Twisted Night

Game Master FabesMinis

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Male Dragonborn Paladin, Level 4

Still vexed at his previous near miss, and clearly very annoyed at Nechtan's treatment at the hands of the Verbeer, Ddraig advanced again 5 squares to Q6 and swung his sword at V2 ...

Valiant Strike again - 1d20+10 to hit; 1d8+6 damage: Rolls 11 (!) and 10 (as if that'll help!)

Then, as a minor action, Ddraig used Lay On Hands for Nechtan, allowing him to regain one healing surge's worth of hit points without expending a surge.

Ddraig takes OA from V2. Which misses. Sigh.

As the dragonborn surges into combat, he and his foe dodge and parry in a dazzling display of dextrous dynamism.

Nechtan does indeed have hands laid on him. I would have gotten away with it too if it weren't for that meddling paladin!

Block 4's turn.

Seeing the female Verbeeg run behind the shack, and not wanting to envelope his allies in coruscating flames, Greylan will delay until he sees V5 again, letting out another magic missile. Which I believe will be a critical, if that particular remnant of DnD exists. How do criticals work?

Male Halfling Bard 4
Greylan Mooneye wrote:
Seeing the female Verbeeg run behind the shack, and not wanting to envelope his allies in coruscating flames, Greylan will delay until he sees V5 again, letting out another magic missile. Which I believe will be a critical, if that particular remnant of DnD exists. How do criticals work?

Natural 20 is a crit - just like old times. Only difference is you don't have to roll to confirm, simply do max damage with the power you're using. Any extra roll you get for using a magic weapon/implement is added to the total - so if you get an additional d6 on a crit, roll and bung that on top of the automatic max damage you do with the power.

So we have a readied attack from Greylan.

Male Human Ranger 3

One clarification on Crits: Nat 20 is auto-hit, it does max damage + any special weapon Crit damage as long as the total is a hit. So a Nat 20 might not hit something with really high defence. As I understand it.

EDIT: Thanks Ddraig!

Male Human Atrificer/3

Ynyr moves to Q9 in an attempt to aid the destruction of V2.

He throws his treasured dagger (Magic Weapon)...

Roll against verbeeg. (1d20+9=14, 1d4+4=7)

"Now wouldn't it be a good thing if I could learn the trick of this knife, don't you think?"

I'm guessing that is a miss. In which case no-one gets any benefit from this attempt.

A hit, a palpable hit! V2 is bloodied.

Back to Nechtan

Male Human Atrificer/3
Fabes DM wrote:

A hit, a palpable hit! V2 is bloodied.

Good grief! IN which case, Darvyl gets +1 to his next attack roll

Male Human Ranger 3

Ignoring his wounds, the Krutne moves to flank the verbeeg next to him, and harries it with sharpeneed steel.

Shift to Q6. V2 Hunter's Quarry. Twin Strike (1d20+10=16, 1d10+2=7, 1d20+9=28, 1d6+1=4, 1d8=1) add HQ damage to first hit.

He then shakes his head to clear the cobwebs.

Action Point. Second Wind

DDraig is in Q6, but you can still make those attacks. V2 attack Nechtan 22 vs AC. 13 damage and Nechtan pushed to S5. Move - prompts OAs from Ddraig and Darvyl - 13 vs AC and 20 vs AC respectively. A miss and a hit for 8 damage. How have you got +7 to damage BTW? I can never get my characters to do such mega-damage! V2 dead. V5 move to S4. Attack Necthan 14 vs AC miss.

The verbeeg grimaces and gurns in pain and attacks Nechtan right back! In terror it attempts to retreat, and is killed by Darvyl as it does so. The other verbeeg appears in a fury, slashing at Nechtan wildly.

Male Human Fighter 3
Fabes DM wrote:

How have you got +7 to damage BTW? I can never get my characters to do such mega-damage!

It's part of being a Tempest Fighter

Fancy pants new fighter stuff. :D Your turn as well, sorry forgot to say!

