Faelar Braegen's Untitled Campaign (Inactive)

Game Master Faelar Braegen

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Amgir, do you want the full character before you choose or just backstory and concept first?

How can I forget the Teifling who tried to get me drunk? Even though I shouldn't as it would be unfair to the other players, I will allow it, as long as you don't get the "Cure" Potions at half price. That would be really unfair.

I will be picking the group based on the back stories, concepts and how well people may work with others in the group. Once everyone has been selected, there will be a couple of days before the campaign starts. During this time everybody can sort out everything and make any final changes.

Sovereign Court

Glad you remember me! Cool thats all I wanted it for.

Shadow Lodge

I would like to enter Razule Yrrum, ex-Little Lamm and alchemist.

I believe all I would need to change mechanically is adding 5 more ability points and checking to see if his equipment was bought with max-gold. I might change him to a Chirurgeon Alchemist as well.

I turned the traits he has into his background, if that is okay.

Im intrested will have a character up later today :)

What Shoanti tribe were you adopted by and where did they travel around? I hate to change what I said before, but having your stats would help me pick the group. At the moment I am thinking of picking you because you are a Barbarian and should therefore be able to deal a lot of damage. So far we have no heavy hitters.

Are you going to have Fealix under a different Alias as you are currently playing Crypt still? Also have you thought about your adjusted stats?

All I can say about your character is WOW! I think switching to the Chirurgeon is a great idea. Especially as we haven't had many posts for anyone who can heal. As you have chosen the "Tortured" campaign trait, if you both get accepted you could infuse Tyler to your backstory, as he has also chosen that. Not saying you have to though. I love the way you have changed the traits wording to actually fit in with your story, I had never thought of that before!

Amgir wrote:

** spoiler omitted **

** spoiler omitted **

No I am actually quitting everflame so I don't pile on too much. I just have no interest in that campaign at the moment and would rather have Fealix here. So I will be changing his stats to adjust as well as his story.

Sovereign Court

Oh man, you quiting on your boy Xeros. It's okay I'll forgive ya.

Roidrage wrote:
** spoiler omitted **


Yeah sorry bout that. Thing is I've grown disturbingly attacted to Fealix and when mathpro said that this campaign wouldn't go past level 7, well my heart broke. Fealix would be a hard character to find a home. Thankfully Amgir has experienced Fealix enough to where he would accept him. That makes me happy. So then it comes down to cutting back. So I just moved him. Sorry dude but I love Fealix more than Xeros. Besides, Xeros died. The little demon in Fealix's head is jumping for joy right now hehe.

Sovereign Court

I totally understand that Shano, Fealix is a cool character and enjoyed the challenges of being his conscious as Xeros. Going for this game as well I don't know if you killed Xeros off in this Fealix's story ,but if you want to try the duo let me know if not, I'll go with my other idea. Good Luck buddy!

The Exchange

All changes made and background updated for use in this AP.

Note I took Addict:friend as the campaign trait. Along with three others to get the character the way I wanted him.

Roidrage wrote:
** spoiler omitted **


No. I was set to play Fealix without his "conscience" being present. Besides, I wonder how much fun Fealix will be without some goody goody keeping him in check. He can behave on his own....so long as it suits his purpose. Besides you should enjoy your alchemist. That would be a neat build. Me, I'm gonna divine and mace the **** outta anything that pisses me off. Hehe. Don't start singing like the Bard, Fealix cant stick try to invent Bleach.

Sovereign Court

Copy that, just checking. Can't wait to see a untamed Fealix will do!

Silver Crusade

Probably too late for this but just in case.... I have have the pleasure of playing with Shanosuke and Roidage, who may know my character Tarvinda. Anyway here's a Cleric of Pharesma that has started a Curse of the Crimson Throne campaign before, but it got canned when another in the party made it too difficult for the rest and the DM. If there's a chance, I'd sure like to get him in a CoCT game.

His back story is on the character sheet for your perusal.

This recruitment shall close at 21:00 (GMT +0) on Friday 28th October. So make sure you have sorted out stats, traits, back stories, etc by then.

