Bronze Dragon

Epic Kobold's page

6 posts (31 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 alias.

I've got a game started up on another site, but am having trouble recruiting enough players for it, so I came from across the interwebs with my hands outstretched to you, oh brave and creative players.

I'm running a series of modules with just enough changes in flavor and house rules to keep it interesting and fun. It is moving well and doesn't take its self too seriously. You and the rest of the party run odd jobs for a short-tempered owner of the titular guild. You get to build the world as you play, also, silliness and good role playing are rewarded. Interested? post it here.

Want to see the game so far? Here's the link for the IC thread.

If you're interested, feel free to start posting in OOC with questions, comments, and/or an amusing haiku.