GM Jhaeman's Dawn of Flame, Chapter Five: "Solar Strike"

Game Master Jhaeman

Maps & Handouts

The Sun Diver

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Welcome back everyone! Please check in here so I know you're back into the campaign. We've got some miscellaneous bits to do while we wait for Jin's and Hani's replacements, and I'll start going over that stuff soon.

Here's a handy link to the Chapter Four Thread for anyone who might need it.

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m N duergar Biohacker 9 | sp 72/72 | hp 60/60 | rp 9/10 | EAC 22+1 KAC 23+1 [+4 bull rush and trip] | Resist Fire 5| F+9 R+3 W+8 [+2 vs poisons, spells, and spell-like abilities] [-2 vs emotions] | Init +1 | Perc +21, DV60' | Sense M +21, Li&Pi Science +21| Biohack 6/7 | BT + | Spark + | Tranq + | Rage + | Haste 10/10

* an inarticulate and rather rude greeting grunt *

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Maps | Loot | Ship | CG Female Pahtra Mediator Envoy 9 (Noble Scion) | SP 63/63 |HP 58/58 | RP 9/9 | EAC 24 / KAC 25 / CMAC 33 | Fort +4 / Ref +9 / Will +6 (+2 charm/compulsion) | Initiative +3 | Bluff +18 (+1d6+2) / Diplomacy +17 (+1d6+2) | Perception +11 | Low-light vision / Darkvision 60 feet | Token Spell 3/3 | Telepathic Message 3/3 | Disguise Self 1/1 | Invisibility 1/1 | Tongues 1/1 | Cold and Fire Resistance 5

Checking in.

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Stamina 00/36 HP 25/56| EAC 22 KAC 23| F: +4**, R: +12, W: +4 | Init: +6 | Perc: +15 (L-L Vision; Darkvision 60' | Speed 25/30ft | Resolve 8/8 | Ultracold Hailcannon +12 (+15) (UCB 2: 76/100 Usage: 4 (12)) (4d8+9 C & P) | Weapon Special Abilites: Overcharge - 3x cost +2d6 Damage | Conditions: *3 Con damage, Large; Brightlight 50' Radius; Light 100' Cone* |Special Abilites: Scrappy 1/Day ; Memory Module 1/Day; Empathic Imprint 1/Day; Miracle Worker 1/Day


Hope your trip was nice =)

Great, glad to see all three of you back! I'll put a post in Gameplay in about 24 hours to get us transitioning to Chapter Five.

A couple of miscellaneous things:

* If you haven't done it recently, please go through and update your profile (especially with botting instructions) and current inventory (making sure the latter is linked in the former, because sometimes I have to check over your gear to see if something relevant--like a radiation badge--is present or not).

* It'd be good for someone to check over the party loot sheet. You can feel free to (unofficially) discuss in this thread stuff you want to sell or keep when you get some downtime soon

* Tulgram, I promised you a Chronicle from Chapter 4. I've now reported it and you should be able to access your Chronicle here. Any issues, just let me know and I'll fix it up!

* Zharis, once back in civilisation, you'll likely want to attend to your ability score drain as this won't heal naturally. Removing all the drain from a single ability score will take a restoration spell and cost 3,000 credits. Sucks, but you lived to tell the tale!

Maps | Loot | Ship | CG Female Pahtra Mediator Envoy 9 (Noble Scion) | SP 63/63 |HP 58/58 | RP 9/9 | EAC 24 / KAC 25 / CMAC 33 | Fort +4 / Ref +9 / Will +6 (+2 charm/compulsion) | Initiative +3 | Bluff +18 (+1d6+2) / Diplomacy +17 (+1d6+2) | Perception +11 | Low-light vision / Darkvision 60 feet | Token Spell 3/3 | Telepathic Message 3/3 | Disguise Self 1/1 | Invisibility 1/1 | Tongues 1/1 | Cold and Fire Resistance 5

Okay, I don't have that much, but if we sell some stuff, then I should be able to.

Ok, if you're aboard the Sun Diver, Gameplay is a go!

CN Female Pahtra Soldier (Farshot) 1 / Mechanic 7 | SP 57/57 |HP 53/53 | RP 9/10 | EAC 23 / KAC 24 | Fort +8 / Ref +9 / Will +7 (+2 charm/compulsion) | Initiative +4 Perception +11 | Low-light vision, Darkvision 60', Fire Resist 7

What's the point buy?

