[Outpost II] PFS #10-03 Death on the Ice - Author Run (Inactive)

Game Master Scott Young

Tactical map - the excavation site

Travel map 1 - Lands of the Linnorm Kings

Travel map 2 - Crown of the World

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Silver Crusade

Dwarf Phalanx Soldier 6 / Tortured Crusader 3| AC32 T16 F30 | HP 82/109 | CMD:26 | F:+15 R:+8 W:+9 | Init:+1 | Perception: +5 | Lay on Hands 0/2, Smite Evil: 1/1, Ready Pike: 1/1 | Active Effects: haste, Power Attack ,endure elements

Agent No.: 156828-8
Player: Ward Davis (DM Livgin)
Faction: Silver Crusade
Experience: 24
Prestige: 26
Fame: 38
Gold: 8578

Sovereign Court

NG Dwarf Barbarian 9 / Fighter 1

Think the chronicle stuff was on the first page for me.
(second post in fact!)

Dark Archive

[ HP 65/65 | AC 18/12T/16FF | Fort +8, Ref +9, Will +11 | Init +2 | Perception +2 | |Diplo +34| CMD 19 | Resist 5 Cold/Acid/Elect ]
Mage Armor 10 hours

Agent No.: 128404-3
Player: Tech55b
Faction: Dark Archives
Day job: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (11) + 6 = 17
Normal Xp Progression
Email: anthony55b@hotmail.com

Dark Archive

Female Human Conjurer 9 | HP 74/74 | Init+2 | F:+11 R: +9 W: +12

5th post for me

Slow Track

Sovereign Court

Spells left: 1st 7/8, 2nd 8/8, 3rd 5/7, 4th 6/6, 5th 3/4; Fire Ray 9/9; Efreeti Form 1/1; Mnemonic Vestment 1/1; Pyrotechnics 1/1; Dancing Lights 3/3
HP 52/52, AC 20/T 14/F 18, Init +2, Perc +1/darkvision, Fort +9, Ref +8, Will +11, CMB +5/19

Player Name: Scott Gustafson
PC Name: LifeLover
PFS #: 126926-4
Faction: Sovereign Court
Day Job: Profession (courtesan): 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (9) + 5 = 14
XP: 26 (Normal speed)
Fame: 48
Prestige: 24
Wealth: 6226g

Dark Archive

Female Human Conjurer 9 | HP 74/74 | Init+2 | F:+11 R: +9 W: +12
GM Lamplighter wrote:
I've already rolled the durations for the blindess for everyone affected - you don't get that foreknowledge.

I don't think you did? I think the demon was skipped due to some SR related confusion. I could be mistaken, but I couldn't find it anywhere.

Dark Archive

Female Human Conjurer 9 | HP 74/74 | Init+2 | F:+11 R: +9 W: +12
GM Lamplighter wrote:
Please try to write conditional orders for multiple creatures, as it's not feasible to stop and update several times during one player's turn.

It was late Thursday evening and my daughter was very demanding, so a quick post was all I had time for.

Also I'd never would have thought Violet would survive the 18+13+14+14-3xDR damage on top of the damage from last turn and the damage done by Mason!

Lilybeth Zey wrote:
GM Lamplighter wrote:
I've already rolled the durations for the blindess for everyone affected - you don't get that foreknowledge.
I don't think you did? I think the demon was skipped due to some SR related confusion. I could be mistaken, but I couldn't find it anywhere.

Do creatures automatically know the duration of variable-effect spells they suffer? I don't think there's any rule to that effect. Often in FtF I roll it openly so I have less tot rack, but in PbP it's easy to keep it secret to preserve the mystery.

Sovereign Court

Spells left: 1st 7/8, 2nd 8/8, 3rd 5/7, 4th 6/6, 5th 3/4; Fire Ray 9/9; Efreeti Form 1/1; Mnemonic Vestment 1/1; Pyrotechnics 1/1; Dancing Lights 3/3
HP 52/52, AC 20/T 14/F 18, Init +2, Perc +1/darkvision, Fort +9, Ref +8, Will +11, CMB +5/19
GM Lamplighter wrote:
Do creatures automatically know the duration of variable-effect spells they suffer? I don't think there's any rule to that effect. Often in FtF I roll it openly so I have less tot rack, but in PbP it's easy to keep it secret to preserve the mystery.

I like the mystery myself, adds more realism to the fantasy. I doubt a character or a monster would know the exact length of the debuff but I as the caster would know it is not too long since I cast the spell and know the max would be say 5 rounds. Then I could choose to do nothing for a few rounds and see if it clears up. Or if I'm told bad things are happening, then I need to clear that condition immediately and join back in the battle. In that way I try not to let my player knowledge interfere with my character's knowledge.

And tracking that for PbP is so much easier than in person. I can just make a note of the current status and refer back to it whenever needed much to my players annoyance (they hate to be reminded on how many hit points they are down). I do that with index cards for each player in person.

Sovereign Court

NG Dwarf Barbarian 9 / Fighter 1

Ya, its no fun if you know.

The uncertainty adds some excitement to it all. =)

Dark Archive

Female Human Conjurer 9 | HP 74/74 | Init+2 | F:+11 R: +9 W: +12
GM Lamplighter wrote:
Lilybeth Zey wrote:
GM Lamplighter wrote:
I've already rolled the durations for the blindess for everyone affected - you don't get that foreknowledge.
I don't think you did? I think the demon was skipped due to some SR related confusion. I could be mistaken, but I couldn't find it anywhere.
Do creatures automatically know the duration of variable-effect spells they suffer? I don't think there's any rule to that effect. Often in FtF I roll it openly so I have less tot rack, but in PbP it's easy to keep it secret to preserve the mystery.

