It Came from Hollow Mountain

Game Master DEREK LANE 127

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Ayita easily finds what appears to be a second concealed door. She fiddles with the edges and finds a small gap, into which she inserts a lockpick. The door opens easily after that.

As the door opens, a wave of cool, damp air wafts out. It is dark inside. The light from outside the secret door illuminates the room somewhat, allowing Ayita to see a wooden table.

Silver Crusade

F Hunter 7| HP 59/59 | AC 18 CMD 20 CMB 8| FF,T 16,12 | Init+2 | F+8, R+8, W+8 (+1 v fear) | Spd 30 | Perc (+18) (+3 traps) | Tracking (+16) | +1LucHam +10(d12+5) | Yazhi |HP 51/51| AC 20 |FF,T 17,13| F+7, R+8, W+3 | +1 Bite (bull foc) +10 (d8+8) bleed

Ayita puts a "light" cantrip on her lucerne hammer, stowing the bow for now, and looks at the table and surroundings.

perception: 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (12) + 18 = 30

M Half-elf Occultist 6/Investigator 1 | HP 59/59 | AC 21 temp 25 | T 12 FF 20 | CMD 22 | F+10, R+8, W+10 | Init +2 | Speed 30 | Perc +16 darkvision | Sen Mot +10 | 15 Mental focus: 4/7 abjuration, 2/2 divination, 5/6 transmutation | Inspiration 3/3 | +2 Halberd +12/+5, 1d10 + 15 / x3 | [dice=+2 halberd w/ PA]1d20 + 12[/dice], [dice=damage]1d10 + 15[/dice] | Spells remaining: 1st 5/5 2nd 4/4

"I still have my see invisibility spell active, I can go first if you want to make sure the ghost isn't waiting for us."

Frantino will move into the room either first or directly behind Ayita, alert for traps or an ambush.

Perception: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (17) + 16 = 33 +1 for traps

Silver Crusade

Oracle/7 | HP 64 | AC 15 Tch 10 FF 15 CMD 13 | F +5 R +3 W +9 | Init +2 | Perc +1

Hatfield flies in closer to the party and also casts light.

Dark Archive

Male Elf Wizard-Evoker 7th
HP: 42/42 | Init +9 | AC: 18(22); FF: 15(19); T: 18(22); CMD: 15 | F: +5, R: +7, W: +7; Speed: 30';

Ezranadir takes a step inside after Frantino.

I cannot see inside the room. Ezranadir has his bow out always with continual flame on it.

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Frantino and Ezranadir see a horrible undead monstrosity standing in the corridor to the north. A thick tangle of discolored entrails clings to the lurching skeleton’s torso and winds upward to loll from its jaw like a clawed tongue.

It begins shambling towards the three desks in the center of the room.

Knowledge (religion) DC18:
It is a morhg, created by the just death of a serial killer.

Dark Archive

Male Elf Wizard-Evoker 7th
HP: 42/42 | Init +9 | AC: 18(22); FF: 15(19); T: 18(22); CMD: 15 | F: +5, R: +7, W: +7; Speed: 30';

Knowledge-Religion: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (8) + 13 = 21

He calls out to the group, "It is a Morhg, created by the just death of a serial killer."

M Half-elf Occultist 6/Investigator 1 | HP 59/59 | AC 21 temp 25 | T 12 FF 20 | CMD 22 | F+10, R+8, W+10 | Init +2 | Speed 30 | Perc +16 darkvision | Sen Mot +10 | 15 Mental focus: 4/7 abjuration, 2/2 divination, 5/6 transmutation | Inspiration 3/3 | +2 Halberd +12/+5, 1d10 + 15 / x3 | [dice=+2 halberd w/ PA]1d20 + 12[/dice], [dice=damage]1d10 + 15[/dice] | Spells remaining: 1st 5/5 2nd 4/4

Knowledge religion: 1d20 + 11 + 1d6 ⇒ (5) + 11 + (1) = 17

"Thanks, I have no knowledge of or experience with these."

Since it's undead, Frantino will spend a point of transmutation focus to give Fury another +1 plus undead bane, then he'll ready to attack it if it approaches.

Male Qadiran Human Fighter 7 | HP 60/60 | AC 30 Temp 30| FF 28 Temp 28| Tch/Temp 13|CMD 24| Init+3 | Perc+2 | F+8 R+5 W+4| Speed 30 [dice=Scimitar]1d20+13[/dice] [dice=Dmg]1d6+7[/dice] [dice=Shield Bash]1d20+13[/dice] [dice=Dmg]1d6+6[/dice] Two Weapon Att -2 to hit

Nasir activates his wayfinder and makes his way into the room. After hearing Ezranadir's warning, readies to attack the incoming creature.

