus: 0 | Hero Points: 0 | Spell DC: 17 | Active Conditions: Dying 1 |
they cheep like baby chicks?!? Dammit, now I want a pet stirge/bloodseeker!
OK, quick rules question. If I move to a place that does not target my teammates, I can assume that the bloodseekers go with me since they are attached. That being said, can I target them with the cone from burning hands, or does their proximity and attachment make that impossible?
(You could try capturing one, if you wish of course, but you might not survive its constant need for blood. :P. You'd need to Grab it and remove it with an Interact action to avoid the Persistent Bleed Damage. Regarding the Burning Hands idea, I'm not against it, but they're attached to you. If you were to aim at them, you'd be burning yourself. At most, you'd be attacking the white one, which if I'm not mistaken is attached to your hand.)
NG Qadiran Male Cleric 2 | AC 19 | HP -4/24 | F: +6, R: +7, W +9;| Perc +7 | Focus: 0 | Hero Points: 0 | Spell DC: 17 | Active Conditions: Dying 1 |
welp, there's a reason to invest in improved initiative and try to get them before they latch on. c'est la vie
"Well, this won't do at all," Sinan grouses through gritted teeth. Seeing Kusheng turning white, he reaches out to cast a healing spell again.
""Sayidat , min fadlik salat aldaw' ealaa shifa' sidiyq khadimik," came his slightly removed voice of reverence. Then, once again, he brings his scimitar to bear on the largest bloodseeker.
Please make sure your taglines are filled out correctly and please post your background. This adventure should take us from level 1 to 4. At the end of the adventure, you can use your chronicle sheet and give it to one of your PFS characters. They'll be getting a lot of goodies out of this.
I encourage you to use the backgrounds from Fall of Plaguestone, although this isn't mandatory. You can find them here. (AoN link) The teamster background is limited to one player only, so that one be would be first come, first served.
Also, could you please give me your character's backstory, either posted here with spoiler tags or sent via PM, please so I can begin to see how I'm going to weave this into the narrative.
I'll ask for your PFS info at the end of the adventure.
Depending on how fast everyone's info comes together we could start on Monday GMT -6 or sooner.
NG Qadiran Male Cleric 2 | AC 19 | HP -4/24 | F: +6, R: +7, W +9;| Perc +7 | Focus: 0 | Hero Points: 0 | Spell DC: 17 | Active Conditions: Dying 1 |
Woohoo! Thanks for choosing me!
Glad to be playing with all of you!
Pretty sure I got everything in there tagline wise. For my background, I chose Missionary. Arguably my favorite thing about the backgrounds is how they tie you into the story so well (or at least they do in Age of Ashes, I assume that's a line-wide decision).
Here is Sinan's Backstory:
Sinan was little more than a petty thief and pickpocket in his youth. Roaming the streets of Katheer, he was as quick on his feet as he was with his wit. He dreamed of becoming a horselord or some kind of great warrior, but the poverty he and his mother lived in created a barrier the boy could never overcome.
When Razima finally passed to Pharasma's embrace, a half-orc priest named Brillek took the young orphan into his trust. Brillek's church- tiny compared to Katheer's legendary holy halls dedicated to the Dawnflower- housed the lion's share of the city's orphan population- And Brillek dedicated himself to helping them all. Brillek, a child of two worlds himself, knew what it meant to be unwelcome. He knew how it could wear on a child. And swore he would do everything in his power to help the least welcome to be cared for.
Unlike most of the kids under Brillek's patronage, Sinan had dreams- hopes for a better life, and the willingness to learn how to make them happen. In Sinan, Brillek found a boy that craved nothing more than to learn. Brillek taught him to speak Taldane, Elvish, and his own native Orcish. Brillek taught Sinan to write, to math, and to copy maps and handle a blade. Brillek taught Sinan how to act in high society, and how to take them at face value. But most importantly, Brillek taught Sinan about Sarenrae- how she teaches to help those in need, to redeem them of their mistakes and how no one is without potential. It was only as an adult that Sinan understood how Brillek- a former slave and adventurer- had emulated the goddess.
Sinan dedicated his life to the Dawnflower and tended to Brillek's church and the children he cared for until the elderly priest had passed. With Brillek gone, Sinan expected to leave Katheer to spread Sarenrae's grace wherever he could. He no longer dreamed of rising to the ranks of the great heroes of myth. He only hoped to act as his teacher would have wanted, for a greater hero Sinan could never expect to know.