CN Female Pahtra Soldier (Farshot) 1 / Mechanic 7 | SP 57/57 |HP 53/53 | RP 9/10 | EAC 23 / KAC 24 | Fort +8 / Ref +9 / Will +7 (+2 charm/compulsion) | Initiative +4 Perception +11 | Low-light vision, Darkvision 60', Fire Resist 7

Oh, SF point buy! Forgot this was a thing!

m N duergar Biohacker 9 | sp 72/72 | hp 60/60 | rp 9/10 | EAC 22+1 KAC 23+1 [+4 bull rush and trip] | Resist Fire 5| F+9 R+3 W+8 [+2 vs poisons, spells, and spell-like abilities] [-2 vs emotions] | Init +1 | Perc +21, DV60' | Sense M +21, Li&Pi Science +21| Biohack 6/7 | BT + | Spark + | Tranq + | Rage + | Haste 10/10

> I've now reported it and you should be able to access your Chronicle here. Any issues, just let me know and I'll fix it up!

Access denied .)

Tulgram Coldforge wrote:

> I've now reported it and you should be able to access your Chronicle here. Any issues, just let me know and I'll fix it up!

Access denied .)

Let's see if I can reroll my Intelligence check. Please try again.

m N duergar Biohacker 9 | sp 72/72 | hp 60/60 | rp 9/10 | EAC 22+1 KAC 23+1 [+4 bull rush and trip] | Resist Fire 5| F+9 R+3 W+8 [+2 vs poisons, spells, and spell-like abilities] [-2 vs emotions] | Init +1 | Perc +21, DV60' | Sense M +21, Li&Pi Science +21| Biohack 6/7 | BT + | Spark + | Tranq + | Rage + | Haste 10/10

Everything worked out, thanks!

Maps | Loot | Ship | CG Female Pahtra Mediator Envoy 9 (Noble Scion) | SP 63/63 |HP 58/58 | RP 9/9 | EAC 24 / KAC 25 / CMAC 33 | Fort +4 / Ref +9 / Will +6 (+2 charm/compulsion) | Initiative +3 | Bluff +18 (+1d6+2) / Diplomacy +17 (+1d6+2) | Perception +11 | Low-light vision / Darkvision 60 feet | Token Spell 3/3 | Telepathic Message 3/3 | Disguise Self 1/1 | Invisibility 1/1 | Tongues 1/1 | Cold and Fire Resistance 5

New people should know that Zharis is a famous actress. You've *definitely* heard of her, but of course you can freely choose whether to be fans or not.

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CN Female Pahtra Soldier (Farshot) 1 / Mechanic 7 | SP 57/57 |HP 53/53 | RP 9/10 | EAC 23 / KAC 24 | Fort +8 / Ref +9 / Will +7 (+2 charm/compulsion) | Initiative +4 Perception +11 | Low-light vision, Darkvision 60', Fire Resist 7

Yeah, Amhesha would undoubtedly have heard of you. I'm stuck on trying to decide 3 feats. Anyone have any ideas, or possibly gear I may have missed? This is my first time playing Starfinder, so I will undoubtedly get a few things wrong and forget a few things here and there.

Will get fluff done closer to when me and Theodore are joining into the actual campaign itself. Can't wait to try this system out after so long of wanting to!

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Male N Male Uplifted Bear Soldier (Blitz) 8 | SP 50/80 |HP 62/62 | RP 7/8 | EAC 25 / KAC 27 / CMAC 35 | Fort +8 / Ref +6 / Will +5 | Initiative +12 | Acrobatics +9/ Athletics +5| Intimidate +9 / Life Science +11 / Medicine +9 / Perception +5 / Piloting +15 / Stealth +2 / Survival +8| DR/5 | Low-light vision

Good day, gentle adventurers. It is an honor and a pleasure to make your acquaintance. Especially you, Miss Zharis, for I am but a humble academic, and not oft in the company of celebrity.

