DM Chubbleston |
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This is a interest check before officially opening a Recruitment thread. my idea is that I can run the jade regent as a traveling Circus troupe instead of a merchant caravan. the theme of this is that a circus group with roots from fireworks and dancing people dressed in colorful clothes. holding puppets entertaining people but under it all a thin veneer of menace. I will be changing the core 4 characters that you can build a relationship with into the following (Sandru- the ringmaster- mesmerist)(Shalelu - Knife thrower)(Ameiko - Gisha)(Koya - Fortuneteller) with full descriptions and history's to come. so I'm looking for Acrobats, Blind fighters, animal trainers, knife throwers, Firework technicians, flame eaters, illusionist, Killer clowns, etc....... I am looking for the oddballs, the weirdoes and the loners that need to be a part of a circus family. Duo characters submissions will even be welcome.
to give idea to the rules-
- Characters are level 1
- Average starting wealth
- All Classes allowed
- Standard races only
- you can ignore race requiremnts as perquisite for feats without being the race (if it matches your character not for gaming purposes example some goblin feats work great if you want a flame eater.)
- NO third party publishing sources allowed!
- All other Paizo books will be allowed
- 2 traits one of which has to be a campaign trait from the jade regent players guide. You have a drawback for another trait but must be written into your background.
- 20 point buy with no stat above 18 or below 8
- Recruitment will be based more on RP than class preferences
- We will be using background skills.
- max hp first level
- Please pay more attention to your background than your build. I am far more interested in who you are than what you are.
- evil characters will even be considered but only in terms of evil greed, lust, power, etc. not betrayal to your group. your character must be loyal to his friends or cohorts.
- Will be using escalated Fear rules in Horror adventures.
- Gunslingers and firearms are welcome and will be used.
- anyone who wants to take Disadvantageous Deformities from (ogrekin) can get a free feat not necessary to roll choose one that fits your idea for your character. (Fragile get -2 to con)
I will also be recruiting people or to replace people at the end of each book and work them in. With first preference to those in the story already but that will give people a chance to leave or come back or replace missing players. if we lose people in the campaign I will just adjust the CR encounters until the end of the book. along with that, any character changes that someone wants to do they can have a opportunity at the end of each book. I am looking for 5-6 players to start.
1) I'd like 5+ points that capture the concept and story of the character. More are welcome, but no less than five.
2) Two goals that you'd like the character to accomplish in-game.
3) Two secrets, one the PC keeps to himself, and one kept from the PC. I'll come up with a third that both the character and player aren't aware of, in hopes of shocking surprises within the storytelling.
4) 3-5 people that are tied to your PC by blood, love, rivalry, honor, etc. I'd like at least one enemy in a set of three or four, with no more than two for a set of five. PLEASE consider the players reference guide for ideas.
5) Three key memories that define your character as the person they are at the time of submission.
6) I'd like you to include with your submission a fear or paranoia that causes your character to shiver, cower, or panic. Anything from spiders to unexplained happenstance, but I'm sure you'll all come up with some awful stuff on your own.
7) I would like to know what performance you will specialize in (your signature move or performance), preference on characters will be given to whose feats, traits, skills, and class directly show what type of performer you are. (example a knife thrower taking blind fight would make sense with acrobatics, but a knife thrower that takes cosmopolitan with history knowledge would not.)
Reksew_Trebla |
How would you feel about the Human feat "Racial Heritage"? I'd want to take it for Aasimar, to get "Celestial Servant" as a feat, so I could have a crazy tiger companion since I'd probably be Primal Companion Hunter. I'd also take for every feat afterwards Evolved Companion. Might take Stalker's Focus or Spirit's Gift at some point to aid the tiger with, but probably just go all out with Evolved Companion.
So I'd be kinda pathetic as a human, but have an awesome tiger that I use for my performances.
Anyways, I'm interested.
HedwickTheWorldly |
I'm looking at Agile Tongue (possibly combined with Aquatic Ancestry), Spit Venom, or Life's Blood feats for my freak.
Thinking at possibly a deformed frog-man with a deformed (read:webbed) hand for the first, a forked-tongue snake-guy for the second, and a creepy faith healer for the third. Thoughts?
Master Han Del of the Web |
Promethean Alchemist might be another really fun, really flavorful option.
Cuàn |
I have a question, or two actually.
How will you be dealing with the actual story of the AP? I mean, in the AP the caravan is just a means to an end and in this the circus caravan seems to pretty much be the entire point of the game.
Second, how will you deal with the first part, before the caravan comes into play?
DM Chubbleston |
It will be a circus caravan, that gets hooked up into the adventure. because one of your own. (amieko) gets pulled into this. it is well known that carnival people take care of there own. I'm not basing it around the circus but instead of selling wares you will be performing at stops.
please only keep it to one submission because others might then there would be too many. I will probably open the thread next week.
Old Snowbeard |
Wow, this sounds cool ;-)
I have two very fitting characters although one of them sadly falls through the "Core race only"...
He is a white-furred Catfolk Hunter with a large Black Panter animal companion - so basically a humanoid cat riding and handling a large cat ... with a small house cat for added hilarity and cat overflow reasons.
The other one may sound familiar to you Chubbleston, as I applied with him for your Hells Rebels game - and we discussed his ruling (it's based on a poorly written witch archetype) already.
Presenting: Old Snowbeard. Bald Dwarf with a magical, ground-long braided, snow-white beard. He will use the beard for ... whatever hilarious reason during the show. Maybe a clown-type. Or more likely a story-teller, using his beard as a visualizer of the current story...? He most likely will bring a female Elf NPC with him to the circus, maybe the two of them can act as odd-couple magician (the elf) and clownish assitant (he)?
As I applied to your other game, I have background, appearance and all that ready. Just a little tinkering needed to adjust to the new setting.
Also I have no idea of the adventure path whatsoever (me and my group mostly play homebrews, so my Knowledge: Golarion is quite untrained).
Reksew_Trebla |
Just asking, how would you feel if I took Vampiric Companion at 10th level, while already having Celestial Servant? RAW this is actually possible, by either being an Aasimar with Scion of Humanity, which allows them to count as Aasimar and Human, and then taking Racial Heritage (Dhampir) which makes you eligable for both Celestial Servant and Vampiric Companion. Alternatively, being a Human with Racial Heritage (Aasimar) and being turned into a Vampire will also make you eligable for both feats.
I just think a holy undead mutated tiger little person handler would make for a great show in a circus.