M Half-elf Occultist 6/Investigator 1 | HP 59/59 | AC 21 temp 25 | T 12 FF 20 | CMD 22 | F+10, R+8, W+10 | Init +2 | Speed 30 | Perc +16 darkvision | Sen Mot +10 | 15 Mental focus: 4/7 abjuration, 2/2 divination, 5/6 transmutation | Inspiration 3/3 | +2 Halberd +12/+5, 1d10 + 15 / x3 | [dice=+2 halberd w/ PA]1d20 + 12[/dice], [dice=damage]1d10 + 15[/dice] | Spells remaining: 1st 5/5 2nd 4/4

Readied attack: +3 undead bane halberd w/ PA: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (15) + 15 = 30, damage: 1d10 + 18 + 2d6 ⇒ (9) + 18 + (3, 6) = 36

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Rolled Initiative:

Doc Hatfield: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (8) + 2 = 10
Ayita: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (20) + 2 = 22
Frantino: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (11) + 1 = 12
Nasir: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (13) + 3 = 16
Ezranadir: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (13) + 9 = 22
MOHRG: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (18) + 8 = 26


Ezranadir: [7 images]
Doc Hatfield:

BOLD may go!

Ezranadir (42/42hp) || -10+5+5 = FULLhp
Ayita (54/58hp) || -12-3-3-2-3-1-1+21 = -4hp
Yazhi (50/51hp) || -6+5 = -1hp
Doc (55/64hp) || -36+17-5-5-5-5-5+6+23-5+11 = -9hp ** -2 Wisdom
Frantino (59/59hp) || -35+5-9+5+5+30 = FULL hp ** -1 Wisdom **
Nasir (59/60hp) || -18-17+23+11 = -1hp ** -1 Wisdom **

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The mohrg suddenly RUNS at Frantino! It darts between two tables and its tongue reaches out at the half-elf!

Frantino strikes at the thing and hits it.

touch+paralysis: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (19) + 10 = 29 @FRANTINO Fort DC21 vs Paralysis: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (9) + 10 = 19

Frantino's final talisman of lesser freedom crumbles to dust, preventing him from being paralyzed by the mohrg!

As I recall, this was your final talisman of freedom.

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Frantino: readied attack occurs, hit!
MOHRG: tongue lashes Frantino, hit! Not paralyzed due to Talisman of Freedom
Ezranadir: [7 images]
Doc Hatfield:

BOLD may go!

Ezranadir (42/42hp) || -10+5+5 = FULLhp
Ayita (54/58hp) || -12-3-3-2-3-1-1+21 = -4hp
Yazhi (50/51hp) || -6+5 = -1hp
Doc (55/64hp) || -36+17-5-5-5-5-5+6+23-5+11 = -9hp ** -2 Wisdom
Frantino (59/59hp) || -35+5-9+5+5+30 = FULL hp ** -1 Wisdom **
Nasir (59/60hp) || -18-17+23+11 = -1hp ** -1 Wisdom **

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Dark Archive

Male Elf Wizard-Evoker 7th
HP: 42/42 | Init +9 | AC: 18(22); FF: 15(19); T: 18(22); CMD: 15 | F: +5, R: +7, W: +7; Speed: 30';

Ezranadir unleashes a volley of Intense Magic Missiles at the creature.

Intense Force Dmg: 4d4 + 4 + 3 ⇒ (2, 4, 1, 3) + 4 + 3 = 17

Overcome SR?: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (2) + 10 = 12

Silver Crusade

F Hunter 7| HP 59/59 | AC 18 CMD 20 CMB 8| FF,T 16,12 | Init+2 | F+8, R+8, W+8 (+1 v fear) | Spd 30 | Perc (+18) (+3 traps) | Tracking (+16) | +1LucHam +10(d12+5) | Yazhi |HP 51/51| AC 20 |FF,T 17,13| F+7, R+8, W+3 | +1 Bite (bull foc) +10 (d8+8) bleed

Ayita moves in and attacks, asking Yazhi to do so as well.

Ayita attack: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (9) + 10 = 19
damage: 1d12 + 5 ⇒ (2) + 5 = 7

Yazhi attack: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (8) + 10 = 18
damage: 1d8 + 8 ⇒ (1) + 8 = 9

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Ayita of the Hawk Clan wrote:

Ayita moves in and attacks, asking Yazhi to do so as well.

