Cobalt Dragon

Ddraig Goch's page

191 posts. Alias of Elor Danar.

Full Name

Ddraig Goch




Paladin, Level 4




6' 8"



Special Abilities

Low light vision; Dragon breath (acid attack); Dragonborn Frenzy


Lawful Good




Originally from Callidyr


Waelish; Draconic

Strength 18
Dexterity 12
Constitution 14
Intelligence 10
Wisdom 12
Charisma 16

About Ddraig Goch

DDRAIG GOCH, level 4 Dragonborn Paladin – Lawful Good alignment.
6’8” – 320 lbs – worshiper of Breasal
Languages: Waelish; Draconic.

Str 18, Con 14, Dex 12, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 16.

Starting Ability Scores
Str 16, Con 13, Dex 11, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 14.

AC: 23 Fort: 17 Reflex: 16 Will: 16
HP: 52 Surges: 12 Surge Value: 15
Current HP: 31/52

Passive insight: 18; Passive Perception: 13.

Acrobatics: -1
Arcana: +2
Athletics: +2
Bluff: +5
Diplomacy: +5
Dungeoneering: +3
Endurance: +5
Heal: +3
History: +4
Insight: +8
Intimidate: +12
Nature: +3
Perception: +3
Religion: +7
Stealth: -1
Streetwise: +5
Thievery: -1

Religion, Intimidate, Insight, Endurance.

1: Toughness (+5 HP per tier)
2: Dragonborn Frenzy (When bloodied, deal an additional +2 damage on all attacks)
3: Defensive Mobility (+2 to AC against opportunity attacks)

Once per encounter may Channel Divinity to do EITHER
Divine Strength (+1 to your next attack roll) OR
Divine Mettle (range 10), target makes a saving throw + your Cha mod (+3).

Basic melee with longsword: 1d20+10/1d8+5 damage
Basic melee with javelin: 1d20+8/1d6+4 damage
Basic ranged with javelin: 1d20+8/1d6+4 damage

1, At-Will: Enfeebling Strike: 1d20+9 v AC/1d8+4 damage. If target is marked, it takes -2 penalty to attacks until end of your next turn.
1, At-Will: Valiant Strike: 1d20+10 (+1 extra per adjacent enemy) v AC/1d8+6 damage.
1, Encounter: Radiant Smite: 1d20+10/2d8+6 radiant damage
R, Encounter: Dragon breath: Close Blast 3. 1d20+8/1d6+1 acid damage.
1, Daily: Paladin's Judgment: 1d20+10/3d8+6 damage. Hit or miss, one ally within 5 squares can spend a healing surge.
2, Utility: Martyr's Blessing: Trigger – ally is hit. You are hit instead.
3, Encounter: Righteous Smite: 1d20+9/2d8+4 damage and you and every ally within 5 squares gain temp hp equal to 5 plus Wisdom mod (6hp at the moment).

Lay on Hands: melee touch. Spend healing surge to heal ally. Ally gets additional +1. Can use number of times per day equal to Wis mod (1 at present), but only once per round.

Daily power with longsword: On critical hit deal additional 1d6 necrotic damage. As a free action, the target takes 5 ongoing necrotic damage (save ends, but at a –2 penalty to save roll).

Daily power Symbol of Hope: Immediate reaction. Trigger – you or ally within 5 squares are hit by effect a save can end. Target can make an immediate saving throw at +5.


Reinforcing Plate Armour +1; Symbol of Hope +1; Javelin (5), Adventurer's Kit, Deathstriker Longsword +1; Heavy Shield

Reinforcing Plate Armour: +1 AC enhancement; when hit by a melee attach, gives +1 to all defences until the start of my next turn).

Special features: Low light vision