Twisted Night

Game Master FabesMinis

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Round 3

Block 1

Block 2
Ddraig Goch

Block 3
Verbeeg Elder

Block 1 again!

Whoops about the damage rolls! I'll roll once from now. I don't think I'm adding half my level to damage though. My break down for damage is +5 (INT), +1 (staff enchantment), +1(Astral Fire feat)

Excellent - thanks for the clarification. I missed Astral Fire. :D

Male Halfling Bard 4

Nechtan posted his moves earlier as he was not going to be around.

Male Human Fighter 3

And Darvyl should be moved to block 2, as I can't really post intelligently (no comments) before the Verbeeg

Oops! You are both of course, right.

Nechtan jumps off the burnt crates and lays into the verbeeg he has singled out. Channeling the power of the icy north in his magic axe, a thin rime forms over the verbeeg, chilling him.

V4 bloodied.

The verbeeg drops his longbow, draws his own claymore and savagely swipes at the Krutne. As he does so, Nechtan sees his moment and stabs. This severely wounds his opponent and makes him reel in agony.

Disruptive Strike from Nechtan. V4 missed Nechtan.

Male Human Ranger 3
Fabes DM wrote:


** spoiler omitted **



Nechtan's +2 on damage comes from enhancement on each of his weapons(+1), and Two-Weapon Fighting (+1). Sorry that I didn't clarify that somewhere in the powers section.

I'm glad that you are checking these things, as I haven't played much 4e, and there are things that I miss (like the Twin Strike error that you pointed out earlier).

Male Human Ranger 3



Sorry, just found out that the feat only gives +1 to damage on the main weapon. So the axe damage should be 1 less.

V1 shift to S7. Attack Nechtan with Relentless - 21 vs AC. 14 damage to Nechtan and pushed to S5. V2 attacks Ynyr with longbow - 16 vs AC. Missed! V3 attacks Ynyr with longbow 18 vs AC. Hit! Ynyr takes 9 damage V5 attacks Nechtan with longbow. 9 vs AC. Miss! V6 attacks Ddraig with Relentless - 29 vs AC. Ddraig is hit for 13 damage and pushed to W9 V6 shift to T9.

Round 3

Block 1

Block 2

Ddraig Goch
Verbeeg Elder

Block 4

New blocks

As Nechtan demonstrates his dazzling martial skill, the verbeeg retaliation is fierce, with arrows flying through the air, and some drawing claymores and forcing back the Krutne raider and the dragonborn.

Block 2!

Male Human Ranger 3

Nechtan reels from the blow. Bloodied

Male Human Fighter 3
Fabes DM wrote:
V6 attacks Ddraig with Relentless - 29 vs AC. Ddraig is hit for 13 damage and pushed to W9

V6 takes a -2 for being marked by Darvyl, but don't suppose that makes much difference . ..

Male Human Fighter 3

Updated map, please?


Male Dragonborn Paladin, Level 4

Ddraig shakes his head from the blow, and bellows his annoyance. Then he purposefully steps forward (move to U9) and swings his longsword at the Verbeer (V6).

Valiant Strike: Attack 1d20+10 v AC; Damage 1d8+6 = 24; 12

Male Human Atrificer/3

Don't forget that the next person to attack V6 gets a +2 power bonus to their attack roll. BUt the must do it before Ynyr's next turn.

Male Human Fighter 3


Seeing his allies being overwhelmed, Darvyl shouts, "Enough o' this!" and runs into the fray, swinging his scourge and stabbing with his sword in a bewildering array of attacks.

Move to U8, distracting spate vs V6, using scourge: Distracting spate vs V6 (1d20+10=29, 2d8+10=20) -- hit, I assume, grants combat advantage. Action Point: Brash Strike with shortsword (sneak attack if hits) -- and roll a 1. So 20 damage to V6

EDIT: Ok, so it was a 31 to hit

Darvyl wades in and smashes into the verbeeg woman, as does Ddraig Goch. Their combined might brings her low.

V6 killed. Healaugh?

male Halfling Commoner 1

Chuntering under his breath, Healaugh scampers around the tree (move to V10). "Cheer up Nechtan lad, tha's still got plenty of fight left in thee"

Minor action, Healaugh's interpretation of Majestic Word. Nechtan can use a healing surge with an additional +4 on top. He can also be slid one square, but only if that's useful to him.

