Boston Theoretical PbP

Game Master Tarren Dei

Transdimensional superheroes.
Starfinder+ for modern day superpowers.

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Acro +18|Ath +18|Diplo +17|Intim +8|Myst +6|Percep +11|SM +6|Stealth +12
Human|SP 22/54 HP 42/42|EAC 14 KAC 16 ACvCM 24|Fort +10 Ref +9 Will +8|Init +2|RP 3/3 Godling (mighty)/7th|Speed 40ft. (40ft.)|Retribution (8/8 a day)|Agile Feet (Su) (4/4x a day)|Smite Rival (1x/day)|Channel Energy 4d6 (4/4x a day)

If you know of another player, sure, invite them.

Male Chimera... thing Soldier 7 | HP 55/55 SP 77/77 | KAC 23 EAC 21 | F +9 R +3 W +6 (+2 vs. mind-affecting) | Init +5 | Perc: +10 | RP 9/9 | Current form: Chimera
Head Text Key:
Bold--right 'dinosaur' head | Plain text--middle fox head | Italic--left jaguar head

We could certainly pick up some more skills at 5th level by increasing Int... but I'm not sure any of us would end up with a great bonus even if we were trained.

I wouldn't be averse to one more character, though I kind of like a small group.

Female Halfling Solarian | HP:51/51, SP:49/49, RP:8/9 | AC:20 | F:+6, R:+12, W:+7/+9v.Fear | Perc:+3, Init:+9 | 12v.Fire

I’m fine with a fifth person. Will the ad be for a super-nerd? (I mean will you say we’re looking for someone to play an engineering/computer type?)

HP/SP: 28 (28) / 36 (36) | EAC/KAC: 18/18 | Init: +3 | Fort: +7; Ref: +8; Will: +4 | Resolve: 2 (5) | Perception: +6 Force Ward: 16 (16); regen 4 hp/min | Elemental Overflow (+2 to Dex)

It WOULD be nice to have a tech character in our group.

Female Halfling Solarian | HP:51/51, SP:49/49, RP:8/9 | AC:20 | F:+6, R:+12, W:+7/+9v.Fear | Perc:+3, Init:+9 | 12v.Fire

I put the word out on Discord. There’s a player who is intrigued, read gameplay, and knows Eng/Comp skills are what you’re looking for.

Shall we wait for recruitment, or should the player introduce herself/himself?

Female Halfling Solarian | HP:51/51, SP:49/49, RP:8/9 | AC:20 | F:+6, R:+12, W:+7/+9v.Fear | Perc:+3, Init:+9 | 12v.Fire

Just got a PM from Kittenmancer (the interested player) like an hour ago. The concept is pretty solid, and the super power choice connects nicely to the fascination with technology.

(PM to GM)

Female Halfling Solarian | HP:51/51, SP:49/49, RP:8/9 | AC:20 | F:+6, R:+12, W:+7/+9v.Fear | Perc:+3, Init:+9 | 12v.Fire

Gotta head out to meet my wife in a few minutes, but I just got a PM. Kittenmancer is so interested, there is already a PC profile created!

Submitted for GM approval!


Is Kittenmancer aware of the pace? I think this is a reasonable pace to keep people in a PbP. (I've been slow the last couple days.)

As for Kittenmancer's intro, Boston Theoretical has such people in its employ, but Forensic Adjustments just hired some engineers to assemble the hardware it was shipping to the island.

Female Halfling Solarian | HP:51/51, SP:49/49, RP:8/9 | AC:20 | F:+6, R:+12, W:+7/+9v.Fear | Perc:+3, Init:+9 | 12v.Fire

I believe so, but will ask Kittenmancer to answer this.

I only read that it was a "fast-paced game" in the recruitment, and seeing multiple posts per day per player in the gameplay thread. I can post at least once a day in the weekdays, perhaps a little less often in the weekends. If I hit a very busy few days I'll let people know in advance. As a note, my timezone is GMT+2, so I may be out of sync with (most) other players when a flurry of posting happens during (my) night time.

