Thron's Whispering Way Campaign (Inactive)

Game Master Thron

Whispering Way Roll20 Link

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Gonna pull out of recruiting for this one. I think I hit the perfect happy medium with the amount of games I'm in and GMing at the same time. Good luck.

I think this is the character I'm going to submit. I have the crunch in and the fluff mentally written.

Short version:
he's the product of an Ustalavan noble father and an orc mother said noble "acquired" after a battle with orcs. Dad was a bit nuts so he ended up favoring his bastard half-orc son more than his proper children, much to their (and their relatives) annoyance. Family hatched a plot to kill dad and frame mom for it, ending up in his mother's execution and his elder half-brother taking over the family. This leads him to the Whispering Way after concluding that the living suck and some promises of helping his mother and/or getting vengeance on his good for nothing half-brothers and sisters.


I'm considering to make a mind-controller sort of character, though I'm not sure what would be best for it. Mesmerist, Psychic, Bard, Witch or Wizard maybe? Honestly I don't know the occult stuff very well. Can I pick Sow Thought as a non-changeling?

Silver Crusade

Very interested. I am thinking a demon worshipping emissary from the Worldwound to the Whispering Tyrant's court. Think something along those lines could fly?

Dark Archive

Hi there! =)

I have a character that I made just such an occasion! It's an Ecc. Cleric with an eventual eye toward Mystic Theure that specializes in inappropriately touching people with Spectral Hand and Inflict spells. ;)

No, srsly, for DM Thron's eyes only:
In truth I wrote the character's backstory before there was a character. Like a good song, the story wanted to come out. I've been praised for my writing and RP, and I think it's one of my better works. Mind you, I've had the character rejected for the story being -too- evil. I don't think so, it's not, like, gross or anything. It's just a story. Of course I can temper it, if you like. Just give it a once over, let me know what you think. =)

Dark Archive

Hi there!

Character submission for Atlas2112

Ya, I know Mystic Theurges are lame. The character is more built for RP than combat maximization. ^_^

Hi DM Thron,

This is the alias for Corbin Nicodemus (Fabian's submission). The alias has stats and fluffy parts.

I see Corbin as being a front liner during combat and a bluffer and eccentric 'noble count' out of combat. We'll see how his personality develops once the game starts.

As for me, I am currently DMing two games and playing in four games on these boards. Feel free to check up on any of my games with regards to posting frequency and quality. My favorite two PCs right now are Balthus in this game and Dimitrio in this game. The other two games are too new for you to get a real feel of the PCs I'm playing.

Please let me know if you have any questions or require further information to deem my submission complete.

Game on!

Silver Crusade

Ah well I can't get the slashing grace build i want working til 5th lvl a bit too long for a melee build to rock +1dmg.

Grand Lodge

Oh, Grondar up there is me :)

Oyzar: If something is race specific, it should stay as such.

Cash4golda: Sure

I will review the submissions and post any questions/concerns.

Grand Lodge

Fluff and such for Grondar added, let me know!

Headed into a stretch at work, so pardon any prolonged silence on my end. I will respond to any questions/concerns/submissions as time allows.

It says the GM might allow it for other races, but it's fine. The character should probably work very well as a changeling with the alternate traits.

Very tempted to apply with some sort of Unchained Monk but I'm not sure how I'd get a backstory to work for it just yet. Going to do more research on Ustalav and see if I can figure it out.

...perhaps I'll toy with that Warpriest/Monk build I was thinking about earlier. Hu hu hu

Dark Archive

Dotting. Not normally a fan of undead-centric stories, never had the urge to play a vampire or lich, but I love me my evil characters and a variant of an old concept of mine is trying very hard to claw her way out of my head at the moment...

How open are you to the idea of tweaking a prestige class?

JohBri here, submitting this character background for consideration:

Kizarmak Altin:
Natives of Numeria who find themselves graced with the intellectual capacity to manipulate magic are typically faced with a dispiriting array of obstacles to realizing that potential. A nation where barbarism is the rule, interrupted only by a scattered handful of more or less 'civilized' settlements, offers little opportunity for formal education of any sort, let alone the arcane variety. An aspiring wizard's best chance lies in finding a mentor among the land's de facto rulers, the Technic League, who jealously hoard their knowledge and monopolize magic just as they do everything else of value in Numeria. And frustrated ambition often foments petty cruelty and desperation in equal measure.

