The Emerald Spire

Game Master Stormstrider


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Oh yeah! I forgot about those percentages didn't I? :P
And Tamlara would know, most Hellknights would rather die than to break the law or cheat someone by such a means as a duplicitous contract like what your suggesting. To them the LAW is everything!

Secret DM rolls:
To see how the commander reacts to the Dhampir's presence: 1d100 ⇒ 69

As Tamlara steps up to sign, you hear the same voice, yet it somehow sounds much more feminine and almost seductive maybe? "Ah, yes, there is the special child of the night. I shall be watching you very anxiously my dearest one! I am eager to see how you perform."

Tangar Male Human (Ulfen) CG Barbarian 1 | HP: 16/16 (1d12 + 3 + 1 FC) | Init: +5 | Perc: +5, SM: +1 | AC: 19, Tch: 13, FF: 16 (Armor +4, Shld + 2, Dx. +3) | F: +5, R: +3, W: +1 | CMB: +5, CMD: +19/16Fl | Speed 40ft | Melee: MWBattleaxe +6 1d8+7 x3, Dagger +5 1d4+7 19-20 x2 | Ranged: Throwing Axe+4 1d6+5 x2

Tangar waits and steps up after Tamlara. He grabs the quill differently than the others did and in careful, neat and straight lines, prints out the runes of his people. He looks at the Commander, when he speaks, after setting the writing tool down I do no how to make sa marks of sa common tongue, but zis is my name in my homelands, I am Thorgir Tharbad, son of Tankred Tharbad. My vord is my bond, und I am honor bound to complete dis contract. He adjusts his gear and walks back to the rear of the group his arms crossed over his chest.

Female Werebat-kin Skinwalker (Bloodmarked) CG Witch (Ashiftah)1 5/11 |FL F: +2, R: +2, W: +2 | Ini| HP 9 (1d6+2+1FC) | Defence AC 12 (Touch 12 Flat Footed 10) [/ooc] | CMB: -1, CMD: 1t: +5 | Perc: +4/+6, SM: +0/+2 | Speed 30ft | Hexes Misfortune DC 14, Ward | Spells: lvl0- 3 1st 3 | Active conditions: None.

When the Lady Commander draws her sword, Boudacia tenses but takes no action. After the momentary tension has resolved and Mr Blinky melded with Ozzy's shadow Boudacia silently places a re-assuring hand on Ozzy's shoulder.

When Tangar indicates he cannot sign in Common, Boudacia waits for him to finish then offers:-

"I can write my friends name in the Common tongue if that is desired."

"Your offer is appreciated, but do you think that to someone who has the power to magically copy signatures, such a thing as a language is a barrier? Take a look at the copy."
When you look over at the copy you see Tangar's runic signature and his name in common right below it as well.

Female Werebat-kin Skinwalker (Bloodmarked) CG Witch (Ashiftah)1 5/11 |FL F: +2, R: +2, W: +2 | Ini| HP 9 (1d6+2+1FC) | Defence AC 12 (Touch 12 Flat Footed 10) [/ooc] | CMB: -1, CMD: 1t: +5 | Perc: +4/+6, SM: +0/+2 | Speed 30ft | Hexes Misfortune DC 14, Ward | Spells: lvl0- 3 1st 3 | Active conditions: None.

"Evidently not Lady Commander."

Tangar Male Human (Ulfen) CG Barbarian 1 | HP: 16/16 (1d12 + 3 + 1 FC) | Init: +5 | Perc: +5, SM: +1 | AC: 19, Tch: 13, FF: 16 (Armor +4, Shld + 2, Dx. +3) | F: +5, R: +3, W: +1 | CMB: +5, CMD: +19/16Fl | Speed 40ft | Melee: MWBattleaxe +6 1d8+7 x3, Dagger +5 1d4+7 19-20 x2 | Ranged: Throwing Axe+4 1d6+5 x2

The north-man hadn't looked at the copy at all, but when the commander indicates the document he is quite surprised by this revelation. Magic is a very powerful ting, as long as zis is acceptable zen I haf no issues here. Tangar looks about a little taking in the chamber they are in and the people in it. he then settles his gaze upon those of his group and the Commander before them. His arms remain folded over his broad chest.

Female Dhampir NG Rogue (Sniper) Lev.3 | HP:23/28 (3d8+3+3TB) | Init: +6 | Perc:+12 (DV 60' & LLV), SM: +7 | Defense: AC: 17, Tch: 14, FF: 13 (Armor +3, Dex +4) |F: +2, R: +7, W: +2 | CMB: +3, CMD: +17 | Spd: 30' | Offense:Ranged +6(+7 w/in 30 ft): Short bow(60 ft): 1d6, x2 & Dagger(10ft): 1d4+1, 19-20 x2 Melee +3: (Dagger), Sap: 1d6+1, x2 | Sneak Attack: 2d6 | Character Sheet

As Lady Commander Audara Drovust shares her intrigue & enthusiasm about Tamlara's role in the approaching adventure, anyone watching can see Tamlara shift nervously on her feet.
What is she on about? "Special child of the night"? "My dearest one?" I mean, I know she doesn't despise me like some others, but . . . she almost sounds like. . . we're friends, or . . . something.

You would almost say there was a blush on Tamlara's cheek as she hurries to the back of the group, but no, it's probably just the glow of the lamps.

As Tangar joins her at the back of the group, she's glad people have moved on to other issues. She's just ready to get out of here. Monsters have got to better than all these people. At least monsters just want to kill and/or eat you. Nothing personal.

