The Emerald Spire

Game Master Stormstrider


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Battle Grid ***** Treasure Chart ***** Emerald Spire Skills

Jenny completely ignores Aldhranhald until he mentions the Hellknights. Suddenly she ceases her struggles and turns and looks directly at Aldhranhald as best she can, eyes as wide as saucers, and she starts shaking her head fiercely in the negative, "NO!!! Anything but the Hellknights! You might as well kill me now and put me out of my misery!" and then looking at Arvol's body, "Or yes. Just give me a sword so I can take my life as well." she says dejectedly.

Some kind of DM roll?: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (18) - 1 = 17

Silver Crusade

Male Suli (Mostly Human) | LG Paladin of Iomedae 6 (Tempered Champion), Order of the Sunrise Sword (Mendev) | Speed 20 | Initiative+4 | Perception+5 | Diplomacy+13 | Sense Motive+6 | Lay on Hands [7/8] | Divine Bond (1/1) | Detect Evil (at will) | AC: 25 (Tch 14, FF 22, Armor+7, Shield+3, Dex+3, Def+1, NA+1) | Fort+13, Reflex+12, Will+11, Immune to Fear & Disease, Resist Acid, Cold, Electricity, Fire 5 | CMD: 26 (BAB+6, Str+5, Dex+4, Def+1) | Hp: 65 [56/65] [10+5d10 (38)+Con (12)+FC (5)] | Melee +11/+6 1-H Longsword 1d8+12, +11/+6 Dagger 1d4+5, Ranged +10 Javelin 1d6+5 | CMB: +11/+12 w/longsword | Smite Evil [1/2] | Elemental Assault [1/1] | Character Sheet

Is she sincere in her intent to die honorably? Uriel attempts to figure it out...

[Uriel Sense Motive: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (15) + 6 = 21

Battle Grid ***** Treasure Chart ***** Emerald Spire Skills

Uriel is certain that she intends to die, but he is just as certain that she is hiding something. Probably about the 'honorable' stuff ... :-)

Silver Crusade

Male Suli (Mostly Human) | LG Paladin of Iomedae 6 (Tempered Champion), Order of the Sunrise Sword (Mendev) | Speed 20 | Initiative+4 | Perception+5 | Diplomacy+13 | Sense Motive+6 | Lay on Hands [7/8] | Divine Bond (1/1) | Detect Evil (at will) | AC: 25 (Tch 14, FF 22, Armor+7, Shield+3, Dex+3, Def+1, NA+1) | Fort+13, Reflex+12, Will+11, Immune to Fear & Disease, Resist Acid, Cold, Electricity, Fire 5 | CMD: 26 (BAB+6, Str+5, Dex+4, Def+1) | Hp: 65 [56/65] [10+5d10 (38)+Con (12)+FC (5)] | Melee +11/+6 1-H Longsword 1d8+12, +11/+6 Dagger 1d4+5, Ranged +10 Javelin 1d6+5 | CMB: +11/+12 w/longsword | Smite Evil [1/2] | Elemental Assault [1/1] | Character Sheet

Uriel states, ”Be on your guard in case she attacks us.”

Female Werebat-kin Skinwalker (Bloodmarked) CG Witch (Ashiftah)1 5/11 |FL F: +2, R: +2, W: +2 | Ini| HP 9 (1d6+2+1FC) | Defence AC 12 (Touch 12 Flat Footed 10) [/ooc] | CMB: -1, CMD: 1t: +5 | Perc: +4/+6, SM: +0/+2 | Speed 30ft | Hexes Misfortune DC 14, Ward | Spells: lvl0- 3 1st 3 | Active conditions: None.

Boudacia makes sure she isn't close to Jenny when she is given the sword, then says "I am not usually in favour of murder. But these nutcases seem to worship it. I think it is noble that you want to give everyone a chance for redemption Uriel. But when it comes to this lot you will be find it only leads to you being betrayed."

Silver Crusade

Male Suli (Mostly Human) | LG Paladin of Iomedae 6 (Tempered Champion), Order of the Sunrise Sword (Mendev) | Speed 20 | Initiative+4 | Perception+5 | Diplomacy+13 | Sense Motive+6 | Lay on Hands [7/8] | Divine Bond (1/1) | Detect Evil (at will) | AC: 25 (Tch 14, FF 22, Armor+7, Shield+3, Dex+3, Def+1, NA+1) | Fort+13, Reflex+12, Will+11, Immune to Fear & Disease, Resist Acid, Cold, Electricity, Fire 5 | CMD: 26 (BAB+6, Str+5, Dex+4, Def+1) | Hp: 65 [56/65] [10+5d10 (38)+Con (12)+FC (5)] | Melee +11/+6 1-H Longsword 1d8+12, +11/+6 Dagger 1d4+5, Ranged +10 Javelin 1d6+5 | CMB: +11/+12 w/longsword | Smite Evil [1/2] | Elemental Assault [1/1] | Character Sheet

Uriel sighs as he gives Jenny the sword, bracing for any sudden moves she might make. ”You are probably right, Boudacia. At least this way I won’t be responsible for further crimes they might commit had we let them live.”

Battle Grid ***** Treasure Chart ***** Emerald Spire Skills

Jenny takes the sword, but looking at the cell bars between you all, she just steps back and sits on the cot holding onto the sword with a evil grin on her face. "I just knew it! You goody-goody religious types always fall for this kind of stuff! At least now if any of you try to come in here for me, I have a slightly better chance than I did before! I ain't going down without a fight! And that putting me to sleep stuff ain't fair either whichever of you all did that! In the meantime my fellow splinters are getting prepared for you all! Your in for some hurtin! Especially you goody religious ones. Ha!"

You notice that the sounds of ... movement of furniture? Crates? ... something heavy, was going on for a bit (2-3 rounds roughly? maybe more?), it has finally stopped.