Also, GM Dendeve, since Paizo's Avatars are down, do you want me to crop down the face from his background image for you to use on maps and the like?
retired | f.k.a. "Valor Holysword" | human rogue (thief) minister of Sarenrae at the Sinan al-Razima chapel in Etran's Folly
With the group's permission (the reasons which should become apparent), I'd like to play Eight and a Half, a rogue pretending to be a cleric of Iomedae. Eight has Battle Medicine, with which he uses to pretend he is magically healing; with real spellcasters in the group, his treachery should be apparent rapidly - and may cause some tension.
My hope for Eight is that over the first level, Eight evolves from N to NG and takes a cleric dedication at level 2. Mechanically, he will be initially introducing himself as Valor Holysword (I can either post as Eight and a Half or create an alias), but will come clean at some point when he "converts" and posting should be more normal.
If anyone thinks this is going to be disruptive to the game, please PM me - no explanation or apology required - and I'll use my other prepared character, a spirit barbarian.
Actually, I really like the idea of Eight. It works really well with my core concept for Sinan and negates the part of me that was thinking of taking Thievery as a skill
Thanks for the opportunity to play, GM D! After reviewing the backgrounds, I think I'll stick with Acolyte--it fits better with my character conception.
There's only one thing that concerns me about Eight and a Half's concept: what reason would the rest of the party have to trust the character after the revelation of his true identity? I know next to nothing about the plot of the scenario, so I don't know if it's something that's potentially addressed there.
The Xue family was part owner of a modestly successful merchant house in Quain, one of the three most powerful of the Successor States in Tian Xia. Kunsheng is the youngest of five children, and his intelligence (even as a child) made him less than loved by his older siblings (who were not generally as insightful). His strong faith and concern for others (as long as they weren't his siblings) was noted by his parents, who sent him to a temple of Qi Zhong to (they hoped) become a priest. Not by coincidence, this was also a way to get him away from his brothers and sisters, who were growing less and less pleased with him. In their defense, he was something of a prat.
Temple discipline soon removed some of the rough edges from his personality, as did the dawning realization that there were people here who were smarter than he was. Even so, his intelligence continued to outmatch his wisdom. Though his devotion to the healing god was strong, the priests tactfully suggested that he consider the study of magic. Arcane magic was one of Qi Zhong's areas of concern, but it did not appeal to the young man, and he despaired of becoming a divine healer as he (and his parents, who he still feared to disappoint) had wished.
It was at this point that one of the priests gave him a copy of The Five-Spoked Cycle, which fused the worship of Qi Zhong with the healing uses of alchemy. With that, Kunsheng's path suddenly became clear. He took up the study of alchemy forthwith, focusing on the techniques of Pei Zin herbalism taught by the god and the meditative practice required to perform the near-magical healing possible with these methods.
It was during this study that he acquired his nickname. One of his teachers would test her students' breath control by throwing them into a pond, there to sit on the bottom and meditate as long as they could. The young man became a decent swimmer and would slip away underwater to come up for air out of the teacher's sight. When the teacher realized what was happening, she pinned him underwater, shouting at him to "Keep still, wretched little frog (qīngwā)!" The rest of the students took to calling him that...particularly as he was a short, round child with broad features. Even though it could have been taken as an insult, Kunsheng embraced it as a reminder of how he managed to fool a teacher...for at least a little while.
After years of study, he came to excel at healing alchemy, and eventually grew into a compassionate and caring man, content with his place at the temple--not a priest, but still a healer in the service of the god. Unfortunately for him, though, the world outside of the temple could not be ignored. One of his older brothers was accused of cheating by a powerful and influential eunuch servant of King Wen. The entire family was condemned, and his siblings and parents fled the country for Lingshen. He had no such chance. The clergy of Qi Zhong were unwilling to hand him over, but knew they couldn't protect him once King Wen's enforcers figured out where he was. They instead sent him over the Crown of the World to Avistan. Some of his family's old contacts were willing to take him on a trading caravan on the dangerous journey. To be sure, they didn't at all mind having another healer.
