Twisted Night

Game Master FabesMinis

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Male Halfling Bard 4

Healaugh knows pretty much all there is to know about them - rather bizarrely.

Seeing Ynyr's eyes brighten, Healaugh hastily fills in his old friend on the construct ...

Healaugh recognises the thing as a shield guardian, an arcane construct created by a powerful spellcaster as a bodyguard. They are tough and strong, and may possess a spell or two in their arsenal.

It has darkvision, and is immune to charm, disease, fear, poison and sleep. It's slow with a speed of 4. It has aura 2 Shield Other: as long as its master is within the aura, it grants its master a +2 bonus to all defenses and takes half the masters damage until destroyed. It has a slam attack with a reach of 2. The ritual to create a guardian keys it to an amulet. It obeys its masters verbal commands to the best of its ability. It can be ordered to perform specific tasks at specific times or when certain conditions are met. ...

The more he describes it, the more uneasy he feels.

Male Human Fighter 3

Darvyl scrambles up the rope ladder.

At his turn, of course -- Init, Athletics (1d20+6=25, 1d20+9=19)

Male Dragonborn Paladin, Level 4

Initiative roll: 8+1=9

Please, Sir, I thought that Ddraig had climbed onto the boat first!

Male Human Ranger 3

Initiative - 18+4=22

Apologies, Ddraig is also aboard.



Darvyl's up first, and he climbs up the ladder.


Male Human Fighter 3

Do I have any actions left? If so, shift to I13

Yes, another move is fine. Will add to the map.

Male Human Ranger 3

Too impatient to wait for Healaugh to secure the rope, Nechtan attempts to scramble aboard via the oars.

Acrobatics (1d20+8=21)

Nechtan succeeds.


Ynyr's turn.

Male Human Ranger 3

Okay if Nechtan draws his weapons once aboard?

You've had a move, so 2 minor actions is good, yes.

Male Human Atrificer/3

Ynyr listens to Healaugh with increasing dismay.

"Now that's not very good then is it? Best we get rid of it, wouldn't you say?"

Having nothing much better to do given the size of the thing and the narrowness of the boat, Ynyr just throws his dagger at the construct. Magic weapon

Magic Weapon vs. AC. (1d20+9=28, 1d4+4=7)

I'm assuming that hits - 7 damage. Healaugh (bieng Ynyr's best buddy - and adjacent to Ynyr) gets a +1 bonus to all attack and damage rolls until the end of Ynyr's next turn.

Male Halfling Bard 4

Awww. Thank you. He'll try not to miss.

Male Dragonborn Paladin, Level 4

OK, as Ynyr's attacked, Ddraig's readied action (charge) occurs:

Move to J13 and make a basic melee attack (1d20+9; 1d8+5).

Rolls:18+9=27; 5+5=10 damage.

Oh bugger - I'm in the thick of it now!

Hmmm, I'll allow you to use a readied action from prior to combat this once.

Metal screeches as Ynyr and Ddraig smash into the strange being.

Hits Ddraig for 12 damage. Current HP, Ddraig? Greylan tries MM, which misses.

The construct smashes into Ddraig with a fist comprised of iron. Greylan climbs up and fires a magical bolt at the thing.

Healaugh's turn.

Male Halfling Bard 4

"Tha gurt pile of rust, begone with tha," snarls Healaugh, viciously hurling insults and arcane power at the construct and backing as far away as possible.

Vicious Mockery (Will) v construct (1d20 7=26, 1d6 6=10)

If that's a hit - and I really hope it is or we are so very dead - construct takes a -2 penalty to attack rolls to EMNT.

That does indeed hit. Where are all these high rolls coming from? BUT... it's immune to charm.

The great metal beast ignores Healaugh's imprecations.

Darvyl's turn.

Male Halfling Bard 4
Fabes DM wrote:

That does indeed hit. Where are all these high rolls coming from? BUT... it's immune to charm.

Bugger. Back to the drawing board, assuming he's around to have a drawing board to go back to by the time his turn rolls round.


Male Human Fighter 3

With a flurry of swings, stabs, and chops, Darvyl attempts to befuddle the construct.

1d20+10=27, 2d8+10=20 Dang, didn't notice IC had signed me out. That's a Distracting Spate, meaning 20hp damage and it grants me combat advantage TEOMNT.

Male Dragonborn Paladin, Level 4
Fabes DM wrote:

Hits Ddraig for 12 damage. Current HP, Ddraig?

The construct smashes into Ddraig with a fist comprised of iron.

Guv'nor! I'm now on 33, but VERY worried! Note to all: Ddraig's AC is now 11, so I'm gonna take some damage ...

Male Dragonborn Paladin, Level 4
Ddraig Goch wrote:
Note to all: Ddraig's AC is now 11, so I'm gonna take some damage ...

Dear all - a small erratum for you! I'm actually on AC 13, as I'd forgotten that I can hold a shield without taking an age to put it on!

Darvyl hits. Nechtan's turn.

Darvyl is a whirl of blades and almost dance-like maneuvers.

Male Human Ranger 3

Profuse apologies

Nechtan advances on the construct and slashes at it.

Shift to I10. Hunter's Quarry. Twin Strike with CA, HQ (1d20+10=21, 1d10+2=3, 1d20+9=22, 1d6+1=7, 1d8=4) When the Guardian swings Disruptive Strike vs AC (1d20+10=25, 1d10+5=15) Hit means guardian gets -5 on attack roll. Apply earlier Hunter's Quarry damage if not used.