Silver Crusade

Male Suli (Mostly Human) | LG Paladin of Iomedae 6 (Tempered Champion), Order of the Sunrise Sword (Mendev) | Speed 20 | Initiative+4 | Perception+5 | Diplomacy+13 | Sense Motive+6 | Lay on Hands [7/8] | Divine Bond (1/1) | Detect Evil (at will) | AC: 25 (Tch 14, FF 22, Armor+7, Shield+3, Dex+3, Def+1, NA+1) | Fort+13, Reflex+12, Will+11, Immune to Fear & Disease, Resist Acid, Cold, Electricity, Fire 5 | CMD: 26 (BAB+6, Str+5, Dex+4, Def+1) | Hp: 65 [56/65] [10+5d10 (38)+Con (12)+FC (5)] | Melee +11/+6 1-H Longsword 1d8+12, +11/+6 Dagger 1d4+5, Ranged +10 Javelin 1d6+5 | CMB: +11/+12 w/longsword | Smite Evil [1/2] | Elemental Assault [1/1] | Character Sheet

Oh...I through since Jenny spoke up instead of remaining quiet, we gave her the same setup that we gave Arvol...Standing guard around her with Gansu poised to give the death blow if honor was not satisfied. Even if we were in the cell, the door would be open and we would be in there with her to do the deed...why would we pass her a sword through a closed cell door?

”Come, Gansu, we must satisfy the demands of honor, and Jenny has shown herself to be irredeemably evil.”

However you want to rule it, Stormstrider, Uriel draws his sword and moves up to attack the bandit.

Uriel Longsword Attack, 2H: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (7) + 9 = 16
Uriel Longsword 2H Damage: 1d8 + 15 ⇒ (4) + 15 = 19

Female Werebat-kin Skinwalker (Bloodmarked) CG Witch (Ashiftah)1 5/11 |FL F: +2, R: +2, W: +2 | Ini| HP 9 (1d6+2+1FC) | Defence AC 12 (Touch 12 Flat Footed 10) [/ooc] | CMB: -1, CMD: 1t: +5 | Perc: +4/+6, SM: +0/+2 | Speed 30ft | Hexes Misfortune DC 14, Ward | Spells: lvl0- 3 1st 3 | Active conditions: None.

"I have some bad news for you dear." says Boudacia, who looks at Jenny with malice and then begins cackling.

That is these 2 hexes, the will save for the first is DC 17. I have been dying to do this to someone. Muh Huh Huh.
Misfortune (Su)
Effect: The witch can cause a creature within 30 feet to suffer grave misfortune for 1 round. Anytime the creature makes an ability check, attack roll, saving throw, or skill check, it must roll twice and take the worse result. A Will save negates this hex. At 8th level and 16th level, the duration of this hex is extended by 1 round. This hex affects all rolls the target must make while it lasts. Whether or not the save is successful, a creature cannot be the target of this hex again for 1 day.
Cackle (Su)
Effect: A witch can cackle madly as a move action. Any creature that is within 30 feet that is under the effects of an agony hex, charm hex, evil eye hex, fortune hex, or misfortune hex caused by the witch has the duration of that hex extended by 1 round.

Battle Grid ***** Treasure Chart ***** Emerald Spire Skills

yay ... We now officially have the lawful, goody-good, Paladin and the chaotic, cackling, witch mixed together in the same group ... I gotta run to the store for some more Ibuprofen!!! Hahaha!

That does sound like quite the combination Boudacia! I'm glad it makes you happy to get to use it. Of course, Uriel's atack killed her at about the same time, but oh well.

Uriel, Sorry for the confusion, but, the entire situation was not specifically stated. I see no problem with handing her the sword through the bars, the intent being she would kill herself, but anyways. I will agree to saying the door was open since Aldy never took the action to lock it.


Jenny takes the sword from Uriel, and as expected she immediately tries to attack him with it, but seeing it coming Uriel swings his sword and easily slices deep into her chest, killing her upon the spot.

The strange, batty, witch lady for some unknown reason or other, laughs maniacally at that precise moment. ;-P

Couldn't resist!

So, someone already asked earlier (Uriel I believe?) northern hallway? or northern door from the jail room? :-D Oh, and please specify what loot you are taking, and how it is being carried if necessary.

Silver Crusade

Male Suli (Mostly Human) | LG Paladin of Iomedae 6 (Tempered Champion), Order of the Sunrise Sword (Mendev) | Speed 20 | Initiative+4 | Perception+5 | Diplomacy+13 | Sense Motive+6 | Lay on Hands [7/8] | Divine Bond (1/1) | Detect Evil (at will) | AC: 25 (Tch 14, FF 22, Armor+7, Shield+3, Dex+3, Def+1, NA+1) | Fort+13, Reflex+12, Will+11, Immune to Fear & Disease, Resist Acid, Cold, Electricity, Fire 5 | CMD: 26 (BAB+6, Str+5, Dex+4, Def+1) | Hp: 65 [56/65] [10+5d10 (38)+Con (12)+FC (5)] | Melee +11/+6 1-H Longsword 1d8+12, +11/+6 Dagger 1d4+5, Ranged +10 Javelin 1d6+5 | CMB: +11/+12 w/longsword | Smite Evil [1/2] | Elemental Assault [1/1] | Character Sheet

Thanks, Stormstrider.

Masterwork crossbows being quite valuable, Uriel makes room in his backpack for several. (With his high strength, I think he has like 30 or 40 pounds before he is more than lightly loaded.). The small stuff is easily carried, though we should distribute the CLW potions. Uriel suggests we leave the nonmasterwork weapons and armor behind...

Silver Crusade

Male Suli (Mostly Human) | LG Paladin of Iomedae 6 (Tempered Champion), Order of the Sunrise Sword (Mendev) | Speed 20 | Initiative+4 | Perception+5 | Diplomacy+13 | Sense Motive+6 | Lay on Hands [7/8] | Divine Bond (1/1) | Detect Evil (at will) | AC: 25 (Tch 14, FF 22, Armor+7, Shield+3, Dex+3, Def+1, NA+1) | Fort+13, Reflex+12, Will+11, Immune to Fear & Disease, Resist Acid, Cold, Electricity, Fire 5 | CMD: 26 (BAB+6, Str+5, Dex+4, Def+1) | Hp: 65 [56/65] [10+5d10 (38)+Con (12)+FC (5)] | Melee +11/+6 1-H Longsword 1d8+12, +11/+6 Dagger 1d4+5, Ranged +10 Javelin 1d6+5 | CMB: +11/+12 w/longsword | Smite Evil [1/2] | Elemental Assault [1/1] | Character Sheet

”Aldhranhald, Gansu, what would our next move be? The door in the jail room, one in the hallway, or maybe do something about those noises at the end of the hall?”

Battle Grid ***** Treasure Chart ***** Emerald Spire Skills
Uriel of Mendev wrote:
Masterwork crossbows being quite valuable, Uriel makes room in his backpack for several. ...