Male N Male Uplifted Bear Soldier (Blitz) 8 | SP 50/80 |HP 62/62 | RP 7/8 | EAC 25 / KAC 27 / CMAC 35 | Fort +8 / Ref +6 / Will +5 | Initiative +12 | Acrobatics +9/ Athletics +5| Intimidate +9 / Life Science +11 / Medicine +9 / Perception +5 / Piloting +15 / Stealth +2 / Survival +8| DR/5 | Low-light vision
Amhesha wrote:

Yeah, Amhesha would undoubtedly have heard of you. I'm stuck on trying to decide 3 feats. Anyone have any ideas, or possibly gear I may have missed? This is my first time playing Starfinder, so I will undoubtedly get a few things wrong and forget a few things here and there.

Will get fluff done closer to when me and Theodore are joining into the actual campaign itself. Can't wait to try this system out after so long of wanting to!

Will is the Mechanic's bad save, so Iron Will is never going to be a bad idea. Extra Resolve might be good if you have a lot of mechanic tricks that use resolve. Weapon Focus? Toughness? I've never played a mechanic. This is my second Starfinder campaign, and in my first, via discord with some friends, I played a more heavy armor & heavy weapons version of this same character, so my advice is pretty generic. I don't know much that's Mechanic-specific.

CN Female Pahtra Soldier (Farshot) 1 / Mechanic 7 | SP 57/57 |HP 53/53 | RP 9/10 | EAC 23 / KAC 24 | Fort +8 / Ref +9 / Will +7 (+2 charm/compulsion) | Initiative +4 Perception +11 | Low-light vision, Darkvision 60', Fire Resist 7

Alright. Besides languages which I'll add later, presumably tomorrow, that should be crunch. She doesn't have any Tricks which use Resolve if I remember correctly, unless you count using Resolve to restore Stamina, but I do have 10 resolve points anyways.

@Amhesha: Looks good! I'll have to remember that trapspotting special ability (traps in Starfinder can be pretty nasty!).

CN Female Pahtra Soldier (Farshot) 1 / Mechanic 7 | SP 57/57 |HP 53/53 | RP 9/10 | EAC 23 / KAC 24 | Fort +8 / Ref +9 / Will +7 (+2 charm/compulsion) | Initiative +4 Perception +11 | Low-light vision, Darkvision 60', Fire Resist 7

Alright. I'll look through a list of languages to see what to add today. 100% sure I'm adding Ignan given the AP.

CN Female Pahtra Soldier (Farshot) 1 / Mechanic 7 | SP 57/57 |HP 53/53 | RP 9/10 | EAC 23 / KAC 24 | Fort +8 / Ref +9 / Will +7 (+2 charm/compulsion) | Initiative +4 Perception +11 | Low-light vision, Darkvision 60', Fire Resist 7

Languages selected. When will me and Theodore be joining the party?

Play-by-post can be a bit of "hurry up and wait", I'm afraid. I'm guessing next week.

CN Female Pahtra Soldier (Farshot) 1 / Mechanic 7 | SP 57/57 |HP 53/53 | RP 9/10 | EAC 23 / KAC 24 | Fort +8 / Ref +9 / Will +7 (+2 charm/compulsion) | Initiative +4 Perception +11 | Low-light vision, Darkvision 60', Fire Resist 7

Yeah I know how PbP can be, I was just wondering when you plan to introduce us and whether it'll be on the order of weeks or perhaps a month.

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Stamina 00/36 HP 25/56| EAC 22 KAC 23| F: +4**, R: +12, W: +4 | Init: +6 | Perc: +15 (L-L Vision; Darkvision 60' | Speed 25/30ft | Resolve 8/8 | Ultracold Hailcannon +12 (+15) (UCB 2: 76/100 Usage: 4 (12)) (4d8+9 C & P) | Weapon Special Abilites: Overcharge - 3x cost +2d6 Damage | Conditions: *3 Con damage, Large; Brightlight 50' Radius; Light 100' Cone* |Special Abilites: Scrappy 1/Day ; Memory Module 1/Day; Empathic Imprint 1/Day; Miracle Worker 1/Day

Welcome! We just lost a soldier/8 and a soldier/1mechanic/7.
So not much has changed TBH LOL
GM Jhaeman keeps up a brisk clip, so you won't be waiting too long I'd wager.
Fair warning: Combat has not gone well for us thus far!

