To Worlds Unrambled

Game Master Scribbling Rambler

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Male Half-Orc Warpriest Lvl:3 HP: 30 AC: 17/10/17 F: 7 R: 4 W: 8 Init: 1 Percep: 2

Morgroms eyes go wide at the sight of the ninja diving into the whole after the creature and grins widely, “For GORUM!” And runs and dives into the whole after the ninja.

Male Gnome Investigator Lvl:3 HP:25 AC:15(16)/13/13 F:+4 R:+5 W:+3 Init:+2 Perception:+10 low-light

"Oh oh."

Male Elder GM

Morgrom floats gently towards the monster, like a lobbed kernel of popcorn.

Yum!: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (16) + 7 = 231d8 + 7 ⇒ (3) + 7 = 101d20 + 9 ⇒ (10) + 9 = 19

Its mandibles drool at the opportunity, and snap closed upon the half-orc.

Morgrom takes 10 points of damage and needs a Fort Save. I'm pretty sure that he is also grappled, though I don't have his CMD available. If he is grappled, he may not attack with his greatsword.

Male Half-Orc Warpriest Lvl:3 HP: 30 AC: 17/10/17 F: 7 R: 4 W: 8 Init: 1 Percep: 2

CMD is 15

Morgrom drops his great sword and draws his dagger to better shiv the creature as soon as an opportunity presents itself.

Male Elder GM

Round 4
Haer Kul

Male Dwarf Brawler Lvl: 3 HP:28/28 AC: 17(16)/12/15(14) +Ring? F: +5 R: +5 W: +3 Init: +2 Perception: +8 Darkvision MF: 3/4

"A, uhh. Nae 'at surprised actually."

Thorthal moves up to the shaft and draws a spur rifle, and awkwardly aims it down the shaft, attempting to avoid hitting Morgrom.

Orc Seeking Spur Rifle: 1d20 - 3 ⇒ (17) - 3 = 14Damage: 1d6 ⇒ 1

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Male Elder GM

Thorthal succeeds in his attempt to not hit anything. Andretta moves behind him, and stands by to assist as needed.

Haer Kul

Medium Lvl:3 HP:24/24 AC:16/12/14 F:+2 R:+2 W:+4 Init:+5

Bardos draws and throws his dagger at the creature that holds Morgrom:

+1 Dagger (Point Blank): 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (15) + 4 = 191d4 + 4 ⇒ (1) + 4 = 5

Will Surge if that missed.

Male Elder GM

Bardos calls on the spirits to aid him, and his dagger strikes true!

The creature is obviously very badly wounded.

Haer Kul

Male Gnome Investigator Lvl:3 HP:25 AC:15(16)/13/13 F:+4 R:+5 W:+3 Init:+2 Perception:+10 low-light

Haer Kul will double move to the edge of the shaft.

Human Male Wizard Lvl:3 HP:19/19 AC:11/11/10 F:+2 R:+2 W:+4 Init:+1 Perception:+10

Petronicus moves to where he can see the creature and casts Paranoia on It (assuming it is adjacent to slick and Mogrom).


Saving Throw DC 18 Will negates; Spell Resistance yes
The target believes everyone it sees is an enemy. The target becomes hostile to all creatures, treating all creatures as enemies and only itself as an ally. The target must attempt attacks of opportunity whenever any creature provokes them. Finally, whenever the target is adjacent to two or more creatures, its paranoia overwhelms it, and it takes a –2 penalty on attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, ability checks, skill checks, and saving throws.

Male Elder GM

Fort Save for Morgrom: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (9) + 7 = 16

The tauslek is unaffected by Petronicus' spell, as it was by bane and sow thought.

Grapple: 1d20 + 9 + 5 ⇒ (2) + 9 + 5 = 16

She descends another 10' carrying Morgrom, then releases him as she crawls onto the ceiling of the level the party awoke on.

The scorpion scurries back into the room you found it in and closes the door.

Note that Morgrom's greatsword is with Slick's katana at the bottom of the shaft.


