About Aja.Female Human (Keleshite) Sorcerer 5 / Soul Warden 7
Sorcerer Spells Known CL 12th (+1 for evocation); concentration +19
Blasting Spells:
6th: chain lightning (DC 24, 13d6+13), Quickened Empowered Searing Light ((10d6)*1.5+15), Quickened Scorching Ray (3 rays, 4d6+8)
5th: Empowered Fireball (DC 21, (10d6)*1.5+30) 4th: Empowered Scorching Ray (3 rays, (4d6)*1.5+12), Wall of Fire (2d6+17), Quickened Searing Light (10d6+10) 3rd: Empowered Ectoplasmic Searing Light ((10d6)*1.5+15), Fireball (DC 21, 10d6+20) 2nd: Empowered Searing Light ((10d6)*1.5+15), Scorching Ray (3 rays, 4d6+8) 1st: Searing Light (10d6+10), Ectoplasmic Searing Light (10d6+10) Soul Warden Channel Casting CL 12th (+1 for evocation); concentration +19 3rd -disrupting weapon (DC 20), halt undead (DC 20), searing light 2nd -command undead (DC 19), necromantic burden (DC 19) 1st -decompose corpse° (DC 18), detect undead°, hide from undead (DC 18), sanctify corpse ================================================= STATISTICS ================================================= Str 8, Dex 16, Con 16, Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 25 Base Atk +5; CMB +4; CMD 20 Feats 1st: Noble Scion of War, Toughness, Eschew Materials 3rd: Spell Focus (Evocation) 5th: Spell Penetration 7th: Varisian Tattoo 8th: Ectoplasmic Spell 9th: Empower Spell 11th: Quicken Spell, Quick Channel Skills Bluff +11, Fly +13, Intimidate +11, Knowledge (Arcana) +11, Knowledge (Religion) +17, Perception +15, Sense Motive +4, Spellcraft +5, Use Magic Device +22 Background Skills Lore (The Whispering Way) +15, Knowledge (Nobility) +3, Linguistics +7, Profession (Midwife) +9 Traits Child of the Temple (Knowledge (Religion)), Magical Lineage (Searing Light) Languages Celestial, Common (Kelish), Draconic, Skald, Abyssal, Hallit SQ Blood Intensity (3/day), Cleansing Flame (2/day, 2d8+12), Channel Energy (10/day, 4d6), Channel Casting (10/day) Gear golden Holy Symbol of Sarenrae (2x), headband of alluring charisma +4, amulet of natural armor +2, ring of protection +2, sleeves of many garments, boots of the earth, robe of arcane heritage, belt of physical might +2 (dex, con), cloak of resistance +3, sandals of quick reaction, +3 radiant mithral buckler, bag of holding (type I), sorcerer's kit, scroll case, 2x spring loaded scroll case, dusty rose prism ioun stone, 1551.0 gp Magic Gear lesser Rod of Elemental (Cold), Scroll of Remove Paralysis, Scroll of Remove Blindness/Deafness, Scroll of Remove Curse, Scroll of Break Enchantment, 3x Scroll of Heal, Xx Scroll of Teleport, Staff of Souls (10/10 charges) ================================================= SPECIAL ABILITIES ================================================= Solar Sorcerer Bloodline Arcana Whenever you cast a spell with the fire descriptor, if it deals damage, it deals +1 point of damage per die rolled. Blood Havoc Whenever you cast a bloodrager or sorcerer spell that deals damage, add 1 point of damage per die rolled. This benefit applies only to damaging spells that belong to schools you have selected with Spell Focus or that are bloodline spells for your bloodline. This ability replaces the sorcerer’s 1st-level bloodline power. Blood Intensity Whenever you cast a bloodrager or sorcerer spell that deals damage, you can increase its maximum number of damage dice by an amount equal to your Strength or Charisma modifier, whichever is higher. This otherwise functions as -and does not stack with- the Intensified Spell feat. You can use this ability once per day at 3rd level and one additional time per day for every 4 caster levels you have beyond 3rd, up to five times per day at 19th level. This ability replaces the sorcerer’s 3rd-level bloodline power. Cleansing Flame At 9th level, twice per day, you can use fire to restore the health of yourself or your allies. As a standard action, you can wreathe your hand in a halo of flame and touch yourself or another creature. The touch heals 2d8 + your character level points of damage. You can also remove one of the following conditions affecting the target: 1d6 points of ability damage, blinded, confused, dazzled, deafened, diseased, exhausted, fatigued, nauseated, poisoned, or sickened. Soul Warden