Male Halfling Bard 4

Where is Verbeeg 4 at the moment? Just asking because Greylan has a readied action for when it gets in range and Healaugh would really rather not get fried.

It was V5 he readied an action against. V4 is dead. As are V1, V2, and V3. I hope you lot are happy. Rassafrassan verbeeg...

>>>>MAP<<<< Greylan cannot see V5, hence no action.

Male Human Fighter 3

I believe Darvyl can get to t4 by looping around a bit.

Darvyl, grinning madly, starts to circle the remaining verbeeg and attacks with both weapons, drawing blood.

At least the shortsword should hit (26 for 5), if not the scourge (19 for 8). And mark.
Dual strike (1d20+10=19, 1d8+3=8, 1d20+11=26, 1d6+3=5)

Darvyl strikes viciously at the remaining woman.


Male Halfling Bard 4

"Begging pardon Nechtan, needs thee out of way." Healaugh invokes his Virtue of Cunning and shifts the ranger to T7.

"Reet. Had me fill of your goings on Miss." Raising his voice in unmelodious song, Healaugh uses the power of vibrations to force the Verbeeg woman to stumble and run towards Darvyl.

Blunder v Will. On hit slides target 2 squares allowing self or ally to make a basic melee attack. Ddraig in this case. (1d20 6=22, 1d6 5=8). Sliding Verbeeg 5 to R7.

Male Dragonborn Paladin, Level 4

Assuming that Healaugh hits, it appears that Ddraig gets a basic melee attack, followed by his own attack

Much to Ddraig's pleasure, the sole remaining Verbeer came to him!

Basic melee attack with Longsword: 1d20+9; 1d8+6. Rolls - 6+9=15; 6+6=12

Unfortunately, the Verbeer was clearly stunned from Healaugh's attack, and stumbled just as Ddraig swung his sword.

Valiant Strike: 1d20+10; 1d8+6. Rolls - 19+10=29; 7+6=13

However, Ddraig compensated for that as he swung again, and was rewarded with the satisfying feel of his sword hitting home. He roared in triumph as the Verbeer staggered again, this time under the impact of his sword.

I'm not moving anywhere - what's the point when the target came to me!

Aided by Healaugh's magic, the remaining verbeeg almost impales herself on Ddraig's blade.

She collapses to the ground, dead. All that is left now is the sound of the surf in the distance and your own ragged breathing. Still no birds call.

Combat is over. Well done, chaps.

Male Dragonborn Paladin, Level 4

Ddraig lifted his head and scanned the area for other threats. Seeing none, he bent down and ripped a strip of cloth from the clothing of the nearest Verbeer and wiped the blade of his sword clean.

Slowly, almost reverentially, he removed an oil-soaked cloth from his pack and gently oiled the blade, murmuring a prayer of dedication and thanks to Breasal, and a prayer for the souls of the dead.

Having finished his ritual, he surveyed the faces of his comrades. "Now we search the settlement" he intoned.

Male Halfling Bard 4

"Not so fast Ddraig lad. What happened to owd sod that flew off? Seemingly he were in charge of this lot. Best be finding him before he does more harm. And our Nechtan's in bad way. Could be using a nice sing song to cheer hisself up."

Healaugh unslings his instrument, clears his throat and sings. The strains of "Early one morning" resound through the village. Surely if anyone yet lives, they will hear the cheering noise and investigate.

Short rest is indicated, during which Healaugh will entertain one and all with a song accompanied on his hurdy gurdy. As a result of his ministrations, for each healing surge you use, you may add a further +4 to the points healed.

Male Human Ranger 3

Nechtan looks around wildly, but he finds no more targets. Eventually his breathing slows, and he is lulled by the sound of the hurdy-gurdy.

Uses 2 surges during short rest

Male Human Fighter 3

No damage, no surges. Must be off for a bit

Male Human - dash of elf Miniature painter/ Heroic

Short rest. All encounter powers reset, spend as many healing surges as you need.

"They're such...bestial creatures. With the lumbering, and the groaning, and not to mention the smell. It's fascinating that any of them could ever manifest the strength of will to up and fly like that. He probably can't make it that far. Did any of you get a good look at him? Which way was he headed? I'd make that our next destination."