[dice=Ayita attack]1d20+10

[dice=Yazhi attack]1d20+10


Hollow Mountain Roll20 |Magnimar Pics
Ezranadir wrote:

Ezranadir unleashes a volley of Intense Magic Missiles at the creature.

[dice=Intense Force Dmg]4d4+4+3

[dice=Overcome SR?]1d20+10

No SR on this one.

Hollow Mountain Roll20 |Magnimar Pics

@FRANTINO Please state your Round Two action. It will help us keep the combat moving.

M Half-elf Occultist 6/Investigator 1 | HP 59/59 | AC 21 temp 25 | T 12 FF 20 | CMD 22 | F+10, R+8, W+10 | Init +2 | Speed 30 | Perc +16 darkvision | Sen Mot +10 | 15 Mental focus: 4/7 abjuration, 2/2 divination, 5/6 transmutation | Inspiration 3/3 | +2 Halberd +12/+5, 1d10 + 15 / x3 | [dice=+2 halberd w/ PA]1d20 + 12[/dice], [dice=damage]1d10 + 15[/dice] | Spells remaining: 1st 5/5 2nd 4/4
GM Derek wrote:
@FRANTINO Please state your Round Two action. It will help us keep the combat moving.

Sounds good.

M Half-elf Occultist 6/Investigator 1 | HP 59/59 | AC 21 temp 25 | T 12 FF 20 | CMD 22 | F+10, R+8, W+10 | Init +2 | Speed 30 | Perc +16 darkvision | Sen Mot +10 | 15 Mental focus: 4/7 abjuration, 2/2 divination, 5/6 transmutation | Inspiration 3/3 | +2 Halberd +12/+5, 1d10 + 15 / x3 | [dice=+2 halberd w/ PA]1d20 + 12[/dice], [dice=damage]1d10 + 15[/dice] | Spells remaining: 1st 5/5 2nd 4/4

Frantino will erect a mind barrier as a swift action and then full attack.

+3 bane halberd w/ PA: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (8) + 15 = 23, damage: 1d10 + 19 + 2d6 ⇒ (1) + 19 + (5, 3) = 28
+3 bane halberd w/ PA: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (14) + 8 = 22, damage: 1d10 + 19 + 2d6 ⇒ (4) + 19 + (1, 1) = 25

Since he'll be last, he may have a flank to take advantage of.

How much time has elapsed since Xanesha disappeared? Frantino had a one minute quickness (haste) ability going, not sure if that expired so I didn't count it. If it's still on for another few rounds then that would be another +1 on his attack rolls and a +2 dodge bonus to AC. He would also get a hasted swing at her.

haste bonus attack: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (18) + 15 = 33, damage: 1d10 + 19 + 2d6 ⇒ (4) + 19 + (4, 5) = 32

Hollow Mountain Roll20 |Magnimar Pics
Frantino Kaddren wrote:

Frantino will erect a mind barrier as a swift action and then full attack.

[dice=+3 bane halberd w/ PA]1d20 + 15, [dice=damage]1d10 + 19 + 2d6
[dice=+3 bane halberd w/ PA]1d20 + 8, [dice=damage]1d10 + 19 + 2d6

Since he'll be last, he may have a flank to take advantage of.

How much time has elapsed since Xanesha disappeared? Frantino had a one minute quickness (haste) ability going, not sure if that expired so I didn't count it. If it's still on for another few rounds then that would be another +1 on his attack rolls and a +2 dodge bonus to AC. He would also get a hasted swing at her.

[dice=haste bonus attack]1d20 + 15, [dice=damage]1d10 + 19 + 2d6


It has been several minutes since Xanesha disappeared.

Silver Crusade

Oracle/7 | HP 64 | AC 15 Tch 10 FF 15 CMD 13 | F +5 R +3 W +9 | Init +2 | Perc +1


Hatfield flies behind Ayita and casts Guidance on her.

Male Qadiran Human Fighter 7 | HP 60/60 | AC 30 Temp 30| FF 28 Temp 28| Tch/Temp 13|CMD 24| Init+3 | Perc+2 | F+8 R+5 W+4| Speed 30 [dice=Scimitar]1d20+13[/dice] [dice=Dmg]1d6+7[/dice] [dice=Shield Bash]1d20+13[/dice] [dice=Dmg]1d6+6[/dice] Two Weapon Att -2 to hit

Taking advantage of the flying carpet he still rides on, Nasir flies over the table and around behind the creature. He takes advantage of the flank to slash at the creature.

