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you dont sense anything sinister, you hear 2 people talking 1 male and 1 female, they are talking in common, but their conversation doesn't seem to make much sense, you catch a few phrases and words that you kinds recognise, and you get the feeling like they are talking about some sort of magic, or application of magic.

Zaci the tiefling monk |

Zaci makes a few hand movements to warn the others to get ready as the voice start getting louder. The tiefling hoped that they could surprise their enemies as she prepared herself not to mention she hoped that the others would get ready as well.

Morgrym Black |

Morgrym will stealth up to behind Zaci on the one side of the door leaving the other side open carrying his longspear drawn and will before leaving the main group will whisper he will give them all a disguise to make this go smoother whispering the same to Zaci and then using Veil for the first round of eight to make them all appear as mites signalling the group to move forward to the door swiftly
steath: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (4) + 11 = 15

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Morgrym is barely able to get in place as the door opens. A half elf man and an Elven Women step out into the hallway. A they notice you the seem shocked, then a look of disgust covers their face.
The elven women says "What are you all doing here, if you have work dont dally, begone you filthy vermin before i turning you into ash.

Zaci the tiefling monk |

Um...yes mistress ladyship we are supposed to clean this room and the rooms beyond. One of the other Technic League wizards wants one of the bodies being stored too.
Bluff: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 2 = 6
Oh snap. Y'all start aid another me quick! Or we are going to get TPK right here and now!

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The elf woman looks at you strangely, before looking at the Half elf man.
'It's not me" he says with a shrug "I've still got a few corpses i'm working with"
She turns back to you, looking anoyed, "Well what are you doing here, you know where they are, now move!"
As she finishes she points at you Zaci, and a purple bolt shots from her finger dealing Damage: 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2
She laughs maniacally as she walks past all of you with the half elf man in tow.
I gave you a +10 circumstance bonus to your bluff check because you were wearing the amulet.

Krayn La'jal |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

I don't understand! Are we in initiative? Was it a surprise round? Why would we not just engage in combat? Why do we need to bluff past them?

Zaci the tiefling monk |

Cringing in pain and somewhat relieved that they got through this.
Yes your ladyship we will! We will!
And the only thing she got was a bolt of magical energy that just singed her hair a bit and a few minor wounds. She quickly motions her companions to hurry quickly before the two Technic League members come back. She was glad she has worn the amulet.
Zaci then whispered to her comrades, Quick barricade the door and let's get going. There is no telling when they will be back.
[oo]Thank you for doing that GM. Appreciate it.[/ooc]

Krayn La'jal |

Please take it as constructive criticism: I'm all for RP. In fact, love it when well done. The mechanics part (veil, disguises) was spotless and great played by Morgrym. Everything else was terrible. RP requires interpretation - if it can't be done, the least we should expect is the proper rolls. Right now, the game became a one-player-carrying-Shenanigan-plot-device type of game, with the rest of us satelliting. No wonder it's so inactive - we have an entire group of people that I bet you would love to be able to do something besides moving avatars in a map. It doesn't help either that when the few active gets shut down. If I may, I'd like to recommend looking closely at the group and try to solve the issues frustrating them and making the game so inactive, before push forward struggling. We have an interesting story and potential... But when all I can do is follow behind and levitate people in a level 8 party, something is wrong. And observe that I'm one of the active players!

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you seem to be talking on be half of other people, firstly zaci is leading the party because he is actively doing so, no one else has really bothered to say i move to x, i wear the amulet i do y, besides the odd perception check. I gave maldrek a chance to test his luck with the console and Zikimiri did some searching but rolled to low in his perception to find any of the hidden stuff so here we are. if you want to lead the party well then start initiating the actions. I cant rightly ignore a players actions because they are in your opinion "hogging" the lime light. you dont like what Zaci said well then you could have spoken up. in fact you still can.
secondly as far as the rest of the RP being terrible, should i have just auto failed Zaci's bluff check and initiated combat... where is the rp in that? i took into consideration several things 1. The perfect disguise granted by veil, 2. you are in the heart of the technic league's base, they wouldnt expect anyone else to be here so they have no reason to mist trust you. 3. Zaci is wearing the necklace and 4. the question was relevant and actually referred to a part of the complex that exists showing that the characters know about whats here so therefore probably belong here. so yes it was a low role, but with all the factors it was enough to not raise suspicion.
So back to the main gripe if you feel like there are other ways to go about doing things then let your companions know, in character or out. this is a co-operative game, so try co-operating.