To Rappan Athuk
Game Master
Roll20 Site Link
Borderland Provinces Map
Male Human Rogue6/Clr1 Current Map
Merry Christmas to all!! DM presents, everyone gains 2000 XP.
HP 77/85 | vs Evil +1AC(deflection) AC 26 | T 22 | FF 23 |not vs Evil AC 25| T 21 | FF 22 | CMD 26| F +9(10)| R +15(16) Evasion| W +14(15) |Init +9 | Perc +15 | | PP 14/17 Buffs=+4ac Inertial Armor 2hr, (+1 )insight ac and saves 2 min, 3neg lvl
brvheart wrote: Merry Christmas to all!! DM presents, everyone gains 2000 XP. Merry Christmas everyone...Looks like Aggy has some leveling up to do;)
...and a happy new year from us. Thanks for such a good game folks. If we could you xp brvheart I would.
AC -2 (1 without Shield) / HP: 40/40 / THAC0 17 (15 with Scimitar)
I hope everyone had a great Christmas and wish a Happy New Year to all.
Holiday season wasn't as pleasant as I had expected with both my wife and youngest falling sick for the best part of it
I am getting back to it (again) during this week, and 'head on' during the next.
Thanks for the patience to all of you, and rest assured I will only leave this game if I'm dragged away kicking and spitting divine curses...
P.S. WOOT!!! Level up!! :D
HP 77/85 | vs Evil +1AC(deflection) AC 26 | T 22 | FF 23 |not vs Evil AC 25| T 21 | FF 22 | CMD 26| F +9(10)| R +15(16) Evasion| W +14(15) |Init +9 | Perc +15 | | PP 14/17 Buffs=+4ac Inertial Armor 2hr, (+1 )insight ac and saves 2 min, 3neg lvl
Aggy it's No fun being sick during the holidays. Hope everyone is feeling better now.
Hope everyone here has a healthy and happy 2017. Happy new year
Male Human Rogue6/Clr1 Current Map
It is the holiday so not to worry. Sorry to hear about the family being ill. I hope they feel better soon:) We are all succumbing to the annual cedar fever here this time of year as all of the allergies kick in.
I'm hoping that by next week life will be back to normal. Hoping to see Rogue One at the weekend - which shows how busy the holiday was when a geek waits four weeks.
HP 59/59 AC 30, T 13, FF 28, CMD 24, Fort +8, Ref +4, Will +9, Init +2, Percep +15
Lapses like that can make you lose your geek card.
Hi All
I'm away for a gaming weekend tomorrow followed by watching the Superbowl thru the night despite what happened to my beloved Packers.
Should re-surface some time on Monday.
Will try to post as and when, but feel free to NPC me if needed.
HP 77/85 | vs Evil +1AC(deflection) AC 26 | T 22 | FF 23 |not vs Evil AC 25| T 21 | FF 22 | CMD 26| F +9(10)| R +15(16) Evasion| W +14(15) |Init +9 | Perc +15 | | PP 14/17 Buffs=+4ac Inertial Armor 2hr, (+1 )insight ac and saves 2 min, 3neg lvl
Hi all...going away on vacation til friday...doubt that I'll be able to post any if at all. Please bot me
AC -2 (1 without Shield) / HP: 40/40 / THAC0 17 (15 with Scimitar)
Enjoy your vacations Sorek ;)
Mojo is off sick with manflu please bot him if needed. Ta
AC -2 (1 without Shield) / HP: 40/40 / THAC0 17 (15 with Scimitar)
HP 77/85 | vs Evil +1AC(deflection) AC 26 | T 22 | FF 23 |not vs Evil AC 25| T 21 | FF 22 | CMD 26| F +9(10)| R +15(16) Evasion| W +14(15) |Init +9 | Perc +15 | | PP 14/17 Buffs=+4ac Inertial Armor 2hr, (+1 )insight ac and saves 2 min, 3neg lvl
@brvheart for future encounters with green slime..Would scraping it off with a dagger work?
Male Human Rogue6/Clr1 Current Map
On the first round of contact, the slime can be scraped off a creature
(destroying the scraping device), but after that it must be frozen,
burned, or cut away (dealing damage to the victim as well)
human paladin 6, Init +2; Senses Perception +2, Aura courage (10 ft.), AC 22 w/ shield (19w/o), touch 12, flat-footed 20 (17) (+7 armor, +3 shield, +2 Dex), hp 62 (6d10+18), Fort +10, Ref +7, Will +10, Immune disease, fear
I have been near Green Valley AZ, one bar 3G only network.
