Shadowcount Sial

Rikard Darke the Pious's page

28 posts. Alias of Alexander Sabadosa.


"I agree we must move forward, there could still be more prisoners. We ought to be quick about it."

Loot: 2d6 - 1 ⇒ (1, 3) - 1 = 3

Coins: 1d6 + 5 ⇒ (2) + 5 = 7

Im going to grab a short sword from the pile of random weapons.

Morley McGree wrote:
Ricard, could you put your moves etc. into your profile? I'm really curious to see what you can do, but I don't have that playbook.

Nope... i tried for like 10-20 mins to type it by hand but then Paizo restarted the page. So i will eventually or you can ask moosh for the sheet.

"So Much for the pretty music, sorry guys

Patron hear my plea
Whispers: 2d6 + 2 ⇒ (4, 6) + 2 = 12

"Hasj krshan Igglockerrung" Im going to make the target drop thier weapon and babble incoherently. Do i need to translate for anyone that can speak alien?

Primary Target: If still alive: Khad
Secondary (Khad being dead): Ranged Ratmen

If Khad drops his weapon im going to shout "Khad is mine Hjalmar, he wont be a threat to anyone, not while my patrons influence is near."
If its a secondary target, I wont shout but ill let everyone know that the rat that is babbling in the corner while holding himself should not be a target.

Rikard will head down the path with everyone

Discern Realities: 2d6 - 1 ⇒ (2, 1) - 1 = 2 Wow that fail

I was trying to figure out if i knew the song, and what sort of creature it was coming from.

Hey im back from halloween, hopefully i can catch up some.

Also Moosh can you tell me what in the world a STAR-Shaker is? its from the Move called Hellfire from Above. There also is the Move called Consort of Shadows.

Oh No I missed the fight:
Watching Morley begin his headlong charge, Rikard Whispers "Its time again master, allow me to aid my allies so that we may find this item you wish me to find"

So since i missed the fight should i hold this for when we jump into it next?
GotS: 2d6 + 2 ⇒ (5, 6) + 2 = 13
Choosing Tentacles for Reach We may need to come up with a definitive set of rules as to what reach means, for example how far
Also Choosing Cruel Hooks for Messy Quality

Ill walk over to Morley and Congratulate him "Dam fine job Morley, i can see where the inspiration came from. Even my Lord of the Stars would find such a waste of Intelligence as an affront to the Cosmos"

"Beautiful shot Archepex, that one took that rat-man right through the ear, you know my Patron is a great lover of Rangers, they are some of his most special followers. Mostly because they spend so much of their time in the wilderness beneath his gaze."

can someone let me know when we next can level

Rikard wakes in the early morning completing his prayers to his Lord of Stars, moving around he looks at Dhices fine craftsmanship and coos with appreciation.

When Dhice awakes he will make sure to remark " Friend Dhice that door there, was a beautiful bit of work and im glad we could leave such a strong barrier behind for our friends here"

I dont see why not, maybe we can have philosophical discussions on death.

Discern realities: 2d6 - 1 ⇒ (4, 6) - 1 = 9
What here is not what it seems?

Rikard will stay to the rear of those approaching the building that archepex fell into.

Looking around for signs of his followers Rikard notices a few of the hidden symbols on the doors of buildings they are passing.
We Are Legion: 2d6 + 2 ⇒ (4, 6) + 2 = 12 Apparently i may have followers here if that "we are legion" works for this area

Grigor Umlich wrote:
Rikard Darke the Pious wrote:
Rikard is trying to push forward the party agenda, using the influence garnered by his Star God. Therefore increasing Star God influence increases the amount of aid that star god followers will be able to help us.

So you don't need us, specifically to follow them?

And ill use the fought cultists bond. (not sure how that resolves)
Not sure what this means. You're are going to foster bonds with those we fight and make them cultists, if you can?

1)Need no, im sure Rikard would like you to eventually.

2)Bond=Hjalmar shot my acolyte. I must teach him to understand that there are some enemies that can be made to serve the Lord of Stars, and therefore serve us.

Hjalmar Ironside wrote:

Seeing another skaven fleeing near him, Hjalmar brought his gun around, tracking its movement, his tongue sticking out in concentration.

Once more Agatha bucked and spat in his hands, a clean shot tearing into the skaven.

"Well that was incredibly short sighted, he could have prepared the way for our forces. Ooh well i guess if a dwarf needs to shoot something better it then me, now unfortunately we have no idea where they came from or where we should head except down the road...

hopefully i can turn that unfortunately shortsighted move around and find another skaven cultist to prepare the way for us.

If we are camping this night then i will commune with LoS. Oh Unknowable Master what would you have me do, i gained and lost a follower to you, but i feel like we should still press forward.
any advice GM

Loot: 2d6 - 1 ⇒ (3, 3) - 1 = 5 XP and Coins
2 XP total

Rikard is trying to push forward the party agenda, using the influence garnered by his Star God. Therefore increasing Star God influence increases the amount of aid that star god followers will be able to help us.

And ill use the fought cultists bond. (not sure how that resolves)

"You will spread my patron's influence, you will prepare the way. Now begone and do your duty"

Still on Fire and bright i will rush over and see if i can help any of my allies, if no skaven is alive i will drop the Human Torch.