Keen Edge Scimitar: 1d20 + 13 + 2 ⇒ (14) + 13 + 2 = 29
Dmg: 1d6 + 7 ⇒ (6) + 7 = 13

Keen Edge should last for 70 minutes, so I should have another hour or so of using it. Too bad I was just one off from a crit threat.

Hollow Mountain Roll20 |Magnimar Pics
Nasir al-Rafik Kamal wrote:

Taking advantage of the flying carpet he still rides on, Nasir flies over the table and around behind the creature. He takes advantage of the flank to slash at the creature.

[dice=Keen Edge Scimitar]1d20+13+2

Keen Edge should last for 70 minutes, so I should have another hour or so of using it. Too bad I was just one off from a crit threat.


The combination of Nasir's keen blade and Frantino's follow up (Round Two) attack, destroy the thing!

Silver Crusade

F Hunter 7| HP 59/59 | AC 18 CMD 20 CMB 8| FF,T 16,12 | Init+2 | F+8, R+8, W+8 (+1 v fear) | Spd 30 | Perc (+18) (+3 traps) | Tracking (+16) | +1LucHam +10(d12+5) | Yazhi |HP 51/51| AC 20 |FF,T 17,13| F+7, R+8, W+3 | +1 Bite (bull foc) +10 (d8+8) bleed

Assuming nothing else shows up immediately after her friends' excellent work is done, Ayita will look around the room, including for traps.

perception: 1d20 + 18 + 3 ⇒ (20) + 18 + 3 = 41

M Half-elf Occultist 6/Investigator 1 | HP 59/59 | AC 21 temp 25 | T 12 FF 20 | CMD 22 | F+10, R+8, W+10 | Init +2 | Speed 30 | Perc +16 darkvision | Sen Mot +10 | 15 Mental focus: 4/7 abjuration, 2/2 divination, 5/6 transmutation | Inspiration 3/3 | +2 Halberd +12/+5, 1d10 + 15 / x3 | [dice=+2 halberd w/ PA]1d20 + 12[/dice], [dice=damage]1d10 + 15[/dice] | Spells remaining: 1st 5/5 2nd 4/4

Frantino casts detect magic and scans the room, then moves to the north looking for additional threats coming from the same direction as the mohrg.

Is the door closed? Does the hallway to the east lead to another door? It's hard to tell.

Silver Crusade

Oracle/7 | HP 64 | AC 15 Tch 10 FF 15 CMD 13 | F +5 R +3 W +9 | Init +2 | Perc +1

Perception to assist with search: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (10) + 1 = 11

Also detect poison.

Male Qadiran Human Fighter 7 | HP 60/60 | AC 30 Temp 30| FF 28 Temp 28| Tch/Temp 13|CMD 24| Init+3 | Perc+2 | F+8 R+5 W+4| Speed 30 [dice=Scimitar]1d20+13[/dice] [dice=Dmg]1d6+7[/dice] [dice=Shield Bash]1d20+13[/dice] [dice=Dmg]1d6+6[/dice] Two Weapon Att -2 to hit

Nasir steps off the flying carpet.

"Zank you for allowing me to borrow zis, Ayita. You my have it back now."

He quickly surveys the room for a skull. If he does not see one, he encourages his companions to continue to search elsewhere.

"Za skull is not here! We must move quickly to search for za skull so we can free my friend Xanesha from her slavery! Let us try the hallway where the undead came from."

Nasir heads toward the door to the north.

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The small room has three tables in it. Each table is equipped with straps. (!)

The northern door is closed, as is the eastern door.

There is no magic in the room that Frantino can sense, nor is there poison.

Ayita finds no traps.

M Half-elf Occultist 6/Investigator 1 | HP 59/59 | AC 21 temp 25 | T 12 FF 20 | CMD 22 | F+10, R+8, W+10 | Init +2 | Speed 30 | Perc +16 darkvision | Sen Mot +10 | 15 Mental focus: 4/7 abjuration, 2/2 divination, 5/6 transmutation | Inspiration 3/3 | +2 Halberd +12/+5, 1d10 + 15 / x3 | [dice=+2 halberd w/ PA]1d20 + 12[/dice], [dice=damage]1d10 + 15[/dice] | Spells remaining: 1st 5/5 2nd 4/4
Nasir al-Rafik Kamal wrote:
"Za skull is not here! We must move quickly to search for za skull so we can free my friend Xanesha from her slavery! Let us try the hallway where the undead came from."

