Faerin Cordova |
As the spider collapses, Faerin looks at it's body for a moment before going into action, swiftly removing tools from the satchel at her side, and a couple of empty vials, she begins to cut away at the creature's venom sacs.
Survival(DC = 15 + the dead creature’s CR): 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (6) + 15 = 21
From the poison harvesting rules entry:
Harvesting from Dead Creatures: Once a venomous creature is slain, its venom sacs can be removed, allowing 1 or more doses of its venom to be harvested for later use. In order to harvest venom, the creature must have been dead for less than 24 hours. Every hour the source creature has been dead reduces the lifespan of the harvested poison by an hour. Removing venom sacs is a messy and time-consuming process, requiring 10 minutes of work, access to surgical tools, and a container to store the venom in. If proper surgical tools are not available, a dagger or other light slashing weapon can be used, although this imposes a –2 penalty on checks to harvest the venom. The harvester must succeed at a Survival check (DC = 15 + the dead creature’s CR) in order to successfully harvest poison. On a success, the harvester acquires a single dose of the creature’s venom, plus 1 additional dose for every 5 by which the result of this check exceeded the DC (to a maximum number of doses equal to the creature’s Constitution modifier, minimum 1). Failing the check causes all of the venom to be lost. Failure by 5 or more exposes the harvester to 1d3 doses of the creature’s venom unless she has the poison use class feature.
Ekundayo 'Ekun' Vursi |
Fort Save: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (18) + 5 = 23
Ekun kicks the dead spider as it falls. A thin trail of fresh blood trickles down his arm from the fresh bite puncture marks. "Damned thing hurts." He looks it over to see if he got poisoned.
Faerin Cordova |
Etching a druidic symbol on the dark clay vial, Faerin quickly puts away the harvested poison and turns her attention to her companions. " how's everybody feeling? Harrim, other than the actual bites, do you feel any weaker, or tired?"
Galahad0430 |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
As you look around the cavern, it is obvious that this immense spider was what was creating all of the other outsized ones. With its death, the threat to the area should be neutralized.
I'm assuming that detect magic is a standard part of searching
This area was covered with webs until Faerin set them ablaze. Lying on the ground now are several corpses of differing sizes. You find three humanoid bodies. Most of their gear is in sad shape and worthless. However, you find a +1 Orc Double Axe, a +1 keen longsword, 3 potions of cure light wounds, and a + Mithral dagger. You also fins an assortment of coins worth 550 gp. In addition, you find three coins of unusual design and obvious antiquity.
Linzi of the Velvet Voice |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
I found pretty things! Ohhh. Look odd coins. Also, there's this bag of items- boots weapons and stuff that don't seem to be claimed by any of you. Are you certain that the rest of you can't use some of these cool things? The boots let you move faster. The ring, we still don't know what that does, is unclaimed. But that seems reasonable until we know what it actually does.
I updated the Kingmaker treasure sheet. people should jump on and claim items.
She seems truly perplexed at how she's not surrounded by treasure grabbers. Those personalities probably went with that slimeball Tartuccio. She's glad she is hanging with capable fighters and adventurers that aren't loothounds or quasits.
appraise: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (13) + 7 = 20 Appraise old coins. Appraise is +7. Knowledge local +9. +2 more if it's considered "local art".
Pyros Aldori |
Is there a link to the treasure sheet somewhere? I'm not seeing it.
Pyros cleans, then sheathes his blade. Examining the weapons, he shakes his head. "Nothing I can make much use of, though I suppose a spare dagger never hurt anybody. This really is a nice longsword, though. Someone should use it. The orcish axe...it would take special training to get good use out of it, I think."
Linzi of the Velvet Voice |
@Pyros. Here's the treasure link from the discussion thread.
This should like to message board post.
Just in case, here’s the Treasure Sheet link again. Treasure Sheet
Maybe the GM can do some magic to create a special link under the Campaign Info tab,
Ekundayo 'Ekun' Vursi |
Ekun grabs the keen longsword, holding the blade out into the torchlight." This is a decent blade. Won't be doing the spider's any good, but maybe it can take out those trolls." He wraps the scabbard around his hips. "Looks like we have the berries. Should we head on back?"