Thus were the circumstances into which Kizarmak Altin, son of a metallurgist in the skymetal-smelting town of Torch, was thrust. Possessed of a sharp mind and afforded a fair, if informal, education, Kizarmak did not share his father's love for the science of ores and alloys, and had no desire to follow him in a trade that promised slow death by heavy-metal poisoning, lucrative as it may be. Instead, Kizarmak set himself on a path he hoped would ultimately liberate him from the limited prospects of Numeria altogether. Mustering his courage, he approached the Technic League's tribute collector during his monthly embassy to Torch, and petitioned for apprenticeship.

Somewhat amused by this audacious demonstration of pretension and naivete - and, upon reflection, in the market for a new drudge capable of assisting with his experiments - the magus deigned to test the young man's intellect with a few cursory questions. When Kizarmak's answers seemed to suggest he was at least better than dull-witted, the envoy agreed to take him on for an indentured apprenticeship - or what would amount to coerced menial labor for a sociopath in return for whatever scraps of magical lore Kizarmak could infer along the way. And there was one further condition. The League are a fractious and paranoid lot, and Kizarmak's would-be mentor demanded a demonstration of unfaltering loyalty: Kizarmak must denounce his family for sedition against the Black Sovereign; assaying precious metals was a profitable commission, and the envoy had his eye on claiming it for himself once Kizarmak's father had been evicted from the office.

With a hard-hearted determination that surprised even himself, Kizarmak signed the proscriptive document and turned his back on Torch for the last time. Kizarmak was no fool, however, and if his act of filial betrayal had stripped away any vestige of sentimentality in his conscience, then this placed everyone, his master included, on equal footing. He took the man's measure and set about biding his time, waiting for the opportune moment. It was years in coming, but in that time Kizarmak learned much, and became truly powerful. Dangerous, in fact - more dangerous than his master suspected. He had come to trust Kizarmak, and let his guard down; passing on the broad staircase of his Starfall manse one evening, Kizarmak plunged a blade into his erstwhile patron's back and sent him tumbling to the foyer floor, choking on the blood filling his lungs.

Before the body was cold, Kizarmak had stolen away into the night, carrying the secrets of the Technic Leage magi, a fair stash of gold, and a feeling of profound satisfaction. He made his way deep into the Numerian wasteland, no particular destination in mind, but certain that his victim's peers (once they finished ransacking his property) would be on his trail. Then one night, huddled in the lee of some ancient skymetal bulkhead, a strange dream impinged upon his fitful sleep...

Mechanics forthcoming in the near future!

Veltharis: I would like to avoid tweaking too much for people during the applications phase. And PrC's have no bearing on level one characters anyway.

Inspiration has gripped me, I'm working on the backstory now.

Here's the background for my Dhampir Mesmerist (Spirit Walker).

How do you feel about the Dhampir variant heritages?


Gregor, his father, was a tradesman, and wanted Erdin to follow in his footsteps, dreamed of it even before Erdin was conceived. Perhaps a wiser man could have realized the folly of expecting the scion of the degenerate house Vheist to grow into an honest laborer, but he fell in love with one of their daughters, Auna, and their connections ensured his ongoing prosperity. As his father prospered, Auna secretly groomed their son to claim the name of Vheist and usurp her family’s patriarchal line of succession, in the name of her dark goddess, Urgathoa.

Even before he was born, Erdin was given every advantage his mother could squeeze from the hidden church of excess, the most potent: a visitation of a vampire upon his pregnant mother. Erdin’s birth months later brought grief to Gregor, and joy to Auna, a rift that would define his childhood.

The majority of his time was spent in the dark manse of his maternal family’s estate, learning history, manners, and the finer points of the family politic; time with his Gregor was rare, and only strengthened Erdin’s repulsion against daylight and honest labor.

Soon after Erdin was old enough to begin attending the secret services of Urgathoa’s church, his vampire progenitor, Berus Varga, took a keen interest in mentoring the boy. Auna disapproved of any tutelage outside of her preview, but Varga’s station within the church trumped any objection she could put forward. If anything, the church leadership saw Varga as Erdin’s second father, and eventually so did Erdin.

Auna, despite her reverence for the Pale Lady, had little experience in the necromantic arts or martial prowess, gaps Varga was only too happy to fill in Erdin’s education. With hundreds of years of experience, Varga’s knowledge brought Erdin out of the shadow of his squabbling family and into a greater understanding of the world and his place in it, above the petty mortals inhabiting it.

