SO GD VII Assault on Absalom 9-00 (Tier 1-2) (Inactive)

Game Master ScorchedOne

Maps & Handouts

Apoc Golem

Vencarlo Orinsini
Liberty's Edge Caebricalius Melandrus

Male Human Magus (Kensai) 2
Vital Statistics:
[HP 15] [Init +3 | Per +0] [AC 16 | T 15 | FF 11] [CMB +2 | CMD 17] [F+3 | R+3 | W+3]
Combat Statistics:
[Melee Dueling Sword +5 | 1d8+1 S | 19-20/x2] [Melee Dueling Sword (Enhanced) +6 | 1d8+2 S | 19-20/x2] [Melee/Ranged Touch +4 | 20/x2]
Spell Slots and Daily Powers:
[Spell Slots | 0-lvl (DC 13): 3/Day | 1st lvl (DC 14): 2/Day] [Arcane Pool 6/Day]

(256 posts)


Contract Devil
Liberty's Edge Boomer Forgehammer

Male CN Ifrit Alchemist (Grenadier) 2 | HP 15/15| AC 16(18) T 12 FF 14(16) | CMB +4(+6), CMD 14(16) | F: +4, R: +5, W: -1 | Init: +2 | darkvision 60', Perc: +3, SM: -1 | Speed 30ft | Bombs: 5/5 | Mutagen: Strength| Active conditions: None
3 unprepared

(255 posts)


Dark Archive Drelluandast

Male CG Gnome Wizard 3 | HP 23/23 | AC *17 T 13 FF *15 | CMB -2, CMD 10 | F: +8, R: +4, W: +4 | Init: +4 | Perc: +5, SM: +2, Low-Light Vision | Speed 20ft | Spells: 1st 0/4 2nd 3/3 | Shift: 6/6 | Active conditions: Mage Armor
(294 posts)
A Summoned Monster

Augmented Small Air Elemental | HP 17 | AC 17 Touch 14 FF 14 | F: +6, R: +6, W: +0 | Perc: +4, Darkvision | Fly 100 ft | Active conditions:
(36 posts)



male Snows of Summer
(2,550 posts)
Liberty's Edge Makon Grimug

Half-Orc |HP 46/46|AC:16: 12T: 14F | CMD 20| Fort: 9, Ref: 4. Will: 4| spd. 40| Int.+3|per,+6
raging stats:
HP. 54/54 | AC:15, 10 tch, 13 FF | Fort:+12, Ref:+5, Will:+7 | Att: MW Great axe +9 (1d12+15 dmg), Mace+8 (1d8+15dmg)|CMD 21
Att: MW Great axe +7 (1d12+12dmg.), composite L bow +7 (1d8+5) Bloodrager 4 (spelleater)
Wordly 1/1 day(trait), Destined strike 0/3 day,ferocity 1/1 day, rage 7/12day,blood of life(fast heal 1 raging)
Conditions:,long arms|bear's endurance|fatigued|Healing sacrafice
(362 posts)

Nathan Goodrich

Grand Lodge Kwan Zinshen

Male HP: 17/17 | AC: 18, Touch: 18, Flat 13, CMD 22 | F: +4, R: +7, W: +3 | Init: +4 | Perc: +8, SM +8, Bluff -1, Dip -1 | Speed 30ft | Stunning Fist: 0/2; Paizo Reroll +4 0/1; Potion of Cure Serious 1/1; Potion of Heroism 1/1; Evil Outsider Bane Shuriken 0/1 | Active conditions: None.
(61 posts)


Grand Lodge Andy Applebottom

m halfling Bard/4 [HP: 27/27] [INT: +4; perc: +10] [AC: 16/13/14] [saves: 4/8/7(see below)] [CMB: 2; CMD: 14/12] [bardic performance used: 0/23] [Move: 20]
(387 posts)