Faerin Cordova |
" it looks like we're taking care of everything here, that should be safe for Bokken to come back next time he wants to harvest berries. Latest cable no longer mean death of unfortunate travelers who wandered into it. Let's head back." Faerin agrees as they gather their findings.
Bokken the Alchemist |
Leaving the newly cleared caves behind, you begin traveling back to Oleg's. About an hour North of the caves, you see a gathering of carrion birds circling in the sky to the East. However, remembering Bokkem's admonition about need ing the berries fresh, and considering the lateness of the hour, you decide to go back to Oleg's first and jot down the location for future investigation.
You arrive at Oleg's by early evening. And Bokkem hurries to you to see your results.
"Did you get them? Let me see!"
Faerin Cordova |
"Yes we did! Quite a good harvest of them in fact, and we took care of the spiders, including the brood mother. It should be a much easier and safer to ask once more have grown." Faerin says with a smile, as she shows him the haul of berries.
Bokken the Alchemist |
Bokkem takes one of the berries and pops it in his mouth. A satisfied smile crosses his face.
"In my old age, I have lost most of my taste. Svetlana, bless her heart, tries to make me food to eat, but just about everything tastes like sawdust to me. I just can't eat. Fangbaerries are just about the only thing I can taste anymore so I use them to flavor my food."
Bokkem happily takes the berries you have.
"Here, this should do you nicely."
He hands you six potions, three Lesser Restorations, and three Cure Moderate Wounds.
Faerin Cordova |
Faerin smiles, resting a hand on the old man's shoulder.
"Enjoy them in good health." she says, accepting the potions and storing them to distribute later. "I'd say it was completely worth it Ekun."
"We should probably go and see if Pyros has found out anything from Oleg, and see if there were any developments while we were gone, before getting settled." she says to her companions.
Shayn Veilsong |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
The elven woman seems to be minding her own business; yet, her eyes fly stealthily curious on each new person that gets at her sight, as if she was obviously paranoid. She has some exotic beauty to her and adorns herself in revealing clothes, but is so skinny that certainly there are prettier elves.
With very light hair and pale eyes, she seems to be enjoying some sort of ale-looking cold beverage, while surrounded by what looks like crafting tools for tattoos and inks. Far from a merchant look, however, her somewhat varisian tattoos and overall behavior give her a shamanistic aura. That's probably what someone would guess from the inked sorceress.
If it wasn't, of course, for the fact that her breath seems to constantly expel a thin, cold smoke, as if she was in a much more frigid environment than the tradepost...
Linzi of the Velvet Voice |
In the main common area, certainly with a voice loud enough for Shayn to pick up every word, Linzi discusses matters of great importance.
So important, it's probable that the rest of the party doesn't give more than a head nod at her run-on sentences and motoring of the mouth.
Like that high cliff area we walked bye..... As soon as we pick some party leader and eventual monarch for this land. I call dibs on that high cliff there. I'm gonna make you call it *Linzi's Bluff*.
pausing only for a bit to let the play on words settle. With her cheery exuverance.
Get it?! Linzi, because I can bluff?
She raises her right hand up high and swishes it down quickly- In a dismissive motion.
Well, I'll help you out Ekun. I think we find a nice river crossing. Ekun's Ferry has a nice ring to it. If Oleg gets an "outpost" named after him, The rest of you should think about what landmarks you want named after you. As long as you don't die, there's a good chance my stories are going to make you *FAME-O-US*
She looks to the others to see if they have moniker ideas she can readily veto or endorse.
Linzi stops a bit passing Shayn. Now I can compose a story about you, lickedy split! "Sitting there breathing frost" is a power start to any character description!
She stares directly at the the skinny Virisian elf.
Pyros Aldori |
4 people marked this as a favorite. |
Pyros looks at the newcomer and, glancing down at Linzi, smiles a bit sheepishly. "You'll have to excuse our small friend. She...sometimes seems to have had Haste cast on her mouth. But she *is* quite the budding poet." he extends his right hand, which is, notably, covered with an intricate tattoo of twisting, intertwining rose vines, with crimson flowers interspersed randomly, including a particularly large one occupying the entire back of his right hand. "I am Pyros Aldori."
