The Emerald Spire

Game Master Stormstrider


Links to all current Character in-game Races and Classes:

Current Characters

Paracount Julistar
Lonam Asri

Male Aasimar CG Cleric 6 | HP 47/47 (6d8+2) | Defense AC 18 (Touch 12 Flat Footed 16) | CMB: 4, CMD: 16 | F: +8, R: +5, W: +11 | Init: +1 | Perc: +8, SM: +10 | Speed 20ft | Domain: Healing | Mercy: Sickened | Spells lvl: 0- 4 1st 4 2nd 4 4th 3 ( and 1 each level for domain) ; Cure Moderate 1/1 | Channel Positive 0/8; | Spell Penetration - d20+5 | Melee +4; Morningstar 1d8; dagger 1d4; Brass Knuckles 1d3 | Ranged +5; Sling 1d4; Dagger 1d4 | Character Sheet
(236 posts)

(2,110 posts)

Aldhranhald Male N Elf Cle 1/Inq 4 of Irori | Elven Immunities: sleep immune +2 vs. enchantments | Judgement 2/day | Lorekeeper/Track @ will | | HP: 25/25 | AC: 21 (14 Tch, 18 Fl) | CMB: +4, CMD: 19 | F: +6, R: +4, W: +9 | Init: +8 | Perc:+13, SM: +5 | Low-light vision Quarterstaff +4/1d6+1 | +1 Lt. X-bow +7/1d8+1 (19/20x2) | Gauntlet: +4/1d3+1 | Speed 30/20 ft. | Spells 0th:9~; 1st:6; 2nd:2 | Inspiration: +1d6 to Skills (4/4 per day) | Active Conditions: None

played by Hoary and Wizened (647 posts)
The All-Seeing Eye.

Battle Grid ***** Treasure Chart ***** Emerald Spire Skills

played by Stormstrider (1,528 posts)

played by Brother_Guiness (43 posts)

Female Werebat-kin Skinwalker (Bloodmarked) CG Witch (Ashiftah)1 5/11 |FL F: +2, R: +2, W: +2 | Ini| HP 9 (1d6+2+1FC) | Defence AC 12 (Touch 12 Flat Footed 10) [/ooc] | CMB: -1, CMD: 1t: +5 | Perc: +4/+6, SM: +0/+2 | Speed 30ft | Hexes Misfortune DC 14, Ward | Spells: lvl0- 3 1st 3 | Active conditions: None.

played by Joynt Jezebel (1,245 posts)
Gnoll Warden

Male Gnoll Brawler (Constructed Pugilist, Wild Child) 1

played by Ouachitonian (237 posts)
Galatea Rayven

Female Niemoidian Noble 2/ Jedi 1

played by Joynt Jezebel (237 posts)
Hirabashi Jiro
Gansu Kaichuta

LG Angelkin Oracle 4 | HP: 41/44 Resist Neg. Energy 5 | Init: +1 | Perc: +4 (DV 60'), SM: +4 | AC: 17, Tch: 11, FF: 16, CMD: 18 AC: 16, Tch: 10, FF: 15, CMD: 17 | F: +5, R: +3, W: +5 | Move: 20' | Melee: +8 (1d10+6, 18-20), CMB: +7
Spells: 1st 7/7 2nd 2/4, SLA 1/1, Healer's Way 4/5, Channel 5/5, Wand (DF) 47/50
| Active Conditions: 1 CON damage.. | Current Buffs: none.

played by Peet (496 posts)
Ilyanaro Balmaris

Low Light Vision. Perception +12. Spd 30. Male Elf Evoker 6. AC 15 / T 13 / FF 13. HP 31/31. Fort +4, Ref +5, Will +7; +2 vs enchantment CMB +2; CMD 14. Force Missiles (1d4+3; range 150, 8/9 remaining).

played by psionichamster (245 posts)
Riding Dog
K 9


played by Joynt Jezebel (190 posts)

played by Hoary and Wizened (3,937 posts)
Raziel Drakan

played by Edeldhur (712 posts)
Sama Kattan


played by Jesse Heinig (394 posts)
Knight of Ozem
Silver Crusade Uriel of Mendev

Male Suli (Mostly Human) | LG Paladin of Iomedae 6 (Tempered Champion), Order of the Sunrise Sword (Mendev) | Speed 20 | Initiative+4 | Perception+5 | Diplomacy+13 | Sense Motive+6 | Lay on Hands [7/8] | Divine Bond (1/1) | Detect Evil (at will) | AC: 25 (Tch 14, FF 22, Armor+7, Shield+3, Dex+3, Def+1, NA+1) | Fort+13, Reflex+12, Will+11, Immune to Fear & Disease, Resist Acid, Cold, Electricity, Fire 5 | CMD: 26 (BAB+6, Str+5, Dex+4, Def+1) | Hp: 65 [56/65] [10+5d10 (38)+Con (12)+FC (5)] | Melee +11/+6 1-H Longsword 1d8+12, +11/+6 Dagger 1d4+5, Ranged +10 Javelin 1d6+5 | CMB: +11/+12 w/longsword | Smite Evil [1/2] | Elemental Assault [1/1] | Character Sheet