Male Elf Ninja Lvl:3; hp:30/25; Ki: 1/3; AC:18 (T:13, FF:15); F:+3, R:+8, W:+1; Init:+5, low-light, Perception:+7

Assuming based on the map that Slick can see the creature, but is at -4 due to Morgrom being adjacent (Slick doesn't have Precise shot)

Slick reappears as he throws a shuriken at the wounded beast.

Point-Blank-Shuriken-Sneak-Attack!: 1d20 + 1 + 5 - 4 ⇒ (16) + 1 + 5 - 4 = 181d2 + 2 + 1 + 2d6 ⇒ (2) + 2 + 1 + (3, 3) = 11

Male Elder GM

Slick's attack barely slips past Morgrom, and the shuriken flies into the mouth of the creature. It staggers a bit, but is not down.

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Male Elder GM

Morgrom desperately slashes at the monster with his dagger.
poke: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (19) + 6 = 251d4 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 3 = 5
confirm: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (8) + 6 = 141d4 + 3 ⇒ (1) + 3 = 4

His blade sinks deep into the creature's head, and it falls to the ground.

When its wounds start to close, the half-orc keeps slashing until it stops.

Out of Initiative

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Male Elf Ninja Lvl:3; hp:30/25; Ki: 1/3; AC:18 (T:13, FF:15); F:+3, R:+8, W:+1; Init:+5, low-light, Perception:+7

"Exactly as planned."

Slick climbs down to the bottom of the shaft to retrieve his katana, and Morgrom's sword.

Then he climbs up to the level where Morgrom is with the dead beast.

"Never can tell what things like this might have swallowed."

He proceeds to eviscerate it, looking for valuables in its stomach.

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Medium Lvl:3 HP:24/24 AC:16/12/14 F:+2 R:+2 W:+4 Init:+5

"Erm... Does this mean Morgrom has to climb the rope again? I mean, excellent work Morgrom! And Slick is pretty good with those throwing star dealies! Could you retrieve my dagger for me Mr. Slick, or do I have to climb down and get it so you don't keep it for yourself?"

Male Half-Orc Warpriest Lvl:3 HP: 30 AC: 17/10/17 F: 7 R: 4 W: 8 Init: 1 Percep: 2

Breathing heavily and still holding his gore-coated dagger, Morgrom narrows his eyes, staring at Slick, holding out his left hand, as if he is waiting for something.

Male Elf Ninja Lvl:3; hp:30/25; Ki: 1/3; AC:18 (T:13, FF:15); F:+3, R:+8, W:+1; Init:+5, low-light, Perception:+7

"Your sword is over there." Slick indicates where he dropped it behind the creature.

"And Bardos, your dagger is here" Slick pulls Bardos' dagger from the side of the Vessapede, "I will bring it up to you."

"For the record, I am no thief. Do not take from your mark; do not take from your employer; do not take from your companions; accept gifts freely given; incidental kills in the line of duty may be looted, it is written."

Male Elder GM

Once everyone has their respective weapons the adventurers reconvene on the upper floor.

Medium Lvl:3 HP:24/24 AC:16/12/14 F:+2 R:+2 W:+4 Init:+5

Bardos looks at Slick and glazes over for a moment, concentrating for close to half a minute.

GM Neil:
Casting Detect Magic (Psychic Magic doesn't use verbal and somatic components, it uses Thought and Emotion components, so it won't look like a spell). He wants to see if Slick carries any magic weapons).

Male Elder GM

Bardos ogles Slick for an uncomfortably long time.

He is wearing a magic chain shirt under his pyjamas.

Human Male Wizard Lvl:3 HP:19/19 AC:11/11/10 F:+2 R:+2 W:+4 Init:+1 Perception:+10

"Wasn't that delightful tin scorpion wanting to tell us something?"

Male Elder GM

hmmm... what happened to that scorpion?

Male Gnome Investigator Lvl:3 HP:25 AC:15(16)/13/13 F:+4 R:+5 W:+3 Init:+2 Perception:+10 low-light

"Ah yes, it ran back into the room where we found it. We should really search that room as well as questioning that apparatus."

