The Mud Sorcerer's Tomb (Inactive)

Game Master baldwin the merciful


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Active Spells:
Darkvision(6 hrs), Life Bubble(4hours), Overland Flight( 16 hrs), See Invisible(Permanent), Symbol of Mirroring(Permanent),
LG Human Sorcerer(Arcane) 14 | HP:116/116 | AC:14 | T:14 | FF:10 | Fort:15 | Ref: 14 | Will:19 | Init: +14(16) | CMB:5 | CMD:19 | Fly 40"
Engineering 9, Planes 10(20), Linguistics 9 Perception: 24(26),

Sargon will go invisible and wait for the fun to ensue

Evil GM

Well, that leaves Omar with the elephant place or he can go try the stone in the iron door.

Grand Lodge

(N HP 109/116, AC 31, T 21, FF 24, Fort +15, Ref +19, Will +12, Init +7, Perc +29, Stealth +28CMD 37)
ranger 14

"Since I hate puzzles, I'm more inclined to just open the door. "

but he sticks the statue in as suggested.

Evil GM

Omar exhales his frustration and places the elephant in the prints. The room's temperature drops 20 degrees in an instant as stone coffin's floor and elephant dissolve away a moment later.

A shimmering curtain of dazzling color hovers an inch above a figure covered in a shroud of translucent red silk. Below the silk, a youthful, beautiful woman lies surrounded by a fabulous amount of treasure. Her body, save her head, hands, and feet, is wrapped in fine white strips of linen. her arms are crossed over her chest, fists clenched, while her long white hair is woven into five thick braids.In addition to the treasure that surrounds her, she wears an incredible amount of jewelry.

What are you going to do?

Grand Lodge

(N HP 109/116, AC 31, T 21, FF 24, Fort +15, Ref +19, Will +12, Init +7, Perc +29, Stealth +28CMD 37)
ranger 14

Take a close look for traps. I don't trust this place.

perception: 1d20 + 29 + 6 + 7 ⇒ (5) + 29 + 6 + 7 = 47

Evil GM

Omar the shimmering current is clearly a magical protection. There are seven vivid colors that radiate above body blocking you from the treasure that surrounds her.

Sargon you recognize this as a Prismatic Wall.

Evil GM

Sargon are you going to be able to work to disrupt the prismatic wall?

Evil GM

What are you guys going to do?

Grand Lodge

(N HP 109/116, AC 31, T 21, FF 24, Fort +15, Ref +19, Will +12, Init +7, Perc +29, Stealth +28CMD 37)
ranger 14

Well if Sargon can't get us past the wall, we might as well open the door.

1/2 Orc Cleric Of Caydean 1 | HP 13/13 | AC 15/11/14 | F+4,R+1,W+4 (+2 to charms, compulsions, and emotion spells | Init.+1 | Perc.+6 | SenseMotive+2 | CMD 14 | Darkvision 60’ | 30’ movement

Dragox agrees with Omar. "Now Sargon, we need to figure a way to get all that loot. That's enough to equip a whole battalion, and that's the reason I'm here. Perhaps when we are finished."

Evil GM

Omar palms the oval stone - the key - and study's the door. He doesn't see anything unusual with the door but it's clear where the stone is place. It fits perfectly inside a center indentation. They suddenly with great speed the iron door opens outward slamming agaisnt the inside wall.

damage: 6d6 ⇒ (5, 2, 4, 3, 4, 1) = 19
*reflex save 28 for half damage (evasion will negate)

Active Spells:
Darkvision(6 hrs), Life Bubble(4hours), Overland Flight( 16 hrs), See Invisible(Permanent), Symbol of Mirroring(Permanent),
LG Human Sorcerer(Arcane) 14 | HP:116/116 | AC:14 | T:14 | FF:10 | Fort:15 | Ref: 14 | Will:19 | Init: +14(16) | CMB:5 | CMD:19 | Fly 40"
Engineering 9, Planes 10(20), Linguistics 9 Perception: 24(26),
Dragox wrote:
"Now Sargon, we need to figure a way to get all that loot. That's enough to equip a whole battalion, and that's the reason I'm here. Perhaps when we are finished."

Breaking that protective barrier is beyond my skills sadly. perhaps we will have better luck beyond the door

Grand Lodge

(N HP 109/116, AC 31, T 21, FF 24, Fort +15, Ref +19, Will +12, Init +7, Perc +29, Stealth +28CMD 37)
ranger 14

reflex save: 1d20 + 19 ⇒ (11) + 19 = 30

Evil GM

Omar instinctively dives out of the way of the iron door. The door whacks the wall with a tremendous bang. The sound echoes loudly.

Grand Lodge

(N HP 109/116, AC 31, T 21, FF 24, Fort +15, Ref +19, Will +12, Init +7, Perc +29, Stealth +28CMD 37)
ranger 14

"I really need to remember to always check for traps. It's gonna kill me one of these days. "

Evil GM

A huge moth-eaten tapestry covers numerous items in this chamber. Several vessels and items of interest lie beneath the cloth. Nine locked iron chests sit against the east wall, each appear filled will gold.(2000gp each) Two dozen tall clay urns, sealed and corked and tar, occupy the southern area and contian dried viscera of those sevants buried in the mausoleum. Faded designs adorn the urns.