played by Brother_Guiness (739 posts)
Mithral Scarab

Female Half Elf Master Summoner 9 HP 65 Max 90 (9d8 + 18) Defence AC23 Touch 16 Flat Footed 18 Fort +7, Ref +10, Will +9 (+11 vs. charm and compulsion); +2 vs. enchantments Immune sleep Summoner Spells Lvl 1 7/7Lvl 2 56/6 Lvl 3 5/5 Summoning Master SLA 13/13

played by Joynt Jezebel (530 posts)

Current NPCs

Duergar Hammer

(1,183 posts)

Previous Characters

Grand Lodge Brother_Guiness

Male Dwarf | LG Fighter 8 Stalwart Defender 4 | Speed 20 | Initiative +2 | AC: 31 (Touch 17), DR 3/- | Hp: 144 | Fort: +13, Reflex +7, Will +10 (+2 vs. Fear, +2 vs. Poison, Spell, Spell-like) | CMD: 33 (+2 Disarm, +4 Bull Rush, Trip) | | Melee +16/+11/+6 Warhammer+1: 1d8+1d6+17, +8 Cold Iron Dwarven Boulder Headbutt 1d4+6, Smash (DS Only) +9/1d4+7, Ranged +15/+10/+5 Thrown Hammer 1d4+5 | CMB: +16 | Perception +16, Sense Motive +5, Acrobatics +4 (+6 Balance,+5 Jump), Climb +4, Handle Animal +3, Dungeoneering/Engineering +4, Religion/Nature/Geography/History/Nobility +1, Linguistics +3, Metalcraft +19, Survival +5, Swim +4, Soldier +11
(2,330 posts)

Male Human Crazy/3, Nerd/2
(86 posts)
Joynt Jezebel

(1,099 posts)

(14 posts)
Counterfeit Mage
Syrus Terrigan

(3,039 posts)

(223 posts)
Cleric of Pharasma
Alex - Oracle of Life

Male Aasimar (Angel-Blooded) NG Oracle of Life Lev.2 | HP: 22/22 (1d8+2+1 FCB) Resist Acid, Cold, & Electricity 5 | Init: +2 | Perc: +1 (DV), SM: +1 (Roll twice, take the lowest) | Defense AC: 17, Tch: 12, FF: 15 (Armor +3, Shld + 2, Dex. +2) | F: +2, R: +2, W: +4 | CMB: +2, CMD: +14 | Offense Spd: 20' Land & 25' Swim | Melee: +2 (1d8+1, X2) Ranged: +3(1d8, 19-20/X2) | Spells: 1st 5/5 | Channel Energy 5/5, DC 15 | Active Conditions: None. | Character sheet

played by Stormstrider (67 posts)
Queen Elvanna

Female CN Human [Andoran] Winter Witch | HP: 24/24 | AC: 15 (15 Tch, 14 Fl) | CMB: 0, CMD: 11/10 |FL F: +2, R: +2, W: +3 | Init: +7 | Perc: +2, SM: +0 | Speed 30ft | Hexes Slumber - DC:15, Misfortune DC 15 | Spells: lvl0- 4 1st 3 2nd 2| Active conditions: None.

played by Joynt Jezebel (919 posts)
Demon Slayer
Dolok Pickering

Male Human TN Sorcerer (Efreeti blooded) Lev. 3 | Init: + 3 | Perc: + 2, SM: + 0 | DEFENSE | AC 15, touch 11, flatfooted 14, (+1 armor, +1 Dex, ) | HP: 27/27 (1d6 + 2 + 1 FC) | F: +3, R: +2, W: +3 | OFFENSE Speed 30ft | Melee Quarterstaff +1 (1d6+0/X2) or dagger +1 | 2 if thrown, (1d4+0/19-20) Ranged Light Crossbow +2 (1d8+0/19-20) Fire Ray +2 (1d6+1/2lev) | Fire Rays 7/7 | Spells: 1st 4/6 | Active conditions: Mage Armor. Character sheet

played by Stormstrider (860 posts)
The Exchange Illiam Taal

Male CN Halfling Wizard (Conjuration: teleportation) 3 | Character sheet | Character Journal | HP: 18/18 | AC: 18 (14 Tch, 15 Fl) | CMB: -2, CMD: 11 | F: +1, R: +4, W: +3 | Init: +3 | Perc: +5, SM: +0 | Speed 20ft | shift 5ft 6/7, adaptable luck 2/3 | Spells: 1st 4/4, 2nd 3/3 | Active conditions: Mage Armor.