Maps | Loot | Ship | CG Female Pahtra Mediator Envoy 9 (Noble Scion) | SP 63/63 |HP 58/58 | RP 9/9 | EAC 24 / KAC 25 / CMAC 33 | Fort +4 / Ref +9 / Will +6 (+2 charm/compulsion) | Initiative +3 | Bluff +18 (+1d6+2) / Diplomacy +17 (+1d6+2) | Perception +11 | Low-light vision / Darkvision 60 feet | Token Spell 3/3 | Telepathic Message 3/3 | Disguise Self 1/1 | Invisibility 1/1 | Tongues 1/1 | Cold and Fire Resistance 5

"Falafel" is hilarious, Xylian. You are a comedic genius.

... For the new folks, you should also know that our Ship AI is called Hopalong, and we call him Hop for short.


Oh, also I started working on the loot sheet, consolidating things and looking up prices, but haven't gotten far. If non-newbies want to claim anything before we get back to the DCI and have a chance to sell... grab stuff. There are some good armor and weapon choices in there... also batteries, a drone... can't remember all of it, but some good things.

We can only sell for 10% of value, so always better to use something than sell it.

CN Female Pahtra Soldier (Farshot) 1 / Mechanic 7 | SP 57/57 |HP 53/53 | RP 9/10 | EAC 23 / KAC 24 | Fort +8 / Ref +9 / Will +7 (+2 charm/compulsion) | Initiative +4 Perception +11 | Low-light vision, Darkvision 60', Fire Resist 7

Yeah. I'll look at the loot sheet eventually. And it's hilarious how you had the same class spread as the outgoing party members. Here's to hoping the two of us can contribute to combat.

I'll also take a look at the loot sheet. Amhesha won't need much in the way of batteries though, as both her weapons (Frost infusion Horizon Striker, and attached sword cane) are analog.

m N duergar Biohacker 9 | sp 72/72 | hp 60/60 | rp 9/10 | EAC 22+1 KAC 23+1 [+4 bull rush and trip] | Resist Fire 5| F+9 R+3 W+8 [+2 vs poisons, spells, and spell-like abilities] [-2 vs emotions] | Init +1 | Perc +21, DV60' | Sense M +21, Li&Pi Science +21| Biohack 6/7 | BT + | Spark + | Tranq + | Rage + | Haste 10/10

Welcome aboard, guys!

Our team has become more furry, it's funny .)

Xylian, great post, inspiring.

CN Female Pahtra Soldier (Farshot) 1 / Mechanic 7 | SP 57/57 |HP 53/53 | RP 9/10 | EAC 23 / KAC 24 | Fort +8 / Ref +9 / Will +7 (+2 charm/compulsion) | Initiative +4 Perception +11 | Low-light vision, Darkvision 60', Fire Resist 7

That is true, isn't it? Heh,

CN Female Pahtra Soldier (Farshot) 1 / Mechanic 7 | SP 57/57 |HP 53/53 | RP 9/10 | EAC 23 / KAC 24 | Fort +8 / Ref +9 / Will +7 (+2 charm/compulsion) | Initiative +4 Perception +11 | Low-light vision, Darkvision 60', Fire Resist 7

Alright. Updated the sheet a bit more, and had to review the rules on battery since I believe I need to use them for the custom rig and the in-built comm unit.

Maps | Loot | Ship | CG Female Pahtra Mediator Envoy 9 (Noble Scion) | SP 63/63 |HP 58/58 | RP 9/9 | EAC 24 / KAC 25 / CMAC 33 | Fort +4 / Ref +9 / Will +6 (+2 charm/compulsion) | Initiative +3 | Bluff +18 (+1d6+2) / Diplomacy +17 (+1d6+2) | Perception +11 | Low-light vision / Darkvision 60 feet | Token Spell 3/3 | Telepathic Message 3/3 | Disguise Self 1/1 | Invisibility 1/1 | Tongues 1/1 | Cold and Fire Resistance 5

I mentioned the batteries for Xylian, who seems to go through them quickly. :)

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Male N Male Uplifted Bear Soldier (Blitz) 8 | SP 50/80 |HP 62/62 | RP 7/8 | EAC 25 / KAC 27 / CMAC 35 | Fort +8 / Ref +6 / Will +5 | Initiative +12 | Acrobatics +9/ Athletics +5| Intimidate +9 / Life Science +11 / Medicine +9 / Perception +5 / Piloting +15 / Stealth +2 / Survival +8| DR/5 | Low-light vision

I forgot when I posted last night that Uplifted Bears can’t actually talk normally; apparently who or whatever did the uplifting decided it was easier to give them limited telepathy instead of altering their larynxes (but opposable thumbs weren’t that hard? I don’t get it.) So you may or may not have noticed that when Theodore was “speaking” earlier, his mouth wasn’t moving. Xylian probably noticed, since he’s a telepath.