Auna, grew desperate as Erdin embraced Varga’s philosophy, and attempting to reclaim her son for her own machinations, betrayed the secret church to the clergy of Pharasma. Not a day later, the entire congregation was slain, save the most powerful or paranoid. Vargas was slain, his ashes swept away.

Erdin was by turns distraught and furious, made it his life’s work to uncover the traitor that killed his “true” father. He turned on his mother; she did not last long under his interrogation. After throwing Auna through the window, Erdin proceeded through the rest of the house and put the house of Vheist to the spear.

Erdin Varga no longer maintains any ties with Urgathoa’s faithful, or with his biological father Gregor in Karcau, focusing instead on increasing his personal prowess, traveling Ustalav and investigating rumors of necromantic power. Recently, he has encountered a member of the Whispering Way, and is intrigued by their teachings.

Dark Archive

Understood, just looking ahead a bit...

Extremely quick description would be a changeling spellcaster (wavering between witch and wizard, at the moment) with a focus on enchantment and necromancy (of the "kill you dead" variety, as opposed to the undead creation angle).

Conceptually, something of a fairy tale villainess in the making, though the details of that will need to wait until I've got the back story written.

Here I'm leaning towards making a changeling Mesmerist and of course the two previous characters mentioned are both enchantment-focused as well with one being a Mesmerist and the other a changeling...

@Thron: Will you allow leadership? I'm considering the Cult Leader Archtype which grants that eventually...

Not quite done with him yet, working on equipment and backstory, but here is The Emerald Duke's character: Jegan of Amaans (male Fetchling Slayer of the Cleaner archetype).

Rough Motivations:

He will be essentially on a mission on behalf of the Umbral Dragon who rules the city his family trades out of. His cover is to investigate the Ustalav region to determine if there is adequate demand to set up a trade point for his clan's exotic goods from the Shadow Plane and beyond... as such he will need to have a few NPC fetchlings to refer to if not interface with for believability. His real job is to ensure the Whispering Tyrant is freed... but not out of the devotion to the Whispering Way that he perports. Rather, he is to free him so that his mistress can then be in a better position to capture the Tyrant and consume his essence. ("Liches only really begin to taste decent after they have had at least two to three centuries to mellow.")
While he will have a last name, he will not use it in the material plane, preferring to call himself by the region of Ustalav he crossed into.

Rough Personality:

Jegan is at heart a pragmatist. His reality is that if he fails to attempt his task, his two sisters and mother will be consumed by his mistress... and so will he should he ever return to the shadow plane. As such, he is willing to do whatever is necessary to further his goals. Outwardly, like many of his kind, he is fawning to those who appear stronger than he is or those he wants to manipulate. In private conversations with those working with him he will be courteous, but reserved.

I will get to work fleshing these out and adding them (as well as gear) to his profile, but wanted you to be able to see where I was at least.

Erdin: If it is from a Paizo source, I am most likely ok with it.

Oyzar: Leadership is allowed.

oyzar wrote:

Here I'm leaning towards making a changeling Mesmerist and of course the two previous characters mentioned are both enchantment-focused as well with one being a Mesmerist and the other a changeling...

@Thron: Will you allow leadership? I'm considering the Cult Leader Archtype which grants that eventually...

I'm gearing this character's crunch toward front-line feinting and pain-boosted damage, quite a different party role than what the Cult Leader, or even the traditional Mesmerist, fits into.

Working on this guy as my submission, Thron.

I believe the essentials of Kizarmak's stat-block should now be in order, excluding gear, spell, and language selections. I'm going with the Bladebound Magus archetype (which doesn't really become apparent until level 3), and moving toward the Dervish Dancer feat.
I think the sentient Black Blade from the Bladebound archetype could represent a kind of incentive/influence sent by Tar-Baphon to reinforce Kizarmak's flaky loyalty >:)

I'd be very interested in this game

The basic idea is for someone who partakes in all of this as an envoy of Geb. The basic goal is to keep an eye on the proceeding and try to ensure an alliance while at the same time trying to make sure things don't get out of hand as that could result in unwanted attention.

The idea for the character itself is that he/she is a follower of the infernal duke Kalma.