I would like to thank everybody in advance for showing an interest in this campaign, knowing that I am doing this for the first time.

I will withdraw Iolana as Parneth was a member of the group I apparently "killed" for being rational and not following the oracle who wrote in her backstory "I will be party face."

Have a good one, guys.

That is a shame Hu5tru, I hope you find somewhere to use her and have a good time. Thank-you for applying.

I haven't decided on the group yet, if Perneth doesn't get accepted, would you be willing to play?

I'll post a character this evening.

Most likely will be a dwarf inquisitor of Abadar

Shadow Lodge

Updated her background with the Durg Addict trait. Going with her being relatively new to town, Lamm introduced her to the drug and basically left her for dead. She's a bit blinded by vengence and if not careful could land herself in trouble with the law. She has yet to fully adjust to Korvosa's harsh law.

Dotting for interest... will try to have a concept up shortly...

Grand Lodge

Here my character prof took a while to fin but have whole sheet finished hope you like :)



The situation was thus. Obviously, if you take a look at her stats, Iolana is built like a "wizard light" who has extensive experience in management. I purposely made her older, and took no positives to physical stats so that she would fill a purely support role. I thought I was a shoe in for party leader, and was roleplaying towards that position.

We were informed from the start that the city was in turmoil, and the GM made it abundantly clear that people were frightened and that there was something larger going on in the city. We were told that the streets were essentially empty everywhere, and the guard was stepping up patrols to quell incidences of violence that were cropping up after several riots broke out.

Iolana had several reservations about the party's plan to simply kick in Lamm's door when A) the streets were empty, and he like us was in a position not too far from the garrison when patrols had been beefed up specifically to quell violence B) Lamm had at his disposal a thief which Iolana thought may be capable of setting even rudimentary traps the party would be unaware of which may harm everyone, seeing as the fishery was their home turf, and C) there were children that Lamm could put between himself and us which could have been harmed in the crossfire if we were not exceedingly careful.

The oracle's position was "Well, the cards told us everything is going to be okay" and expected the remaining members of the party, a total of five, to simply follow her out into the completely abandoned streets as though such a large party would be completely unnoticed.

Every argument I had Iolana present was quite rational, and every one was ignored by the party because I was being too combative towards the 16 year old girl who presented no better argument for her "leadership" than "Desna will provide." I found that in a PbP, that was deplorable, and worse still, stating in your history/concept that "I will be ANY position of authority in the party" is just ludicrous, because that is something the party comes together and decides.

Hu5tru wrote:

I will withdraw Iolana as Parneth was a member of the group I apparently "killed" for being rational and not following the oracle who wrote in her backstory "I will be party face."

Have a good one, guys.

Geez. Too bad. I really liked Iolana.

Character concept is complete, Cale Stoneweaver Inquisitor of Abadar.

Here are the following applicants that are ready to play, if accepted:

Tyler Dylan : Halfling Rogue (Knife Master)
Caim Sevire : Human Magus
Braggal : Dwarven Rogue
Valius Coreton : Human Fighter (Crossbowman)
Fenkar : Human Witch
Iolana : Human Bard
Zylia : Human Ninja
Razule Yrrum : Human Alchemist
Parneth Servias : Human Cleric
Rogar Ungart : Dwarven Druid
Cale Stoneweaver : Dwarven Inquisitor

The following are applicants that are interested but need to either edit or finish their characters:

Fealix : Aasimar Oracle (Stats to be readjusted)
Krill Thirstslaken : Human Barbarian (Profile to be sorted out}
Roidrage : (Character to be submitted)

Have you decided if you are going to be a Chirurgeon Alchemist? I will say if you do go into it, in your alchemist kit there will be a scalpel and a vial of 100% Alcohol. Also you still have 5 more points to add to your characters ability scores.

To be honest, I don't think I could have followed the Oracle after all of the rational reasons you came up with, nor could any of my tabletop players. I like players who can think about everything and then act accordingly. As for party leader, we would definitely need one, so who the group chooses will be "interesting".

