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Wareagle wrote:

Will still take place in Golarion though it will be in a fictional location called The Land of Song ....ugh

Interesting. An actual fictional location! You must be living in Golarion these days, my friend :-)

Anyway. Sounds exciting!....character ideas brewing....

May I suggest a cavalryman in the making? He is a shepherd by trade in the employ of General Cid. He is prized for his resourcefulness in rustling up livestock for the army....he is a scoundrel by nature. He shoots a wicked bullet with his slingstaff.

Details for the upcoming build:

Level 1 Thief - he has had a rather disreputable upbringing
Level 1 Ranger - conscripted into Cids's service - his career is about to take off

st 14 dx 16 cn 12 it 10 ws 12 ch 12
Feats: Point Blank Shot
Racial Trait: Warslinger
Character Traits: Armour Expert, Profession Rustler (some kind of bonus to appraise and handle animal)

Skill Points invested in:
2 Stealth
1 Disable Device
1 Heal
1 Appraise
1 Know Local
2 Perception
1 Sense Motive
1 Survival
1 Ride
2 Handle Animal
1 Bluff

Chris Mortika wrote:

But as things stand, a wizard still needs to be wielding his club (attacking with it, not just holding it) to avoid the Concentration check.

Easy to houserule, inconvenient for Pathfinder Society.

Does wielding mean attacking? A wizard uses the bonded staff as a tool in hand to facilitate casting....without it - Concentration check. That's how I see it.

When I look up images of quarterstaves...they are all long, heavy sticks which have two weighted ends. They are are not really walking sticks or shepherd's staves. Would they not be unwieldly as casting tools - or as one handed weapons? I think a stick weighted on one end would work better - ie. a simple staff - a club.

I would rule that a quarterstaff must be wielded with two hands.

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Kthulhu wrote:

I've never like this. It's basically a feat tax in order for a wizard to have the most iconic wizard weapon as their bonded object.

Then again, most of the other wizard related rules that have been put out seem to aimed towards eliminating any perceived weaknesses in the class, and generally trying to make the other classes obsolete, sot it doesn't really bother me that much.

I always understood the iconic wizard`s staff to be - mechanically speaking - a simple 1d6 club. I imagine quarterstaves as longer, heaver and more balanced to allow TWF.

The answer is simple.

The wizard wields a one-handed staff. A.K.A a club. Better yet....a proper staff with a hook at the end (ie. hanbo)or some other feature.

The wizard does't need a double weapon does she? - with all the penalties and/or feat investments that TWFighting requires?

She can still wield any club with two hands for the strength bonus. Just take the club and call it a "staff". It will still function and look like the traditional wizard's staff if you want it to.

Well. I am making a tript to the library
1d1 ⇒ 1


Is this an auspicious ro1l? 1.

Never Let Me Go – Kazuo Ishiguro
I'll let you know how it goes.

It might help - in a large group - if conventions are agreed upon before hand on how to announce our actions. Many of us could be making moves in advance to help keep things going....only to find that other actions take place that cancel out what we intended to do. That`s to be expected.

In the past, I have posted my character's thoughts and preparations for an anticipated action - as creatively as possible...then added an OOC line with a list of actions in gaming jargon - along with some dice rolls.

In the end the DM rules on what actually transpires based on her interpretation of the character intentions, listed moves and character rolls.

Sometimes the battles get intricate and bogged down with rulings. Sometimes we have to just let the DM move the narrative forward. I have no problem with that.

By 24 hours. Do you mean setting a 24 deadline for each turn? Or giving each player 24 hours to act? I think there should be a deadline set for each turn.

Will you consider Old Hazi. An elderly Transmuter. A profile is in the works for an older character.

OLD Hazi:

Old Hazi is a decrepit and senile old wizard, who was found a year ago lying in an infested pesh warren without any recollection of his recent past and the vaguest notion of magic. A kindly priestess from the Sun Temple rescued him and nursed him back to health. She referred him to the Wizard Nastufal, who knew of the old man's previous career and agreed to take him on as his apprentice. Hazi quickly reestablished himself as a promissing magic user...but he wore out his welcome with Nastufal thanks to his cantakerous attitude, obnoxious flatulence and a complete unwillingness to assist with any kind of housekeeping. Nastufal decided to refer the man to Garavel. Perhaps there is a remote place in the desert somewhere where he can find more suitable employment.

Happy sailing, everyone!

Hu5tru wrote:

I will withdraw Iolana as Parneth was a member of the group I apparently "killed" for being rational and not following the oracle who wrote in her backstory "I will be party face."

Have a good one, guys.

Geez. Too bad. I really liked Iolana.

I hope it is not too late to submit my "flowing monk" Anisa'oko. I shall draw up a character profile today.

The concept is fairly simple. Anisa'oko is an escaped Mwangi slave
Alignment: Lawful Good.

She is not from an established monastic tradition She received her training in a slave camp on the Isle of Ilizmagorti (think "capoiera"). She is a survivalist.

Her "monk" weapons are simple tools (which tradional monk weapons are all suppposed to be anyway).
For example: Rather than shuriken she uses carefully selected rocks (bullets).