Shayn Veilsong |
The elf immediately smiles to the halfling. Lickedy split, she thought, How spirited!. She then stood up, as Pyros approached, and extended her hand responding to his compliment.
Oh, I don't mind at all! - she says, still smiling. Her teeth were a lot cleaner than the average - Nice to meet you, sir. Or should I say lord? Aldori, like lady Jamandi?
She paused for a moment.
My name is Shayn. Shayn Veilsong... And I'm here by her recommendations. - she completed, showing the sealed letter with the Aldori heraldry that she presented to Oleg when arrived.
Faerin Cordova |
Faerin manages not to roll her eyes as Linzi goes on and on about naming things in the area. Cliffs, rivers and streams didn't care what they were called, and neither did the spirits within, both of which would long outlive the people who deigned to name them.
Noticing the exotic-looking tattooed and painted elven woman watching them, she walks over to where Pyros introduces himself after Linzi points her out, joining the conversation. ” Nice to meet you Shayn, I’m Faerin. You’ve already experience Linzi, and these are Harrim and Ekun!”
Ekundayo 'Ekun' Vursi |
Ekun restrings his bow while leaning on against the large post. "Seems I am far from home...but trapped here for now." He mumbles to himself and looks to the sky, his thoughts elsewhere. I will make it back to you, I promise.
His eyes move up as a newcomer emerges from the Inn. He gives a small nod as he is introduced. "You come across any Temples on your way here?"
Ekundayo 'Ekun' Vursi |
Not so much him wanting to leave right away, was more of on investigative question since we are searching for a Temple correct? He doesn't like to beat around the bush, angry at himself for missing his revenge.
Shayn Veilsong |
Shayn looks at Ekun, inquisitively, and then sits down again. The elf crosses her legs, leaving little skin for curiosity, before speaking.
Well, you will have to be a lot more specific, darling. I bet we all came across temples on our way here, as the religious folk seems to have a knack for liking them. - she answers with a smirk, letting her body weight against the chair.
I will probably need the GM to answer for me, as I have no idea what Ekun's talking about :)
Ekundayo 'Ekun' Vursi |
"Maybe one of them was the one that Jhod was looking for. This Temple of the Elk." Ekun sets his bow down and grabs a mug to relax a bit, "Who would recommend to come out to the River Kingdom? Someone playing a joke on you?"
Shayn Veilsong |
Warmer than I'd like, definitely! - said Shayn, answering Faerin - And I can see you have a bit of elf in you, huh?
When Ekun finally continues, she takes some time to think. After a while, she answers.
No... I don't recall any temples for elks, or a Temple of the Elk even. - her answer sounds sincere, despite her tone being forever full of cynicism - Lady Jamandi Aldori gave me the recommendation letter. She seems to have trust a set of tasks to a local group of explorers, whom I was told I'd find here at Oleg's... And whom I believe I'm talking to at this point.
Pyros Aldori |
Backing up just a second...
Pyros nods when Shayn introduces herself. "I am a member of the Aldori Swordpact, yes. But I am a humble and low-ranking initiate, far beneath the likes of Lady Jamandi. Nevertheless, she did choose me for this mission, which I hope represents her faith in my potential."
Linzi of the Velvet Voice |
tasks to a local group of explorers
The cute as a button halfling agrees. With her brown hair bobbing up and down, and counting on her fingers.
We are explorers. Ticking off a finger that has guitar calouses on the tips.We are spider killers.
We are big, bad and powerful- like dominating the region.
They are Bandit dispersers. She then adds in a whisper, and four fingers ticked off..
They took on the bandits without me. So I can't take credit where none is due.
back in a normal voice.
And the man you are talking to... Mr. "humble servant" is awesome! He has already been all *stern judge* and executioner. That's a nickname I got for him. THE EXECUTIONER.
Linzi works in some of this to give Pyros a bit of embarrassment.