Several?!? inside a backpack? Again ... reality vrs RAW. Apparently your concept of a medieval light crossbow and of a medieval backpack, are quite different from mine. ... Never mind, not worth arguing. I am going to rule a max of 4 per backpack (tied on the outside) unless someone can provide either a visual concept or logical explanation for something different. Feel free to look at online images of medieval crossbows. This particular image even includes some dimensions in the description. And this image is actually one of the smallest medieval light crossbows I've seen. I checked SEVERAL pages.

Silver Crusade

Male Suli (Mostly Human) | LG Paladin of Iomedae 6 (Tempered Champion), Order of the Sunrise Sword (Mendev) | Speed 20 | Initiative+4 | Perception+5 | Diplomacy+13 | Sense Motive+6 | Lay on Hands [7/8] | Divine Bond (1/1) | Detect Evil (at will) | AC: 25 (Tch 14, FF 22, Armor+7, Shield+3, Dex+3, Def+1, NA+1) | Fort+13, Reflex+12, Will+11, Immune to Fear & Disease, Resist Acid, Cold, Electricity, Fire 5 | CMD: 26 (BAB+6, Str+5, Dex+4, Def+1) | Hp: 65 [56/65] [10+5d10 (38)+Con (12)+FC (5)] | Melee +11/+6 1-H Longsword 1d8+12, +11/+6 Dagger 1d4+5, Ranged +10 Javelin 1d6+5 | CMB: +11/+12 w/longsword | Smite Evil [1/2] | Elemental Assault [1/1] | Character Sheet

Sounds reasonable. At some point, we can put things in sacks and drop them when we get into combat, start leaving bulky things behind, or get some magic storage...

Battle Grid ***** Treasure Chart ***** Emerald Spire Skills
Uriel of Mendev wrote:
Sounds reasonable. At some point, we can put things in sacks and drop them when we get into combat, start leaving bulky things behind, or get some magic storage...

Thank you! I try to be accomodating for reality vrs. RAW, but there is only so much that my mind can accept, sorry. And the image of something that is wider than your shoulders (either the bow or the stock), fitting into a backpack that should not be any wider than your shoulders, was just too much.

I realize it's the weekend, and some of you don't post on the weekend. That's fine. So come Monday I really hope to see this game moving on though please!!! *** My health is 'sort-of' ok for now, but I do not take care of my body, and by now I know myself, I just ain't gonna change. So when it starts to hit the fan, my body is going to go ALL to pieces real quick! I am not going to die of old age. I have accepted this as a fact quite some time ago. (Mended, I can imagine your gears grinding! I have a fairly precise idea of what your thinking!) I am just hoping we can finish this campaign before that happens.

Silver Crusade

Male Suli (Mostly Human) | LG Paladin of Iomedae 6 (Tempered Champion), Order of the Sunrise Sword (Mendev) | Speed 20 | Initiative+4 | Perception+5 | Diplomacy+13 | Sense Motive+6 | Lay on Hands [7/8] | Divine Bond (1/1) | Detect Evil (at will) | AC: 25 (Tch 14, FF 22, Armor+7, Shield+3, Dex+3, Def+1, NA+1) | Fort+13, Reflex+12, Will+11, Immune to Fear & Disease, Resist Acid, Cold, Electricity, Fire 5 | CMD: 26 (BAB+6, Str+5, Dex+4, Def+1) | Hp: 65 [56/65] [10+5d10 (38)+Con (12)+FC (5)] | Melee +11/+6 1-H Longsword 1d8+12, +11/+6 Dagger 1d4+5, Ranged +10 Javelin 1d6+5 | CMB: +11/+12 w/longsword | Smite Evil [1/2] | Elemental Assault [1/1] | Character Sheet

Well, with that morbid thought in mind, I will try to speed things up a tad.

Uriel will go listen to the door to the north in the jail room. He has already seen Aldhranhald scour the room with his meticulous style. If he doesn't hear anything, he will glance towards the others and open it up unless they object...

Uriel Perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (3) + 5 = 8

Female Werebat-kin Skinwalker (Bloodmarked) CG Witch (Ashiftah)1 5/11 |FL F: +2, R: +2, W: +2 | Ini| HP 9 (1d6+2+1FC) | Defence AC 12 (Touch 12 Flat Footed 10) [/ooc] | CMB: -1, CMD: 1t: +5 | Perc: +4/+6, SM: +0/+2 | Speed 30ft | Hexes Misfortune DC 14, Ward | Spells: lvl0- 3 1st 3 | Active conditions: None.

As Uriel approaches the door to the north of the jail room Boudacia says "That door looks as good a choice as any. I would think we should check the doors on the side of the hall before going through the door at the end, to avoid being attacked from behind. The laughter is a new hex that prolongs others. I can cast Fortune on one or more of you to improve your performance or Misfortune on enemies to inhibit their's, or both. Then extend both with Cackle. Don't be put off it helps you."Boudacia ends with a cheery smile and a thumbs up sign.

The CN witch and the paladin seem to get on fine. Uriel seems OK with us threatening prisoners. Boudacia wasn't really going to torture them and is easily smart enough not to do it in front of the paladin if she was going to. These Urgathoa cultists are really the bottom of the pile.
Perhaps we can continue the campaign in the afterlife if needed. You might have to wait a bit for the rest of us, but time should not be a problem.

Silver Crusade

Male Suli (Mostly Human) | LG Paladin of Iomedae 6 (Tempered Champion), Order of the Sunrise Sword (Mendev) | Speed 20 | Initiative+4 | Perception+5 | Diplomacy+13 | Sense Motive+6 | Lay on Hands [7/8] | Divine Bond (1/1) | Detect Evil (at will) | AC: 25 (Tch 14, FF 22, Armor+7, Shield+3, Dex+3, Def+1, NA+1) | Fort+13, Reflex+12, Will+11, Immune to Fear & Disease, Resist Acid, Cold, Electricity, Fire 5 | CMD: 26 (BAB+6, Str+5, Dex+4, Def+1) | Hp: 65 [56/65] [10+5d10 (38)+Con (12)+FC (5)] | Melee +11/+6 1-H Longsword 1d8+12, +11/+6 Dagger 1d4+5, Ranged +10 Javelin 1d6+5 | CMB: +11/+12 w/longsword | Smite Evil [1/2] | Elemental Assault [1/1] | Character Sheet

Not that Uriel is smart enough to suggest it, but it might be fun eventually to set up a decoy at the (what seems to be) barricaded door...Maybe use a rope to jiggle the door like we are trying to open it, then crank up the portcullis and go through the other door and see what happens...or vise versa...