"Nasir, what are you talking about? Your "friend" Xanesha, the ghost that was trying to kill us? Did she cast some kind of charm or suggestion spell on you?"

Since detect magic is active, Frantino will examine Nasir for the lingering aura of an enchantment spell on him, per detect magic. It's only been a few minutes since she fled.

Spellcraft: 1d20 + 13 + 1d6 ⇒ (2) + 13 + (3) = 18

Hollow Mountain Roll20 |Magnimar Pics
Frantino Kaddren wrote:
Nasir al-Rafik Kamal wrote:
"Za skull is not here! We must move quickly to search for za skull so we can free my friend Xanesha from her slavery! Let us try the hallway where the undead came from."

"Nasir, what are you talking about? Your "friend" Xanesha, the ghost that was trying to kill us? Did she cast some kind of charm or suggestion spell on you?"

Since detect magic is active, Frantino will examine Nasir for the lingering aura of an enchantment spell on him, per detect magic. It's only been a few minutes since she fled.

Spellcraft: 1d20 + 13 + 1d6 ⇒ (2) + 13 + (3) = 18

There is definitely a moderate aura emanating from Nasir. When you attempt to determine the school of magic involved, you cannot quite decipher it.

A Know(arcana) DC19, which you failed with the roll above.

M Half-elf Occultist 6/Investigator 1 | HP 59/59 | AC 21 temp 25 | T 12 FF 20 | CMD 22 | F+10, R+8, W+10 | Init +2 | Speed 30 | Perc +16 darkvision | Sen Mot +10 | 15 Mental focus: 4/7 abjuration, 2/2 divination, 5/6 transmutation | Inspiration 3/3 | +2 Halberd +12/+5, 1d10 + 15 / x3 | [dice=+2 halberd w/ PA]1d20 + 12[/dice], [dice=damage]1d10 + 15[/dice] | Spells remaining: 1st 5/5 2nd 4/4

"Ezranadir, Doc, and Ayita, there's some kind of magical aura on Nasir but I'm having a hard time making out the type of magic, can you please take a look at him?"

I guess it's Knowledge arcana instead of Spellcraft, that's only +11 for Frantino.

"Also, my Lesser Talisman of Freedom was consumed when it protected me from Xanesha. I think we have a few left, can I get another, please? Are they in the bag of holding? At this rate I may have to upgrade to a major talisman."

Silver Crusade

Oracle/7 | HP 64 | AC 15 Tch 10 FF 15 CMD 13 | F +5 R +3 W +9 | Init +2 | Perc +1

Sense Motive on Nasir: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (1) + 6 = 7

"Seems fine ta me."

Dark Archive

Male Elf Wizard-Evoker 7th
HP: 42/42 | Init +9 | AC: 18(22); FF: 15(19); T: 18(22); CMD: 15 | F: +5, R: +7, W: +7; Speed: 30';

Ezranadir does a Detect Magic and examines Nasir.
Knowledge-Arcana: 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (7) + 17 = 24

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Ezranadir wrote:

Ezranadir does a Detect Magic and examines Nasir.


Definitely some sort of enchantment.

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Frantino Kaddren wrote:
"Also, my Lesser Talisman of Freedom was consumed when it protected me from Xanesha. I think we have a few left, can I get another, please? Are they in the bag of holding? At this rate I may have to upgrade to a major talisman."

Ezranadir has them. Unless he put them in the bag of holding?

Silver Crusade

F Hunter 7| HP 59/59 | AC 18 CMD 20 CMB 8| FF,T 16,12 | Init+2 | F+8, R+8, W+8 (+1 v fear) | Spd 30 | Perc (+18) (+3 traps) | Tracking (+16) | +1LucHam +10(d12+5) | Yazhi |HP 51/51| AC 20 |FF,T 17,13| F+7, R+8, W+3 | +1 Bite (bull foc) +10 (d8+8) bleed

Ayita stows the carpet while moving to the north door.

Please let me check this first, friend Nasir.

trap check: 1d20 + 18 + 3 ⇒ (8) + 18 + 3 = 29

Her knowledge skills are not that high.

Dark Archive

Male Elf Wizard-Evoker 7th
HP: 42/42 | Init +9 | AC: 18(22); FF: 15(19); T: 18(22); CMD: 15 | F: +5, R: +7, W: +7; Speed: 30';

Ezranadir states, "Nasir definitely has been enchanted thus the reason why he thinks the ghost is his friend." He pulls out of his Handy Haversack and hands Frantino another Talisman of Freedom.