Once they reached their destination in the Realm of the Mammoth Lords, Kunsheng realized that he had to continue south in case other caravans were looking to collect the reward offered for his return. So he fled into Varisia and through Nirmathas and Molthune, traveling with caravans and using his healing arts to support them. He has become inured to the strange looks his appearance engenders, and has come to speak the languages of the area well enough to get by. Although he's outwardly cheerful, the long journey has begun to weigh heavily on him, and he is looking for a place where he can settle for a time.
ETA: Link to character tile is HERE. Let me know if it doesn't come through well.
retired | f.k.a. "Valor Holysword" | human rogue (thief) minister of Sarenrae at the Sinan al-Razima chapel in Etran's Folly
Kunsheng "Qīngwā" Xue wrote:
There's only one thing that concerns me about Eight and a Half's concept: what reason would the rest of the party have to trust the character after the revelation of his true identity?
He's not evil at the beginning, and not working against the group at any point - he's just not who he says he is.
Presumably by the time he's forced (or convinced) to tell the truth, all the characters would have fought side by side for a while.
There's only one thing that concerns me about Eight and a Half's concept: what reason would the rest of the party have to trust the character after the revelation of his true identity? I know next to nothing about the plot of the scenario, so I don't know if it's something that's potentially addressed there.
I'll just say that I think with what you will have to deal with later on after the opening scene, you'll have to come together and depend on each other as the adventure moves forward. I'm pretty sure 8 1/2 will be discovered as soon as he "casts" his first spell. He'll be able to fool some, but either through Perception, Religion or some other check, he'll be confronted and exposed as a sham who will need to regain everyone's trust, preferably the sooner the better. It's its own story of redemption, even if some will never let go that he was a con artist.
Sinan or any other pious PC could help 8 1/2 find true faith and/or the missionary background opens up a side quest about faith that could be adapted to his character as he multiclasses into a true cleric.
retired | f.k.a. "Valor Holysword" | human rogue (thief) minister of Sarenrae at the Sinan al-Razima chapel in Etran's Folly
I think a brief summary of Eight's background would be helpful.
Eight and a Half was born with congenital hypodactyly (9 fingers). Never being able to fit into law-abiding society, he makes his living pretending to be a cleric, collecting donations for the poor but keeping them (or at least more than a fair share) for himself, and (over)charging people for non-magical healing.
Originally, the idea was that he was part of a gang, but that was to fit the Core background I had selected. With the missionary background, I think it's more fitting that he's less tied to an organization and more independent.
I may actually change his name to match the rounded out background.
HP 24/30 | 1/1 Hero Point | 2/2 Focus Points | 0/3 lvl 1 Spells | Perc’ +8 ; Stealth +5 ; Speed 25 ft. | AC 16 (18 w. shield - hard' 3, 12/12 hp) | Fort' +7 ; Ref' +5; Will +10 | Spell DC 18
Active conditions:
Deep bow - Thank you for having me! I am very happy...
And a warm hello to my fellow companions, hoping to have a thrilling and fun adventure with you, and get to knowing your characters!
• my tagline should have what you wanted (will add things as we go if needed)
Just added spells to track what I have used
• I did not find a background from Fall of Plaguestone that worked for me, so went with Herbalist.
So, with Natural Medicine that's yet another type of healing vs. 8's fake cures!
• Talking about 8, and:
There's only one thing that concerns me about Eight and a Half's concept: what reason would the rest of the party have to trust the character after the revelation of his true identity?
My personal feeling (but that's just me) is to make my RP adapt to what benefits the group.
So, I imagine that if it becomes a problem, I would see 8 as a poor delusional person trying to invent things to make himself important, rather than a traitor!
• Backstory
For the GM only:
I actually do not have a complex backstory (for once?!) because I found out that a Leshy (which I know little about) is created by a powerful Fey (often a druid) when it "combines a nature spirit with a body carefully grown from local vegetation".
Pepper was very recently created, from a spirit of wild flowers (thus her knowledge of herbalism) and sent out with a specific mission.
For this mission, I have two ideas:
- the one I feel works w/o a problem being that she has been sent to travel to various major towns, and see how their industrialization, metal-working etc. is impacting Nature, and maybe find ideas on how to change this and preserve Nature.
If this is backstory we go with, she would have been around for some time, already seen some towns, and just now finished exploring our starting town and trying to solve some things, and is now seeking to travel to some other town (in Andoran I'd say, to see how another nation handles things).