CN Female Pahtra Soldier (Farshot) 1 / Mechanic 7 | SP 57/57 |HP 53/53 | RP 9/10 | EAC 23 / KAC 24 | Fort +8 / Ref +9 / Will +7 (+2 charm/compulsion) | Initiative +4 Perception +11 | Low-light vision, Darkvision 60', Fire Resist 7

I'll probably add the circlet as well. Shirrens have the alternate race trait that gives them 2 languages per culture rank, so I imagine that aboard the Ydajisk ship there were a good few linguist Shirrens. Will make Amhesha pretty poor though. You can probably fake the speech though, freak out anyone who knows about Uplifted Bears.

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Stamina 00/36 HP 25/56| EAC 22 KAC 23| F: +4**, R: +12, W: +4 | Init: +6 | Perc: +15 (L-L Vision; Darkvision 60' | Speed 25/30ft | Resolve 8/8 | Ultracold Hailcannon +12 (+15) (UCB 2: 76/100 Usage: 4 (12)) (4d8+9 C & P) | Weapon Special Abilites: Overcharge - 3x cost +2d6 Damage | Conditions: *3 Con damage, Large; Brightlight 50' Radius; Light 100' Cone* |Special Abilites: Scrappy 1/Day ; Memory Module 1/Day; Empathic Imprint 1/Day; Miracle Worker 1/Day

I actually thought about submitting an uplifted bear way back for book one. But I did Xylian instead.


Maps | Loot | Ship | CG Female Pahtra Mediator Envoy 9 (Noble Scion) | SP 63/63 |HP 58/58 | RP 9/9 | EAC 24 / KAC 25 / CMAC 33 | Fort +4 / Ref +9 / Will +6 (+2 charm/compulsion) | Initiative +3 | Bluff +18 (+1d6+2) / Diplomacy +17 (+1d6+2) | Perception +11 | Low-light vision / Darkvision 60 feet | Token Spell 3/3 | Telepathic Message 3/3 | Disguise Self 1/1 | Invisibility 1/1 | Tongues 1/1 | Cold and Fire Resistance 5

Going through and pricing things on the loot sheet and we have this:

"Lashunta Ringwear, II with DR1/- (!!) (Heavy Armor)"

I can find a price for the base ringwear, but I can't find any upgrade that would actually give someone DR 1, so I don't know how to price it.

Deflective Reinforcement gives DR 5, and is 7500, and that price divided by 5 is 1500. Can I go with that, or does anyone know of an item/upgrade that gives DR 1 that is part of the armor?

Alternatively, we could price it as MK1 dermal plating (3025), which is a way for a person to get DR 1, but that is a cybernetic thing, not an armor upgrade.

m N duergar Biohacker 9 | sp 72/72 | hp 60/60 | rp 9/10 | EAC 22+1 KAC 23+1 [+4 bull rush and trip] | Resist Fire 5| F+9 R+3 W+8 [+2 vs poisons, spells, and spell-like abilities] [-2 vs emotions] | Init +1 | Perc +21, DV60' | Sense M +21, Li&Pi Science +21| Biohack 6/7 | BT + | Spark + | Tranq + | Rage + | Haste 10/10

> I can find a price for the base ringwear, but I can't find any upgrade that would actually give someone DR 1, so I don't know how to price it.

It's a custom thing .) The influence of some monster - ooze, as far as I remember - who somehow (random?) changed our equipment by touching it. Mine got better. In a sense, this is better than an armor update, since it does not take up an update slot.

Maps | Loot | Ship | CG Female Pahtra Mediator Envoy 9 (Noble Scion) | SP 63/63 |HP 58/58 | RP 9/9 | EAC 24 / KAC 25 / CMAC 33 | Fort +4 / Ref +9 / Will +6 (+2 charm/compulsion) | Initiative +3 | Bluff +18 (+1d6+2) / Diplomacy +17 (+1d6+2) | Perception +11 | Low-light vision / Darkvision 60 feet | Token Spell 3/3 | Telepathic Message 3/3 | Disguise Self 1/1 | Invisibility 1/1 | Tongues 1/1 | Cold and Fire Resistance 5

Oh, I remember that, now that you mention it. I didn't realize it was your old armor. Agree that makes it much better than an upgrade... however, I still need to know how much to sell it for if we sell it.

