retired | f.k.a. "Valor Holysword" | human rogue (thief) minister of Sarenrae at the Sinan al-Razima chapel in Etran's Folly
About Simon Samarian
Background Summary
Simon Samarian made his living pretending to be Valor Holysword, cleric of Iomedae. He collected donations to help the poor but keeps most of them for himself, and healed people, but using mundane means rather than magical. After meeting some Pathfinders, he reformed himself and is now a cleric of Sarenrae.
Background Narrative:
Simon Samarian whirled around when he felt a hand on his shoulder, drawing a dagger from under his cloak.
Fortunately, his past had not caught up with him yet - an aasimar woman stood smiling at him, and he quietly slipped his dagger back into its sheath. "Valor Holysword?" she asked. Simon nodded affirmatively; Valor Holysword was his name now. Nobody called him Simon any more - his family was long-forgotten, his friends jailed or killed.
Simon finished wrapping up the wounds of the patient he had been working on. He brought out his small purse. "No donation is too small ... or too large," he said, with practiced piety. The woman dropped two copper coins into the purse, and Simon cringed inside. She looked richer, he thought to himself. He knew better than to make a scene, though - one can fleece a sheep forever, but only slaughter a sheep once. And he wasn't ready to move on from this town yet.
Valais Durant waited patiently while "Valor" finished with his "customer." She could tell the rapier on his belt was a poor substitute for a longsword, and despite the theatrics, she knew that the standard battlefield tourniquets he was tying were far more effective than the religious speeches he gave. What the lords of Heaven wanted with this man was not clear to her, but she could tell that Simon's lies were wearing on him personally as much as they were wearing thin on the towns he was exploiting.
"I would like to hire you to travel from Elidir to Almas, to protect a caravan," Valais offered. "I'll pay you 100 silver pieces."
Simon pretended to be reluctant. "My lady, my work here is not finished," he protested. "And of course, there are many other towns nearby that will need the healing power of Iomedae."
Valais persisted. "I will remain here in this town to finish your work, and you can go."
Simon tried to think of ways that Valor could negotiate a higher price. "My lady, all these materials I bought ... they cost me 100 silver ..."
"I will buy your remaining materials for an additional 50," Valais offered with an air of finality. Simon greedily accepted.
Valais pulled a pouch off of her belt. Inside was already 15 gp, counted out exactly. So predictable, she thought.
NG male human rogue (thief) 3
Background: Missionary
Max HP 38
AC 20 (+1 with shield, +2 with Nimble Dodge)
Perception** +9, Fortitude* +6, Reflex** +11, Will** +9
Speed: 25’