Male Halfling Bard 4

"Old bugger flew over t'wall. And reckon you're right about tracking him down. Should be seeing if anyone's left in village as well."

The halfling stows his instrument and heads towards the boxes the Verbeeg were plundering.

"Just have a look see here first. Wonder what they were raiding?"

Healaugh finds that the boxes contain the usual foodstuffs and supplies for a small community. Nothing to interest the seasoned adventurer.

Male Human Ranger 3
Fabes DM wrote:
Healaugh finds that the boxes contain the usual foodstuffs and supplies for a small community. Nothing to interest the seasoned adventurer.

Ah! but seasoned foodstuffs and supplies would interest the usual adventurer.

Nechtan checks to see if any of this food is still good.

Then he grunts, "Check otherr brrochs."

Male Halfling Bard 4

"Aye, stock up Nechtan, no saying we're we'll fetch up."

Healaugh turns his attention to the nearest dwelling.

You find the equivalent of enough rations to feed you each for a day. Cheeky bunch that you are.

Nechtan ferrets around and comes up with cheese, dried meat, and other suchlike fare. Healaugh checks in the nearest dwelling and finds matters much like the other buildings the group looked at; no-one home and seemingly things left half-way done and unfinished.

Male Halfling Bard 4

"Greylan, canst sense awt? Likely magic's at work here."

"Magic? Perhaps. Brute force, more likely. These things could've just picked up the villagers and be done with it. Does it look like there was a sign of struggle, or that everyone just decided to go on vacation spontaneously? I'll try to sense if any magic was used, you all try to find out what you can. Should we inspect the beach further?"

Arcana check if it makes sense for Greylan to make one in any way.

Male Human Ranger 3

Nechtan helps himself to a wedge of cheese, and looks about for any tracks which may indicate where the villagers went.

Perception (1d20+8=9)

Unfortunately, he is very distracted by the cheese.

There were lots of tracks leading out of town at the gate.

"The tracks of many feet lead away to the north from the gate area." - i.e. out of town.

Male Human Atrificer/3

Ynyr spends a healing surge to put himself back to full HP aided by Healaugh's singing

"Now where did we see that smoke coming from? Was that in here or in somewhere else?"

Ynyr lost his orientation a bit during the fight.

It came from the village, in which you know find yourselves.

Male Human Atrificer/3

Ynyr looks around for the source of the smoke.

Ynyr finds a hut, and investigating finds the remnants of a fire. The hut is as abandoned as the rest of the village.

Male Human Ranger 3

"North?" Nechtan asks, seconds before trotting off in that direction.

Male Halfling Bard 4

Healaugh scratches his head. "Let's be a bit methodical about this. Check all houses. Can't but think there's something a bit more wrong here than we're seeing."

Are there any signs of violence or does it look as if the people just stopped whatever they were doing, got up, and walked away?

Male Human Ranger 3

Nechtan sighs and waits for the bard to finish.

Male Human Fighter 3

Darvyl proceeds to housebreak.

As the group search around town, the sun is setting, and night is coming. There seem to be no signs of violence, it does indeed seem that people just left what they were doing.

However, Darvyl finds one building of particular interest...

More to come!

Male Human Atrificer/3

"Now what is it that you have found Darvyl?"

Soft whimpering can be heard from the lightly fortified stone building Darvyl is standing outside. This must be the local constable's office. The door to the building is open, even though the windows are secured with iron bars.

Evening has come.

Male Human Fighter 3

Darvyl enters.

Male Halfling Bard 4

Healaugh follows, alert to the new sound.

Male Dragonborn Paladin, Level 4

Ddraig makes his way to the constable's office, but remains outside, alert to any further danger.

Let's be honest - the last thing a terrified local constable wants to see is an enormous 6'8" dragonborn in full plate armour come in through his front door!

Darvyl and Healaugh enter to the sound of someone moaning pitifully and screaming incoherently. You can just about make out the slumped form of a man in the jail cell.

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