"Had about enough of you lads." He nods briskly and waves his wand, hoping to vanish from sight.

Eyebite on V3. 1d20+6 v Will = 23, 1d6+5=8 and Healaugh is invisible to V3 until the end of his next turn.

Healaugh inspires a sense of get up and go in Nechtan and one of the verbeeg clutches his eyes in pain.


Block 4.

Male Human Atrificer/3

Ynyr moves to W11.

"Shoot at me will you?" he says to V3. Then throws his dagger.

Aggravating force against V3. (1d20+8=13, 1d4+4=5)

"Well... just stop it, do you hear?"

EDIT: If V3 is no more by then, Ynyr will target V1. Not that I suppose it will make much difference...

Male Human Ranger 3

Nechtan will take advantage of the slide to return to R6

Nechtan - so noted. Greylan is up.

Grey does 10 damage to V3.

Greylan fires a bolt of magical force at the verbeeg under assault from his comrades. Ynyr's dagger misses the verbeeg and boomerangs back to his hand.

Round 4

Block 1

Block 2

Ddraig Goch
Verbeeg Elder

Block 4

Nechtan's turn.

Male Human Ranger 3

Nechtan slashes madly at the verbeeg in front of him, then retreats a step.

Twin Strike: Sword,Axe,Quarry (1d20+8=21, 1d10+2=7, 1d20+7=26, 1d6+1=6, 1d8=2) If the first attack drops V4, he will attack V1 with the axe (HQ on the first hit). Shift to S5. If V4 falls, declare V1 new Quarry.

Nechtan becomes a dervish of blades, felling one giant and injuring another.

V4 is dead. V1 wounded. V1 shift to S6. V3 move to R6. Basic attack V3 miss. Relentless V1 also miss! V2 longbow attack on Ddraig - hit! 3 damage to Ddraig. V5 longbow attack on Nechtan. Hit! 5 damage to Nechtan

The verbeeg counter attack but obviously they are much too fearful of Nechtan to tackle him in any useful manner. Further arrows fly, skimming Nechtan and Ddraig.


Male Human Ranger 3

Nechtan howls "Take that, ye cludgies!!"

Male Human Fighter 3

Darvyl's eyes light up, as he sees an opportunity. Sliding into flanking position with Nechtan, he executes a brash strike with his shortsword, piercing the giants vitals.

28 to hit, 17 damage

Brash strike vs V1 + sneak attack; grant V1 CA (1d20+15=28, 1d6+7+2d6=17)

EDIT: Move W, NW to flank V1

Male Halfling Bard 4

""Cludgies" is grand description our Nechtan. Happen I can borrow it like, for vicious mockery?"

Healaugh jabs his wand at Verbeeg 3. "Tha dostna know what's hit tha." He sidles back out of range again and the Verbeeg can see his small tormentor again.

Misdirected Mark on V3, which is now marked by Darvyl, so -2 if it goes for anyone else. 1d20+6 v Ref= 24, 1d8+4=11. Move to V3

Male Human Atrificer/3

FYI, Ynyr is actually at W11

V1 now bloodied. As an immediate reaction, V3 uses Fierce Counterstrike on Darvyl - 13 vs AC. Wow. My luck has run out with these guys. V3 is dead/unconscious/whatever. Healaugh - you can't get to V3 unless you run. Is that your intention. Otherwise, I can put you in U4.

Darvyl rushes to aid Nechtan, deftly swooping in and deflecting retaliatory attacks. His blade bites deep in his foe. Meanwhile the plucky halfling waves his magic wand and his chosen foe looks in bewilderment at him before keeling over with a thud.

My poor verbeeg. Ddraig Goch to go.

Male Halfling Bard 4

Ah - I see. "V3" referred to "Verbeeg 3" not the square. I do apologise for the confusion. He's certainly not galloping to square V3 and taking a -5 penalty. He's standing exactly where he is, zapping Verbeeg 3 and backing off into the trees. To the square V13. Slip of the finger.

Male Dragonborn Paladin, Level 4

Stepping forward, Ddraig snarles at V1 and slashes at him with his sword. Move to square S7, and attack with Valiant Strike.

