Gniffles |

I spent this last weekend camping with my extended family. We were all playing cards sunday afternoon and I took a drink from my soda, then spewed it all over my wife and the table... because a bee was inside my mouth and had stung my lower lip. It must have crawled into the can when I wasn't watching and ended up somewhere neither of us wanted it to be with the next drink.
I only tell this story because it makes me quite uncomfortable with the current events in this adventure.

Gniffles |

Hmm, I didn't intend that as a serious "uncomfortable", as in morally opposed to anything going on. It just makes things way more real, ha!
That doesn't happen often in RPG's, as I have yet to battle an orc, nor fly a dragon. Should the opportunity come up, I imagine it will enrich my roleplaying experiences significantly!

GM Armadillephant |

Zoog, I feel a little bad about that happening to you, but keep in mind that I'm increasing the difficulty of encounters and outright changing them to keep things interesting and challenging for the group. That said, you're blowing through things for the most part so far.

Aka, the many-lived |

Guys, I apologize but I feel I should probably take a break from PbP for a bit. I just wound up leaving a Campaign I had a great deal of time & enjoyment invested in because what I felt was a simple miscommunication snowballed rapidly & to be painfully honest, I can't tell if I was over-reacting or took too long to make the break.
I'm going to take about a week off, GM Armadillephant, please go ahead & 'bot' me if needful.

Spug Deatheater |

Guys, I apologize but I feel I should probably take a break from PbP for a bit. I just wound up leaving a Campaign I had a great deal of time & enjoyment invested in because what I felt was a simple miscommunication snowballed rapidly & to be painfully honest, I can't tell if I was over-reacting or took too long to make the break.
I'm going to take about a week off, GM Armadillephant, please go ahead & 'bot' me if needful.
Understandable, however it sounds like in your current mindset your roleplaying of a goblin would only be better :) That's really the beauty of playing a race that can be described as as rash, irrational, unsympathetic, rude or aggressive (I'm not suggesting that you are any of these adjectives though). Some of my best rp'd posts for past goblin characters were heavily influenced by the grumpy mood I was in after returning home from work -- it really was the best time to rp my goblin :)

Aka, the many-lived |

As it happens...
After the fact, I realized a further contributing factor was that last week was finals week for my accelerated college class. I have three five-week classes, of which one just finished, so I believe that in the interests of not having another episode like this past week, I will likely be taking another hiatus when my next final comes up in about a month.
Yes, I'm back.

Marrowdown |

Sorry if I'm pushing you further into the ship, guys. I should have conferred with you all earlier, but our posting with this game seems a little intermittent, and the best remedy for that in my mind is action. I realize that Marrowdown's resources are much less depleted than others' (although he doesn't recognize that), but I figure finishing up the boat and then taking a rest would do more for group morale then taking a break immediately.
If you ever have a problem with Marrowdown's rather forward demeanor, just tell him to shut it and he'll quiet down, I promise.

GM Armadillephant |

Since there seems to be a lot of argument, I'll hold off on continuing for right now and ask here: what's happening? We have Spug setting to search (the outer decks, or further inside?), while Gniffles is discussing setting a trap and Zoog wants to rest. I'll wait for a little more consensus before moving us forward, and I'll allow retcons if people decide a gobo was being... well, a gobo.

Zoog the Alchemist |

Honestly, as much as I REALLY want to rest (I'm out of everything, except maybe bombs although I think I only have a couple left... I have kinda lost track lol), I am down for whatever. if we set traps/watches we should be relatively safe (GM allowing allowing)... But ultimately, I leave it to the majority

Aka, the many-lived |

Ok guys, Real Life (TM) just hit me hard. I have a family emergency which I seem to be the only effective adult for, so I suspect it is going to be several days to a week before I am in a position to post again. GM Armadillephant, please 'bot' me as needed until I post I'm back.

GM Armadillephant |

I'm actually going to have to put this on hold for a bit, I think. I'll try and keep things moving, but at the moment, my laptop is fried. I think it was a virus, or maybe the hard drive crapped out, but IT at my college says they'll have to rebuild the entire thing. So it might be a bit before I'm back to regular posting...
However, for right now, am I right in presuming that the consensus is now to stay in this room?

GM Armadillephant |

I actually just got my laptop back. The hard drive was the problem; it was completely shot. Luckily, the folks at Asus are nice and replaced it for free, and now it's working well. Unfortunately, all of my notes and information on the campaign were lost, so I'm going to spend some time getting everything back in order. We'll probably start this going again by the time my winter break is over, though--that is to say, the 13th of January! Maybe even sooner.
That said, can I get a check-in from everyone to see who's still around and wanting to play? I know it's been a while.