Any ideas, GM?

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@Zharis: Hm, I've just checked that section of the AP and there's no info on value. I'm going to say that because it's a truly one-of-a-kind item (and you've got a great story to go with it), you can sell it for 25% of normal value instead of 10%.

Stamina 00/36 HP 25/56| EAC 22 KAC 23| F: +4**, R: +12, W: +4 | Init: +6 | Perc: +15 (L-L Vision; Darkvision 60' | Speed 25/30ft | Resolve 8/8 | Ultracold Hailcannon +12 (+15) (UCB 2: 76/100 Usage: 4 (12)) (4d8+9 C & P) | Weapon Special Abilites: Overcharge - 3x cost +2d6 Damage | Conditions: *3 Con damage, Large; Brightlight 50' Radius; Light 100' Cone* |Special Abilites: Scrappy 1/Day ; Memory Module 1/Day; Empathic Imprint 1/Day; Miracle Worker 1/Day


m N duergar Biohacker 9 | sp 72/72 | hp 60/60 | rp 9/10 | EAC 22+1 KAC 23+1 [+4 bull rush and trip] | Resist Fire 5| F+9 R+3 W+8 [+2 vs poisons, spells, and spell-like abilities] [-2 vs emotions] | Init +1 | Perc +21, DV60' | Sense M +21, Li&Pi Science +21| Biohack 6/7 | BT + | Spark + | Tranq + | Rage + | Haste 10/10

Sweet .)

Okay, you've now got some downtime, so this is a good time to make purchases, sell stuff, etc. Also, the Sun Diver receives an additional 60 build points in upgrades (Total: 264) and is now Tier 9. I'll place the ship link on the top left of the forum page.

For our two new players, I've been neglectful with sharing images, but the Maps & Handouts link now has pics of Nib and Taeress, as well as a map of the Burning Archipelago.

CN Female Pahtra Soldier (Farshot) 1 / Mechanic 7 | SP 57/57 |HP 53/53 | RP 9/10 | EAC 23 / KAC 24 | Fort +8 / Ref +9 / Will +7 (+2 charm/compulsion) | Initiative +4 Perception +11 | Low-light vision, Darkvision 60', Fire Resist 7

I have a question: how good is a +27 Engineering Check for a Lead Engineer?

Not too shabby :)

m N duergar Biohacker 9 | sp 72/72 | hp 60/60 | rp 9/10 | EAC 22+1 KAC 23+1 [+4 bull rush and trip] | Resist Fire 5| F+9 R+3 W+8 [+2 vs poisons, spells, and spell-like abilities] [-2 vs emotions] | Init +1 | Perc +21, DV60' | Sense M +21, Li&Pi Science +21| Biohack 6/7 | BT + | Spark + | Tranq + | Rage + | Haste 10/10

It's fantastically good!

But I see some mistakes (which is quite predictable because the number, I repeat, is incredibly high). Memory Module and Bypass does not stack, since they both give you insight bonus. Also, Library Chips works only for recall knowledge checks (also chips usually requires an additional move action to be used, since it is located in the computer, but since you have an exocortex, it probably is not necessary - up to GM).

So you have +20 (+4 to recall knowledge). But it's still a lot when compared to the leading skills of other party members.

PS I also note that Identify Creature and Recall Knowledge are different actions. For engineering chip is suitable mainly to understand how a device works, but not a creature like a robot, and not to launch this device later.

CN Female Pahtra Soldier (Farshot) 1 / Mechanic 7 | SP 57/57 |HP 53/53 | RP 9/10 | EAC 23 / KAC 24 | Fort +8 / Ref +9 / Will +7 (+2 charm/compulsion) | Initiative +4 Perception +11 | Low-light vision, Darkvision 60', Fire Resist 7

Oof. Yeah knew something was wrong. I'll update it later today.

m N duergar Biohacker 9 | sp 72/72 | hp 60/60 | rp 9/10 | EAC 22+1 KAC 23+1 [+4 bull rush and trip] | Resist Fire 5| F+9 R+3 W+8 [+2 vs poisons, spells, and spell-like abilities] [-2 vs emotions] | Init +1 | Perc +21, DV60' | Sense M +21, Li&Pi Science +21| Biohack 6/7 | BT + | Spark + | Tranq + | Rage + | Haste 10/10

Glad to be of service!