- the other that might not fit, but I felt also worked with the fact that I am running the game and know about it, would be that she was specifically created to go investigate Nature problems, maybe even created to go check out this specific Blight.
If this could work, my idea is that she was created by a Fey Druid who only knows there is a problem of some kind of corruption in the general area of Etran's Folly, and is sending her to check out on what is happening and report about it. She has no knowledge of what it is, what created it, its scope etc..
And I imagined she would have no contact w. her creator until after the adventure, and knows she is on her own for a long time (till the next Solstice or Equinox or such) so that she does not have the possibility of getting help/information from him.
If that works, then I thought she might be very newly created (she was "born" in some cave, mainly made out of lichen) and could be found walking down the road as the caravan leaves town, and happy to "hitch a ride" since they are going in the same direction as she is (my idea being that she does not even think of Etran's Folly, just of exploring around there to try and locate the Blight).
Tell me what works for you, and I will flesh it out.
• Rules Questions
For the GM only:
I have three questions re. rules & RP:
• 1 • the first is the easiest I feel. For spells with material components, where I have to use Manipulate, the Druid"can usually hold a primal focus (such as holly and mistletoe) for spells requiring material components instead of needing to use a spell component pouch" and so I wanted to have Pepper have some holly and mistletoe growing from her, and the needs to "focus" on this, or hold this (thus a Manipulate) for such spells.
Basically: just have it as part of her rather than something she harvested.
• 2 • then: for Goodberry the spell requires a target of 1 ripe berry.
How do you handle this? Will we be in a season where there are no berries etc., or will Pepper be able to find enough berries to use the spell when she has Focus Points?
My feeling as a player is that I hope it is not really hindered--
--but, whatever the case, my RP desire would be that Pepper grow her own berries (like the holly & mistletoe growing over there, well, over here she has a little patch of brambles w. blackberries or whatever... to pluck and render magically healing).
• 3 • Finally, with Natural Medicine it says that if you’re in the wilderness, you might have easier access to fresh ingredients, allowing you to gain a +2 circumstance bonus to your check to Treat Wounds using Nature, subject to the GM’s determination.
How would you rule on that possible +2?
My feeling as a player is that going with this (rather than putting a point in Medicine and taking a background with Battle Medicine) is not overpowered at all (since I can "only" Treat Wounds, and lose out on Treat Poison, Disease etc.) and that getting a +2 often would not be unbalanced-- because, my RP idea was that Pepper could even pluck certain pieces of moss etc. from herself to use as fresh ingredients and thus get that +2 (seeing as in general we'd be in the outdoors a lot).
But no problem if this does not work for you (I could say RP-wise that the corruption spoils her own moss etc.).
---Well, sorry for the long post.
Just tell me if okay or not for 1, 2, and/or 3.
re. the avatar: this is the image I had for Pepper.
I'll let you take her "face" or head for her mini (if it is hard or such for you, I can do it).
re. her familiar (Beltza): she is 'built' as simply bringing Master abilities (she gives me 1 extra cantrip daily, and can replenish one of my Focus Points 1/day) thus I do not intend to have her act or move around in general, thus I have no image or mini for her (will pull one out if we ever need her to act, or if things change [s[when[/s] if (?) I level up.
male goblin ranger 4 | HP 58/58, Hero Points: 1 | AC 20 | Fort +10; Ref +11; Will +10 | Perc: +10 (+12 to seek target), darkvision | Exploration: Searching | Prey: None | Active Conditions: None
HP 40/40 | AC 19 | Fort +8; Ref +8; Will +7 | Perc: +7, low-light vision, scent (imprecise) 30 ft.
Awesome! I'll stat up and get my tagline ready. I'm fine with Eight's concept. Deerslicer isn't very judgmental.
Deerslicer was a hunter for his goblin tribe who befriended a bear cub while he was out exploring. When the other goblins tried to eat her, he defended her. He was able to escape the tribe with her in tow. He's since found a contentment traveling and living in the wilderness on his own with the bear, named Gracie, though the unrest around Lake Encarthan has made him keep on the move. He has met some other naturalists in his travels, who have introduced him to the worship of Gozreh, though he is not particularly devout.