Male Chimera... thing Soldier 7 | HP 55/55 SP 77/77 | KAC 23 EAC 21 | F +9 R +3 W +6 (+2 vs. mind-affecting) | Init +5 | Perc: +10 | RP 9/9 | Current form: Chimera
Head Text Key:
Bold--right 'dinosaur' head | Plain text--middle fox head | Italic--left jaguar head

Don't worry, we're kind of all over the place on time zones I think. :D

The twin kat-vatars threw me for a second. I read that in Charles' voice. That sounds like you'll fit fine in terms of pace of posting. We've seemed to figure out how to do it without anyone getting stressed about the posting.

We do need someone to hold up the Engineering / Computers skill ranks. Nissa mentioned an 'empath' side, and that balances out well. As we go dimension hopping we could end up in spaces where computers are highly advanced and others where they have yet to be discovered. An empath could still have a role to play in an entirely magical world, and an Engineer could MacGyver stuff in a world without modern technology.

But, at this point, they still aren't fully capable of dimension hopping on their own. This might be where you come in.

Let me know what kind of character you want to play and we will see where they could join us.

The characters are supers, and, for us, that means we've tweaked the rules to make some unique powers work on Starfinder builds. None of the PCs are overpowered. I try to design encounters that allow the supers to use their powers.

Also, the PbP is intended to be episodic, like a comic book. We've been at this since December, and we are in our third episode. The players have opportunities to give their characters graceful exits between episodes. So far, that's worked out and anyone who left, left at a nice story point.

N/A Human Envoy 1/Mechanic 4 | HP 34/34 | SP 30/30 | RP 8/8 | F+4, R+7, W+6 | EAC 12 | KAC 13 | Init. + 1 | Perception + 11

Awesome, I am reading through the current episode and it's pretty riveting stuff!

Kai is a bit of a "reluctant superhero" when it comes to using the empath side - it definitely has an emotional and psychological cost and Kai has been expending considerable effort to build a device to dampen or channel this ability. Kai is definitely interested in helping people, especially marginalized or oppressed people, and in doing good. Kai also has a fascination with sci-fi, alien civilizations, AI sentience and a whole hodge-podge of nerd culture, so the opportunity to do some trans-dimensional hopping would be irresistible.

I feel that Kai's superpower is the empath part, but still need to figure out how that would work mechanically, and how to connect it to trans-dimensional travel.

Also, personally I'm pretty clueless about "mainstream" superhero comic stuff, but I loved Global Frequency.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

That back story works. This character should be a fun addition to the team.

If Kai is an employee of Boston Theoretical, then Kai might be asked to go along on this trip to the island the team might be taking. They might also ask Kai to look at the crates on the ship, which are full of machinery. Those would be ways to introduce the character into the story.

As for the powers part, I guess one way to do empathy is maxing out Sense Motive, using a feat for a skill focus. You mention getting overloaded. We could do something with the mechanic trick 'neural shunt'. Maybe you can sometimes really open up and read people intensively, but there's a chance it overloads you unless you use the neural shunt. That way, you have a power you could use, but unless you want some kind of overload (with minor penalties), you'll need to make a save.

You could also take limited telepathy, but that's different than just heightened empathy.

Once per day, as a reaction when you fail a saving throw against a mind-affecting effect, you can shunt that effect into your exocortex instead. When you do so, you are not affected by the mind-affecting effect, but for the normal duration of that effect, you lose the Skill Focus feat granted by your exocortex’s memory module and cannot use any of the exocortex’s abilities in any way (including any proficiencies and mods it grants you). When a mind-affecting effect is shunted into the exocortex, spells such as dispel magic or break enchantment can be cast on you to end the effect as if you were affected by it. Once the duration of the mind-affecting effect has ended, your exocortex resumes its normal functions. You must have an exocortex to learn this trick.

Limited Telepathy (Ex or Su)
Source Alien Archive pg. 155
The creature can mentally communicate with any creatures within the listed range with which it shares a language. See page 259 of the Starfinder Core Rulebook for more details.

Format: Languages limited telepathy 30 ft.

Female Halfling Solarian | HP:51/51, SP:49/49, RP:8/9 | AC:20 | F:+6, R:+12, W:+7/+9v.Fear | Perc:+3, Init:+9 | 12v.Fire
Kai Misipeka wrote:
Awesome, I am reading through the current episode and it's pretty riveting stuff!