CN Female Pahtra Soldier (Farshot) 1 / Mechanic 7 | SP 57/57 |HP 53/53 | RP 9/10 | EAC 23 / KAC 24 | Fort +8 / Ref +9 / Will +7 (+2 charm/compulsion) | Initiative +4 Perception +11 | Low-light vision, Darkvision 60', Fire Resist 7

Recalculated all the Skills. It's +21 thanks to Xenoarcheologist, and I think I had Stealth wrong, but it should be fixed now.

CN Female Pahtra Soldier (Farshot) 1 / Mechanic 7 | SP 57/57 |HP 53/53 | RP 9/10 | EAC 23 / KAC 24 | Fort +8 / Ref +9 / Will +7 (+2 charm/compulsion) | Initiative +4 Perception +11 | Low-light vision, Darkvision 60', Fire Resist 7

Are the newbies allowed to poach gear from what you collected, specifically the longarm rounds?

Maps | Loot | Ship | CG Female Pahtra Mediator Envoy 9 (Noble Scion) | SP 63/63 |HP 58/58 | RP 9/9 | EAC 24 / KAC 25 / CMAC 33 | Fort +4 / Ref +9 / Will +6 (+2 charm/compulsion) | Initiative +3 | Bluff +18 (+1d6+2) / Diplomacy +17 (+1d6+2) | Perception +11 | Low-light vision / Darkvision 60 feet | Token Spell 3/3 | Telepathic Message 3/3 | Disguise Self 1/1 | Invisibility 1/1 | Tongues 1/1 | Cold and Fire Resistance 5

I won't sell any of the ammunition, but you can't poach anything until after we sell stuff in game. I can't remember if anyone that played the last chapter might need the longarm rounds or not, but if they don't claim them by that point, then anything unsold is open to all.

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Maps | Loot | Ship | CG Female Pahtra Mediator Envoy 9 (Noble Scion) | SP 63/63 |HP 58/58 | RP 9/9 | EAC 24 / KAC 25 / CMAC 33 | Fort +4 / Ref +9 / Will +6 (+2 charm/compulsion) | Initiative +3 | Bluff +18 (+1d6+2) / Diplomacy +17 (+1d6+2) | Perception +11 | Low-light vision / Darkvision 60 feet | Token Spell 3/3 | Telepathic Message 3/3 | Disguise Self 1/1 | Invisibility 1/1 | Tongues 1/1 | Cold and Fire Resistance 5

Loot totals, after 10% reduction for non-cash/trade goods (and the one item exception that GM let us sell for 25%)

Weapons and Armor: 13,425.5
Credsticks & Trade goods (silver/gems): 7,750
Drones & Technological items: 2,600
(all of this stuff moved to Sold tab)

Assuming we have to divide by 5 and send on Jin & Hani's portions, that is 4,755.1 each.


Everything left on the inventory page is open to anyone. I separated out and left on the sheet some of the armor upgrades in case they were wanted... there is a force field and a DR 5 item, and a couple of jetpacks.

Stuff that we own in common or I just thought we might need is on the keep/Storage page, so if you think of a reason to use something there, go for it (for instance, we own a car, truck, and motorcycle). Well, I say own. I mean, taken from people who tried to kill us... you know. Mostly the same thing.

The Using page is for things that are claimed by individuals and that are in use, so can't claim that stuff, but a good reminder to people of what they have picked up in the past, in case it isn't on their individual page.

Male N Male Uplifted Bear Soldier (Blitz) 8 | SP 50/80 |HP 62/62 | RP 7/8 | EAC 25 / KAC 27 / CMAC 35 | Fort +8 / Ref +6 / Will +5 | Initiative +12 | Acrobatics +9/ Athletics +5| Intimidate +9 / Life Science +11 / Medicine +9 / Perception +5 / Piloting +15 / Stealth +2 / Survival +8| DR/5 | Low-light vision

Could I take the Deflective Reinforcement? My armor currently has Dermal Plating Mk.II(which I know isn't an armor upgrade, but Defrex Hide specifically calls it out as compatible), and I'd be happy to take the upgrade and put the Dermal Plating in party treasure. I am the "get in close and rip their arms out of their sockets" guy, so I'm likely to need all the DR I can get.

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