Hit by some kind of virus, please look after my pc for a couple more days.
HP 77/85 | vs Evil +1AC(deflection) AC 26 | T 22 | FF 23 |not vs Evil AC 25| T 21 | FF 22 | CMD 26| F +9(10)| R +15(16) Evasion| W +14(15) |Init +9 | Perc +15 | | PP 14/17 Buffs=+4ac Inertial Armor 2hr, (+1 )insight ac and saves 2 min, 3neg lvl
French Wolf wrote: Hit by some kind of virus, please look after my pc for a couple more days.
feel better FW...We'll look after the little guy
AC -2 (1 without Shield) / HP: 40/40 / THAC0 17 (15 with Scimitar)
Will do - hang in there French Wolf.
HP 77/85 | vs Evil +1AC(deflection) AC 26 | T 22 | FF 23 |not vs Evil AC 25| T 21 | FF 22 | CMD 26| F +9(10)| R +15(16) Evasion| W +14(15) |Init +9 | Perc +15 | | PP 14/17 Buffs=+4ac Inertial Armor 2hr, (+1 )insight ac and saves 2 min, 3neg lvl
With the 1,233xp from traps our xp total is 23,260 welcome to level 6 everyone.
Level up in progress
Level 6 hp for Sorek : 1d8 ⇒ 7
-Posted with Wayfinder
HP 77/85 | vs Evil +1AC(deflection) AC 26 | T 22 | FF 23 |not vs Evil AC 25| T 21 | FF 22 | CMD 26| F +9(10)| R +15(16) Evasion| W +14(15) |Init +9 | Perc +15 | | PP 14/17 Buffs=+4ac Inertial Armor 2hr, (+1 )insight ac and saves 2 min, 3neg lvl
Should we wait for everyone to level up to 6th or keep exploring?
HP 59/59 AC 30, T 13, FF 28, CMD 24, Fort +8, Ref +4, Will +9, Init +2, Percep +15
AC -2 (1 without Shield) / HP: 40/40 / THAC0 17 (15 with Scimitar)
Congrats gentlemen - Aggrammar is still some distance from level 7 :P
Goblin rogue 6, Str -1 (-1 hit/dam), Init +8, hp 47/58, AC21/18/14
HP 59/59 AC 30, T 13, FF 28, CMD 24, Fort +8, Ref +4, Will +9, Init +2, Percep +15
I will be on a trip till Sunday evening without much time for the net and no laptop. Please bot me as needed.
Dear Brvheart et al
Not sure if you guys have noticed but I've been slacking off recently. My studies and workload have risen dramatically in recent times, and my role here is growing. I wish I could find the time for this game because of you guys but that's not going to happen for a year or two when I finish taking exams.
Therefore I'm going to drop out. Seem to have lost my vim and vigour for pbp and its not likely to return.
All the Best
AC -2 (1 without Shield) / HP: 40/40 / THAC0 17 (15 with Scimitar)
FW I will say it is a shame that you are leaving the game. I've grown VERY fond of Mojo, and Aggrammar (surprisingly for a dwarf) even more so.
I would much rather Mojo would stick with us and hey, who knows, maybe we would have witnessed friendship between a dwarf and a goblin. That would surely mark the end of days as we know them!
In any case, the choice is yours in the end - if you feel like ytou need to stop, then I respect it, and wish you all the best.
Take care of yourself.
Say it ain't so... Please don't go Mojo... Or at least consider keeping one pbp campaign (this one) rather than quitting everything cold turkey...
I enjoy having our spork wielding goblin at point with Sorek
I certainly don't think the pace here is very difficult to keep up with so if you would consider keeping one this would be a good choice...
Of course as the choice is yours..... Whatever you decide,please know that we've enjoyed having you as part of this campaign
-Posted with Wayfinder
Male Elf Evoker 8; HP 37/52 AC 17 (w/ mage armor), Perception+9, Init +13, Fort +3 Ref +5, Will +5, Longbow +5 (1d8x2)
Sorry to hear that Mojo - best of luck with your studies.
human paladin 6, Init +2; Senses Perception +2, Aura courage (10 ft.), AC 22 w/ shield (19w/o), touch 12, flat-footed 20 (17) (+7 armor, +3 shield, +2 Dex), hp 62 (6d10+18), Fort +10, Ref +7, Will +10, Immune disease, fear
I will miss mojo, you did a great job playing a PC goblin.
Male Human Rogue6/Clr1 Current Map
Best of luck Mojo. You will be missed and are welcome back to my games whenever or wherever you wish to try again.
