Baby Chimera

Charles Wilde's page

1,043 posts. Alias of Almonihah.

Full Name

Charles Wilde


| HP 55/55 SP 77/77 | KAC 23 EAC 21 | F +9 R +3 W +6 (+2 vs. mind-affecting) | Init +5 | Perc: +10 | RP 9/9 | Current form: Chimera


Head Text Key:
Bold--right 'dinosaur' head | Plain text--middle fox head | Italic--left jaguar head


Male Chimera... thing Soldier 7


Large (Medium)





Strength 23
Dexterity 12
Constitution 19
Intelligence 12
Wisdom 12
Charisma 8

About Charles Wilde

Large Magical Beast 'Deoxyian' Soldier (Chimeraborn) 7

Init +5; Perception +10

Defense SP 77 HP 55 RP 9
EAC 21; KAC 23
Fort +9; Ref +3; Will +6

Cold Resistance 5, Electricity Resistance 4, DR 8/Slashing or Bludgeoning, DR 1/-

Speed 50 ft., 30 ft fly (average)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Natural Weapons +13 | 1d6+18 damage (B/S)
Sword of Truth +13 | 1d8+15 damage (S)
Tactical Energy Converter +8 | 1d6+7 damage (C) | 90' range, explode 10', unwieldy | Critical Staggered
Offensive Abilities primary fighting style (blitz), melee striker, charge attack


Skills Athletics +19, Life Science +6, Medicine +9, Survival +11, Perception +11, Stealth +3, Intimidate +4
Feats Expanded Deoxyomorphism (crocodile--Armor Savant as Vesk), Expanded Deoxyomorphism (kasatha--extra arms), Skill Focus (Perception), Skill Focus (Athletics), Improved Unarmed Strike, Expanded Deoxymorphism (Void--flight, as strix), Expanded Deoxymorphism (Gargoyle--Wild Armor, DR 7/Bludgeoning or Slashing)
Racial Traits Deoxyomorphic Being (Kitsune (fox)--Low-Light Vision), Holistic Perfection (+2 Int, +2 Str, -2 Cha), natural weapons (as vesk, jaguar head), Darkvision 60' (nyssholora head), Quick Shapechange, Rapid Revival (as astrazoan, troll-based?), Cold Resistance (as vlaka), Many Minds, Some kind of Scent thing
Class features
Primary Combat Style (Blitz):
*Rapid Response
*Charge Attack
Gear Boost: Nimble Juggernaut
Temporal Scion: Skill Focus (Perception), Skill Focus (Athletics)
Chimeric Evolution: Breath Weapon (Sonic, as dragonborn, 1d3+9, DC 17, 30' cone)
Languages English, Spanish
Vesk Overplate I, medpatch, everyday clothing, field rations (1 week), flashlight, hygiene kit, industrial backpack, personal comm unit (cell phone?), Tactical Energy Converter, Sword of Truth, 2772 unspent CR,
Augmentations dragon gland, wyrmling (15-ft. cone, 3d6 A, Reflex DC 15 half), mk 2 synergizing symbiote (strength), mk 1 synergizing symbiote (constitution), gill sheath, minimal speed suspension (biotech version via adaptive biochains), dermal plating I(biotech via adaptive biochains), resistant hide II (electricity)

Appearance: Link