
Deerslicer's page

452 posts. Organized Play character for azjauthor.

Full Name



| Exploration: Searching | Prey: Bosun| Active Conditions: None


HP 40/40 | AC 19 | Fort +8; Ref +8; Will +7 | Perc: +7, low-light vision, scent (imprecise) 30 ft.


male goblin ranger 4 | HP 54/58, Hero Points: 1 | AC 20 | Fort +10; Ref +11; Will +10 | Perc: +10 (+12 to seek target), darkvision

About Deerslicer

2002 - Deerslicer
Male goblin ranger 4
Small, Goblin, Humanoid
Heritage unbreakable goblin
Background nomad
Perception +10; darkvision
Languages Common, Goblin, Varisian
Skills Acrobatics +9, Athletics +9, Crafting +6, Goblin Lore +8, Nature +8, Pathfinder Society Lore +6, Religion +8, Society +6, Stealth +9, Survival +8, Thievery +9, Underground Terrain Lore +6
Str +1, Dex +3, Con +2, Int +0, Wis +2, Cha +1
Items leather armor, +1 bola, +1 striking piercing wind (31 rounds, predator's claw)[GG], dagger, hunter's bow (27 arrows, owlbear claw), sling, backpack, bedroll, chalk (10), climbing kit, dragon turtle scale, expanded healer's toolkit, flint and steel, monkey pin, onyx panther, rations (1 week) (2), repair toolkit, rope (foot) (50), soap, thieves' toolkit, torch (5), waterskin, wayfinder, animal companion, light barding, purse (7 pp, 2 gp, 7 sp, 8 cp)
AC 20; Fort +10; Ref +11; Will +10
HP 58
Speed 25 feet
Melee [1] [i]+1 striking piercing wind (melee)[/i] +10 (critical fusion, magical, sweep, finesse, combination), Damage 2d6+1 S
Melee [1] dagger +9 (versatile S, thrown 10 ft., agile, finesse), Damage 1d4+1 P
Ranged [1] [i]+1 bola[/i] +10 (magical, ranged trip, thrown 20 ft., nonlethal), Damage 1d6+1 B
Ranged [1] [i]+1 striking piercing wind[/i] +10 (concussive, fatal d10, combination, magical, range increment 40 feet, reload 1), Damage 2d6 P
Ranged [1] dagger +9 (versatile S, thrown 10 ft., agile, finesse), Damage 1d4+1 P
Ranged [1] [i]hunter's bow[/i] +10 (deadly d10, magical, range increment 60 feet, reload 0), Damage 1d6 P
Ranged [1] sling +9 (propulsive, range increment 50 feet, reload 1), Damage 1d6 B
Ancestry Feats Goblin Lore, Very Sneaky
Class Feats Animal Companion, Hunted Shot, Monster Hunter
General Feats Ancestral Paragon
Skill Feats Additional Lore, Assurance, Natural Medicine, Titan Wrestler
Other Abilities animal companion, home region, hunt prey, hunter's edge, outwit, promotional accessory, promotional vestments, rugged mentor, rugged wayfinder, storied talent, wayfinder

Animal Companion: Bear (Gracie):
Female bear
Small, Animal, Minion
Perception +7; low-light vision, scent (imprecise) 30 feet
Skills Acrobatics +8, Athletics +9, Intimidation +6
Str +3, Dex +2, Con +2, Int -4, Wis +1, Cha +0
Items light barding
AC 19; Fort +8; Ref +8; Will +7
HP 40
Speed 35 feet
Melee [1] claw +9 (agile), Damage 1d6+3 S
Melee [1] jaws +9, Damage 1d8+3 P

Current Adventure Loot:

Deerslicer was a hunter for his goblin tribe who befriended a bear cub while he was out exploring. When the other goblins tried to eat her, he defended her. He was able to escape the tribe with her in tow. He's since found a contentment traveling and living in the wilderness on his own with the bear, named Gracie, though the unrest around Lake Encarthan has made him keep on the move. He has met some other naturalists in his travels, who have introduced him to the worship of Gozreh, though he is not particularly devout.