About Yolo LaelsiolaeStats:
Ability Scores: Str 8 (-1) (8 base) Dex 16 (+3) (14 base +2 Racial) Con 12 (+1) (14 base -2 Racial) Int 19 (+4) (16 base +2 Racial +1 Level) Wis 12 (+1) (12 base) Cha 14 (+2) (14 base) Defense:
Augment Summoning (Level 1): +4 Str/Con Enhancement bonus on summoned creatures. Spell Focus- Conjuration (Elf Illustrious Urbanite): +1 DC on Conjuration spells, also known as the prerequisite for the summoning feats. Scribe Scroll (Wizard 1 Bonus): Can craft scrolls. Craft Wondrous Items (Level 3): Can craft magic items of the wondrous variety. Craft Construct (Wizard 5 Bonus): I am allowed to craft constructs, nifty. Craft Arms and Armor(Level 5): Can craft magic items of the arms and armor variety. Proficiencies:
36 Points (12 Wizard, 24 Int) *Denotes class skill Trained Skills *Craft (Painting) +13 (6 ranks +4 Int +3 Trained)
Untrained Skills: Acrobatics +3 (+3 Dex)
Level 1: 3 Base +1 Int +1 Conjuration Mage Armor x1, Protection From Evil x1, Protection from Chaos x1, Shield x1, Windy Escape x1 All but Windy Escape cast. Level 2: 3 Base +1 Int +1 Conjuration Invisibility x1, Summon Monster II x2, False Life x1, See Invisibility x1 Summon Monster II and See Invisibility Left Level 3: 2 Base +1 Int +1 Conjuration Haste x3, Summon Monster III x1 All left Mage Armor: Conjuration(creation)[force], Level 1
Protection from Evil: Abjuration[good], level 1
Protection from Chaos: As above, but Chaos. Shield: Abjuration[force], level 1
Windy Escape: Transmutation[Air], level 1
False Life: Necromancy, Level 2
Invisibility: Illusion(glamer), Level 2
Bull's Strength Bear's Endurance (paid for) Cat's Grace (paid for) Glitterdust (paid for) Summon Monster II: Conjuration(summoning), Level 2
See Invisibility (paid for) Haste: Transmutation, Level 3, prepared 3 times.
Summon Monster III: Conjuration(summoning), Level 3
Silver Darts
1 Scroll of Mage Armor, 12.5 crafted.
40 gold spent writing See Invisibility into spellbook.
4 Scrolls of Swarm of Fangs -> Total 675 cost crafted 15,121.5 spent total. Class Abilities:
Dropped Schools: Enchantment, Evocation Summoner’s Charm (Su)
Shift (Su): At 1st level, you can teleport to a nearby space as a swift action as if using dimension door. This movement does not provoke an attack of opportunity. You must be able to see the space that you are moving into. You cannot take other creatures with you when you use this ability (except for familiars). You can move 5 feet for every two wizard levels you possess (minimum 5 feet). You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Intelligence modifier. Arcane Bond: An ring, for bookkeeping ease. I already have enough action economy.
Racial Abilities:
Fey Thoughts: Add Disguise and Stealth to class skills. Replaces Weapon Familiarity. Illustrious Urbanite: Gain Spell Focus Conjuration. Replaces Keen Senses. Low Light Vision: See twice as far in the dark. Elven Immunities: Elves are immune to magic sleep effects and gain a +2 racial saving throw bonus against enchantment spells and effects. Elven Magic: Elves receive a +2 racial bonus on caster level checks made to overcome spell resistance. In addition, elves receive a +2 racial bonus on Spellcraft skill checks made to identify the properties of magic items. For Later:
https://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/core-classes/wizard/arcane-discoveries/arc ane-discoveries-paizo/idealize-su Useful CopyPasta:
Buffing Routine: Always: Ja Noi Red: Change Shape, self, unlimited. Ja Noi Blue: Change Shape, self, unlimited. Yolo Fake: [dice=Disguised as Yolo Real]1d20+23[/dice] First: Yolo Fake: Mage Armor, Self, 6 Hours Yolo Real: Mage Armor, Self, 6 Hours Second: Yolo Fake: [dice=False Life]1d10+6[/dice], Self, 6 hours Yolo Real:[dice=False Life]1d10+6[/dice], Self, 6 hours Third: Yolo Fake: Protection from Evil, Self, 60 rounds Yolo Real: Protection from Evil, self, 60 rounds Fourth: Yolo Fake: Protection from Chaos, Self, 60 rounds Yolo Real: Protection from Chaos, self, 60 rounds Fifth: Yolo Fake: Shield, Self, 60 rounds Yolo Real: Shield, self, 60 rounds Sixth: Yolo Fake: Invisibility, Self, 60 rounds Yolo Real: Invisibility, self, 60 rounds Ja Noi Red: Fly, Novenarut, 60 rounds Seventh: Yolo Fake: Cat's Grace scroll, Self, 30 rounds Yolo Real: Cat's Grace scroll, self, 30 rounds Ja Noi Red: Fly, Yolo Fake, 60 rounds Ja Noi Blue: Fly, Yolo Real, 60 rounds Eighth: Yolo Fake: Bear's Endurance scroll, self, 30 rounds Yolo Real: Bear's Endurance scroll, self, 30 rounds Ja Noi Red: Fly, Self, 60 rounds Ja Noi Blue: Fly, Self, 60 rounds Ninth Prep: Ja Noi Red: Bull's Strength, Self, 60 Rounds Ja Noi Blue: Bull's Strength, Self, 60 Rounds Yolo Fake: Haste, all, 6 rounds Yolo Real: Mage Armor Scroll, Novenarut, 1 hour Novenarut: Keen Edge, self, 1 hour Total Buffs Upon first round of Combat:
Ja Noi Longbow Attack: