Twisted Night

Game Master FabesMinis

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Magic Missile vs Leader. Miss

Greylan sweats and fumbles his incantation.

Male Human Ranger 3

Bloodied (4hp)

EDIT: 10 hp, forgot about the temps from Ddraig.

Forgot Darvyl got an OA on his opponent, who shifted. It hit for 10 damage.


Darvyl takes the opportunity to strike at his foe's inattention.

Block 3's turn.

Male Halfling Bard 4

"Great fool, will tha' get back ont' feet reet now," bellows Healaugh as Ddraig collapses again.

"And stop wasting healing. Don't grow on trees tha' knowst."

"And tha can just stop clouting hapless dragons," he adds to the leader, backing away towards the tents.

Moving to O20.

Vicious Mockery (Will) v Leader bod. On hit, target takes -2 to attack rolls to end of next turn. (1d20 6=17, 1d6 5=7). Most unlikely to hit. Not a great time to be rolling poorly.

Majestic Word on Ddraig who heals from 0 the the total of one surge +4. He slides one square to U30. Last heal of this encounter. Over to Ynyr or we're down to CPR second winding.

That misses. Sorry. Ddraig is healed, prone and can slide if he wishes. Darvyl and Ynyr to go.

Male Human Fighter 3

Darvyl takes advantage of his superior mobility in the difficult terrain to get back-to-back with Nechtan, then executes a sweeping blow with his scourge, hitting the marine once more.

Pass Forward SE, S, triggering no OAs, then sweeping blow 1d20+12=29, 1d8+7=13, 1d20+12=16, 1d8+7=13 -- 29 to hit #1 for 13, miss leader

No1 is bloodied.

Male Dragonborn Paladin, Level 4

I don't know if it's Ddraig's turn yet, but when it is he's going to accept the slide to U30 and use second wind! He'll then be on 28 hit points.

Enough with the hitting and the dying and the pain ...

Ynyr move to O27. Restorative Formula on Nechtan - you can spend a healing surge and add 1. Basic attack with dagger vs leader - miss.

Ynyr blows magic dust on Nechtan... it makes him feel... really good!

Ddraig took his turn and I have taken the liberty of having him stand up as well. Nechtan's turn!


Male Human Ranger 3

Temporarily barely un-bloodied

Nechtan singles out the leader for special attention and goes Krutne on him.

Declare leader Hunter's Quarry. Twin Strike vs AC (1d20+8=19, 1d10+2=10, 1d20+7=24, 1d6+1=3, 1d8=8). Spend Action Point. Twin Strike again (1d20+8=16, 1d10+2=3, 1d20+7=26, 1d6+1=2)

If the leader attacks anyone while Nechtan is next to him: Disruptive Strike vs AC (1d20+8=9, 1d10+5=8) Bah!

Male Halfling Bard 4

Healaugh looks on in approval as Nechtan explodes in a flurry of dancing blades.

"Grand lads, the Krutne. Canst see why they're champion raiders."

The leader of the raiders grins as he has found an opponent of similar fighting style and mettle to himself. Much of the force of Nechtan's blows is taken out by the leader's dodging and parries.

Savage rebuke - Leader makes basic melee attack vs Nechtan 28 vs AC - 14 damage to Nechtan

It seems to the Krutne that this man is able to shrug off wounds that might fell a lesser foe. [ooc]Regen 5

No.1 misses Darvyl. No. 2 attacks Nechtan and hits. 5 damage to Nechtan. Leader - minor HQ Nechtan, attacks Nechtan - Twin Strike 1 crit 13 damage to Nechtan + 1 HQ damage. Total damage to Nechtan this round 33 HP Twin Strike 2 vs Darvyl - miss.

As if in answer the berseker snarls and smashes into Nechtan, felling the little Krutne, he then turns his attention to Darvyl but the young bravo dodges his furious assault.

Male Halfling Bard 4

"... on t'other hand, happen he's meeting match. Best do summat."

Photobucket not co-operating. But Block 3 are up.

Male Halfling Bard 4

"Had quite enough of this. Reet lads. We're winning this one!"

The halfling's voice rises to a shout, and he punctuates his words with stabs of the air with his wand.

Stirring Shout (Will) v Leader (1d20 6=22, 2d6 5=10).

Stirring Shout. Effect: Until the end of the encounter, whenever an ally hits the target, that ally regains hit points equal to your Charisma modifier (+4).

It's range 10, so if Healaugh isn't within range he'll move until he is before shouting stirringly.

That hit.

Healaugh obviously has irritated the berserker...


"You have guts, holbytla! Maybe we'll see them later!"


Ynyr and Darvyl to play. For those of you watching in black and white, the pink ball is next to the green.

Male Human Fighter 3

Darvyl attempts to draw the leader away from his flanking advantage on Nechtan.

Footwork Lure vs leader (1d20+11=21, 1d6+7=12) If that hits, shift 1 sq N and draw target into vacated square

Darvyl manages to make the savage warrior over-reach himself, and the man curses:


"That's the last time ye make a fool of Sven Condurson, boy!"

Male Human Fighter 3

Darvyl laughs. Being surrounded by human enemies, he is in his element. Nothing like the singing tree.

Male Halfling Bard 4

"Sven is it? There'll be some name calling shortly."

Male Human Atrificer/3

"Now, Nechtan, will you get up? Try to not be hit so much will you?"

Ynyr blows some more magic dust at Nechtan to give him yet another healing surge with a bonus of: Extra healing. (1d6=4).

Then he throws his beloved dagger into the fray, covered with some more shining dust, centred on Q31 (where Darvyl is). Only hits enemies.

Fiery Infusion against number 1, 3 and leader in that order. (1d20+8=9, 1d20+8=28, 1d20+8=18)

That's a crit on number 3 and a possible hit on the leader. Darvyl and Nechtan will do an extra 2 fire damage to any hits before the end of Ynyr's next turn.

Crit damage. (8+1d6=10)

Damage to leader. (1d4+4=8)

Ynyr pats the returning dagger lovingly.

Male Dragonborn Paladin, Level 4

OK, I think it's Ddraig to go!

Stepping forward to S29, Ddraig Divinely Challenges the leader, before striking at him again:

Enfeebling Strike (with combat advantage, due to flanking): 1d20+10 v AC; 1d8+4

Rolls: 17+10=27 v AC; 8+4 = 12 damage

In addition, because I hit, the leader takes a -2 to his attack rolls until the end of my next turn.

Male Halfling Bard 4

Healaugh's attack allows any ally who hits the leader to regain 4hp to the end of the encounter.

Sensing that the tide may be turning, the tall warrior motions to his men and calls out to Ddraig and company:



Male Halfling Bard 4

"Mebbe. You do talking and we'll do listening. At distance like. Be stepping away from oor lad Nechtan and all. And dropping weapons."

Healaugh's Illuskan isn't wonderful, but he can make himself understood.

If Sven and his boys step away and drop their weapons, he'll go and see if he can help Nechtan who's probably on some seriously negative hp.


"Ha! Do you think us fools, holbytla? I asked for parlay, not surrender!"
Sven barks,
"The ormganger and the boy step away first. but, ah, we will let the wolves of battle sleep for this time. Karl, Bjorn - let us show them we mean well."
he adds with what might be an attempt at an ingratiating smile.

The marines sheath their swords.

Male Halfling Bard 4

Much depends on how negative Nechtan is at this point.

Never taking his eyes of Sven, Healaugh grunts slightly.



"Said we'd listen. Best be telling us what sort of "parlay" tha hadst in mind. Quick mind, can't be doing with lad bleeding to death like. Oathsworn to me. Tha'll understand that I reckon."

He isn't anymore - Ynyr blew magic powder on him.

Male Human Ranger 3

Nechtan staggers to his feet, looking for battle.

Does not understand Illuskan, especially when unconscious.

Have a good weekend, all!

Male Halfling Bard 4

"Nay Nechtan, stay still tha daft bugger, tha hears we're talking."

- desperately in Waelish.

Male Human Ranger 3

Nechtan glares, but lowers his weapons.


"You count sorcerers amongst you as well as warriors. That is well. It seems we misjudged your intentions. We seek an evil old man who has caused us much trouble of late; he is an oathbreaker in league with a fey creature. Will you aid us in defeating them, mighty as you are?

Male Halfling Bard 4

Wanting to believe Sven, Healaugh nonetheless keeps a sense of proportion. Insight on Sven and the boys (1d20 4=7)

"Ynyr, what dost think?"

Or anyone capable of rolling a better insight check for that matter!

Male Dragonborn Paladin, Level 4

Insight (1d20+7=17)

I hope that helps!

Ddraig + anyone who beats 14

You sense that he is telling the truth, but not all of it.

Male Human Atrificer/3

Insight (such as it is). (1d20+3=10)

Ynyr is not too convinced either way.



"And come then, tell me will you? Why did you attack us if you only thought we might be someone else? Did you not know this other man whom you think was one of us? Did you not? And while we're parlaying you might as well tell more about this bad man you think you thought we were, why not?"

"Now, I don't know, Healaugh, I really don't know. What say you Ddraig?"

Sven looks at Ynyr and after a beat says to Healaugh:


"The old fool's words make no sense to me. What say you, holbytla? Do you agree to an alliance?"

Male Halfling Bard 4



"Got way with words has Ynyr," comments Healaugh admiringly. "Happen terms might be more favourable if tha' knowst evil old 'un's dead. Happened across us last night and dint see day come. May change things for you."

"Reckon won't hurt to talk. Just told him evil gaffer's dead. Don't think he knew that," he adds in Waelish for the benefit of the non-Illuskan speakers.

Male Human Fighter 3

Darvyl stays braced for hostilities, not understanding what's going on.


Sven considers Healaugh's words, "You slew him? And the fey thing? You fought that also?" he asks.

He looks around the group, and says finally, "Well, in which case we have no further business here. Except for one thing..."

Insight checks please!

Male Dragonborn Paladin, Level 4

More Insight! (1d20+7=15)

"I feel that all is not as clear as it could be."

Male Halfling Bard 4

Busily doing a rapid translation from Illuskan to Waelish, Healaugh misses the finer nuances.

Insight check (1d20 4=8)

You need to beat a target DC of 6. Yeah, he sort of sucks at Bluff. Please also roll Initiative. If you don't beat 6 with your Insight check, you are surprised. You have not had a short rest, thus any encounter powers used have not recharged. Any effects (such as Healaugh's temp hp on attacking Sven) are still in place.

Male Halfling Bard 4

Healaugh sighs. Illuskan

"We're still going to be having words I see."

Init (1d20 2=14)

In Waelish - "Ready selves lads, all's not as seems."

Male Human Fighter 3

Insight;Init (1d20+2=19, 1d20+6=15)

Darvyl is ready.

Male Dragonborn Paladin, Level 4

Initiative (1d20+1=19)

Why does this sodding thing roll wonderfully for initiative, and crap for attacks???

Male Human Atrificer/3

Ynyr, is incensed that the man pretended not to understand him, and so misses any trickery in his voice.

Insight; Initiative. (1d20+3=5, 1d20+2=9)

Nectan - Insight: 5 (he's surprised then); Init: 17


Nechtan (surprised)

Map to come. Everyone may take 1 action, except Nechtan who cannot take any.

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