
GM Khaoz's page

528 posts. Alias of KhaozKnight.

About GM Khaoz

Posting structure:
I would like to encourage everyone to use the following posting conventions.
Use Third Person Limited for GamePlay posts. (In third person limited the narrator only knows the thoughts and feelings of one character. All characters are described using pronouns, such as 'they', 'he', and 'she'.)
Use ”Bold” with quotation marks for things your character says, and bold italics for things like telepathy, message, or similar, and italics for the stuff that your character thinks.
Use regular type to describe actions your character is going to take, and use Out Of Character when you want to be clear about those actions, also use Out Of Character when speaking to other players/GM in the GamePlay Thread.

When rolling dice, please identify the nature of the roll

So a post could look like

”Wait, everyone, I think I heard something!” Khaoz say as he backs up against the wall. This is supposed to be the building where Martine told us we would find those books, after all, isn’t it. He's thinking as his heart begins to pound inside his chest.

Khaoz moves as close to the building as he can, from the street, and stand with his back to the wall, carefully trying to listen to what is going on inside. [Move action]

[dice=Perception Check, listening:]1d20+3[/dice]

@GM: Am I still suffering from a ringing in the ears from the explosion in the last encounter? If so, subtract 2 from that roll.

Game Expectations:
1. Posting Frequency: Before signing up, consider how much time you can devote to the game. I prefer players who can post once per day on average. I understand that everyone occasionally has a busy day and just can't find the time to post. I try to avoid this but even as the GM I sometimes miss a day. But not posting for several days is not acceptable. It slows the game down and makes it less interesting because your character will be left behind in the action. And if you disappear during combat and hold things up for a day, I will skip you and move on.

2. Posting Quality: Take advantage of the medium and write some description. Tell us what your PC is doing or what they look like; put up some dialog and start a conversation with your fellow PCs. It makes the game immensely more engaging, immersive, and entertaining. Here is a great example of PCs coming to life with some great description and dialog. I hate to call someone out on bad posting etiquette when the player in question has been making an effort to be better about posting quality lately, but do not ever do this. Isn't the first example so much more fun to read than just a post with some empty dice blocks in it or a post with nothing but OOC text? I will admit, it can sometimes be hard to spice up combat posts. But here is some great simple advice on that. Bottom line: be willing to make an effort role-playing in my game. If you aren't up to that challenge, please consider playing a different game. If you aren't much of a writer or are new to PbP, don't be intimidated. I/We will help you improve! But if you sign up for my game and make too many posts with just dice or just OOC text, I will give you a warning and if your quality doesn't improve I reserve the right to ask you to leave the game.

Looking for More Information about Play by Post?

Know Direction Interview on Playing by Post
Painlord’s Guide to Playing PbP
Painlord’s Guide to PbP GMing