True, and I quite often do the same when I GM, it is just that you rolled in the open for everyone, except for the Ceustodaemon, who was falsely attributed SR in that same post, so I honestly thought you forgot.

Lilybeth Zey wrote:
...I honestly thought you forgot.

No problem, I should have been more clear. Thanks!

Silver Crusade

Dwarf Phalanx Soldier 6 / Tortured Crusader 3| AC32 T16 F30 | HP 82/109 | CMD:26 | F:+15 R:+8 W:+9 | Init:+1 | Perception: +5 | Lay on Hands 0/2, Smite Evil: 1/1, Ready Pike: 1/1 | Active Effects: haste, Power Attack ,endure elements

What is the over/under on wrapping up before Paizocon?

Hi folks, I'll do Chronicles tonight. Sorry for the slowness during this game, things were a bit crazy on the home front. Enjoy PaizoCon, those of you who are attending.

Thanks for your patience on this game - I made far too many mistakes, clearly I haven't run enough PbP for a while. I hope you enjoyed the scenario. You were all fun to ahve at the "table", hopefully we'll cross paths again!


GM Lamplighter wrote:
Please also provide your starting gold and starting XP/fame/prestige so I can fill them in.

Missing this for Sickly, Loxx, Bertha, and Lilybeth.

Dark Archive

Female Human Conjurer 9 | HP 74/74 | Init+2 | F:+11 R: +9 W: +12
GM Lamplighter wrote:
GM Lamplighter wrote:
Please also provide your starting gold and starting XP/fame/prestige so I can fill them in.

Missing this for Sickly and Lilybeth.


Starting Gold: 2173
Fame: 51
Prestige: 21

Chronicle link

Dark Archive

Female Human Conjurer 9 | HP 74/74 | Init+2 | F:+11 R: +9 W: +12
GM Lamplighter wrote:

Hi folks, I'll do Chronicles tonight. Sorry for the slowness during this game, things were a bit crazy on the home front. Enjoy PaizoCon, those of you who are attending.

Thanks for your patience on this game - I made far too many mistakes, clearly I haven't run enough PbP for a while. I hope you enjoyed the scenario. You were all fun to ahve at the "table", hopefully we'll cross paths again!


Thanks for running! Really enjoyed the scenario, especially the rich background! Looking forward to GMing this locally!

Sovereign Court

Spells left: 1st 7/8, 2nd 8/8, 3rd 5/7, 4th 6/6, 5th 3/4; Fire Ray 9/9; Efreeti Form 1/1; Mnemonic Vestment 1/1; Pyrotechnics 1/1; Dancing Lights 3/3
HP 52/52, AC 20/T 14/F 18, Init +2, Perc +1/darkvision, Fort +9, Ref +8, Will +11, CMB +5/19
GM Lamplighter wrote:
Chronicle link

Sheet is missing your signature, PFS number, and all the other GM fields at the bottom.

Liberty's Edge

Neutral Good Human Barbarian (Unchained) 6/Druid 4 (Sheet) | HP: 100+20/100 DR3/- Resist 1 cold | AC: 23 (12 T, 19 F) | CMD: 30 | F: 16, R: 10, W: 14 | Init: 4 | Perc: 16 | Speed 50 |
Tracked Resources:
Unchained Rage 11/17 | Growth 1/5 | Pearl of Power I 2/2 | Reroll 0/1

xp 26
fame 42
prestige 16
gold 5523

Silver Crusade

Dwarf Phalanx Soldier 6 / Tortured Crusader 3| AC32 T16 F30 | HP 82/109 | CMD:26 | F:+15 R:+8 W:+9 | Init:+1 | Perception: +5 | Lay on Hands 0/2, Smite Evil: 1/1, Ready Pike: 1/1 | Active Effects: haste, Power Attack ,endure elements

Thank you for the game. It was a pleasure!

Still don't have XP/GP/Starting Fame/Prestige from Sickly or Bertha, and need starting XP for Lilybeth.

Draft Chronciles are available at the link above for those folks. Also updated LifeLover's with signature.

Sovereign Court

NG Dwarf Barbarian 9 / Fighter 1

Could fill them in ourselves, but if you want it:

XP: 23
GP: 20446
Fame: 43
Prestige: 35

Dark Archive

Female Human Conjurer 9 | HP 74/74 | Init+2 | F:+11 R: +9 W: +12
GM Lamplighter wrote:
Still don't have XP/GP/Starting Fame/Prestige from Sickly or Bertha, and need starting XP for Lilybeth.

XP: 25.5

Sovereign Court

NG Dwarf Barbarian 9 / Fighter 1

Oops, realized upon reevaluation, that I have 24 xp, not 23!

Error in the previous post. The rest is correct.

Scarab Sages

[ HP 44/44 | AC 18/12T/17FF | Fort +4, Ref +5, Will +11 | Init +1 | Perception +6 | CMD 16 | DR 5/Lethal | Resist 5 Cold/Acid/Elect ] Aasimar Sorc 4 / Bloatmage 4

OPPS just realised i posted my details as barnette not Bertha.

Agent No.: 128404-4
Player: Tech55b
Faction: Dark Archives
Day job: n/a
Normal Xp Progression
Email: anthony55b@hotmail.com

Sovereign Court

NG Dwarf Barbarian 9 / Fighter 1

We hunting wabbits?

Curious to close this out if we're finished. =)

Downloaded the chronicle... curious about the crossed off items.
I assume we missed an encounter... but why are lower tier things x'd out?

Bertha, do I have to redo your Chronicle?

Sickly: yes, we're done. Crossed-off items are from the road not taken. Had you headed straight for the excavation site without looking for the saumen kar, you would have found a horrible quallipiluk witch and her merrow minions, luring you towards some thin ice in with a dead Ulfen. There are items in both subtiers that you didn't encounter.

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