I am very confused about your profile. How do you have 3D8 for life at level 1 instead on 1D12? Also you have Sorceror spells, and Rogue talents (along with Sneak attack), which you should as you are a Barbarian. You have changed your name in the middle to Nerik. Also you have Damage Reduction and elemental resistances.

I don't mean to be a pain, just seems like you have 3 or 4 characters put into 1 character profile.

It's just a place holder. Using someone else's template while filling the rest.

Ah okay, just got confused is all.

Dark Archive

I would like to offer Marcus the Unwanted, a tiefling Alchemist(Beastmorph). All is in his Alias, also before you ask about the money I took the Rich Parents trait and it is worked into my story but if you don't want me to have that trait let me know I can change it. Had fun making him, I hope you enjoy his story!

Base stats for Krill for perusal Amgir.

I'll go Chirurgeon. It's a path I hadn't thought of Raz to take before. Also, thank you for the compliment. Raz is the first character I've changed trait wording for.

Now, one last thing(other than discussing what you suggested with Tyler's player). What are your thoughts on Razule being a really recent, ex-Little Lamm? Not really a kid still but not an adult? The idea of an ex-LL wanting to stop Lamm and free the other LL's appeals to me.

@Tyler: Amgir suggested that since we both have the "Tortured" trait, I might have you in Razule's background. Thoughts?


To be honest as well, that's what made me the most angry. That the GM set up the long game that early, and then when my character used the long game to justify her very rational decisions not to simply kick down the doors two blocks from the garrison, he "couldn't work with the character." That no one appeared to even bother to read her arguments or my page long explanation and defense of them but simply stated "Iolana is being too combative for the game to continue to exist" was also infuriating. It was if, as a group, they decided to view her caution for the group as a whole when she was addressing the Oracle as a personal attack against the Oracle because Iolana used the word 'Girl' to refer to a 16 year old girl.

If you don't want characters to work within the long game, don't make it an issue. If someone tells me "there's riots in the streets, people have died, guards are everywhere and people are afraid to leave their homes" don't then tell me that a character with 16 intelligence, a positive wisdom modifier and according to her history, actual experience leading men and women through very lean times shouldn't take that into consideration when the party is planning an assault.

Silver Crusade

Amgir, Hu5tru:

My introduction was merely a statement of fact of Parneth's game history, I'm sorry it caused such furore, it wasn't the intention, as I didn't remember it was Hu5tru's character Iolana.

The decision to close the game was one taken by the GM, as far as I could tell. One or two players found they had problems with Hu5tru's character. The GM decided the rifts in the party were too great, Parneth was basically left in the middle, that whilst he thought Hu5tru's character was a little different, he was on the whole working with her. He might not have agreed with her stance on everything, it wasn't anything he couldn't have worked with. In fact I hasten to say that Parneth was the only character Hu5tru had any sort of positive relationship with.

I was shocked when suddenly the game stopped, perhaps I should have been reading the OOC thread more. It was a shame 'cos it was about to start getting interesting....

My final post in the game was
Apologies for not replying here, I didn't look too much here as I was trying to keep going in the game and missed all this. I must say i found it hard with Iolana, which is a shame because I thought we could have had a great little group going, with the backstories and stuff.

Maybe it was my thick skin, which ignored some of Iolana's directions and comments thus allowing me to plough on in a different direction, which at least ended in a bit of group cohesion.

Thanks DM Patcher, for getting it all started and whilst I wuld enjoy you DMing me again, I particularly want to try and get parneth into a CotCT game. For the most part it was enjoyable, but it was more difficult to navigate than most due to the group dynamics.

Thanks to the players who maybe I'll meet again on another adventure, though perhaps Iolana might take heed and temper her words. I would have found it much easier if Iolana was written in 3rd person, it might help.

Like I said, it didn't go that far...a short start and quick end

Shadow Lodge

How are hit points being determined?

That is cool, thank-you and sorry for going back on what I said about not needing the stats. What Shoanti tribe were you adopted by and where were they situated? (Believe it or not, the choice may have an in game benefit.)

I have nothing against that idea, it would be an even bigger motive for you to go after him and as it was so recent you would remember the pain that much more, so would strive to stop him all the quicker.

