I have arrived in Magnimar ahead of schedule. The trip was uneventful thus explaining my speedy travel. I have obtained employ with the local brothal as a servant assigned to the stable. As one might expect, I have been given the most menial tasks as befitting my mixed heritage. The patrons, especially those of privilege, pretend the servants do not exist. The more menial the servant, such as I, the more we are pointedly ignored. This has been to my advantage in pursuing the task you have set me to. I hope to have more information in my next correspondence.
Ps. As you can see, I have returned this letter in the lockbox that you provided me. Surely you can provide a better challenge for me with the next lock….
Razvan snorted as he sealed the letter and placed it in the small lockbox. He had feared he would never pick the lock on the box. Jubrayl seemed to enjoy pushing his limits. It was in a kind fatherly way that was foreign to Razvan. Half-orcs didn’t have kind fathers or come to think of it kind mothers either. Razvan didn’t remember much of his parents but what he did remember was most definitely not kindness. Life in Ulgrin was difficult for everyone and deadly for a half breed like Razvan. In the early years, he survived by scavenging Ulgrin's garbage and filth. It was his mind that saved him from the brutal death most of the other scavenging children suffered. Ironically, that keen intellect likely inherited from his human parent was his advantage over the other orcs competing for survival.
He never looked back after leaving Ulgrin and hoped to never return. There was nothing for Razvan in all of the Hold of Belkzen. He wandered from town to settlement never welcomed and never staying long. As he traveled southwest, the dry desolate waste of Belkzen were left behind and replaced with more fertile lands. Humans replaced orcs but their attitudes were much the same. The humans were suspicious and sometime violently so, yet they were not as deadly ferocious as orcs. Some were actually kind. They offered Razvan a place in their family. They were the Sczarni and now Razvan was Sczarni too.