I'm switching him over from Hermit to the Refugee background, and made some adjustments to the backstory to take that into account.
male goblin ranger 4 | HP 58/58, Hero Points: 1 | AC 20 | Fort +10; Ref +11; Will +10 | Perc: +10 (+12 to seek target), darkvision | Exploration: Searching | Prey: None | Active Conditions: None
HP 40/40 | AC 19 | Fort +8; Ref +8; Will +7 | Perc: +7, low-light vision, scent (imprecise) 30 ft.
Quick question for GM: Is it okay if I start with a Dogslicer? It is an uncommon weapon and I'm not taking the Goblin Weapon Familiarity ancestry feat, so wanted to check.
Re Eight, it occurs to me that even if he's faking divine magic, he's still being a competent mundane healer. As a devout follower of Qi Zhong, Kunsheng respects that (even if he's personally affronted by someone who seems to have given in to a temptation he has so far managed to resist). He'll probably try to convert Eight, though....
Quick question for GM: Is it okay if I start with a Dogslicer? It is an uncommon weapon and I'm not taking the Goblin Weapon Familiarity ancestry feat, so wanted to check.
Sure, just help me understand storywise how that's a possibility. I mean, how does he not know how to use one if Deerslicer was raised by goblins? Mechanically, I have no issues you having or using one, it's just that storywise I have an idea of how that's possible, but want to see if your idea is more or less aligned with mine.
I can also weave it into the story if you need one, too.
male goblin ranger 4 | HP 58/58, Hero Points: 1 | AC 20 | Fort +10; Ref +11; Will +10 | Perc: +10 (+12 to seek target), darkvision | Exploration: Searching | Prey: None | Active Conditions: None
HP 40/40 | AC 19 | Fort +8; Ref +8; Will +7 | Perc: +7, low-light vision, scent (imprecise) 30 ft.
GM Deneve wrote:
Deerslicer wrote:
Quick question for GM: Is it okay if I start with a Dogslicer? It is an uncommon weapon and I'm not taking the Goblin Weapon Familiarity ancestry feat, so wanted to check.
Sure, just help me understand storywise how that's a possibility. I mean, how does he not know how to use one if Deerslicer was raised by goblins? Mechanically, I have no issues you having or using one, it's just that storywise I have an idea of how that's possible, but want to see if your idea is more or less aligned with mine.
The Goblin Weapon Familiarity Feat has four benefits, from how I read it:
1. You are trained in dogslicer and horsechopper
2. You have access to all uncommon goblin weapons
3. Martial goblin weapons count as simple weapons for proficiency
4. Advanced goblin weapons count as martial weapons for proficiency
As a ranger, I'm trained in martial weapons, so I'm already proficient with the dogslicer (and horsechopper .. and any other uncommon martial weapon that may come along). In theory #4 might give me a benefit, if we ever ran into an advanced goblin weapon. (I don't think any exist yet.) So the only concern is #2. Since it's uncommon, I can't just assume without GM approval that I can have it.
I think the feat is intended for someone like a goblin rogue or sorcerer, who are only trained in simple weapons. The Goblin Weapon Familiarity feat would give them proficiency with those weapons (and also explicit permission to start with or acquire those uncommon weapons). Someone who is already trained in martial weapons just has to get their hands on the weapon, not take the feat.
The Goblin Weapon Familiarity Feat has four benefits, from how I read it:
1. You are trained in dogslicer and horsechopper
2. You have access to all uncommon goblin weapons
3. Martial goblin weapons count as simple weapons for proficiency
4. Advanced goblin weapons count as martial weapons for proficiency
As a ranger, I'm trained in martial weapons, so I'm already proficient with the dogslicer (and horsechopper .. and any other uncommon martial weapon that may come along). In theory #4 might give me a benefit, if we ever ran into an advanced goblin weapon. (I don't think any exist yet.) So the only concern is #2. Since it's uncommon, I can't just assume without GM approval that I can have it.
I think the feat is intended for someone like a goblin rogue or sorcerer, who are only trained in simple weapons. The Goblin Weapon Familiarity feat would give them proficiency with those weapons (and also explicit permission to start with or acquire those uncommon weapons). Someone who is already trained in martial weapons just has to get their hands on the weapon, not take the feat.
Ah, that makes sense. Go ahead, I've no problem with your character starting off with a dogslicer.
Edit. @John (Kunsheng "Qīngwā" Xue ), could you also add your HP, gender, alignment and class to your tagline, please.