Male Elder GM

What method are you using to open the door?

Male Elder GM

The group discovers that the key-rods they originally picked up do not work on this level, and the ones from the zombies are required. They open the door to the lab where the scorpion hides under a table.

Human Male Wizard Lvl:3 HP:19/19 AC:11/11/10 F:+2 R:+2 W:+4 Init:+1 Perception:+10


Petronicus will approach the scorpion and ask him what information he can provide.

Male Elder GM

The metal scorpion speaks in Golarion Common, which Andretta translates for Slick.

"This unit is designated BR-N3R, constructed by the Scions of the Celestial Helix and assigned to assist Lomrick of the Ultari Hegemony in his experiments."

"Present experimental subjects were acquired for research into pandemic weapons, but an anomaly was detected in their Deeyenay. This caused focused interest by Lomrick on subjects and on worlds designated Golarion and Praemal."

"Facility was compromised by outside force before experiments could be completed. This unit must travel to upper level to assess damage to facility."

"This unit has accrued excessive damage. Repairs needed."

Male Gnome Investigator Lvl:3 HP:25 AC:15(16)/13/13 F:+4 R:+5 W:+3 Init:+2 Perception:+10 low-light

"Perhaps we could assist you in your repairs if you could assist us in learning about this place."

Male Elder GM

"Insufficient data. Please repeat query with specifics."

Male Elder GM

Thorthal is aware of legends of two great coalitions who oppose each other. One is the Ultari Hegemony, who comb the universe conquering worlds and performing genetic experiments on them for unknown reasons. The other is the Bellianic Accord, who protect and hide planets from the Hegemony. The Jagladine are one of the central races of the Hegemony, amoral and scientifically inquisitive, especially in the field of biology.
According to legend.

Male Elf Ninja Lvl:3; hp:30/25; Ki: 1/3; AC:18 (T:13, FF:15); F:+3, R:+8, W:+1; Init:+5, low-light, Perception:+7

"My apologies to you for the misunderstanding that resulted in me damaging you. Where is the door to get out of here?"
Then to the rest of the group:
"Oh, and if anyone knows any healing, I have also accrued excessive damage and could use some repairs."

Male Dwarf Brawler Lvl: 3 HP:28/28 AC: 17(16)/12/15(14) +Ring? F: +5 R: +5 W: +3 Init: +2 Perception: +8 Darkvision MF: 3/4

"Whaur is thes facility we are in located?"

"Who, or whit, compromised thes facility?"

"Is Lomrick Jagladine? Whit personnel are assigned tae thes facility, an' are they aw still alife?"

"Hae any modifications bin made tae oor DNA? What anomaly was detected in it?"

Male Elder GM

After Andretta translates, BR-N3R replies, beginning with Slick's questions.

"This unit is aware of the hostile nature of experimental subjects. This facility is equipped with a planetary gate on the top level."

"Facility located on planet designated Garsilt. Exact nature of compromise unknown. Initial massive external impact, followed by lesser impacts from 10 to 50 hours later. Estimate complete collapse or explosion or atmospheric decompression of facility within 30 to 60 hours. This unit has seen no personnel since last impact. Prior to that interaction was with Lomrick the Jagladine and engineered Klaven guardians. No further modifications yet made to subjects. Prior nanites detected. Nature of central deviation unknown."

While the scorpion relates its answers in its monotonous voice, the adventurers from Golarion see diagrams above the workbench of familiar subjects: the ooze Vuelib, and the moldy growth which controlled Silam Oddle.

Male Elf Ninja Lvl:3; hp:30/25; Ki: 1/3; AC:18 (T:13, FF:15); F:+3, R:+8, W:+1; Init:+5, low-light, Perception:+7

"Wait... wait a minute... you said something about Golarion and Praemal. Do you mean Golarion is not part of Praemal? How is that possible? There is only Praemal!"

