Joana |
Darla moves forward a bit and casts a light spell on someone's weapon.
She usually casts it on Gellius, but maybe Drake would also be a valid choice. (With Darla being rearguard, I confess I haven't been carefully watching what's been going on up front.)
The light spell basically lasts all day in 2e (until the caster's next daily spell preparation), but there can only be one active at a time. If you want to transfer it from Gellius's main-gauche to one of Drake's weapons, you can.
Joana |
I'm sorry to inform you that Steve PMed me last night to withdraw from the game, as his family situation is not improving.
Given the situation, I'm afraid I'm going to call time of death on this game. I apologize sincerely to those of you who are left: Profession Smith, who has been nothing but reliable from the beginning, and Kittenmancer and Javell, who barely had a chance to get their feet wet.
I'll wait a few days to make sure that everyone has seen the news and then mark the campaign inactive. Again, I'm sorry that it ended this way, but I don't feel like I have the emotional bandwidth to regain the lost momentum with new players.
Darla Uskwold |
Joana--Thanks for the opportunity, and thanks for your efforts to keep this game going for as long as you did. For the players--It was nice gaming with all of you!