DM Mooshybooshy, "the Foolish" wrote:

Rikard, the Skaven is clearly willing to listen to you...but your tentacles are a huge diplomatic distraction. "I as you ask... he says, sweating from the roaring fire just behind him. "Just...put the tentacles away and let me go..."

If you voluntarily shed your aberrant gifts (by giving up the rest of your Hold) and let the Skaven live, he will obey one order of yours. Choose wisely.

So not sure if i can do this or not so bear with me

The order is spread my patrons influence to other skaven

I lose the tentacles (but only the tentacles) "Do you see the powers my Lord of the Stars offers? Skaven i have removed 2 (or 3 whichever it actually was) of your compatriots, sent another running with but whispered words. My Lord has such power that you could not even being to understand, his very words would crush your mind; sight of him would blind you. I have only a small amount of his power coursing through me, i could help you learn about my patron if you would pave the way for my patron in your cities/towns/camps."

What im trying to do is set-up the ability to use We Are Legion when traveling in Skaven lands or near skaven outposts, to have aid for supplies, information, or aid (hidey holes). Also i want to increase the influence of my Patron, and a rat that has seen my power might spread it further then a regular cultist.

Will do, isnt quite happening yet, just giving advanced notice.

Will be out of town for halloween, 10/29-11/01 If you would like me to i can drop out, but id like to stick around

Parley: 2d6 + 2 ⇒ (2, 5) + 2 = 9"Listen here skaven you have no choice, you can either choose to follow my lead or i can remove your sanity. Put your weapons down"

If he does not H&S: 2d6 ⇒ (4, 4) = 8

is there a roll to convert someone to your side? maybe some sort of leverage

If i can sway him to my patron id like to do that, maybe offer him power over his skaven brethren, if i cant do that because of game mechanics and what not, then b*^&% gonna die. let me know which i can do and ill roll it.

DM Mooshybooshy, "the Foolish" wrote:

Also a friendly reminder to everyone to mark an XP on their character sheet for every time they fail a roll! If something related to your Bonds happens during the session it's good to note that in your profile as well. Record-keeping makes the game easier!

Rikard, who is advancing on them! The "holy man's" tentacles have incinerated one of the crossbow Skaven, and he's looking to clean up another one that is backed up against the bonfire. Rikard, roll your damage on another Skaven crossbowrat, you're thinning their numbers and your fire is causing them to panic. You're breaking their resolve, try to terrify them...

Question What is a failure?

After dealing damage Dmg: 1d6 ⇒ 3

I think its time to whisper to them. Whispered Madness: 2d6 + 2 ⇒ (5, 3) + 2 = 10

I whisper to the skavens about to run picking the one that is trying to rally any followers or is the most about to try and counter.

JHYL'JmNihera'N^ErW Shukulagm'na"

Inflicting whispered madness on them makes the target incredibly frightened so that they run away screaming.

No i was able to update the post but, it was edited after Moosh posted, so i think he didnt look back at it and see the edits.

DM Mooshybooshy, "the Foolish" wrote:
Hey Rickard, my friend, you're calculating your HP incorrectly. You start out with your con SCORE + your base HP (6) as your HP. The higher of the 2 dice you rolled was 8, so you take 8 - your Armor as damage.

yeah i caught that after i had posted, so i edited and righted everything. I wonder if thats why i havent seen an update about my post?

2d8: 2d8 ⇒ (4, 8) = 12
How does armor play into this?
Dead to dice roll? i have 7HP and dice=8-1 armor= still dead.
HP= 6 +Con Con=13 +1 so HP=7?

Ignore Above:

Con=6+13= 19 HP phew.

Into the fray, id like to remove the crossbowman. Permanently. and if i can with a single tentacle maybe release some friends.
2d6 + 0 ⇒ (3, 6) + 0 = 9

Rikard noticing below the overwhelming numbers of ratmen (at-least for one person) decides to get closer to the camp, hopefully without being seen. As Rikard is moving into position, the camp goes crazy, noticing his friends (as much as they could be) going into action. Rikard stands and Shouts "For the Lord of the Stars"

Gift of the Stars: 2d6 + 2 ⇒ (6, 3) + 2 = 11
Woot! first use of ability and its awesome
Aberrations: Body of Light Tags:Burning, Blinding Tentacles Tags: Reach

Im looking to draw the skaven attention toward the bright, burning, tentacle monster that comes crashing into camp.

attack anything i can within reach. Hack and Slash I think: 2d6 + 1 ⇒ (1, 2) + 1 = 4
uh oh

Begin: 2d6 ⇒ (6, 4) = 10
Im not sure which i fall into so im going to write a little something for both. As read im tied up

Out Foraging:
I immediately try to asses the situation from a distance and plan my rescue attempt. How many are there and how many of our party are left is what im trying to figure out.

Tied Up:
I am laying on the ground trying to figure out how in the world the Skaven got the drop on us. Am i laying near Bathilda? If so she will be the first one i free when i get free myself, if possible i see us back to back, but im not sure how that plays into whats happening. "you know lass you might save your energy for when i cut us free"

Arturia Pendragon wrote:
Horgus Gwerm 201 wrote:
You must come help me ive been harmed, i seem to be bleeding here help

"Hello sir, where are you bleeding so that I may render aid."


"Well obviously here and here along my arm, cant you tell that those are major wounds?" as he points out a couple of rather minor cuts

You must come help me ive been harmed, i seem to be bleeding here help