Twisted Night

Game Master FabesMinis

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That's a miss, sorry Ynyr.

Ynyr's alchemical goop lands with a plop near the marine and splurges out onto the beach, useless.

Marine 3 attacks Darvyl 25 vs AC with Powerful Strike. 12 damage to Darvyl and knocked prone. Moves - OA from Ddraig hits for 7 damage. OA from Darvyl misses. Marine 1 attacks Ddraig and misses with Powerful Strike.

The marines realise they are now fighting for their life against seeming madmen, and one of them knocks Darvyl to the ground, thumbing the young tough on the temple with the hilt of his sword.

Male Human Fighter 3
Fabes DM wrote:
one of them knocks Darvyl to the ground, thumbing the young tough on the temple with the hilt of his sword.

Darvyl just hates being thumbed.

Greylan jogs to keep up with the action and in so doing fumbles another magic missile.


Back to Ddraig!

Male Dragonborn Paladin, Level 4
Fabes DM wrote:
Ynyr's turn. Ddraig - what HP are you on?

I'm on 32 - and hopefully the Marines won't do anything to change that!!

Ddraig moves in a circular path [/ooc](to avoid OAs)[/ooc] to U16, and lunges at Marine 1 with Enfeebling Strike:

Enfeebling Strike v Marine 1 (1d20+8=11, 1d8+4=5)

Or maybe not ...


Nechtan races to the boat to aid his new friends.

Darvyl's turn. You are prone.

Male Human Fighter 3

Darvyl rubs his head (free), rises (move), snarls (free), and charges the marine attacking Ddraig.

Sneak attack M1 (1d20+11+1=15, 1d6+7+2d6=16) Moving for the flank, doubt that hit

Darvyl's deft strike is parried by the increasingly desperate marine.

Healaugh and Ynyr are now up.


Male Halfling Bard 4

"Eee... bugger this for a game of soldiers." Healaugh still finds himself too distracted to aim properly.

"Give up now lads. Had about enough and will only end badly for tha."

Move to R20, misdirected mark on Marine 1. Complete flub.
Misdirected Mark (Ref) v Marine 1 (1d20 6=8, 1d8 5=10)

Male Human Fighter 3
Fabes DM wrote:

Darvyl's deft strike is parried by the increasingly desperate marine.

Healaugh and Ynyr are now up.


Forgot the flank bonus -- don't suppose 17 hit?

Male Human Ranger 3

Nechtan shakes his head to clear the cobwebs left from his unsuccessful run-ins with Sven, and begins to feel like his old self.

@ Darvyl. No, sorry!

Healaugh's insults go unheard.

Ynyr's turn.

Male Human Atrificer/3

Ynyr moves to V21 and throws his dagger at #3

Magic missile against #3. (1d20+9=26, 1d4+4=6)

Greylan gets a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls until the end of Ynyr's next turn

No 3 is now bloodied. Marines - Standard - grab boat. Move! OA from Ddraig misses. OA from Darvyl hits No 1 for 8 damage and No1 is stopped.

The marines grab the boat and make for the sea. Darvyl wounds one of them and he stops in agony.

Grey hits no 3 for 9 damage with MM.



Greylan releases a bolt of force that hits the other marine full on.

"Oh, for goodness' sake! Please give up!" Greylan cries.

By my calculations, Nechtan is on 18 HP with 3 surges used. Ddraig's turn.

Male Human Ranger 3
Fabes DM wrote:

By my calculations, Nechtan is on 18 HP with 3 surges used. Ddraig's turn.

Thanks! That saves a lot of retro-math :)

Male Dragonborn Paladin, Level 4

Ddraig moves to Z15, then charges to BB17 and atatcks Marine 3:

Basic Melee Attack: 1d20+9 v AC; 1d8+5 damage

Rolls: 20+9=29 v AC - CRIT! Damage is 13 +1d6 necrotic damage, giving an additional 2 necrotic damage - total damage is 15

"You may surrender, or you may die. You may not escape."

Ddraig hits. Nechtan's turn.

Ddraig runs round to the front of the boats and slashes at the lead marine, who snarls.

Male Human Ranger 3

Nechtan concentrates his efforts on the nearest marine, shifting forward and attacking.