@Eric, Thank you. I've already made the pawn from the image you posted. Regarding your questions:
Regarding Pepper's backstory (Pepper only):
Go with the first story, about her being sent to investigate how industrialization is impacting nature and weave in the second one. I dont' see a problem of both stories existing, unless I missread your post. As for how Pepper joins the team, let's have her come in to help the others when they're attacked by the you-know-what at the beginning. This is because leshys are uncommon and probably they wouldn't just pick her up on the road. However, if she aids them, I'm sure they'll be more receptive on giving her a ride to Etran's Folly, as they're already on their way there. I'll cue you when she appears to help the others fight, does that make sense to you?
Rules queries (Pepper only):
1) Flavor-wise, that's fine as long as the rules of the use don't change.
2) The season is summer with fall on the way. You won't have any problems finding fresh berries in the wild with a survival check. While character-wise growing berries on your body is fun, I feel it could become unbalanced later on. We could come back to this later, but for the meantime, sorry, no growing berries on your character.
3) The +2 circumstantial is fine as long as you're in wilderness. There will be some parts where you won't find ingredients because of the blight. Don't forget you'll still need healer's tools, too..
retired | f.k.a. "Valor Holysword" | human rogue (thief) minister of Sarenrae at the Sinan al-Razima chapel in Etran's Folly
Eight and a Half is now Simon Samarian. I've updated his background to Missionary, removed gang ties in his backstory, and left an opening for the GM to fill however best suits the campaign.
If you have any suggestions, we can discuss in spoilers.
Mechanically, I've dropped his Wisdom and bumped his Charisma. This works a little better for combat (since he will use Feint) and more in-line with his personality (since he's only needs to be wise enough to take a cleric dedication, not actually wise).
HP 24/30 | 1/1 Hero Point | 2/2 Focus Points | 0/3 lvl 1 Spells | Perc’ +8 ; Stealth +5 ; Speed 25 ft. | AC 16 (18 w. shield - hard' 3, 12/12 hp) | Fort' +7 ; Ref' +5; Will +10 | Spell DC 18
Active conditions:
I've no problem with your character starting off with a dogslicer.
So long as he has no hedge cutter, or shears, or other plant cutting devices!
For the GM's Eyes only!:
1) yes, it is just using Interact w. something growing on her, vs. attached to a belt or around the neck
2) Okay, totally fine w. no growing berries, would have been fun!
Re. "finding fresh berries in the wild with a survival check" - fine w. that too, I just hope you give some leeway and do not make it too hard to use her healing spell, because the character is already not very strong mechanically due to building it mainly via RP
(I do not how you are running this, ie. upping the difficulty, adding enemies for the party of 6 vs. 4, but the fights are tough for my group of 4 - which is fun! Though one did die so far)
3) FIne. Thanks. Yes, I forgot the healer's tools. So I got rid of two Healing Potions and took the tools, meaning I am left w. 3 gold. I week of special Leshy food (that she only needs if no sunlight etc.) is 4 gold. So--
--can I get 5 days of food for her last 3 gold (it's a little less expensive than 3 gold normally)
Backstory & Entrance: all fine w. me. I'll write her Backstory up, but thus have her sent to check towns out re. ecology etc., and then meet the caravan by chance while heading to a town... and, I imagine, hook up w. them to help them and then to fight the blight.
HP 24/30 | 1/1 Hero Point | 2/2 Focus Points | 0/3 lvl 1 Spells | Perc’ +8 ; Stealth +5 ; Speed 25 ft. | AC 16 (18 w. shield - hard' 3, 12/12 hp) | Fort' +7 ; Ref' +5; Will +10 | Spell DC 18
Active conditions:
Pepper has been a spirit of wild flowers forever, and now, just recently, a powerful fey druid, worried about industrialization, has brought this spirit to inhabit a body made of fungus and plants.
"Born" in a cavern in the Aspodell Mountains where they border the Chitterwood, Pepper is now a leshy-- and her good friend, Beltza, who was a spirit of wildgrass, is a slightly less powerful leshy familiar.
Very excited about her mission, that she wishes to proudly carry out, Pepper spent some time creating the gear she needs, and has now set off on a long trek, to discover the world-- and reach Almas, in Taldor. There, she is tasked with analyzing the impact of urbanization on Nature, and then reporting to her creator, giving him some ideas of how to make things better.
