The Gauntlet of Malum (Inactive)

Game Master rorek55

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Half-orc Warpriest 6 | HP: 21/45 | AC: 32 (14 tch, 28 Fl) | CMB: +12 CMD: 24 | F: +12, R: +9, W: +12 | Init: +8 | Perc: +13 (Darkvision 60) | Speed 40 ground / 70 fly| Resist Cold (10)

I don't mean to criticize your approach at all Mu, just noting how different our two are. Mine did just get me hit for more than half of my HP, so there might be flaws with it (though it was a relatively lucky roll for the devil.)

Male Tiefling (Div-Spawned) Enlightened Paladin 6 | HP: 44/46 | AC: 23 [28B] (23 [27B] tch, 11 [14B] FF) | CMB: +4 [2B] CMD: 27 [26B]| F: +12, R: +13 [15B], W: +12 | Init: +5 [7B]|Perception: +2 (Darkvision 60) | Resist 5 cold, fire, electricity | Lay on Hands 7/9

Your flat footed AC is 28. Mine is 11, lol.

EDIT: Ah, apparently size bonuses to AC apply to flat footed AC, I think. And I think I also gain a +1 natural armor bonus, so I'm apparently at 14 flat footed.

I guess I'm pretty much the opposite of you (high touch, low flat-footed vs high flat-footed and low touch).

Half-orc Warpriest 6 | HP: 21/45 | AC: 32 (14 tch, 28 Fl) | CMB: +12 CMD: 24 | F: +12, R: +9, W: +12 | Init: +8 | Perc: +13 (Darkvision 60) | Speed 40 ground / 70 fly| Resist Cold (10)

Yeah, I've got a little dex, (I think that at level 12 I'll be dual wielding falcatas instead of two handing one like I am now,) but most of my AC is from the armor, natural armor and enhancement bonuses. Not a lot of dodge in there, and I lose some from being large.

It's nice that different approaches can be viable!

Silver Crusade

Hey All, I have sad news, some things came up this past weekend that will likely keep a large portion of my attention for awhile. As such, I wanted to ask your collective opinion on the game. I will have to withdraw from some games I am in as well, and Since I was the one who decided to run a game, I am giving you, the players, a choice for its fate. We have 3 options as I see it.

Option 1. End the game. Sad as I would be as I was extremely interested in seeing your builds come together and grow (particularly the mini-army wizard that one rarely gets to see in actual games) This is an option.

Option 2. Place the game on haitus, this would be anywhere from several weeks to several months, depending on how things work out.

Option 3. This becomes a weekly game of sorts. With me trying to get a post out once or twice a week. This would hopefully keep the game going, but also comes with its own issues.

P.S. I thought of another potential option in addition to option 3, we could cut down on the amount of enemies in a gauntlet if you wanted. Though this would lessen the strain/test of builds.

Let me know your thoughts, and I am sincerely sorry that this occurred.

M Male N Tiefling Kinetecist 6 | HP: 57/81 | AC: 22 (15 tch, 18 Fl) | CMB: +4 CMD: 18 | F: +15, R: +12, W: +8 | Init: +6 | Perc: +15 (Darkvision 60) SM: +6 | Speed 20 | Active conditions: | Non-Lethal: 18 | DR 6/Adamantine | Resist 7 cold, acid, fire, elec | Internal Buffer 1/1 | 15% negation of crits/snk attks | Burn: 3 (max 8)

Option 3 sounds fine to me.

Male Half Orc Armoured Hulk Barbarian HP 76/77(94/95) Lv 6 AC 23/ 21 tch Ac 12/10 Flat 21/19 Rage 16/17 Renewed Vigor 0/1 Orc Ferocity 1/1 Potions of Enlarge 7/8 Elemental Blood Lesser Electricity 2/3

OPTION 3 sounds ok to me

Male Tiefling (Div-Spawned) Enlightened Paladin 6 | HP: 44/46 | AC: 23 [28B] (23 [27B] tch, 11 [14B] FF) | CMB: +4 [2B] CMD: 27 [26B]| F: +12, R: +13 [15B], W: +12 | Init: +5 [7B]|Perception: +2 (Darkvision 60) | Resist 5 cold, fire, electricity | Lay on Hands 7/9

Option 3 might be best for everyone. I'm pretty busy myself. But I definitely still like the game.

Half-orc Warpriest 6 | HP: 21/45 | AC: 32 (14 tch, 28 Fl) | CMB: +12 CMD: 24 | F: +12, R: +9, W: +12 | Init: +8 | Perc: +13 (Darkvision 60) | Speed 40 ground / 70 fly| Resist Cold (10)

If weekly is sustainable I'm fine with that, but I'd try to go with one a week rather than once or twice. I think that makes it less likely to feel like you're missing posts you said you'd make (which I think makes it more likely to miss future posts.) Posting once a week with the option to say "This week didn't work, I'll get you next week!" as totally acceptable would be my recommendation.

Don't push yourself harder than you've got time for, but I would like to keep playing if possible and I've got no problem if that's posting every week or two. We're not going to lose track of the plot in this one!

Human Sorceress 5 / Soul Warden 7 | HP: 94/108 | AC: 26 (16 T, 23 FF) | CMD: 20 | Fort: +10, Ref: +9, Will: +11 | Init: +10 | Perception +15 | | Channel 9/10| Active conditions: none |
1st: 4/8, 2nd: 4/8, 3rd 2/8:, 4th: 4/7, 5th: 3/6, 6th: 2/4
Flight, Heroism, Mage Armor, PfE, 2 Mirrors

Fine by me

Half-orc Warpriest 6 | HP: 21/45 | AC: 32 (14 tch, 28 Fl) | CMB: +12 CMD: 24 | F: +12, R: +9, W: +12 | Init: +8 | Perc: +13 (Darkvision 60) | Speed 40 ground / 70 fly| Resist Cold (10)

Oh, and my preference would be to keep the number of enemies up rather than dropping it as long as we're still going. Especially for the higher level gauntlets I think that'll push us in a way that's more enjoyable. I'd certainly still play if we dropped down to less battles, but going through the meat grinder is part of the appeal here!

By the way, thank you for letting us know what's happening and soliciting the input! It's much appreciated!

Elf Wizard (Conjuration - Teleportation) 6

I'm certainly fine with once a week being the standard, with the option for skip weeks. Managing six combats at once is quite the feat!

Human Sorceress 5 / Soul Warden 7 | HP: 94/108 | AC: 26 (16 T, 23 FF) | CMD: 20 | Fort: +10, Ref: +9, Will: +11 | Init: +10 | Perception +15 | | Channel 9/10| Active conditions: none |
1st: 4/8, 2nd: 4/8, 3rd 2/8:, 4th: 4/7, 5th: 3/6, 6th: 2/4
Flight, Heroism, Mage Armor, PfE, 2 Mirrors

since the once a week thing didn't work, could you please deactivate the campaign, or at least kick me? I'd like to clean up my campaign tab in the profile.

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