Twin Strike vs AC (1d20+8=28, 1d10+2=6, 1d20+7=23, 1d6+1=4, 1d8=2) That's a crit with the claymore, so its actually 1d8+20=24 including the maxed Hunter's Quarry. 4 points for the axe if 23 hits.

Nechtan runs the marine through, and he drops to the ground, lifeless.

Male Human Fighter 3

With a yawp, Darvyl loops around to flank the remaining marine and skewers him from his shortsword while Ddraig has him distracted.

Move to BB19, then sneak attack. Flank attack on M3 (1d20+11+2=25, 1d6+7+2d6=16)

Male Halfling Bard 4

Healaugh nods proudly at Ynyr as Ddraig, Nechtan and Darvyl slice their way into the remaining marines.

"Grand lads, bain't they?"

And with his barbaric yawp, Darvyl smashes the other into the wet sand.

End of combat. You each receive 170 XP. I believe you are all on 3037 XP each now.

Male Halfling Bard 4

Looks right to me.

"Reet. Brief singsong while us all catches breath." Due to the pain in his teeth, Healaugh can only hum along to his hurdy-gurdy rather than regaling you all with another bout of folksong.

"Reckon Brigid-lass ud be proud on us."

Song of rest which means all surges used are surge value +4.


The friends listen to Healaugh sing, surrounded by corpses.

Adventurers are so weird...

Male Dragonborn Paladin, Level 4

Ddraig uses a healing surge which, with the additional 4 from Healaugh, brings him back up to full hit points (45).

"Thank you, friend Healaugh. I wonder why they were so anxious not to cooperate?"

Male Halfling Bard 4

Once he's recovered a little, Healaugh looks around the beach, paying particular attention to the pile of bodies.

"Happen summat scared them more than us," he suggests.

Male Dragonborn Paladin, Level 4
Healaugh wrote:
"Happen summat scared them more than us," he suggests.

"I do not know what that could be, but I suggest we find it and kill it."

History check to know more about Luskan. Anyone can have a go.

Male Halfling Bard 4

History check - Luskan (1d20 6=19)

Healaugh plods around the beach, wracking his brains.

Healaugh knows little more than most people about Luskan, in that it is a port to the north east of the Moonshaes, across the sea. It's a hotbed of merchants and pirates.

Male Halfling Bard 4

Memories of Luskan bring back memories of pirates. One of Healaugh's aversions. He scowls darkly as he reminds everyone of the dangers of Luskan.

Male Human Fighter 3

Darvyl knows less than Healaugh about the place.

Male Human Ranger 3

Nechtan catches his breath, somewhat embarassed by his performance against the Luskans.

Male Halfling Bard 4

To whom do (or perhaps "did" is the correct tense here) the bodies on the beach belong? Apart from the ones we caused that is.

The bodies appear to be of ordinary folk. Perhaps these are the missing villagers, or at least, some of them.

Male Halfling Bard 4

Healaugh tunes his hurdy-gurdy and sings a lament for the fallen. His face is very grim.

Male Human Fighter 3

Darvyl stretches out on the sand as Healaugh plays. Soon, he begins to snore gently.

You see figures moving about on the deck of one of the ships in the bay.

Male Halfling Bard 4

Healaugh kicks Darvyl awake none too gently.

"No time for that lad. Reckon more company's on way."

Male Human Fighter 3

"Oof. Right." Darvyl grabs up his weapons and looks about.

Male Human Ranger 3

"Mebbe goat's Mistrrress Inge, bint it?"

The boats appear to be a merchantman cog, and a faster raker used for raiding.

Perception checks.

Male Halfling Bard 4

Perception (1d20 4=17)

The halfling squints out to sea.

It's not several figures, but one large figure, pacing up and down on the deck of the raker.

Male Halfling Bard 4

"Happen that might be "Sweet Inge."" mutters Healaugh, pointing out the figure to his friends. "Big lass, bain't she?"

Male Human Fighter 3

"Finally," Darvyl says with satisfaction.

What now, brave ones? The row boats will fit 3 each at a squeeze, with one rowing. Good thing several of you are quite small.

Male Halfling Bard 4

"Greylan - hope tha' dostna get seasick. Be needing tha to hold off fire."

Healaugh fusses around, trying to arrange for each boat to have someone with ranged power in it.

Greylan looks dubious.

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