Human Runesmith 3 | HP 35/35 | AC 20 (23) | F +7 R +6 W +8 | Perc +6 | Stealth +1 | 25 ft | Hero 1/3 | ◆ | ◇ | ↺ | Active Conditions: incredible initiative (+2)
male goblin ranger 4 | HP 58/58, Hero Points: 1 | AC 20 | Fort +10; Ref +11; Will +10 | Perc: +10 (+12 to seek target), darkvision | Exploration: Searching | Prey: None | Active Conditions: None
HP 40/40 | AC 19 | Fort +8; Ref +8; Will +7 | Perc: +7, low-light vision, scent (imprecise) 30 ft.
@Blake - These do seem to be the two weaknesses of the group, and either of the options would be nice to have. With a Churigeon and a Sarenrae cleric, my guess is that we'll have enough healing options that we will be able to survive without a tank, if you decide on bard.
All right, I believe we're almost ready to go once Blake's ready. I'm going to start up the Gameplay thread if you want to RP for a bit. Officially, we'll be starting Monday GMT -6.
I'm also working on a travel journal for this campaign on GM Binder, so you can have easy reference to what's been seen so far in the quest. If this travel journal is too clunky or time consuming, I'll just add the info to the slides instead.
Human Runesmith 3 | HP 35/35 | AC 20 (23) | F +7 R +6 W +8 | Perc +6 | Stealth +1 | 25 ft | Hero 1/3 | ◆ | ◇ | ↺ | Active Conditions: incredible initiative (+2)
Gamble was born in Hagreach, married young, and was blessed early with a son and a few years later his wife gave birth to a girl. He told bedtime stores to his son. He loved his wife. He tended his little bit of land as best he could, and he defended it from the occasional raids from Isger somewhat better. He was Ulfen.
One night, however, he wasn't able to defend his land. He survived his injuries, waking on the back of a wagon on its way back to Isger where he was sold as a slave to a Jadwiga. He believed his family dead. He made a poor slave: too angry and stubborn for the house and not strong enough for heavy labor. After a couple of years, the Jadwiga grew tired of trying to tame the Ulfen and sold him away. He was traded down the markets until he landed in the slave pits of Absalom.
He met a dark skinned slave from Arcadia in the pits who had taken to caring for the others. The slave preached about Mother Jaguar, the importance of community, and how they, in their circumstances, were a community. It sounded not too different from how the people of the clans watched out for each other, and Gamble began to listen. When the last siege came to Absalom, Gamble signed up to fight. He protected the same people that allowed him to be a slave in exchange for his freedom.
He left Absalom with the Arcadian, traveling, working caravan protection, working whatever job he could. Eventually, he and the Arcadian parted ways, but he learned a lot from him during their travels. Gamble never became the cleric he was, but he learned more than a few tricks of the spirits.
Thank you. I have an excuse, though--my faculty advisor in grad school emigrated from China in 1949, and many of the other students and postdocs in his research group were from the PRC or Taiwan. It was an education in more ways than just the obvious.
Human Runesmith 3 | HP 35/35 | AC 20 (23) | F +7 R +6 W +8 | Perc +6 | Stealth +1 | 25 ft | Hero 1/3 | ◆ | ◇ | ↺ | Active Conditions: incredible initiative (+2)
It's level 4--at least for druids--before a companion can take a single action without Command an Animal.
male goblin ranger 4 | HP 58/58, Hero Points: 1 | AC 20 | Fort +10; Ref +11; Will +10 | Perc: +10 (+12 to seek target), darkvision | Exploration: Searching | Prey: None | Active Conditions: None
HP 40/40 | AC 19 | Fort +8; Ref +8; Will +7 | Perc: +7, low-light vision, scent (imprecise) 30 ft.
Ack, you are right. Doesn't even get a move unless I command it. I think I got that confused with the Starfinder Creature Companions. Too many systems!
So the bear is still in the wagon with me, growling toward the wolf.
Human Runesmith 3 | HP 35/35 | AC 20 (23) | F +7 R +6 W +8 | Perc +6 | Stealth +1 | 25 ft | Hero 1/3 | ◆ | ◇ | ↺ | Active Conditions: incredible initiative (+2)
Shortbow's deadly on a crit, doing an extra d10 damage after doubling, so Deerslicer should have done more damage.