Not a problem. I have been lax in not updating. Apologies also.

Nechtan steps in to lend his blades but they bounce off the steel hide of their foe.

You missed, but I will remember your other attack when the time comes. Ynyr's turn.


Male Human Atrificer/3

A little overawed by the construct, (and wondering how he would go about building such a thing himself if he ever got the chance) Ynyr takes a step towards it and points a hesitant finger while bowing arcane dust into the air. He is a aware of Ddraig's plight and is trying to help him more than anything else.

Move to J8. Lifetap. (1d20+4=10, 2d10+3=20)

The dust is nowhere near as effective as he would have liked, but it does still do 10 damage and Ddraig gets 5 temporary hit points.

Ynyr misses. Damage noted. Guardian bloodied.

Planking is shoved aside and a woman appears, dark haired and beautiful but with a scowl.

She growls in Illuskan "Hwaer ist mine broder?!"

"Where is my brother

Basic attack vs Healaugh. Hits for 7 damage.

She stabs the brave bard with her blade. A dagger that is.

Ddraig's turn.

Male Halfling Bard 4



"Ifn' his name was Sven, happen tha might want to sit down. Got a spot of bad news for tha."


"Serpent-tongued rat! There is for thy mealy-mouthed ways."

Please note I put the wrong text in my previous post. Now corrected.

Male Halfling Bard 4

Shaking drops of blood off his arm -



"Name-calling now? Reet. Tha's come to proper place."

His eyes narrow.

"Happen that would be sweet Inge. Bit miscalled to my way of thinking."

Male Dragonborn Paladin, Level 4

Ddraig slashes at the Guardian, using Righteous Smite and Radiant Strength:

1d20+8; 2d8+4+4

Rolls: 15+8=23; if that hits, 8+6+4+4=22 damage, and all allies within 5 squares of me gain 5 temporary hit points

Ddraig then uses an action point to attack using Radiant Smite:

1d20+9; 2d8+4

Rolls:14+9=23; 1+4+4=9 radiant damage

Fabes DM


"Today we shall bring to an end these troubling Times, and the news of your demise will be relayed along the Telegraph for every Observer to see. Your defeat will be the News of the World, and every being under the Sun will rejoice."


That hit. Big damn heroes make me cry.

Male Human Atrificer/3

Ynyr turns to look at Potential Inge and judges her nowhere near as beautiful as Dealynn.

Fluent Illuskan: "Now when are you going to stop hitting my friend? When I ask you? Do you know there has been nothing but trouble since we came here?"

Guardian whacks Ddraig 21 vs AC 12 damage to Ddraig. NOw for a complicated bit... Marine 1 appears near Healaugh and Nechtan: OA from Nechtan misses. OA from Healaugh misses. Marines 2 and 3 appear near Darvyl and Ddraig: OA from Ddraig hits for 13 damage. OA from Darvyl hits for 10 damage. Marine 2 is bloodied. OA from Ddraig vs Marine 3 hits for 10 damage. OA from Darvyl vs Marine 3 crits for 21 damage. Marine 3 bloodied. Their attacks to follow...

Marine 1 misses Healaugh. Marine 2 misses Darvyl. 2 '1s' in a row! Marine 3 hits Ddraig - 17 vs AC with Powerful Strike 17 damage to Ddraig and he is knocked prone. Status please, Ddraig.

Male Dragonborn Paladin, Level 4
Fabes DM wrote:
Status please, Ddraig.

I'm on 4hp, so it's going to get messy!!!

Greylan climbs up the ladder and looks alarmed, firing a magic missile into the rigging.

I rolled a 1 for him. Healaugh's turn. Map to follow.


Male Halfling Bard 4

Basic javelin attack v Marine 1 (1d20 6=16, 1d6 4=6)

Unexpectedly shoulder to shoulder with a lot of people, Healaugh jabs ineffectually at the nearest marine with his javelin before shifting himself away from Inge.

"Up tha gets Ddraig. Just a scale wound."

Shifts to J7. Majestic word on Ddraig (healing surge +4). Could shift him one square but there's nowhere to shift him to.

Healaugh prods and the marine expertly parries.

Nechtan, Darvyl and Ynyr are up.


Male Halfling Bard 4

Fabes DM


Healaugh has another cunning plan brewing. He knows a lot about boats. Can he get close enough to a vital bit of rigging to bring the sail down on Inge, the construct and the marines? And what kind of DC would you set for such an action if it was possible?

He would need to climb the mast (very high Athletics DC) and then proceed to cut all the supports of the sail. It's very difficult indeed and would take ages.

Male Halfling Bard 4

It was just a thought :)

Male Human Fighter 3

Darvyl executes a pair of attacks against the construct, less successfully than he'd hoped.

Dual Strike, scourge, sword (+sneak attack) (1d20+10+2=17, 1d8+3=8, 1d20+11+2=21, 1d6+3+2d6=11) If 17 hits, 8 from the scourge; if 21 hits, 11 from the shortsword

21 hits.

With a mighty crash, Darvyl smashes the construct's chestplate and the mighty automaton smashes into the deck with a crash.

Nice one. Guardian destroyed - its squares count as difficult terrain now. Nechtan and Ynyr to go.

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