The thing with that though is that I'd love for my character to acquire a (flightless) cricket familiar, but that isn't in the rules. Would you be ok with using the house centipede for this but ditching the poison and dropping size to diminutive?

Barebones and rough but being worked on.

I am thinking Ialo starts out looking for a bit of payback and justice, funny I know, without regard for the source. Leading him to the whispering way, which in turns changes his goals to something less dead ending like revenge and more substantial like claiming a spot in the new undead order that will be coming about. He has a clan to rebuild and getting in on the ground floor of the mythic lich release party is just smart and in his best interest. Doesn't hurt that his abilities make him a natural ally of the undead. After all the living have been most unkind to him without provocation. ;)

DM Inquires:

Wanted to ask a few questions.

Aasimar have a table for variant abilities. Are you allowing it? Do I pick one and get approval or make rolls then choose among them?

Are you allowing the language learning rules? Basically you can learn a new language from tomes or a another over time, based on your intelligence modifier. I can send you a link to it in the pfsrd if needed.

Also gravewalker's bonethrall ability let's Ialo control undead. Would you allow him to have one at such a low level. I was thinking only a normal zombie or skeleton would be common and weak enough for him to snag in his travels or be granted by the whispering way. Sense he can't create them himself yet. He would pick a skeleton to avoid the smell and dress it up in armor to avoid letting it's nature on to any local's.

DM Thron wrote:

"Awaken, my loyal servant. The Master calls to you. The time has come to release me from my infernal prison of Gallowspire. For this task, I am calling forth my most capable of subjects both near and far to do what must be done. Enter the portal, and join with the others..."

This is an interest/recruitment thread for, what I hope to be, an interesting, epic campaign of villainy and intrigue on a large scale. If the little snippit above doesn't make it clear, the PC's in this venture are going to be agents of the Whispering Way, servants of Tar-Baphon seeking to ensure his release from Gallowspire. This is going to be entirely homebrew on my part, and will be a mixture of Sandbox, driven by PC decisions and interests, as well as some rails placed when things seem to be at an impasse.

** spoiler omitted **
I like to keep things moving at a decent pace, and as such, will be looking for posts from people at least once per day, exceptions being the weekends. If you have nothing to really contribute to the current scene for the moment, please say so out of character and I will be fine with...


Haven't had chance to read through the thread, but current ideas are:

1) A guy who wants to establish an evil knightly order of evil(possibly a hellknight order, or a guy who is an anti paladin and just wants to create a dark an evil fortress of darkness). He could even be an honorable sort of chap, who feels he needs to serve a greater power than himself to give his life meaning. Which, would make him a bit of a nihilist, too, I guess. This could work with a monk, ninja, or slayer, too. Idea would be that, eventually, he'd "acquire" children to raise and train. Possibly through an orphanage.

2) A slaver sort. Possibly a mesmerist. For him, playing with and crushing minds is a game. He re

Cuan: You could always just consider it some sort of strange specie of cricket, keep the stats the same, and reskin the centipede.

Ialo Darkfang:
1) You state that you want alternate abilities then I roll for you.

2) That can also be accomplished by picking up a rank in Linguistics to represent said studies, right?

3) Sure.

I will take the alternate abilities option. Hopefully I get a option that makes sense fluff wise. x)

As to the language thing, yes but this is in addition to that. It does not replace it or anything.

I will call him Servos Firstborn, I expect him to have many successors. At least until I learn Animate Dead and make a durable one. ;)

Thron, you alright with Called Shots?

Yes, but given the nature of PbP, the ability to preview posts before posting, and such, I would demand that all Called Shot Rolls be made by myself after the player has declared that as their action. Not that I don't trust anyone, but I would prefer to remove any potential sources of drama before it would ever risk rearing its ugly head.

I'm struggling with my build. The concept is a Dhampir who fully embraces his vampiric heritage and will seek to actually become a full fledged vampire in game.

Can't figure out the class though. Barbarian with the appropriate rage powers would be pretty good, but you can't get the morale bonuses from rage as an undead.

I also want to go with a martial character(or at least melee focused) in order to take advantage of the benefits of being a vampire as much as possible.

Monkeygod wrote:

I'm struggling with my build. The concept is a Dhampir who fully embraces his vampiric heritage and will seek to actually become a full fledged vampire in game.

Can't figure out the class though. Barbarian with the appropriate rage powers would be pretty good, but you can't get the morale bonuses from rage as an undead.