Hit points for first level will be max, as per usual. Once the group has been selected, the lucky chosen players will be asked to post in their opinions on whether they would like to roll HP at each level, or if you would like half +1.

Okay, I should be done now. I had a bit more gold to spend(healer's kit and another cure potion) and bumped my Dex from 14 to 16.

Parneth, Amgir:

Yeah. Most of my problem was with the Oracle's player who seemed to completely ignore the wisdom of her elders because she was right. I offered several suggestions and tried to explain to her why her plans would not work, and was simply ignored.

I had no problem with Parneth, actually it was one of Iolana's first suggestions to go to the temple and try to figure out what was going on in the city, as she very much doubted a larger group headed to the temple would be accosted.

I can work with Parneth if we're both chosen.

And that was my very first PbP and have since learned the "no first person" rule.

Ah, mentioning first and third person posts, in the games I am currently playing I always play in first person as I find it helps me get into the mind of my character better. However if you do not like 1st person you can play in 3rd. There are no restrictions in my games.

Silver Crusade

I've no problems with Parneth being 1st or 3rd if chosen. Just glad to be given the opportunity. Most DMs I played with have asked for, or the players went with third, if chosen and you want 1st, then 1st it is.

I can do either. And yes, typing "I" does do a world of difference when distinguishing character motivations from player motivations.

"I am here and ready to go."


Hold on. Were doing this again? Well I hope that things will be more exciting this time around don't you?"

"Things are in dire straights indeed. It is a good thing I am prepared."

Ah, I remember the last time you said that. We got fooled by a wizards and you nearly died. Not one of your finer moments.

"I thought we agreed never to speak of that again."

I never agreed to that. You just thought I did :p

"You really know how to get on my nerves."

Your like an open book in here. Oh I really like this chapter.

"Must you always antagonize me?"

I find it brings out the best in you.


Cheer up. I have been with you for your entire life. I have been a better friend to you than anyone. You have suffered a lot and have returned that suffering onto others. You still have much more to do yet before you can correct those who have wronged you.

"I know. I look forward to it. When I get my hands on Lamm it will be the most fulfilling release I have had in a long time."

I'll be here with you.

"I know. Thank you. Your the only being in this miserable world that makes sense. Not to mention you understand my suffering better than anyone."

Now your getting mushy on me. Lets go and take care of business and not get caught okay?


I was inspired and got carried away there :p. Got all the nooks and kranies of the profile set. Fealix is ready to cause trouble whenever your ready.

I really like that idea. Tyler used to cut the anchor ropes off of merchants ships in the harbour for Lamm and then was tortured, so that he wouldn't get caught and I would take them blame.

Tyler has a lot of scars on his back which he is trying to hide and would like them to heal quickly, so maybe you can help me find a way for them to heal? Or you took pity on the halfling getting beaten and left to take the blame?

I am happy to go with anything you say though.

Silver Crusade

Fealix, my friend Tarvinda wonders what you're doing over here....

She hopes the voice is doesn't get you into too much trouble ....

Background should now be in Caim's profile. Apologies for the delay. Will possibly expand on it at some point if iving the chance,but that's the bare-bones of it. Time flies when you don't stare at it in the face.

Dark Archive

Ah hearing Fealix talking to himself again, makes this feel like home. hehe

Here is a slightly refined and updated character profile for the aforementioned Cale Stoneweaver.

Please let me know if you need anything else.

Before I reveal who is accepted, I would like to say that you all made this a very hard decision as you all made great characters.

So here it is, the moment you have been waiting for. The following are the players who have been chosen:

Tyler Dylan
Caim Sevire
Krill Thirstslaken
Razule Yrrum

The Curse awaits you here : Discussion Thread

For everybody who didn't make it, I am very sorry. I wish I could do 2 campaigns, unfortunately I am going to have my hand full trying to work out how to do one. But I will keep you all in mind, if we need any replacements.

Sorry once again

Dark Archive

Congrats to everyone, hope you all have fun!

Thank you for the chance, I hope you all have fun.

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