Male Elder GM


Male Dwarf Brawler Lvl: 3 HP:28/28 AC: 17(16)/12/15(14) +Ring? F: +5 R: +5 W: +3 Init: +2 Perception: +8 Darkvision MF: 3/4

"Ay slick, we nae oan Praemal anymair, or Golarion fur at matter. Dinnae panic, take deep breaths."

Medium Lvl:3 HP:24/24 AC:16/12/14 F:+2 R:+2 W:+4 Init:+5

"Geristranomos is right, no reason to panic, there are probably infinite planets and we are barely scratching the surface here, though I don't remember him having a stinger."

Male Elf Ninja Lvl:3; hp:30/25; Ki: 1/3; AC:18 (T:13, FF:15); F:+3, R:+8, W:+1; Init:+5, low-light, Perception:+7

After pinching himself and lightly slapping his own face in an effort to wake up from a dream, Slick slowly says:
"So if all this is true... then we can use the planetary gate on the level above to get back to Praemal? I might as well go along with whatever rules exist in this delusion in the hopes of ending it..."

Male Half-Orc Warpriest Lvl:3 HP: 30 AC: 17/10/17 F: 7 R: 4 W: 8 Init: 1 Percep: 2

Morgrom touches himself...and heals back 7 hp. He then touches Slick, with a slap on the back healing 8 hp. “Unless wheeze gotz a stick o healz, thatz it fer taday.”

Male Elder GM

"Gate has multiple configurations. Praemal, Golarion, theoretically possible. Also Oerth, Rus, Kotz, Argosa, Toril, many others."

Human Male Wizard Lvl:3 HP:19/19 AC:11/11/10 F:+2 R:+2 W:+4 Init:+1 Perception:+10

"Is there a way to prevent the collapse, my helpful friend?"

Male Elder GM

"Must evaluate on site. Reach power center and contact comozant wyrd."

"Evaluation: experimental subjects unlikely to protect BR-N3R in current depleted state. Repairs needed on all units."

Male Gnome Investigator Lvl:3 HP:25 AC:15(16)/13/13 F:+4 R:+5 W:+3 Init:+2 Perception:+10 low-light

Haer Kul looks at Thorthal. "You seem to understand more than I do."

To BR-N3R, "This 'diennez', it affects our forms, no? Changed, it causes grotesqueries? But this Vessa centipede, it is not just 'diennez' change, no? It is machine and biology?"

"And what are 'nanites'? Are they creatures or objects placed inside us? By the fluid in those pods? Are you saying you do not know what they will do to us? Is there any way to remove them?"

"Mes dieux, this is most serious."

"If we may rest for but 6 hours, we will recover much of our strengths. We have a scroll of cure light wounds and two potions. And, I can also offer this infusion." With a few quick moves, he prepares a small vial. "This should be used before we use the potions or scroll."o

To BR-N3R "If we protect your passage to the top level, you will help us get home to Golarion and Mr. Slick to Praemal, no?"

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Male Elder GM


Male Elder GM

Note that it will be longer than 6 hours before Morgrom, Petronicus, and Andretta can regain their spells, and Bardos can perform a seance.

Male Elder GM

"No Vessa centipede in database. Nanites predate extraction. Insufficient data to predict possible use of gate. Use of negative as a question does not compute."

Medium Lvl:3 HP:24/24 AC:16/12/14 F:+2 R:+2 W:+4 Init:+5

"Rest would be a good idea, as I will be able to perform another seance, and I do suggest that everyone participate, the spirits cannot help you otherwise."

Male Dwarf Brawler Lvl: 3 HP:28/28 AC: 17(16)/12/15(14) +Ring? F: +5 R: +5 W: +3 Init: +2 Perception: +8 Darkvision MF: 3/4

"A dinnae ken anythin at will help us gie oot a haur thocht Haer Kul. Thes planetary gate seems oor best bit, sae we should try tae fin it. We may need supplies thocht. Berner, is thes facility equipped wi a medical ward whaur we micht fin healin medicines?"

Thorthal will check out the workbench.

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