Her usual behavior contrasts with the power in her - born in the temple of Sarenrae, offspring of an Angelkin Aasimar, the solar bloodline burns strong in her veins and guides her sorcery - and as much as fire harms, it's also an element of life, of good and healing, and that balance is what works as a north for the blessed human. Aja was raised by the temple. Her father fell during the Mendevian crusade and her mother died during child-birth of Aja's brother Kain, two years after Aja's birth. Her father was a Paladin of the temple, a shining beacon of Sarenrae against the demon hoardes and he fought many battles successfully, while her mother was a priestess within the temple, who tended to the wounded crusaders that had to retreat. Their temple was near Gundrun on the border from the Worldwound and Ustalav and was both a shelter for those seeking it, as well as a fortress against both demons and undead. Raised by the temple, the young girl adopted the common profession of a midwife as the temple area was also a refuge for women who's men went to war. Simultaneously Aja learned the teachings of the faith with the officials secretly hoping, Aja would follow her parents footsteps. Sarenrae's teachings were those of peace, redemption, honesty and healing and yes, Aja embraced them. Yet she never found the divine calling that her parents had. Instead she embraced the fiery arcane blood within for she was meant to redeem the lost and burn the undead. Thanking Sarenrae for the blessing of her own life, the young girl wasn't even a teenager when the might of her bloodline first revealed itself: as for her arcane energies were empowered by the sun itself, the same who would give life to nature, the same which would guide her on the mornings as she would open her eyes to go to work. She practiced on her free time, let her sorcery evolve, and by the time she came of age he was already a capable arcanist. Yet every dawn she would sit cross legged in a quiet place and contemplate on those who could have harmed her or her loved ones, and seek forgiveness in her heart. Such balance was in truth the very key to her essence, the core of her powers; for her hands could burn enemies in flames, and yet she'd keep the greater good in her heart and mind. Aja inhereted her parents courage. She would not stay a simple midwife forever, that the temple authorities knew. When the poor people of Ardagh just across the Moutra River sent for help. Aja joined the Sarenrae forces and waded into battle. She had never seen battle before, but she knew instinctively how to respond to hordes of undead. With an outfit of paladins in front of her, she shot spells left and right and they managed to drive the undead army back, deeper into Ustalav. They decided not to halt here and return, because times were dark and Ustalav was in desparate need for forces of good. For several months the Sarenrae squad roamed around and put undead to rest. They fullfilled many worthy deeds, like putting an end to some of Ustalav’s most infamous criminals for a second time near Harrowstone prison. In Lepidstadt they tracked down a mad scientist who crafted blasphemous creations and brought him to justice. They offered him the gift of redemption, yet he refused. A few weeks later the squad battled with werewolves who longed for recognition. Tensions were high among the Ustalav people who wanted to rid the land of the deadly shape-shifters. Sadly this conflict was not solved diplomatically entirely and way too much unneccssary blood was spilled. This felt more like a defeat than a victory and the team began to question itself. Some of them returned home to their families and original duties. Eventually, the squad became smaller, until Aja, who had no familiy at home (her brother was in Kenabres), was the only one left. Except she wasn't alone for long. Word was traveling fast of other likeminded individuals that fought for a similar righteous cause. And since she still believed in bringing the light to this dark country, she sought them out. |