This has to be the only game that I can actually enjoy re-reading. I clicked back to page 27, which starts with the subatomic fourth-wall message, and was getting a kick out of the car chase followed by the skinny-dipping.

I had also read the first 100 posts of the game the other day. Now I wanna look up the pre-wonder-twin parts of Episode 2.

HP/SP: 28 (28) / 36 (36) | EAC/KAC: 18/18 | Init: +3 | Fort: +7; Ref: +8; Will: +4 | Resolve: 2 (5) | Perception: +6 Force Ward: 16 (16); regen 4 hp/min | Elemental Overflow (+2 to Dex)

Welcome, welcome!

Looking forward to having you join us!

N/A Human Envoy 1/Mechanic 4 | HP 34/34 | SP 30/30 | RP 8/8 | F+4, R+7, W+6 | EAC 12 | KAC 13 | Init. + 1 | Perception + 11
Tarren the Dungeon Master wrote:
If Kai is an employee of Boston Theoretical, then Kai might be asked to go along on this trip to the island the team might be taking. They might also ask Kai to look at the crates on the ship, which are full of machinery. Those would be ways to introduce the character into the story.

That works for me.

As for the powers part, I guess one way to do empathy is maxing out Sense Motive, using a feat for a skill focus. You mention getting overloaded. We could do something with the mechanic trick 'neural shunt'. Maybe you can sometimes really open up and read people intensively, but there's a chance it overloads you unless you use the neural shunt. That way, you have a power you could use, but unless you want some kind of overload (with minor penalties), you'll need to make a save.

That also works, and if Boston Theoretical managed to help Kai build the Bilateral Interface for Neurobiological Attenuation and Harmonization (BINAH), that could work as the neural shunt.

Kai has 5 free language slots that we can use for something interesting to do with communication, perhaps the limited telepathy. Maybe Kai can pick up surface thoughts from other people if Kai opens up.

Female Halfling Solarian | HP:51/51, SP:49/49, RP:8/9 | AC:20 | F:+6, R:+12, W:+7/+9v.Fear | Perc:+3, Init:+9 | 12v.Fire

Does this mean any inner monologue we type becomes in-character knowledge for Kai? (Same question applies to Scarlet, when she arrives.)

N/A Human Envoy 1/Mechanic 4 | HP 34/34 | SP 30/30 | RP 8/8 | F+4, R+7, W+6 | EAC 12 | KAC 13 | Init. + 1 | Perception + 11
Nissa, the Subatomic Bombshell wrote:
Does this mean any inner monologue we type becomes in-character knowledge for Kai? (Same question applies to Scarlet, when she arrives.)

For Kai - I would think not. Emotions, especially strong ones, associated with said inner monologue, might be perceivable by Kai unless the BINAH is active. And if we do go in the direction of telepathy/reading surface thoughts, Kai would have to concentrate for that, and it would be for a limited time only.

Just spent 8 hours driving and now I'm wiped. But, I have my daughter for the next two weeks, so it is worth it.

Scarlet is a highly specialized NPC. She can detect thoughts easily and that's why Greer and her couldn't be a couple. He had too much classified information in his head. Over video chat she can Sense Motive at a fairly high level but can't detect thoughts.

How about this: Kai can detect emotions like the spell detect thoughts but only emotions. Kai can do this at will, but only when 'opening up'. Opening up has a cost though--it can be overwhelming and Kai has to make a Will save or be overwhelmed by all the emotions being felt. If overwhelmed, Kai would take a –2 penalty to ability checks, attack rolls, saving throws, and skill checks, until Kai could take a 10 minute rest.

The DC for the save would be 10 +1 per emotional being in the area of the spell.

Does that sound balanced? 10 minute rests are going to happen any time someone needs to recover stamina points.

N/A Human Envoy 1/Mechanic 4 | HP 34/34 | SP 30/30 | RP 8/8 | F+4, R+7, W+6 | EAC 12 | KAC 13 | Init. + 1 | Perception + 11

Using Detect Thoughts as a template sounds good to me.

I have a slight concern about Kai being less useful in terms of powers compared to the other party members, would like to hear what the others think as well.

Female Halfling Solarian | HP:51/51, SP:49/49, RP:8/9 | AC:20 | F:+6, R:+12, W:+7/+9v.Fear | Perc:+3, Init:+9 | 12v.Fire
Kai Misipeka wrote:

Using Detect Thoughts as a template sounds good to me.

I have a slight concern about Kai being less useful in terms of powers compared to the other party members, would like to hear what the others think as well.

Just thinking on that recent rescue mission, which was two-thirds successful, an empath’s powers would’ve been great there if the powers would allow you to do the following:

• detect emotional beings
• detect emotional states

That could be really helpful in a hostage situation, allowing Kai to detect life forms and know the difference between hostages and hostiles.

(If my understanding is correct, Kai would have known where the three hostages were, but would not have known of the laser cannon, camera, onscreen villain and the cargo-bot programmed to kill.)

HP/SP: 28 (28) / 36 (36) | EAC/KAC: 18/18 | Init: +3 | Fort: +7; Ref: +8; Will: +4 | Resolve: 2 (5) | Perception: +6 Force Ward: 16 (16); regen 4 hp/min | Elemental Overflow (+2 to Dex)

I think that as long as you're bringing something we don't have to the table, you'll work just fine, and it looks like you are.

Besides, as the resident technologist, you can always use guns to balance out any perceived insecurities.

"God made man, Colt made man equal."

Female Halfling Solarian | HP:51/51, SP:49/49, RP:8/9 | AC:20 | F:+6, R:+12, W:+7/+9v.Fear | Perc:+3, Init:+9 | 12v.Fire

Agreeing with Verve.

Also, one more thing: you never really know how useful your powers are until you get into a situation and think, “oh! I can use my powers to—!”

Recent example: This decision made seven months ago

really paid off a couple weeks ago!

That is, Nissa stopped two live bombs from killing hostages by subsuming them as she does with all in-hand/on-person items when she changes form. (Verve used her superpowers to prevent Nissa from getting blown to bits when changing back.)

I never thought my power could be used to stop live bombs until the moment I ‘saw’ a bomb activate in front of my face!

I could see your power working out like that, where you might discover unintended uses as unanticipated problems arise.

N/A Human Envoy 1/Mechanic 4 | HP 34/34 | SP 30/30 | RP 8/8 | F+4, R+7, W+6 | EAC 12 | KAC 13 | Init. + 1 | Perception + 11
Verve wrote:
Besides, as the resident technologist, you can always use guns to balance out any perceived insecurities.

Kai doesn't have any plans to use lethal force and only has a non-lethal weapon.

But good point about finding unexpected uses for Kai's power(s) in the future!

Excited to be a part of this, still reading through the gameplay thread (on page 34 now, started reading on page 27).

HP/SP: 28 (28) / 36 (36) | EAC/KAC: 18/18 | Init: +3 | Fort: +7; Ref: +8; Will: +4 | Resolve: 2 (5) | Perception: +6 Force Ward: 16 (16); regen 4 hp/min | Elemental Overflow (+2 to Dex)

Nissa and I literally just had a discussion about this =P

Female Halfling Solarian | HP:51/51, SP:49/49, RP:8/9 | AC:20 | F:+6, R:+12, W:+7/+9v.Fear | Perc:+3, Init:+9 | 12v.Fire

The topic of showing mercy been explored throughout the episode, which starts on p.23 with Theo’s thoughts on the topic:

The Olympian wrote:
"Well, Nissa, that is a very personal question we all face", Theo spoke up, in a lot more serious tone than you've heard from the godling before. "There an old midwest saying, I think, that goes: If you don't kill the fox in the hen house, how many chickens are you prepared to lose."

N/A Human Envoy 1/Mechanic 4 | HP 34/34 | SP 30/30 | RP 8/8 | F+4, R+7, W+6 | EAC 12 | KAC 13 | Init. + 1 | Perception + 11

I saw that bit of discussion, Nissa, and it just gave me an idea on the potential direction in which Kai's powers could evolve. What if you could reform/rehabilitate the fox instead of killing it? I could see Kai becoming a sort of super-therapist and helping villains work through their deep-seated troubles and trauma.