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Ayita of the Hawk Clan wrote:

Ayita stows the carpet while moving to the north door.

Please let me check this first, friend Nasir.

[dice=trap check]1d20+18+3

Her knowledge skills are not that high.

Ayita does really find any traps on the north door. She notices it is unlocked.

Male Qadiran Human Fighter 7 | HP 60/60 | AC 30 Temp 30| FF 28 Temp 28| Tch/Temp 13|CMD 24| Init+3 | Perc+2 | F+8 R+5 W+4| Speed 30 [dice=Scimitar]1d20+13[/dice] [dice=Dmg]1d6+7[/dice] [dice=Shield Bash]1d20+13[/dice] [dice=Dmg]1d6+6[/dice] Two Weapon Att -2 to hit

"What? I am fine. Let's focus on getting to zat skull so we can free za ghost. Zat way she won't be forced to attack you anymore."

So did Ayita find traps on the north door or not? Not sure if you forgot a word when you posted or really wanted emphasize that there was a trap on the door.

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Nasir al-Rafik Kamal wrote:

"What? I am fine. Let's focus on getting to zat skull so we can free za ghost. Zat way she won't be forced to attack you anymore."

So did Ayita find traps on the north door or not? Not sure if you forgot a word when you posted or really wanted emphasize that there was a trap on the door.

Ayita *DOESN'T* find any traps.

Silver Crusade

F Hunter 7| HP 59/59 | AC 18 CMD 20 CMB 8| FF,T 16,12 | Init+2 | F+8, R+8, W+8 (+1 v fear) | Spd 30 | Perc (+18) (+3 traps) | Tracking (+16) | +1LucHam +10(d12+5) | Yazhi |HP 51/51| AC 20 |FF,T 17,13| F+7, R+8, W+3 | +1 Bite (bull foc) +10 (d8+8) bleed

Ok! thanks for the clarification.

She listens, against the door.

perception: 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (14) + 18 = 32

Assuming she doesn't hear anything, she motions for her friends to get ready to move in behind her when she opens the door.

Once they are all ready, she opens it.

Silver Crusade

Oracle/7 | HP 64 | AC 15 Tch 10 FF 15 CMD 13 | F +5 R +3 W +9 | Init +2 | Perc +1

"I can't block any enchantments but fer a few minutes at best. Depending on what happened, he could be enchanted fer days!"

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Ayita of the Hawk Clan wrote:

Ok! thanks for the clarification.

She listens, against the door.


Assuming she doesn't hear anything, she motions for her friends to get ready to move in behind her when she opens the door.

Once they are all ready, she opens it.


The door opens with a soft, ominous squeak. Inside is a long room with a vaulted ceiling rising to thirty feet.

Scrapes on the floor suggest that other furnishings once adorned the chamber, but now the only decorations here are five coffins—four child-sized ones in alcoves to the east and west, and one for a much larger creature to the north. Several strange but valuable-looking objects have been arranged in a semicircle on the floor just north of the largest coffin.

Silver Crusade

F Hunter 7| HP 59/59 | AC 18 CMD 20 CMB 8| FF,T 16,12 | Init+2 | F+8, R+8, W+8 (+1 v fear) | Spd 30 | Perc (+18) (+3 traps) | Tracking (+16) | +1LucHam +10(d12+5) | Yazhi |HP 51/51| AC 20 |FF,T 17,13| F+7, R+8, W+3 | +1 Bite (bull foc) +10 (d8+8) bleed

Ayita closes the door again most of the way, and whispers what she sees to the others.


She gets out another tin of holy weapon balm and applies it to 10 arrows.

Male Qadiran Human Fighter 7 | HP 60/60 | AC 30 Temp 30| FF 28 Temp 28| Tch/Temp 13|CMD 24| Init+3 | Perc+2 | F+8 R+5 W+4| Speed 30 [dice=Scimitar]1d20+13[/dice] [dice=Dmg]1d6+7[/dice] [dice=Shield Bash]1d20+13[/dice] [dice=Dmg]1d6+6[/dice] Two Weapon Att -2 to hit

"Did you see a skull? We are looking for the skull. If you didn't see a skull, then let us secure this door and continue searching. We need to find that skull or Xenesha will be back to hurt you."

Nasir looks around the room for some way to secure the door shut.

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