GM Silbeg's Academy of Secrets (Inactive)

Game Master Silbeg

Handouts and tactical

Current Characters

Cruel Devotee
Scarab Sages Balik Ulfenssen

M Male LN Ulfen Human Monk (wanderer) 11, Shaman (lore) 3 | HP: 107/112 | AC: 35 (29 tch, 28 Fl) | CMB: +15 (22 trip) CMD: 37 (43 vs trip) | F: +12, R: +15 W: +20 (+2 vs exhaustion/fatigue, +4 vs prone) | Init: +5 | Perc: +23, SM: +26 | Speed 60 | Spells: n/a | Active conditions: snake style

played by James Martin (236 posts)
The Exchange Bubbles, the coonskin cap

Male Cassisian Angel Improved Familiar/14 | HP 48/48 | AC 21, TAC 11, FFAC 14, 7 CMD, 19 SR | Fort +10, +16 Reflex, +4 Will | Conditions: Detect Evil, Know Direction | DR 5/cold iron or evil; Immune acid, cold, petrification, Resist 5 electricity 10, fire 10

played by Zuckerman's Famous (26 posts)
Grand Lodge Chak Yuen Chen

Chaotic Neutral Tengu Slayer 13 (Sheet) (Equipment) | HP: 108/108 | AC: 20 (13 T, 18 F) (+4 vs traps) | CMD: 32 (+4 vs traps) | F: 13, R: 14 (evasion, +5 vs traps), W: 13 | Init: 12 | Perc: 30 (36 vs traps, trap spotter) | Speed 30 |
Tracked Resources:
Tactician 1/1 | Slayer's Advance 1/1 | Reroll 1/1

played by Michael Hallet (705 posts)
Dark Archive Emberwik

LN Ifrit Oracle(Shadow/Blackened) 13| HP 98/120 | AC24 T14 FF20| CMD 21 | Fort 11 Ref 11 Will 11 | Speed 30ft | Initiative +8| Buffs: Cloak of Darkness, Shadow's Endurance, Delay Poison, Death Ward
Flying 11/13 Minutes, Shadow Form 13/13 Minutes, Cloak of Darkness 9/13 Hours

played by Kyle "Worg" H (345 posts)
Member of the Esoteric Order of the Palatine Eye
Dark Archive GM Silbeg

Fury's Toll | MotD

played by Silbeg (6,808 posts)
Risi Nairgon
Liberty's Edge Molly the Lost

Female Human Archer 5 / Darechaser 10 / Unchained Rogue 2 | HP 110/110 | AC 34(30), TAC 18, FFAC 29(25), 34 CMD | +17 Fort , +21 Reflex, +15 Will | +5 Init | 14 Rounds of Adrenaline | Conditions: Detect Evil, Know Direction, Trapfinding +25, Evasion |

played by Zuckerman's Famous (293 posts)

Previous Characters

Scarab Sages Kyle "Worg" H

Pathfinder Society Subscriber | Venture Agent
(535 posts)
Shoanti Tribesman
Grand Lodge Huritt Two-hoof

played by Granta (170 posts)
Grand Lodge Riddywipple the Spectacular

played by Granta (49 posts)