About Darla UskwoldDarla Uskwold
Barkeep Background:
BARKEEP BACKGROUND You have five specialties: hefting barrels, drinking, polishing steins, drinking, and drinking. You worked in a bar, where you learned how to hold your liquor and rowdily socialize. Choose two ability boosts. One must be to Constitution or Charisma, and one is a free ability boost. You’re trained in the Diplomacy skill and the Alcohol Lore skill. You gain the Hobnobber skill feat. Attack Macros:
[dice=unarmed Strike (agile, finesse, nonlethal, unarmed)]1d20+7[/dice] for [dice=bludgeoning nonlethal damage]1d4[/dice] [dice=rapier (deadly d8, disarm, finesse)]1d20+7[/dice] for [dice=piercing damage]1d6[/dice] plus [dice=deadly damage on crit]1d8[/dice] [dice=dagger (agile, finesse, thrown 10 ft., versatile S]1d20+7[/dice] for [dice=piercing or slashing damage]1d4[/dice] [dice=light mace (agile, finesse, shove)]1d20+7[/dice] for [dice=bludgeoning damage]1d4[/dice] [dice=sap (agile, nonlethal)]1d20+4[/dice] for [dice=bludgeoning, nonlethal damage]1d6[/dice] [dice=sling (propulsive)]1d20+7[/dice] for [dice=bludgeoning damage]1d6[/dice]
============================= FEATS AND ABILITIES ============================= Incredible Initiative (from Versatile Heritage) Hobnobber (from Barkeep Background) Canny Acumen (Fort saves) (Ancestry feat--human; General Training) Lingering Composition (Bard class feat) Level One Feats:
INCREDIBLE INITIATIVE FEAT 1 GENERAL You react more quickly than others can. You gain a +2 circumstance bonus to initiative rolls. HOBNOBBER FEAT 1
Level Two Cantrip Expansion (Bard Feat 2) Hefty Hauler (Skill Feat 1) Level Two Feats:
CANTRIP EXPANSION FEAT 2 BARD Study broadens your range of simple spells. Add two additional cantrips from your spell list to your repertoire. HEFTY HAULER FEAT 1
SKILLS (Trained or greater in bold) Acrobatics +7 (T) (+4 Prof, +3 Dex) Arcana +1 (+1 Int) Athletics +4 (T) (+4 Prof) Craft +1 (+1 Int) Deception +8 (T) (+4 Prof, +4 Cha) Diplomacy +8 (T) (+4 Prof, +4 Cha) Intimidation +4 (+4 Cha) Lore (Alcohol) +5 (T) (+4 Prof, +1 Int) Medicine +0 Nature +0 Occultism +5 (T) (+4 Prof, +1 Int) Performance +8 (T) (+4 Prof, +4 Cha) Religion +0 Society +5 (T) (+4 Prof, +1 Int) Stealth +7 (T) (+4 Prof, +3 Dex) Survival +0 Thievery +3 (+3 Dex) ============================= EQUIPMENT ============================= EQUIPMENT (gp cost, Bulk) TOTAL BULK: 2.7 leather armor (2, 1) rapier (2, 1) dagger (.2, L) light mace (.4, L) sap (.1, L) sling (0, L) 10 sling bullets (.01, L) bandolier (.1, --) belt pouch (.04, --) hooded lantern (.7, L) material component pouch (.5, L) 2 pints oil (.02, --) 1 week’s rations (.4, L) waterskin (.05, L) 3 sheathes (.03, --) Weapons: rapier, dagger, light mace, sap, sling and 10 bullets
Total Bulk: 3 Bulk and 8L
Darla’s muse is, of course, none other than the town’s beloved founder, Lamond Breachton. Although she’s no wizard, Darla dabbles in magic and sees its value and potential. Like Breachton, Darla has a desire to help the unfortunate, and the young woman sees the value of inspiring generations of local heroes to deal with the area’s dangers and problems, possibly becoming the town's future leaders. Darla answered the Call of Heroes recently, joining the party led by Neven Deckard that killed or chased off a pack of wolves from the outlying farms a month or so back. Afterward, Neven tried to court the young bard and barkeep, but the two young people mixed like oil and water. The resultant awkwardness led Darla to leave Neven’s adventuring group, so she didn’t go off to investigate the alleged bandits congregating around Guardian’s Way. Old Background Stuff:
Although some of the locals initially expected the young bard to accept a Call for Heroes in the two years since her second-oldest brother did so and left town, most citizens now expect the gregarious young woman to remain in Breachill with her mother and perhaps take over proprietorship of the Wizard’s Grace once Trinil retires. In truth, Darla has been biding her time, waiting both for her younger brother Daltan to reach majority and for just the right mission to come along. That time has come. |