Male Chimera... thing Soldier 7 | HP 55/55 SP 77/77 | KAC 23 EAC 21 | F +9 R +3 W +6 (+2 vs. mind-affecting) | Init +5 | Perc: +10 | RP 9/9 | Current form: Chimera
Head Text Key:
Bold--right 'dinosaur' head | Plain text--middle fox head | Italic--left jaguar head

That would be cool. Charles feels rather conflicted about the fact that having the power to turn into a three-headed monster with claws and fangs does not lend itself to non-violent problem-solving, other than perhaps through intimidation.

Female Halfling Solarian | HP:51/51, SP:49/49, RP:8/9 | AC:20 | F:+6, R:+12, W:+7/+9v.Fear | Perc:+3, Init:+9 | 12v.Fire
Kai Misipeka wrote:
I saw that bit of discussion, Nissa, and it just gave me an idea on the potential direction in which Kai's powers could evolve. What if you could reform/rehabilitate the fox instead of killing it? I could see Kai becoming a sort of super-therapist and helping villains work through their deep-seated troubles and trauma.

Nice! Already coming up with a way to use your power! It’s certainly worth a shot.

N/A Human Envoy 1/Mechanic 4 | HP 34/34 | SP 30/30 | RP 8/8 | F+4, R+7, W+6 | EAC 12 | KAC 13 | Init. + 1 | Perception + 11

I've been tinkering with the crunch a bit more and gave Kai a level of Envoy to account for Kai's social services work, and to get a few more class skills. Let me know what you think!

Female Halfling Solarian | HP:51/51, SP:49/49, RP:8/9 | AC:20 | F:+6, R:+12, W:+7/+9v.Fear | Perc:+3, Init:+9 | 12v.Fire

Makes sense.

You might have enough starting $$$ to get a stat upgrade (1400 credits for a +2), depending on what equipment you picked out.


Speaking of, do we eventually get paid? I plan on getting another stat upgrade for +4 DEX at Lv.5 or so.

Regarding payment, so far the gov't has confiscated every bit of loot you brought back other than magic items. That Danish gold and silver is probably locked in a vault somewhere.

A player just coming in at 4th level should have 6000 credits to equip themselves with. ble-character-wealth-by-level

Players going from 3rd to 4th level should around 2,700 credits, from what I'm seeing. You could take that in cash or 'spend it' at Boston Theoretical.

Regarding violence and PbP, there certainly are opportunities for it, but the PCs have often found non-violent solutions to their problems. The XP will be the same either way. There are always going to be robots and completely alien beasties to claw and bite at though.

I enjoy Charles inner turmoil over being seen as monstrous and capable of great violence, but not being a monster.

Male Chimera... thing Soldier 7 | HP 55/55 SP 77/77 | KAC 23 EAC 21 | F +9 R +3 W +6 (+2 vs. mind-affecting) | Init +5 | Perc: +10 | RP 9/9 | Current form: Chimera
Head Text Key:
Bold--right 'dinosaur' head | Plain text--middle fox head | Italic--left jaguar head
Tarren the Dungeon Master wrote:
I enjoy Charles inner turmoil over being seen as monstrous and capable of great violence, but not being a monster.

Just wait until 6th level when his other heads start developing their own personalities...

HP/SP: 28 (28) / 36 (36) | EAC/KAC: 18/18 | Init: +3 | Fort: +7; Ref: +8; Will: +4 | Resolve: 2 (5) | Perception: +6 Force Ward: 16 (16); regen 4 hp/min | Elemental Overflow (+2 to Dex)


Kai, for the 'specialized field' of physical science, which were you thinking. Physics is on the list. Transdimensional physics would be a sub-class of physics, so I could see physics come in handy.

Here are some other fields: astronomy, chemistry, climatology, geography, geology, hyperspace, meteorology, oceanography, physics, and other fields of natural science.

