GM Armadillephant |

Wow, I am extremely tempted to let this keep running. I achieved a TPK in a discussion thread for one of my games, but to get one in recruitment would be truly amazing :D
However, I think all of you just want o know the outcome of this recruitment process, so I'll cut you some slack and let you know what's going on.
THE SELECTIONS HAVE BEEN MADE! I ended up taking on 8 of you, because I simply could not choose between two of you in one category and the roleplay opportunity was interesting.
Without further ado, I present the (current) heroes of the Licktoad tribe!
Zurk Gutripper, the Bigbad Bugbear and Antipaladin of Venkelvore!
Spug Deatheater, faithful Cleric of Venkelvore and the Chief's Left Hand!
Aka the Many Lived, an Eldritch Godling who is also Chippers' Bud!
Marrowdown the Barbarian, fearsome Goblin Warrior!
Zoog the Alchemist, Sandpoint Skulk!
Um Horsecutta, the Zen Archer, and Ziki Fireburner, Scribbleface's (unwitting) Assistants!
And Gniffles, a Student of Vorka and a Witch!
Thank you all for applying. I would say that you're on the reserve lists, but for this game, there are no reserves! It goes until every goblin is dead or gone, or until they successfully install themselves as the rulers of the Jade Empire!
However, you're all saved here and are primary picks for the next time I run the game. Do not worry, my friends--I'm certain that this lot will fail quickly! ;)
Accepted gobos, move to Discussion!

Nutk Bonethief |

Before Nutk can bite Gmerok's leg, Grunty's punch connects with Nutk's face sending puss, spit, and a little blood on to the other gobos. Nutk draws his hand cannon and runs away into the swamp to hide and snivel. He IS not quite yet experienced enough to play with the big gobos.
Congrats to those who made it! GM Arma is sick of seeing my mug ... LOL <joking>. Have fun MAGGOTS!