Battle Grid ***** Treasure Chart ***** Emerald Spire Skills

Not sure which door you are referring to as the 'barricaded door'? Or was that meant as a general term, for whichever happens to be the 'barricaded door'? I have gone ahead and numbered all the options in the hallway to hopefully make it easier. Now, to make it as clear as mud, #'s 4, 5, & 7 as far as you have been able to see, are openings, not necessarily doors, with 7 being the continuation of the hallway.

When Uriel steps close to try to listen at the door he immediately notices a horrible smell, yet very familiar, and reminding him of the recent Arvol. He hears no sound and so opens the door, to find the 'water' closet.

Yes, Level 3, "Splinterden" (which you can see that name in the upper left corner of the battle grid) created by Michael A. Stackpole, actually includes some bathrooms! I do believe this is the first map I have ever seen to include bathrooms. It makes sense, they are a fact of life, which very rarely gets brought up in any RPG I have been in.

LG Angelkin Oracle 4 | HP: 41/44 Resist Neg. Energy 5 | Init: +1 | Perc: +4 (DV 60'), SM: +4 | AC: 17, Tch: 11, FF: 16, CMD: 18 AC: 16, Tch: 10, FF: 15, CMD: 17 | F: +5, R: +3, W: +5 | Move: 20' | Melee: +8 (1d10+6, 18-20), CMB: +7
Spells: 1st 7/7 2nd 2/4, SLA 1/1, Healer's Way 4/5, Channel 5/5, Wand (DF) 47/50
| Active Conditions: 1 CON damage.. | Current Buffs: none.
Uriel of Mendev wrote:
”Aldhranhald, Gansu, what would our next move be? The door in the jail room, one in the hallway, or maybe do something about those noises at the end of the hall?”

"We could keep pulling the bell rope and get them to send more reinforcements until they run out," Gansu quips.

His face turns serious. "I agree we can't afford to have enemies to the rear and in front. So we should proceed carefully up the hallway checking every door. If we find ourselves having to choose between two paths then we reevaluate."

Silver Crusade

Male Suli (Mostly Human) | LG Paladin of Iomedae 6 (Tempered Champion), Order of the Sunrise Sword (Mendev) | Speed 20 | Initiative+4 | Perception+5 | Diplomacy+13 | Sense Motive+6 | Lay on Hands [7/8] | Divine Bond (1/1) | Detect Evil (at will) | AC: 25 (Tch 14, FF 22, Armor+7, Shield+3, Dex+3, Def+1, NA+1) | Fort+13, Reflex+12, Will+11, Immune to Fear & Disease, Resist Acid, Cold, Electricity, Fire 5 | CMD: 26 (BAB+6, Str+5, Dex+4, Def+1) | Hp: 65 [56/65] [10+5d10 (38)+Con (12)+FC (5)] | Melee +11/+6 1-H Longsword 1d8+12, +11/+6 Dagger 1d4+5, Ranged +10 Javelin 1d6+5 | CMB: +11/+12 w/longsword | Smite Evil [1/2] | Elemental Assault [1/1] | Character Sheet
The All-Seeing Eye. wrote:
Not sure which door you are referring to as the 'barricaded door'? Or was that meant as a general term, for whichever happens to be the 'barricaded door'?

My fault, I thought that was a door to the north where the furniture moving sounds were heard. It could just as easily be a hallway with furniture turned up for cover as it could be a barricaded door. I suppose we will find out in due course.

"Sounds good to me, Gansu," says Uriel, backing away from the stench-ridden privy, "I will go up to the corner of the next opening (#4) to guard while our perceptive friends check the doors."

Aldhranhald Male N Elf Cle 1/Inq 4 of Irori | Elven Immunities: sleep immune +2 vs. enchantments | Judgement 2/day | Lorekeeper/Track @ will | | HP: 25/25 | AC: 21 (14 Tch, 18 Fl) | CMB: +4, CMD: 19 | F: +6, R: +4, W: +9 | Init: +8 | Perc:+13, SM: +5 | Low-light vision Quarterstaff +4/1d6+1 | +1 Lt. X-bow +7/1d8+1 (19/20x2) | Gauntlet: +4/1d3+1 | Speed 30/20 ft. | Spells 0th:9~; 1st:6; 2nd:2 | Inspiration: +1d6 to Skills (4/4 per day) | Active Conditions: None

Aldhranhald, after adding lines and notes to his map and stowing his supplies, follows Uriel up the hallway looking carefully at the walls and floors for hints of secret doors or traps, likewise listening for any sound of threat.

Take 20 Perception: 20 + 12 = 32 33 when looking for traps


Sama finally pushes herself off the wall and says, "I wonder how all these people got past the gibbering mouther and down here anyway. Maybe there's a back door or tunnel."

She brushes past Gansu and moves into a position a bit back from Aldhranhald and Uriel. "Anyway, nothing for it now but to keep exploring and getting our bearings down here."

Silver Crusade

Male Suli (Mostly Human) | LG Paladin of Iomedae 6 (Tempered Champion), Order of the Sunrise Sword (Mendev) | Speed 20 | Initiative+4 | Perception+5 | Diplomacy+13 | Sense Motive+6 | Lay on Hands [7/8] | Divine Bond (1/1) | Detect Evil (at will) | AC: 25 (Tch 14, FF 22, Armor+7, Shield+3, Dex+3, Def+1, NA+1) | Fort+13, Reflex+12, Will+11, Immune to Fear & Disease, Resist Acid, Cold, Electricity, Fire 5 | CMD: 26 (BAB+6, Str+5, Dex+4, Def+1) | Hp: 65 [56/65] [10+5d10 (38)+Con (12)+FC (5)] | Melee +11/+6 1-H Longsword 1d8+12, +11/+6 Dagger 1d4+5, Ranged +10 Javelin 1d6+5 | CMB: +11/+12 w/longsword | Smite Evil [1/2] | Elemental Assault [1/1] | Character Sheet

”Gansu, if you want to take point at the doors, I can watch the hallway to our north.”.

As Aldhranhald moves to the Northenmost door of the three, Uriel moves north with him, shield at the ready in case enemies come from the north (or perhaps the west in the narrow hallway).