In all honesty this was the one game I would have stuck with. But I'm typically sat at my desk starting work or studies at 7am every day and coming home fragged at 6pm in the evening.
There is no way that I can see that changing for months and I know someone else could do Brvheart's game better justice.
Its been a pleasure and if I do ever get some spare time then you'll be first to know, brvheart.
Thanks again
HP 59/59 AC 30, T 13, FF 28, CMD 24, Fort +8, Ref +4, Will +9, Init +2, Percep +15
Later, it's been fun having you.
Let's keep this combat going...
@Brvheart would you like us to bot Mojo for the remainder of the this combat?
@FW please check back in here when RL calms down
-Posted with Wayfinder
Male Human Rogue6/Clr1 Current Map
That sounds fine WabbitHuntr, then we can discuss how we wish to move forward.
If you don't mind brvheart... can we discuss finding a replacement for Mojo while we continue the combat.?
Just trying to keep things moving
Do you have someone in mind to replace him or gamble with the recruitment forum?
-Posted with Wayfinder
AC -2 (1 without Shield) / HP: 40/40 / THAC0 17 (15 with Scimitar)
I wouldn't mind playing a rogue in RA :D
HP 77/85 | vs Evil +1AC(deflection) AC 26 | T 22 | FF 23 |not vs Evil AC 25| T 21 | FF 22 | CMD 26| F +9(10)| R +15(16) Evasion| W +14(15) |Init +9 | Perc +15 | | PP 14/17 Buffs=+4ac Inertial Armor 2hr, (+1 )insight ac and saves 2 min, 3neg lvl
I will be out of town on vacation for the next week... I'll still have net access but may not be able to post at my normal pace. Please bot me if necessary
-Posted with Wayfinder
AC -2 (1 without Shield) / HP: 40/40 / THAC0 17 (15 with Scimitar)
We're SURROUNDED by bots! Run fer yer lives lads!! :D
HP 59/59 AC 30, T 13, FF 28, CMD 24, Fort +8, Ref +4, Will +9, Init +2, Percep +15
AC -2 (1 without Shield) / HP: 40/40 / THAC0 17 (15 with Scimitar)
human paladin 6, Init +2; Senses Perception +2, Aura courage (10 ft.), AC 22 w/ shield (19w/o), touch 12, flat-footed 20 (17) (+7 armor, +3 shield, +2 Dex), hp 62 (6d10+18), Fort +10, Ref +7, Will +10, Immune disease, fear
Brvheart, you okay buddy?
AC -2 (1 without Shield) / HP: 40/40 / THAC0 17 (15 with Scimitar)
Male Human Rogue6/Clr1 Current Map
I am back from Dallas. Let's roll.
human paladin 6, Init +2; Senses Perception +2, Aura courage (10 ft.), AC 22 w/ shield (19w/o), touch 12, flat-footed 20 (17) (+7 armor, +3 shield, +2 Dex), hp 62 (6d10+18), Fort +10, Ref +7, Will +10, Immune disease, fear
He was goin through the big D, he did mean Dallas!
HP 77/85 | vs Evil +1AC(deflection) AC 26 | T 22 | FF 23 |not vs Evil AC 25| T 21 | FF 22 | CMD 26| F +9(10)| R +15(16) Evasion| W +14(15) |Init +9 | Perc +15 | | PP 14/17 Buffs=+4ac Inertial Armor 2hr, (+1 )insight ac and saves 2 min, 3neg lvl
welcome back brvheart. it looks to me like it's the rats turn now to either scurry away to fight another day or face certain doom via spork
Male Human Rogue6/Clr1 Current Map
For the last two weeks I have had incessant blue screens on my laptop making it all but impossible to run games. I have an open ticket with microsoft to get this resolved and we will resume as soon as I can get this resolved.
HP 77/85 | vs Evil +1AC(deflection) AC 26 | T 22 | FF 23 |not vs Evil AC 25| T 21 | FF 22 | CMD 26| F +9(10)| R +15(16) Evasion| W +14(15) |Init +9 | Perc +15 | | PP 14/17 Buffs=+4ac Inertial Armor 2hr, (+1 )insight ac and saves 2 min, 3neg lvl
Thanks for the update. I don't miss those days of dealing with the Microsoft Blue screen. Luckily my 3y/o computer has been chugging along without any blue screen occurrences and I truly hope it stays that way
AC -2 (1 without Shield) / HP: 40/40 / THAC0 17 (15 with Scimitar)
Blue Screens suck BIG TIME - after having been in IT for some time now, I would attribute it to driver or faulty RAM issues most of the time.
They can vary a LOT though...