I also want to go with a martial character(or at least melee focused) in order to take advantage of the benefits of being a vampire as much as possible.

What about a brawler? Preternatural strength and speed are the hallmarks of a vampire, and with free feat exchange and monk combat bonuses, these could be easily emulated.

DM Thron wrote:
Yes, but given the nature of PbP, the ability to preview posts before posting, and such, I would demand that all Called Shot Rolls be made by myself after the player has declared that as their action. Not that I don't trust anyone, but I would prefer to remove any potential sources of drama before it would ever risk rearing its ugly head.

Thats true, though I had no intention on gaming the system, I do understand and will have to think about that for my own campaign.

I'm just trying to wrap my head around a concept still.

Thron, I'm going to pull out. Hoosible would be fun to play again but I have a feeling I'm going to have a hard time getting into rooting for as evil a party as this will undoubtably be (and I'm struggling to post as often as I'd like already in the games I'm in).

Best of luck to all!

Going to begin reviewing some applications in earnest. I will be giving feedback as I spot things I would like clarification/feedback on.

NOTE: These are not in relation to any crunch related to your characters. That can be adjusted post-recruitment, and I trust that you guys are capable of at least being relatively close to correct on the rules front of things. This is more in relation to what your projected role in a group might be as well as any questions relating to your fluff/backstory.

More posts to follow...
Submissions to be reviewed so far, as I have aliases to actually review:

Corbin Nicodemus - Male Dhampir Antipaladin
Drovius the Half Dead - Male Human Slayer
Grondar the Whisperer - Male Half-orc Inquisitor
Payn - Female Half-Elf Magus
Kizarmak Altin - Male Human Magus
Erdin Varga - Male Dhampir Mesmerist
Jegan of Amaans - Male Fetchling Slayer
Aleksei Molorovoni - Male Human Oracle
Ialo Darkfang - Male Aasimar Witch
Steth - Male Human Cleric

For all of these reviews, please forgive me if I ask or seem to have overlooked something posted elsewhere in the thread, as I've been on a work stretch and am just trying to get caught up a bit in regards to these reviews. Just remind me of it.

Corbin Nicodemus:
Like the backstory, good connection to Tar-Baphon. Plan on playing the role of front line combatant clearly. Would he be able to take commands from someone else, given his ego?

Drovius the Half Dead:
Looks like you plan on being a ranged character, or at the very least a switch-hitter support combatant. Backstory is a bit on the light side, is he an amnesiac? Are you leaving it mostly blank for me to abuse as I see fit? Also, there is no mention of anything relating to the Bounty/Goblin hunter tagline you have, at least that I can see on a quick review.

Grondar the Whisperer:
Frontline combatant. How strong is Grondar's urge to get revenge on his siblings? How long has he been in contact with the Whispering Way?

Combatant/Secondary Caster. Interesting read for your backstory. But I noted the repeated mention of Pelor...I take it this character was originally for The Realms? An easy enough fix. Does she seek revenge against Borak?

Kizarmak Altin:
Combatant/Secondary Caster. I can only assume the Technic League are quite upset with your betrayal, and are actively hunting you out, and have been for some time. Though, what about your character attracted the attention of Tar-Baphon's agents? What made it so that they could trust you with what is clearly a very important, very secret mission of theirs?

Erdin Varga:
Interesting backstory. What role do you expect to fill in the group? Do you have any lingering feelings towards Urgathoans?

Jegan of Amaans:
Dex combatant of some type, at this point I'm assuming ranged. No backstory to review at this time, unless it is in the thread somewhere?

Aleksei Molorovoni:
Combatant/Divine Caster. Rough outline of a backstory. What sort of role do you plan to take casting wise?

Ialo Darkfang:
Caster/Animator. How strong of a driving force is revenge for Ialo? Does he have any leads on who perpetrated this act, or are you open to leaving the who/what/how/why of it all to me?

Combatant/Divine Caster. Can he maintain focus on tasks well enough to see them through to fruition?

I plan to mostly do healing and support, as well as some crowd control. It will depend on what the group composition is if I get in.

Well seeing as his clan village was the only true home he has ever known along with family. It's a pretty big driving force, but he knows it's not the end all be all for him. The restoration of his clan and building a new place for them is high up there too in terms of motivation.