Sama seems undisturbed by the existence of the latrine, but her spinning winds are in effect once more and it's possible that she doesn't even smell it.

Battle Grid ***** Treasure Chart ***** Emerald Spire Skills

No traps or secret doors detected

As Uriel and Aldhranhald move up the hallway they see,

Three matched doors stand on the corridor’s east side. Each is carved with the images of lordly feasts, although a hooded gray figure appears in each image, silently watching.

Considering what the former prisoners have told them, (Read that as in I am granting a big bonus to your Knowledge Religion checks here and so Aldy's being the highest will pass automatically!) Aldhranhald realizes the hooded gray figure is most likely a depiction of Norborger in his aspect as the Gray Master.

Listening carefully, it seems quiet. Too quiet.

Then Aldhranhald suddenly hears the silenced scuffling of feet, the mumbled whisper, the accidental cough ... Obviously there are multiple people behind one of these doors, trying to remain quiet. Which of these three doors? It is impossible to tell. The sound seems equally spread between the three.

Aldhranhald Male N Elf Cle 1/Inq 4 of Irori | Elven Immunities: sleep immune +2 vs. enchantments | Judgement 2/day | Lorekeeper/Track @ will | | HP: 25/25 | AC: 21 (14 Tch, 18 Fl) | CMB: +4, CMD: 19 | F: +6, R: +4, W: +9 | Init: +8 | Perc:+13, SM: +5 | Low-light vision Quarterstaff +4/1d6+1 | +1 Lt. X-bow +7/1d8+1 (19/20x2) | Gauntlet: +4/1d3+1 | Speed 30/20 ft. | Spells 0th:9~; 1st:6; 2nd:2 | Inspiration: +1d6 to Skills (4/4 per day) | Active Conditions: None

What are the doors made out of? Are they wood? If so, let's start them on fire. We'll learn, really quickly, which door has people behind it, or if all three do. :D

Silver Crusade

Male Suli (Mostly Human) | LG Paladin of Iomedae 6 (Tempered Champion), Order of the Sunrise Sword (Mendev) | Speed 20 | Initiative+4 | Perception+5 | Diplomacy+13 | Sense Motive+6 | Lay on Hands [7/8] | Divine Bond (1/1) | Detect Evil (at will) | AC: 25 (Tch 14, FF 22, Armor+7, Shield+3, Dex+3, Def+1, NA+1) | Fort+13, Reflex+12, Will+11, Immune to Fear & Disease, Resist Acid, Cold, Electricity, Fire 5 | CMD: 26 (BAB+6, Str+5, Dex+4, Def+1) | Hp: 65 [56/65] [10+5d10 (38)+Con (12)+FC (5)] | Melee +11/+6 1-H Longsword 1d8+12, +11/+6 Dagger 1d4+5, Ranged +10 Javelin 1d6+5 | CMB: +11/+12 w/longsword | Smite Evil [1/2] | Elemental Assault [1/1] | Character Sheet

Seeing Adlhrandald’s eyebrows rise as he listens, Uriel quietly draws his sword and awaits instruction...while waiting, he attempts to detect evil in the direction of the doors.

Battle Grid ***** Treasure Chart ***** Emerald Spire Skills
Aldhranhald wrote:
What are the doors made out of? Are they wood? If so, let's start them on fire. We'll learn, really quickly, which door has people behind it, or if all three do. :D

This is one of those cases were I don't know if you are being serious or not? They are wooden doors. But the smoke that would cause in these confined quarters? I guess Sama would be fine, and she may even be able to clear it? But, how long is all that going to take as well?

EDIT! Sorry!

Uriel cannot sense any evil.

Aldhranhald Male N Elf Cle 1/Inq 4 of Irori | Elven Immunities: sleep immune +2 vs. enchantments | Judgement 2/day | Lorekeeper/Track @ will | | HP: 25/25 | AC: 21 (14 Tch, 18 Fl) | CMB: +4, CMD: 19 | F: +6, R: +4, W: +9 | Init: +8 | Perc:+13, SM: +5 | Low-light vision Quarterstaff +4/1d6+1 | +1 Lt. X-bow +7/1d8+1 (19/20x2) | Gauntlet: +4/1d3+1 | Speed 30/20 ft. | Spells 0th:9~; 1st:6; 2nd:2 | Inspiration: +1d6 to Skills (4/4 per day) | Active Conditions: None

Totally serious. We already have masks covering our mouths, we could soak those masks in water and squat down near the floor. Plus Aldy can create water with the cantrip at will, so putting the fires out won't be that difficult. The reaction of the people on the other side of the door is exactly what we want to elicit. So, yes, if they are wood, Aldhranhald will tell his companions his plan, and then start some fires. :)

Aldhranhald silently motions for everyone to meet him in the room where Brother Guiness went to the afterlife. Once they are all there he relates a plan to decipher which door has enemies behind it, and also, to, perhaps put a little fear into them. "I'd like to light the doors on fire. I can soak our masks in water, to keep out the smoke, and I doubt the fires will get too big before whomever is on the other side of the doors reacts. Then we'll know exactly which room or rooms house our enemies. We might just put a little fear into them as well. Besides, as my old dwarven friend used to say, 'they ain't my doors!'"

Silver Crusade

Male Suli (Mostly Human) | LG Paladin of Iomedae 6 (Tempered Champion), Order of the Sunrise Sword (Mendev) | Speed 20 | Initiative+4 | Perception+5 | Diplomacy+13 | Sense Motive+6 | Lay on Hands [7/8] | Divine Bond (1/1) | Detect Evil (at will) | AC: 25 (Tch 14, FF 22, Armor+7, Shield+3, Dex+3, Def+1, NA+1) | Fort+13, Reflex+12, Will+11, Immune to Fear & Disease, Resist Acid, Cold, Electricity, Fire 5 | CMD: 26 (BAB+6, Str+5, Dex+4, Def+1) | Hp: 65 [56/65] [10+5d10 (38)+Con (12)+FC (5)] | Melee +11/+6 1-H Longsword 1d8+12, +11/+6 Dagger 1d4+5, Ranged +10 Javelin 1d6+5 | CMB: +11/+12 w/longsword | Smite Evil [1/2] | Elemental Assault [1/1] | Character Sheet

Uriel chimes in, ”I did not detect evil on the other side of those doors, for what that is worth. I, ah, actually have some level of fire resistance if you want me to be first through the door once the fire starts. Are we sure that everyone in here is our enemy—weren’t there some prisoners we are supposed to rescue?”