N/A Human Envoy 1/Mechanic 4 | HP 34/34 | SP 30/30 | RP 8/8 | F+4, R+7, W+6 | EAC 12 | KAC 13 | Init. + 1 | Perception + 11

I was thinking physics indeed, although astronomy/hyperspace is also interesting. But I will go with physics.

Female Halfling Solarian | HP:51/51, SP:49/49, RP:8/9 | AC:20 | F:+6, R:+12, W:+7/+9v.Fear | Perc:+3, Init:+9 | 12v.Fire

Curious about how Kai will enter into the game. Would the interrogation be a way in? Not sure if Kai would know of Scarlet using her powers to glean info from Portly, and if Kai would check it out and see if an empath’s powers can help.

I would think the presence of military and supers would draw attention to the employees just trying to do regular jobs(?).

If Kai's ready, the World 12ers and some Boston Theoretical techies have just sent detailed scans of everything that was in the crates. Kai will need to make an Engineering check to figure out exactly what it was.

I'll put that in the game thread if Kai is ready.

N/A Human Envoy 1/Mechanic 4 | HP 34/34 | SP 30/30 | RP 8/8 | F+4, R+7, W+6 | EAC 12 | KAC 13 | Init. + 1 | Perception + 11

I'm ready, all caught up with the current episode and have been reading back through the gameplay thread on previous episodes.

Would like to know if Kai already has the BINAH, or if that is still being developed.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I'd say BINAH is ready to roll. You may not have tried it out in the field, but we don't need to start your character off not being able to use a key ability.

N/A Human Envoy 1/Mechanic 4 | HP 34/34 | SP 30/30 | RP 8/8 | F+4, R+7, W+6 | EAC 12 | KAC 13 | Init. + 1 | Perception + 11

Also, I am SO. BUMMED. that Colonel Greer died. :( I really liked the guy.

Incidentally, any relation to Sergeant Greer from Stargate Universe?

I liked Colonel Greer too. I do like Stargate, but he was named after the only teacher who ever gave me a D. I kind of deserved it too, but mostly for pulling stunts. I needed a name for an authority figure, so I used his.

I had no Internet for 36 hours! It's been on and off all week. They think they fixed it now.

Female Halfling Solarian | HP:51/51, SP:49/49, RP:8/9 | AC:20 | F:+6, R:+12, W:+7/+9v.Fear | Perc:+3, Init:+9 | 12v.Fire

Nissa will always wonder if she could have saved him.

She at least can credit herself for saving those still alive when she got inside, which makes her feel better like a band-aid on a broken arm would.

@GM, the my-head-hurts in my post was me realizing my INT is still 10, so my theories can’t go too far. At Lv.5, I’ll have an INT bonus. Nissa will be hitting the books to try to keep us with L.C.! (RP reason. Mechanical reason: have a new max rank skill every 5th level.)

I've been offline most of the last two days. The internet got so bad they finally removed the wires around my house and replaced them. The guy who took the one connecting me to the street away said it crumbled in his hands. He doesn't understand how I was getting any signal at all. hehe. I've been telling them this for years!

HP/SP: 28 (28) / 36 (36) | EAC/KAC: 18/18 | Init: +3 | Fort: +7; Ref: +8; Will: +4 | Resolve: 2 (5) | Perception: +6 Force Ward: 16 (16); regen 4 hp/min | Elemental Overflow (+2 to Dex)

I had something similar happen to me when I first moved into my current apartment, and after about 2 months of internet dropping or being basically unsuable (Which was a non-starter for me at the time cause I was monitoring servers in the evenings as a side gig) I told them that I would be suing for breach of contract if they didn't fix the internet and that I wasn't paying if they had to have a technician come and fix it; they sent a technician, who found the faulty wire on like the 3rd try, snipped it out, and then replaced it. He then told me that I was the first Centurylink customer he'd ever seen that had his work covered by the company.

Female Halfling Solarian | HP:51/51, SP:49/49, RP:8/9 | AC:20 | F:+6, R:+12, W:+7/+9v.Fear | Perc:+3, Init:+9 | 12v.Fire

Seems to be a lot of internet problems. A guy GM’ing both a PF and Shadowrun game from Florida eventually was able to get the message out on Discord.

Glad you’re back!

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