If she can, she'll try swiping and hiding Ekun's ale for a very short bit. Making Ekun look for it in puzzlement and then returning it (untouched) back to the table. When/if discovered, she exclaims," Just playing with you big man.
Galahad0430 |
Octavia and Regongar are ecstatic about being free from the Technic League, but you can tell they are also both apprehensive about their freedom. They tell you that the Technic League and their ex-master, Maester Janosh, in particular, are not forgiving of escaped slaves and hunt them ruthlessly. They wish to stay here for now.
Oleg tells you that some wild woman, who was rather rude, and carried a monstrous sword. came by asking about you, but he was unsure what to tell her so he didn't give her any real information. The woman had little patience and left to look for you she said.
Faerin Cordova |
Warmer than I'd like, definitely! - said Shayn, answering Faerin - And I can see you have a bit of elf in you, huh?
“ Yeah,” Faerin says with a grin, running her fingers through her hair over a pointed ear. ” Though my knowledge of elven history and culture is pretty limited, never actually met my father.” she continues with a shrug.
Considering the early summer weather, still trending toward relatively cool nights, Shayn's scant attire, and comment about the warmth, as well as her pale hair and eyes, and the intriguing exhalation of mist, when no one else’s breath did the same, Faerin ventures a guess.
”From far north, the land of the winter witches?” she asks. ” Not too many that would consider it that warm right now….give it a couple of months and it’ll be sweltering.”
Shayn Veilsong |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Bluff: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (15) + 1 = 16
Ooooh, witches. - Shayn says, making a gesture as to downplay what Faerin said - I'm Ilverani, so I guess you're right in the far north thing. Besides it, everything else are just labels.
Intimidate: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (16) + 5 = 21
She stands up again and approaches. Despite not being tall at all for an elf and having almost a frail looking figure, her clothes and shamanistic tattoos do lend her a sinister aura.
I do dabble in the arcane arts, but I'm merely an apprentice at such. Still, I came in the hope of providing you support in the Stolen Lands. I am sure our interests are aligned! - she completes, trying to find common ground.
In her hand, through gestures and arcane words, she forms a crude-looking rose of ice. The materials are so fragile they barely last beyond a few seconds, as she blows it giving the closer people a subtle but enjoyable chilly sensation. She smiles in a peaceful manner.
Just prestidigitation, and just for flavor. She's careful enough as to do it with more innocent, non-threatening dancing-like movements.
Linzi of the Velvet Voice |
OHHHH!! an Ice Rose! That is so pretty. Hey Ekun, look what Shayn just did. This one knows a thing or two about -----well cool things.
She beams a big smile with rosy cheeks.
Pardon the pun Shayn! And for how good my story will be with *y-o-u* in it, I DEMAND that you join us as we check out some circling crows, and Elk Temples. You can even see Linzi's Bluff from the valley we'll travel through.
Shayn's rose making is just the distraction she was looking for to see if Ekun bothers to look and will OPB (other people's beer) his tankard.
not bothering to roll, the other PC can choose to catch her or not. She's trying to cheer up Ekun and knows he's a bit down in the dumps.
Ekundayo 'Ekun' Vursi |
Ekun hadn't been around magic a whole lot and it does indeed amaze him. Amaze him and also scares him to his core. "Rather have her on our side than against us. That's for sure little one." Ekun offers a forced smile as he drinks his pint of ale. "But, the main question remains. Where do we go?"
Even with his body bandaged and sore from the spiders, Ekun was eager to get out there. He didn't care much of the cost and was willing to push himself. into danger after danger after danger.
Faerin Cordova |
Faerin's eyes widen for a moment as Shayn's approach triggers the primal instinctive sense of a predator's presence. The druidess' eyes narrow as she completes the distance, conjuring a rose of ice before dissolving into mist.
Quiet for a few heartbeats as she studies the other woman, not breaking eye contact as she weighs the potential intent behind the veiled threat, and the likely motivation in making it.
"I judge people based on their actions, not taproom rumors and old wives tales, so you have nothing to fear on that front. Seeking to find a pack to run with is basic nature. I think you'd make us stronger....and gain people to watch your back."
Usually you can't use intimidate on other players but...