She can use her woodcraft to manufacture weapons on the spot with what she can find at hand. eg. Short spear, quarter staff, club

She arrives stowed in a barrel with minimal possessions. I might use her starting gold to purchase a single special item....

The basic building blocks of the concept are here:

Anisa'oko the escaped human slave:

Female Human "Monk" (Flowing)
St 13 Dx 16 Cn 14 It 12 Ws 14 Ch 10

Feats: Weapon Finesse, Agile Manoeuvres, Toughness
Monk: Flurry of Blows, Unarmed Fighting, Stunning Fist

Invest in the following skills:
Perception, Craft:woodcraft, Survive, Know (Nature), Heal, Escape Artist

***Special Exception: *Know Nature is a class skill rather than Know Religion

Divine Trait: can cast orison at will as cleric 1st: Purify Food and Drink.

Stowaway: +1 Stealth and +1 survival to find food

Weapons: Self made. Simple tools. ie. Staves, Small Spears, Club, Machetes, Sickles, Bullets (rather than Shuriken).

Background highlights:
1. Escaped slave. FLed into the wild
2. Learned to fight with bare hands and simple tools (ie. monk weapons).
3. Survived by the river and swamps. Hunted down by slavers.
4. Escaped by hiding in a barrel. Barrel was loaded onto the Jenivere.

Did Braggal deal shiver?

Yes. He dealt some Shiver. Stole some stuff and traded it. Picked some pockets. Whatever he had to do to serve the addiction, then survive and then get out of the hole he was in.....

I don't think he committed these acts because he wanted to. He was desperate. He is not carrying any more drugs now. But that does not mean he is completely out of the hole.

Getting rid of that scumbag Lamm would help.

His story didn't change's just a bit grittier than the previous version.

Wouldn't it be interesting if Iolana were still pregnant at the beginning of the campaign?

Still....I think she has a great back story. And with a young child there is so much at stake....

Rogue. Braggal would be a rogue. At least to start. Where he goes from here is wide open. I'm preparing a profile now.

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral and jaded (potentially good....)

Braggal the Dwarf - recovering drug addict:

Braggal was a young and ambitious merchant when he arrived from Janderhoof with his two uncles. They came with a cartload of top quality tools. Braggal had a talent for the business, he learned the language and customs of the Korvosans quickly - and he had a talent for sales. Business was brisk the earnings were solid.

But Braggal's uncles had doubts about the lad. They thought him too unorthodox and unclannish. His fascination with Korvosan culture was too liberal for their liking. Braggal himself was still young and naive ....he was too high on himself - too self-assured for his own good. His thought his old uncles were miserly curmudgeons. He resented the slim margins they alotted to him from the profits. He thought they were fleecing him.

Impatient and hungry for wealth, he looked to the streets of the city for other business opportunities. He befriended a young lad named Hank..a clever kid who knew the streets and had a talent for finding opportunities. Soon Braggal was hanging out with the kid, frequenting sordid establishments and doing business in questionable circles. The two uncles became increasingly displeased with their wayward young nephew, but their admonishments only estranged him more. As far as he was concerned - they did't give a damn about him - they only cared what a scandal might do for their profits. One afternoon - in a fit of pique he told them to take their metalwares and shove them up their tight arses. Then he stormed off to start his own business.

Cut loose from the brand of his clan, Braggal's business ventures quickly took a turn for the worse. In fact they spiralled right down the toilet from the moment he started. The story is long and unpleasant to relate. In short - he fell ingnominiously from the high life right down to skid row. It was around this time when Braggal and his friend Hank fell in with Gaedren Lamm - and got hooked on the Shiver...

Their lives became lost in a desperate haze - they survived as thieves and junkies - living on the streets. They became little more than slaves to the despicable pusher Lamm. Hank eventually wasted away into death, but Braggal was made of sterner stuff than the kid. A vestige of his pride still remained. When Hank died the despair and and shock roused Braggal back to his senses.

Cold anger has taken over as the obsession of the moment.

Braggal has his hands on a good, dwarven axe. It is sharp and ready for Gaedren's skinny little throat!

plans for Braggal:

St 12 Dx 16 Cn 12 / It 12 Ws 13 Ch 12
Feat: Dodge
Traits: Addicted Friend. Dirty Fighter.
Skill Points alloted to : Perception, Stealth, Climb, Diplomacy
Appraise, Disable Device, Local Knowledge, Sense Motive, Sleight of Hand, Intimidate.
Weapons: Throwing Axes, Hammer

Second Darkness. With a salty rogue from the docks (half-elf).

But he might be found in any port of call.

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I would like to submit a young desperado who escaped from captivity after his battalion had been decimated in a recent local battle. He has been struggling to survive alone in the woods for weeks and is very hungry...

He appears to be in rough shape. But a closer look will show that his gaunt appearance belies the figure of a tough, battlehardened soldier!

Fighter of the Pikeman archetype.

He tends toward Lawful...soldier's honour.
And is capable of both good and evil deeds.
Deprivations of war have hardened him of late, he could use a friend or a righteous cause to help restore his faith in humanity....but he's not counting on it.