Battle Grid ***** Treasure Chart ***** Emerald Spire Skills

It is two wizards you are supposed to rescue. Whether they be prisoners or not, you do not know. Where they be? Alive or dead? Known this is not.

Female Werebat-kin Skinwalker (Bloodmarked) CG Witch (Ashiftah)1 5/11 |FL F: +2, R: +2, W: +2 | Ini| HP 9 (1d6+2+1FC) | Defence AC 12 (Touch 12 Flat Footed 10) [/ooc] | CMB: -1, CMD: 1t: +5 | Perc: +4/+6, SM: +0/+2 | Speed 30ft | Hexes Misfortune DC 14, Ward | Spells: lvl0- 3 1st 3 | Active conditions: None.

"OK crew, Fortune coming up."says Boudacia, who then proceeds to change into bat form and takes up residence on Sama's shoulder. She then uses the Fortune Hex on each member of the party, including herself, cackling maniacally all the while.

Fortune (Su)
Effect: The witch can grant a creature within 30 feet a bit of good luck for 1 round. The target can call upon this good luck once per round, allowing him to reroll any ability check, attack roll, saving throw, or skill check, taking the better result. He must decide to use this ability before the first roll is made. At 8th level and 16th level, the duration of this hex is extended by 1 round. Once a creature has benefited from the fortune hex, it cannot benefit from it again for 24 hours.

Silver Crusade

Male Suli (Mostly Human) | LG Paladin of Iomedae 6 (Tempered Champion), Order of the Sunrise Sword (Mendev) | Speed 20 | Initiative+4 | Perception+5 | Diplomacy+13 | Sense Motive+6 | Lay on Hands [7/8] | Divine Bond (1/1) | Detect Evil (at will) | AC: 25 (Tch 14, FF 22, Armor+7, Shield+3, Dex+3, Def+1, NA+1) | Fort+13, Reflex+12, Will+11, Immune to Fear & Disease, Resist Acid, Cold, Electricity, Fire 5 | CMD: 26 (BAB+6, Str+5, Dex+4, Def+1) | Hp: 65 [56/65] [10+5d10 (38)+Con (12)+FC (5)] | Melee +11/+6 1-H Longsword 1d8+12, +11/+6 Dagger 1d4+5, Ranged +10 Javelin 1d6+5 | CMB: +11/+12 w/longsword | Smite Evil [1/2] | Elemental Assault [1/1] | Character Sheet

This is going to be interesting....Is Boudacia planning to cackle, like, for the rest of the day?

Battle Grid ***** Treasure Chart ***** Emerald Spire Skills
Uriel of Mendev wrote:
This is going to be interesting....Is Boudacia planning to cackle, like, for the rest of the day?

Exactly what I am wondering! Especially since we are not in initiative, how to keep track of this or what?


"That's a little unsettling."

As long as she does it every round, it can go on forever.

Silver Crusade

Male Suli (Mostly Human) | LG Paladin of Iomedae 6 (Tempered Champion), Order of the Sunrise Sword (Mendev) | Speed 20 | Initiative+4 | Perception+5 | Diplomacy+13 | Sense Motive+6 | Lay on Hands [7/8] | Divine Bond (1/1) | Detect Evil (at will) | AC: 25 (Tch 14, FF 22, Armor+7, Shield+3, Dex+3, Def+1, NA+1) | Fort+13, Reflex+12, Will+11, Immune to Fear & Disease, Resist Acid, Cold, Electricity, Fire 5 | CMD: 26 (BAB+6, Str+5, Dex+4, Def+1) | Hp: 65 [56/65] [10+5d10 (38)+Con (12)+FC (5)] | Melee +11/+6 1-H Longsword 1d8+12, +11/+6 Dagger 1d4+5, Ranged +10 Javelin 1d6+5 | CMB: +11/+12 w/longsword | Smite Evil [1/2] | Elemental Assault [1/1] | Character Sheet

"I suppose the stealthy approach is out of the question now, but, wow, do I feel lucky! Let's go smite some evil!"

Female Werebat-kin Skinwalker (Bloodmarked) CG Witch (Ashiftah)1 5/11 |FL F: +2, R: +2, W: +2 | Ini| HP 9 (1d6+2+1FC) | Defence AC 12 (Touch 12 Flat Footed 10) [/ooc] | CMB: -1, CMD: 1t: +5 | Perc: +4/+6, SM: +0/+2 | Speed 30ft | Hexes Misfortune DC 14, Ward | Spells: lvl0- 3 1st 3 | Active conditions: None.
Sama Kattan wrote:

"That's a little unsettling."

As long as she does it every round, it can go on forever.

Do you guys want a re-roll per round or not? :P

By the RAW I can cackle forever, or at least until I have to sleep, as Sama says. I moved my ikon onto Sama's shoulder, where I said Boudacia was, so she is now in an excellent position to catch all the maniacal cackling in its full glory. Maybe Sama should get 2 re-rolls a round? I can understand the view that cackling without letup from when we enter the dungeon until we leave is unrealistic and a bit of an abuse. But a couple of minutes until we enter combat, maybe much less, seems reasonable to me.

Silver Crusade

Male Suli (Mostly Human) | LG Paladin of Iomedae 6 (Tempered Champion), Order of the Sunrise Sword (Mendev) | Speed 20 | Initiative+4 | Perception+5 | Diplomacy+13 | Sense Motive+6 | Lay on Hands [7/8] | Divine Bond (1/1) | Detect Evil (at will) | AC: 25 (Tch 14, FF 22, Armor+7, Shield+3, Dex+3, Def+1, NA+1) | Fort+13, Reflex+12, Will+11, Immune to Fear & Disease, Resist Acid, Cold, Electricity, Fire 5 | CMD: 26 (BAB+6, Str+5, Dex+4, Def+1) | Hp: 65 [56/65] [10+5d10 (38)+Con (12)+FC (5)] | Melee +11/+6 1-H Longsword 1d8+12, +11/+6 Dagger 1d4+5, Ranged +10 Javelin 1d6+5 | CMB: +11/+12 w/longsword | Smite Evil [1/2] | Elemental Assault [1/1] | Character Sheet

While there is a bit of time and discussion in the jail room, Uriel takes the opportunity to remove the mask and see if he can figure out how to incorporate its filter into his regular helmet. "I tire of wearing this symbol of the evil deity of masks. I would rather risk his poison than give him this undue honor, especially if we are abandoning stealth."