There are twelve statues of various animal headed humanoids made of green basalt are stored in the northern area. They radiate magic.

There are scattered items about the floor: 86 pp, 441 gp, 712 sp, two short swords, four magical javelins, three spears, a battle axe, a longsword with a jeweled pommel (100 gp), 7 brooms, a gnarled oak staff, an 8 ft long birchwood pole.

Moar discovers a secret compartment in one corner: there are 4 mud sorcerer texts and a red dial. The books are minor sorcerer texts, but are worth 1500 gp each.

There is nothing else here.

Evil GM

So the only thing that remains is getting through the prismatic wall.

Grand Lodge

(N HP 109/116, AC 31, T 21, FF 24, Fort +15, Ref +19, Will +12, Init +7, Perc +29, Stealth +28CMD 37)
ranger 14

With limited wish, he should be able to do it eventually, and we can rest.

Evil GM

Sarnog what are you doing?

Active Spells:
Darkvision(6 hrs), Life Bubble(4hours), Overland Flight( 16 hrs), See Invisible(Permanent), Symbol of Mirroring(Permanent),
LG Human Sorcerer(Arcane) 14 | HP:116/116 | AC:14 | T:14 | FF:10 | Fort:15 | Ref: 14 | Will:19 | Init: +14(16) | CMB:5 | CMD:19 | Fly 40"
Engineering 9, Planes 10(20), Linguistics 9 Perception: 24(26),

With a nights rest I should be able to take this barrier down

Grand Lodge

(N HP 109/116, AC 31, T 21, FF 24, Fort +15, Ref +19, Will +12, Init +7, Perc +29, Stealth +28CMD 37)
ranger 14

"Last night went well enough, so why not? I'll take midwatch again. "

Evil GM

It takes a bit of time but Sargon does eventually get the prismatic wall down without incident. Other than an occasional forging rat pack there are not other incidents within the main tomb area. Either the guardians have all been destroyed or they are forbidden to enter this area but the results are the same...relative peace.


Tzolo’s corpse wears a a circlet of platinum set with four amethysts (1,100 gp), two platinum rings each set with a small tourmaline (350 gp each), a wide platinum choker set with six rectangular topazes (3,600gp), a platinum ankle bracelet (445 gp), and platinum earrings fashioned in the shape of the first mud sorcerer symbol (75 gp).

Beneath her folded arms is an exquisite breastplate made of 28 long rectangles of jade strung together with green thread on a platinum sternum (6,800 gp). Ancient platinum coins (200gp each) rest on her eyes.
She holds an ebony and silver wand fashioned like a shepard’s crook in her right hand (500gp), while clutching two emeralds (1000 gp) in her left hand. In addition to all this, she wears an invisible ring of three wishes on her left pinky finger.

The corpse lies on a midnight –blue silk shroud. Beneath the shroud is a bed of 24 platinum ingots (600gp each).

Removing the ingots reveals a 2-foot square compartment. Omar is able to overcome the trap to reveal the following: A compartment is 2 feet deep contianing,

A staff of earth and stone (20 ch)
A book of infinite spells (15 pages left)
A frost Brand
A small cube of platinum with Nystul’s magic aura on it (resembles a cube of force)
Two ioun stones (deep red sphere and pale lavender ellipsoid)

Ivory small tube (125 gp) containing the following scrolls: stone tell, animate object, spike stone, transmute rock to mud, stone to flesh, and control water. It also has two maps to other tombs.

Two fire opals (1000gp each) a black opal (1000 gp), a jacinth (5000gp), a ruby (5000gp), seven pink corals (100 gp each), two deep blue spinels (500 gp each).

Two ancient tomes written in Tallese. Each is worth 3000 gp.

Evil GM

Unfortunately, Tzolo does not spring up from the grave to engage in one last epic battle. Essentially once you destroyed the guardian and bypassed the traps the combat and threats conclude.

That gentlemen ends this adventure. With on little surprise you'd find out the next day all the chest loot in the alcove behind the iron door was actually fools gold.

You all were great to game with and I'd be happy to DM for you again.

Active Spells:
Darkvision(6 hrs), Life Bubble(4hours), Overland Flight( 16 hrs), See Invisible(Permanent), Symbol of Mirroring(Permanent),
LG Human Sorcerer(Arcane) 14 | HP:116/116 | AC:14 | T:14 | FF:10 | Fort:15 | Ref: 14 | Will:19 | Init: +14(16) | CMB:5 | CMD:19 | Fly 40"
Engineering 9, Planes 10(20), Linguistics 9 Perception: 24(26),

That was great, Thanks Baldwin and EJC. I am going to miss this character

Grand Lodge

(N HP 109/116, AC 31, T 21, FF 24, Fort +15, Ref +19, Will +12, Init +7, Perc +29, Stealth +28CMD 37)
ranger 14

It's been fun. Thanks for taking over Baldwin.

1/2 Orc Cleric Of Caydean 1 | HP 13/13 | AC 15/11/14 | F+4,R+1,W+4 (+2 to charms, compulsions, and emotion spells | Init.+1 | Perc.+6 | SenseMotive+2 | CMD 14 | Darkvision 60’ | 30’ movement

"My share of this tr azure will allow the good folks to fight off the demon horde at the worldwound. I cannot thank you enough!"

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