1d20+11 (because there's two of them adjacent to me) v AC; 1d8+6 damage

Rolls: 2+11=13 v AC; 4+6=10 damage (if he hit!)

Ddraig rushes the verbeeg, and the ogrish fellow dodges the paladin's swing by a narrow margin.

Greylan and Ynyr to go.

Male Human Atrificer/3

Ynyr moves over to T8 and nonchalantly tosses has dagger at V1.

Magic Weapon against V1 (1d20+9=22, 1d4+4=8)

It is hard to tell, but I think he is adjacent to both Darvyl and Ddraig. In which case, they each get a +1 bonus to any attack rolls until the end of Ynyr's next turn. If Ynyr is not adjacent to either of them, can you please assume that he will have moved so as to be so adjacent (if possible without provoking any attacks of opportunity).

Ynyr's newly acquired confidence pays off as his dagger flies true, wounding the verbeeg.

You are now adjacent to Darvyl and Ddraig, as noted. We will assume Greylan has delayed until after you (to keep the momentum).

V5 is mine!

Greylan launches a magical bolt of force out of his staff toward the lumbering ogre-kin. Well he tries to, anyway.


In the excitement Greylan's magic veers wildly.

Round 5

Block 1

Block 2

Ddraig Goch
Verbeeg Elder

Block 4


Male Human Ranger 3

Nechtan slashes lethally at the verbeeg in front of him.
Twin Strike with Flank: Sword, Axe, HQ (1d20+10=24, 1d10+2=8, 1d20+9=29, 1d6+1=2, 1d8=6) +1 more to hit from Ynyr. Axe is a crit, so cold damage is actually 1d6+7=10 cold damage, to go with the 14 from the claymore. If V1 falls: Nechtan lets loose with a lupine howl as he charges towards the next opponent. move to P7

Male Human Atrificer/3

Actually, I am afraid that you don't get the +1 from Ynyr as Ynyr had to be next to you when he did his thing. He only managed to be adjacent to Darvyl and Ddraig. Not that that makes any difference in this case, mind you.

Good golly, he really is quite deaded. Er, I mean... By Crom! Another foe hewn!

V5 drop longbow, draw bastard sword. Relentless 25 vs AC on Nechtan. 13 damage and Nechtan is pushed back to Q7. V7 move to M3.

Nechtan's charge is met by the swing of a claymore from another verbeeg woman. She opens up a nasty gash on the Krutne man.

V2 drop longbow, draw bastard sword. V2 move to P7. Relentless 29 vs AC on Nechtan. 8 damage to Nechtan and he is pushed back to R6.

Seeing Nechtan in dire straits, the other remaining verbeeg obviously hopes to avenge his fallen brothers, and shoves Nechtan back roughly.

>>>>MAP<<<< for Block 2

Male Human Ranger 3

OUCH! Bloodied and at 1 hp!

Male Halfling Bard 4

Would you like to be moved back a square old chap? Healaugh can exercise his virtue of cunning on you for this purpose.

Male Human Ranger 3

Not to worry, I've already been pushed back. Your talents would be better spent elsewhere.

Male Human Atrificer/3

Ynyr can help you get better if no-one else does before him

Male Human Fighter 3

Darvyl moves to interpose himself between the verbeeg and Nechtan, smoothly drawing the verbeeg away from his wounded companion.

[ooc]Move to Q8. Footwork lure vs Verbeeg. If 22 hits, Shift to Q7, move Verbeeg to Q8. 14 damage. Footwork lure vs. AC (1d20+10=22, 1d8+7=14)

Male Halfling Bard 4

Scuttling out of the shelter of the trees, Healaugh turns his attention to Verbeeg 2. Taking a leaf from Nechtan's book, he jabs his wand at the great being.

"Tha's nowt but a great cludgie" he yells firmly.

Move to T12. Vicious Mockery (or the Healaugh version of such) at Verbeeg 2. Vicious Mockery (v Will) against Verbeeg 2 (1d20 6=16, 1d6 5=9). If that hits, Verbeeg 2 takes a -2 penalty to its attack rolls until the end of Healaugh's next turn.

Darvyl and Healaugh lay into the verbeeg, each in their own particular style. The ogre-man grunts and grumbles as Healaugh's magic insults assail him, but he doesn't seem to so much hear them as feel them.

Ddraig's turn.


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