Uriel Intelligence check: 1d20 - 2 ⇒ (16) - 2 = 14

(and with the fortune)

Uriel Intelligence check: 1d20 - 2 ⇒ (17) - 2 = 15

Battle Grid ***** Treasure Chart ***** Emerald Spire Skills

Okay, let's go ahead and fast-forward this thing a bit here. If any retconning is needed we can work that out later.

Aldhranhald takes all his precautionary measures, while the batty Boudacia keeps laughing maniacally. The doors start burning. After a little while you can finally start to make out some sights on the other side and you quickly come to realize all 3 doors lead right into one large room. This was apparently where at least some, if not all, of the noise of furniture moving was coming from, as you start to make out tables turned on their side, and chairs all turned upside down with the legs pointing towards the doorways, and scattered all around the room. There are two tables side by side, and another table behind those that is apparently up higher on something of a raised platform or something. You can see there are also multiple bandits crouching behind these tables.

We will have to wait until I get home for me to be able to update the map, and roll Initiatives - that is if you all are going into the room. It is going to take a little bit of imagination as well, since I will have to make some drawings to change the original design of the map to have the tables all turned out of their original position. And in case it was not obvious by the description, this entire room is going to be considered difficult terrain due to the placement of the chairs imitating Czech Hedgehogs!!! :-D

Silver Crusade

Male Suli (Mostly Human) | LG Paladin of Iomedae 6 (Tempered Champion), Order of the Sunrise Sword (Mendev) | Speed 20 | Initiative+4 | Perception+5 | Diplomacy+13 | Sense Motive+6 | Lay on Hands [7/8] | Divine Bond (1/1) | Detect Evil (at will) | AC: 25 (Tch 14, FF 22, Armor+7, Shield+3, Dex+3, Def+1, NA+1) | Fort+13, Reflex+12, Will+11, Immune to Fear & Disease, Resist Acid, Cold, Electricity, Fire 5 | CMD: 26 (BAB+6, Str+5, Dex+4, Def+1) | Hp: 65 [56/65] [10+5d10 (38)+Con (12)+FC (5)] | Melee +11/+6 1-H Longsword 1d8+12, +11/+6 Dagger 1d4+5, Ranged +10 Javelin 1d6+5 | CMB: +11/+12 w/longsword | Smite Evil [1/2] | Elemental Assault [1/1] | Character Sheet

Uriel is good where he is on the map. Aldhranhald can light a fire or not, and hopefully Gansu will chime in...Let's get this combat started!

Silver Crusade

Male Suli (Mostly Human) | LG Paladin of Iomedae 6 (Tempered Champion), Order of the Sunrise Sword (Mendev) | Speed 20 | Initiative+4 | Perception+5 | Diplomacy+13 | Sense Motive+6 | Lay on Hands [7/8] | Divine Bond (1/1) | Detect Evil (at will) | AC: 25 (Tch 14, FF 22, Armor+7, Shield+3, Dex+3, Def+1, NA+1) | Fort+13, Reflex+12, Will+11, Immune to Fear & Disease, Resist Acid, Cold, Electricity, Fire 5 | CMD: 26 (BAB+6, Str+5, Dex+4, Def+1) | Hp: 65 [56/65] [10+5d10 (38)+Con (12)+FC (5)] | Melee +11/+6 1-H Longsword 1d8+12, +11/+6 Dagger 1d4+5, Ranged +10 Javelin 1d6+5 | CMB: +11/+12 w/longsword | Smite Evil [1/2] | Elemental Assault [1/1] | Character Sheet

Maybe while we are waiting for Stormstrider, we should move our icons to where they should be when the doors are burning. As stated earlier, Uriel is good with his current location, as he was watching the northern hallway...

Silver Crusade

Male Suli (Mostly Human) | LG Paladin of Iomedae 6 (Tempered Champion), Order of the Sunrise Sword (Mendev) | Speed 20 | Initiative+4 | Perception+5 | Diplomacy+13 | Sense Motive+6 | Lay on Hands [7/8] | Divine Bond (1/1) | Detect Evil (at will) | AC: 25 (Tch 14, FF 22, Armor+7, Shield+3, Dex+3, Def+1, NA+1) | Fort+13, Reflex+12, Will+11, Immune to Fear & Disease, Resist Acid, Cold, Electricity, Fire 5 | CMD: 26 (BAB+6, Str+5, Dex+4, Def+1) | Hp: 65 [56/65] [10+5d10 (38)+Con (12)+FC (5)] | Melee +11/+6 1-H Longsword 1d8+12, +11/+6 Dagger 1d4+5, Ranged +10 Javelin 1d6+5 | CMB: +11/+12 w/longsword | Smite Evil [1/2] | Elemental Assault [1/1] | Character Sheet
Uriel of Mendev wrote:
Maybe while we are waiting for Stormstrider, we should move our icons to where they should be when the doors are burning. As stated earlier, Uriel is good with his current location, as he was watching the northern hallway...

Also, we should try to stay within 30 feet of Boudacia if possible for her Fortune/Cackle special ability.

Aldhranhald Male N Elf Cle 1/Inq 4 of Irori | Elven Immunities: sleep immune +2 vs. enchantments | Judgement 2/day | Lorekeeper/Track @ will | | HP: 25/25 | AC: 21 (14 Tch, 18 Fl) | CMB: +4, CMD: 19 | F: +6, R: +4, W: +9 | Init: +8 | Perc:+13, SM: +5 | Low-light vision Quarterstaff +4/1d6+1 | +1 Lt. X-bow +7/1d8+1 (19/20x2) | Gauntlet: +4/1d3+1 | Speed 30/20 ft. | Spells 0th:9~; 1st:6; 2nd:2 | Inspiration: +1d6 to Skills (4/4 per day) | Active Conditions: None

"They've set up in there like their about to be invaded by an army." Aldhranhald whisper-mumbles to everyone and no one, and then takes a few steps back to let the more martially inclined members of the team take up position. Seeing the fuel that the twisted Splinters have placed next to the doors, Aldhranhald then says, for everyone to hear, "Perhaps we should just let the fire run it's course? We can go to places with cleaner air, and let the fire keep burning. Eventually, they'll get smoked out of their hidey-holes."