Open to leaving the details up to you, intended it to be that way. As not to pin down any one group in the role of his enemies off the bat. But I would expect it to be some overzealous religious organization with a no tolerance for "gray" area types like the Darkfang clan. They were a neutral heavy group of what many would consider outcast and so called freaks.

Iola: I forgot your roll. Let's see what happens...

1d100 ⇒ 32 You can cast shield other once per day as a spell-like ability.

I thought it was three rolls and you choose among those? Anyways if it's between the original and shield other, I would go with the original as shield other makes no sense fluff wise, he deals in undead. They need no protection at all. x)

DM Thron wrote:
Corbin Nicodemus:
Like the backstory, good connection to Tar-Baphon. Plan on playing the role of front line combatant clearly. Would he be able to take commands from someone else, given his ego?

Probably not very well and certainly not at first. I can see him taking orders if goals align or he is clearly in a situation where he realizes his 'boss' is more skilled/knowledgeable. But rather than seeing this as hindrance, I see it more as a role playing opportunity. Let me know if you have further questions.

@ GM Thron:
Yes, I was aiming for a ranged character that dabbled in support. If you'd like more, I can delve deeper into his backstory, but I kinda like the idea of an amnesiac forgetting what led to his more current situations. Allows fun surprises for you to throw at me, if you like that kind of thing.

As for the goblin hunter bit, that's how he moved from a commoner to level one slayer. He hunted individual goblins that where causing an annoyance in Isger and he took care of them. Sorry that I failed to make that clearer. That good?

@ DM Thron:
I think, beyond his proven ability to achieve difficult goals (securing an elite apprenticeship, surpassing his master, simply staying alive) through a combination of wits, combat proficiency, and utter amorality, it is precisely the Technic League's persecution that makes Kizarmak attractive as an agent to the Whispering Way. Without powerful friends, he will eventually be caught, and he's burned so many bridges that he has nowhere else to turn. That's where Tar-Baphon's undead syndicate steps in and makes him an offer he can't refuse ;D

I'd hardly view Chaotic as "unable to focus long enough to do anything;" otherwise a number of iconics would be worthless. Rather, they lie, cheat, and are impulsive, breaking down the door rather than focusing on subtlety.

His God calls him to sew anarchy, and as mentioned (and empasized by his archetype), he does so best through manipulation and subtlety rather than personal, open conflict.

He believes the voices have called him to the Whispering Way, correct or not, and if Rovagug (from whom he believes the voices stem) desires to use one of the most evil and anarchic beings to cause chaos and destruction, he'll follow their guidance.

Dark Archive

@Dm Thron:

Hi there!

Terribly sorry, I was playing around with the build. For you, I should really bring my best, so while a Magus has better numberz, the cleric-->sorcerer--> Mystic Theurge has the best RP potential. I'll keep this unchanged now for this Alias. ^_^ (Unless we're caster heavy and melee-light, then the Magus would be better for the party. But her personality would remain unchanged. =])

You are correct, sir! True story: I originally wrote the backstory when I came across an old copy of the BoVD. I thought about "What makes someone not intrinsically evil, turn evil?" And this story all but wrote itself. =)
Hence, yes, Pelor is mentioned and that is an easy fix. =)

Yes, while she has been driven insane unto being both sadistic and masochistic, her primary goal is to get revenge on Lord Borak. And the whole Iron Hand orc tribe. And all orcs. But him specifically. =)
(Odd note: There are traits for S&M in BOVD. If you like, I could send you the text on them if you wanted to think about including them. Just an idea.)

And, of course she's Neutral Evil, not Evil Stupid. So long as she's with a party, she'll enjoy killing the things that the party wants killed, and one of the hooks might be for the party to try and reel her back (wacky hijinks to ensue).

On a personal note, I really like the ideas that go behind "evil" campaigns. That is, we're all in campagins where we play heroic characters and we do nice things in a nice way like the reasonable, respectful people we are, and I like that you're trying something different. For however "dark" you'd like this game to go, I'm completely with you.
*heh* For eight years I was attached to a Combat Support Hospital for the military, so I know of nurses: We work hard...and we play hard. =)

Feel free to post more questions. I really like this character, and I like just talking about the brain-thoughts behind her. =-]

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Pathfinder Accessories, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

So I got distracted by school starting up again but I finally got around to finishing submission, Vladimir Cromwell, Human(Taldan) Cleric of Kabriri (Undead Lord).

@DM Thron: Let me know if I need to fix anything.

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