played by Whosawhatsis? (1,885 posts)
Holy Vindicator
Kairon Daaltin

Male NG Human Sarenite Cleric 3 | HP 25/27 | Initiative +6 | Perception +9, SM +2 (+0) | AC 16 {17} (12 t, 14 {15} ff) | CMB +5, CMD 17 | F +5, R +3, W +5 | Speed 30' | Longspear +7 (1d8+4); Scimitar +6 (1d6+3); Morningstar +5 (1d8+3) | Surgery 3/5 | Good 5/5 | Channel 4/4 (2d6, DC 12) | Spells: 1 - 2d/3d, 2 - 2d/2d | Satchel 8/10 | Active Conditions: -- | Active Buffs: -- | character sheet

played by Syrus Terrigan (570 posts)

Female CN Kitsune Sorcerer False Priest Psychic Bloodline 2 | HP: 14/14 | AC: 13 (13 Tch, 10 Fl) | CMB: +0, CMD: 13 | F: +3, R: +2, W: +3 | Init: +9 | Perc: +1, SM: +1 | Speed 30ft | Might of Mind PP2 Dancing Lights 3/3 | Spells: 1st 3/5 | Active conditions: None.

played by Joynt Jezebel (276 posts)


played by Redelia (221 posts)
Angel Mask
Dark Archive Lost City DM

Tier 3 Map | Tier 4 Map | Tactical Maps | Party Loot Spreadsheet | Party Thirst: 0. Party Hunger: 0.5 |

played by Peet (1,528 posts)
Fiendish Baboon
Mr Blinky

Eidolon Character sheet

played by Whosawhatsis? (19 posts)
Ozara "Ozzy"

Character sheet

played by Whosawhatsis? (876 posts)

Female Dhampir NG Rogue (Sniper) Lev.3 | HP:23/28 (3d8+3+3TB) | Init: +6 | Perc:+12 (DV 60' & LLV), SM: +7 | Defense: AC: 17, Tch: 14, FF: 13 (Armor +3, Dex +4) |F: +2, R: +7, W: +2 | CMB: +3, CMD: +17 | Spd: 30' | Offense:Ranged +6(+7 w/in 30 ft): Short bow(60 ft): 1d6, x2 & Dagger(10ft): 1d4+1, 19-20 x2 Melee +3: (Dagger), Sap: 1d6+1, x2 | Sneak Attack: 2d6 | Character Sheet

played by MistressRandom (422 posts)
Ostog the Unslain
Tangar Tharbad

Tangar Male Human (Ulfen) CG Barbarian 1 | HP: 16/16 (1d12 + 3 + 1 FC) | Init: +5 | Perc: +5, SM: +1 | AC: 19, Tch: 13, FF: 16 (Armor +4, Shld + 2, Dx. +3) | F: +5, R: +3, W: +1 | CMB: +5, CMD: +19/16Fl | Speed 40ft | Melee: MWBattleaxe +6 1d8+7 x3, Dagger +5 1d4+7 19-20 x2 | Ranged: Throwing Axe+4 1d6+5 x2

played by Mandraiv (222 posts)
Tygryk Steelheart

Male LG Dwarven Warpriest of Torag 1 | HP: 11 | AC: 19 (11 Tch, 18 Fl) | CMB: +3 CMD: 14 (18 v.s. Trip & Bullrush) | F: +5 R: +1 W: +6 | Init: +5 | Perc: +9 (+11) SM: +8 | Speed 20ft | Blessings: Good & Protection 4/day | 1st Level Spells: Cure Light Wounds, Bless | Active conditions: None

played by WarforgedMan (20 posts)

played by Whosawhatsis? (670 posts)
Member of the Whispering Way
Zero Zephyrus

Male NG Half Elf Bladebound Kensai 1|Character Page | HP: 11/11 | AC: 15 (12 Tch, 13 Fl) | CMB: +3, CMD: 14 | F: +5, R: +1, W: +4 | Init: +1 | Perc: +3, LLV, SM: 0 | Speed 30ft | Magnus Pool: 4/4 | 1st Level Spell: 1/1 | Spell Failure:15%|Active conditions: None.

played by Hawksw0rd (51 posts)

Previous NPCs

Darius Finch
Davon Stonde - Stonde Homestead

(16 posts)
Weird Butler
Doliver Reedbank - Juliver Arms

(3 posts)
Falandra Nolm - Bookstore owner

(4 posts)
Princess Cassisoche
High Mother Sarise Dremagne

(4 posts)
Samaritha Beldusk
Iliara Starcloak - Goldenfire

(3 posts)
Duergar High Priest
Kagnin Alemaster - Helmed Lady

(2 posts)
Lady Audara Drovust
Lady Commander Audara Drovust

(7 posts)
Lord Abernard Royst

(5 posts)
Typical Hellknight

(7 posts)