LG Angelkin Oracle 4 | HP: 41/44 Resist Neg. Energy 5 | Init: +1 | Perc: +4 (DV 60'), SM: +4 | AC: 17, Tch: 11, FF: 16, CMD: 18 AC: 16, Tch: 10, FF: 15, CMD: 17 | F: +5, R: +3, W: +5 | Move: 20' | Melee: +8 (1d10+6, 18-20), CMB: +7
Spells: 1st 7/7 2nd 2/4, SLA 1/1, Healer's Way 4/5, Channel 5/5, Wand (DF) 47/50
| Active Conditions: 1 CON damage.. | Current Buffs: none.

"When the fire dies down, will they not emerge? If we have moved on they may come at us from behind that way."

"The fire seems to have merely entrenched them. Once the door is open, I can hurl a bolt of divine light that may blind them before we rush in."

I'm not sure about the smoke but it seems like we might smoke ourselves out inadvertently?

Silver Crusade

Male Suli (Mostly Human) | LG Paladin of Iomedae 6 (Tempered Champion), Order of the Sunrise Sword (Mendev) | Speed 20 | Initiative+4 | Perception+5 | Diplomacy+13 | Sense Motive+6 | Lay on Hands [7/8] | Divine Bond (1/1) | Detect Evil (at will) | AC: 25 (Tch 14, FF 22, Armor+7, Shield+3, Dex+3, Def+1, NA+1) | Fort+13, Reflex+12, Will+11, Immune to Fear & Disease, Resist Acid, Cold, Electricity, Fire 5 | CMD: 26 (BAB+6, Str+5, Dex+4, Def+1) | Hp: 65 [56/65] [10+5d10 (38)+Con (12)+FC (5)] | Melee +11/+6 1-H Longsword 1d8+12, +11/+6 Dagger 1d4+5, Ranged +10 Javelin 1d6+5 | CMB: +11/+12 w/longsword | Smite Evil [1/2] | Elemental Assault [1/1] | Character Sheet

Uriel shifts to the east as the fire finishes burning through the door, close enough for the flames to lick at the edges of his cold iron blade, unsheathed and ready for battle. His armor fades swiftly from its customary golden hue to a steely battle-gray as the holy warrior intones, ”I do not fear the fire. I am the fire.”

Battle Grid ***** Treasure Chart ***** Emerald Spire Skills

Uriel, can you please give me a description of what type of helmet you are wearing? Is it an open face helm, or have a visor over just the eyes, or the whole face or is it a completely closed helm? Preferably if you can find some sort of picture/drawing online for me to look at.


I don't think there is going to be enough smoke to smoke anybody out. For you all, I'm thinking Sama, with her 'breeze' can clear the air in the hallway, and the room the bandits are in, is fairly large. Besides the doors are a very dried out wood. It is green wood that causes smoke as I understand it. *** Also, I'll have to wait until I'm home to do initiative - that is IF you decide to go into the room, or try to interact in any way with the room. Keep in mind, they are holding their readied actions.

Female Werebat-kin Skinwalker (Bloodmarked) CG Witch (Ashiftah)1 5/11 |FL F: +2, R: +2, W: +2 | Ini| HP 9 (1d6+2+1FC) | Defence AC 12 (Touch 12 Flat Footed 10) [/ooc] | CMB: -1, CMD: 1t: +5 | Perc: +4/+6, SM: +0/+2 | Speed 30ft | Hexes Misfortune DC 14, Ward | Spells: lvl0- 3 1st 3 | Active conditions: None.

"Squeek squeek squeek squeek squeek squeek squeek!

You are right about dry wood producing less smoke. But it will produce some.

Silver Crusade

Male Suli (Mostly Human) | LG Paladin of Iomedae 6 (Tempered Champion), Order of the Sunrise Sword (Mendev) | Speed 20 | Initiative+4 | Perception+5 | Diplomacy+13 | Sense Motive+6 | Lay on Hands [7/8] | Divine Bond (1/1) | Detect Evil (at will) | AC: 25 (Tch 14, FF 22, Armor+7, Shield+3, Dex+3, Def+1, NA+1) | Fort+13, Reflex+12, Will+11, Immune to Fear & Disease, Resist Acid, Cold, Electricity, Fire 5 | CMD: 26 (BAB+6, Str+5, Dex+4, Def+1) | Hp: 65 [56/65] [10+5d10 (38)+Con (12)+FC (5)] | Melee +11/+6 1-H Longsword 1d8+12, +11/+6 Dagger 1d4+5, Ranged +10 Javelin 1d6+5 | CMB: +11/+12 w/longsword | Smite Evil [1/2] | Elemental Assault [1/1] | Character Sheet

Stormstrider, the closest thing I could find for the Inheritor's Breastplate was a picture on the cover of the Inner Sea Gods, linked here: Inner Sea Gods. To me, it looks like an open face helm, hard to tell if there is a jaw guard or not. Or we could just use my character icon--open faced with pretty substantial cheek guards.

Once Uriel can see into the room, he will move in to start combat unless the rest of the party does not want him to. Plan is to go total defense (standard action, +4 dodge bonus to AC), then move into the room with a move action (planning to aggro the readied actions), then maybe a lay on hands as a swift action (depending how much damage he takes). I'll post the detailed action once I can see the room.

LG Angelkin Oracle 4 | HP: 41/44 Resist Neg. Energy 5 | Init: +1 | Perc: +4 (DV 60'), SM: +4 | AC: 17, Tch: 11, FF: 16, CMD: 18 AC: 16, Tch: 10, FF: 15, CMD: 17 | F: +5, R: +3, W: +5 | Move: 20' | Melee: +8 (1d10+6, 18-20), CMB: +7
Spells: 1st 7/7 2nd 2/4, SLA 1/1, Healer's Way 4/5, Channel 5/5, Wand (DF) 47/50
| Active Conditions: 1 CON damage.. | Current Buffs: none.
Uriel of Mendev wrote:
”I do not fear the fire. I am the fire.”

... hence the name. :)

Gansu gets ready to hurl his spell into the room. "I am ready when you are."

If everyone is cool with storming the room then I will first use my wand of divine favor again and then cast the burst of radiance when everyone says go! After that I will move in.

It won't be a surprise round since they know we are here and we know they are there, so with Gansu's poor initiative I might go later in the round unless you guys want to wait until I do that first.

FYI I am having trouble looking at google stuff right now. So move me on the map if it is necessary.

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