Aldhranhald Male N Elf Cle 1/Inq 4 of Irori | Elven Immunities: sleep immune +2 vs. enchantments | Judgement 2/day | Lorekeeper/Track @ will | | HP: 25/25 | AC: 21 (14 Tch, 18 Fl) | CMB: +4, CMD: 19 | F: +6, R: +4, W: +9 | Init: +8 | Perc:+13, SM: +5 | Low-light vision Quarterstaff +4/1d6+1 | +1 Lt. X-bow +7/1d8+1 (19/20x2) | Gauntlet: +4/1d3+1 | Speed 30/20 ft. | Spells 0th:9~; 1st:6; 2nd:2 | Inspiration: +1d6 to Skills (4/4 per day) | Active Conditions: None

As Aldhranhald moves forward to add his signature to the document he takes the time to look directly at Tangar, raise one eyebrow, and say, "Still think we're not being watched?" with a rather satisfied look on his face. As he takes a couple more steps, the dark-haired elf stares at Ozzy with a look of utmost scrutiny.

Hoping I can make a Knowledge check to try and figure out Ozzy's race.

Knowledge: Local to discern Ozzy's race and racial abilities with Monster Lore bonus: 1d20 + 8 + 3 ⇒ (6) + 8 + 3 = 17

At reaching the contract, he looks up at the Lady Commander and dares to ask, "Your Honor, if it please you, I'd like to ask permission to cast Detect Magic on these documents? My own part in this adventure is to seek knowledge, and it seems to me I have something to learn right here. With your permission, of course." Aldhranhald waits expectantly for the Lady Commander's permission or refusal.

"Well it is obvious that they are magical of course, but I take it you wish to learn more about what type of magic does this? We do encourage learning here. Very well, go ahead, just be sure that that is all you cast and look only at the documents!"

See post in discussion tab

Aldhranhald Male N Elf Cle 1/Inq 4 of Irori | Elven Immunities: sleep immune +2 vs. enchantments | Judgement 2/day | Lorekeeper/Track @ will | | HP: 25/25 | AC: 21 (14 Tch, 18 Fl) | CMB: +4, CMD: 19 | F: +6, R: +4, W: +9 | Init: +8 | Perc:+13, SM: +5 | Low-light vision Quarterstaff +4/1d6+1 | +1 Lt. X-bow +7/1d8+1 (19/20x2) | Gauntlet: +4/1d3+1 | Speed 30/20 ft. | Spells 0th:9~; 1st:6; 2nd:2 | Inspiration: +1d6 to Skills (4/4 per day) | Active Conditions: None

"Thank you very much honored Lady." Aldhranhald says and then tucks his staff into the crook of his elbow again and casts Detect Magic, concentrating on the magical documents and trying to decipher what school of magic is at work, and if possible what spell is in play.

Take 10 Knowledge: Arcana: 10 + 8 = 18

Take 10 Spellcraft Check with Elf Racial Bonus: 10 + 8 + 2 = 20

After studying the documents for about a minute, Aldhranhald figures out that there is a moderate divination aura and there is something else, but can't quite figure it out.

By the way, I do rule that taking ten, uses up 1 minute of time and taking 20 uses up 2 minutes.

Tangar Male Human (Ulfen) CG Barbarian 1 | HP: 16/16 (1d12 + 3 + 1 FC) | Init: +5 | Perc: +5, SM: +1 | AC: 19, Tch: 13, FF: 16 (Armor +4, Shld + 2, Dx. +3) | F: +5, R: +3, W: +1 | CMB: +5, CMD: +19/16Fl | Speed 40ft | Melee: MWBattleaxe +6 1d8+7 x3, Dagger +5 1d4+7 19-20 x2 | Ranged: Throwing Axe+4 1d6+5 x2

When the elf walks by and reminds him what the Commander just said, the north-man gives him a stern look, one that says "Today isn't the day to test me". Watching as he makes his mark and trades comments with the Lady, he watches with interest as the elf studies the documents and gains what insight he can into their magics. Tangar had seen his mother do as much over the years as part of the families work.

Take 20 usually takes about an hour, as it is much more time consuming.

Aldhranhald Male N Elf Cle 1/Inq 4 of Irori | Elven Immunities: sleep immune +2 vs. enchantments | Judgement 2/day | Lorekeeper/Track @ will | | HP: 25/25 | AC: 21 (14 Tch, 18 Fl) | CMB: +4, CMD: 19 | F: +6, R: +4, W: +9 | Init: +8 | Perc:+13, SM: +5 | Low-light vision Quarterstaff +4/1d6+1 | +1 Lt. X-bow +7/1d8+1 (19/20x2) | Gauntlet: +4/1d3+1 | Speed 30/20 ft. | Spells 0th:9~; 1st:6; 2nd:2 | Inspiration: +1d6 to Skills (4/4 per day) | Active Conditions: None

Hmmmmmm... Aldhranhald says after studying the documents. Very interesting. I thank you again honored Lady Commander. If time should allow upon our successful return, I would very much enjoy you showing me how that is done. With that he signs his signature in Draconic, if only to watch as the flowing Draconic script is translated into common on the magical copy. Interesting indeed. He mumbles, and then grabs his staff to hand and rejoins the group.

Male Aasimar (Angel-Blooded) NG Oracle of Life Lev.2 | HP: 22/22 (1d8+2+1 FCB) Resist Acid, Cold, & Electricity 5 | Init: +2 | Perc: +1 (DV), SM: +1 (Roll twice, take the lowest) | Defense AC: 17, Tch: 12, FF: 15 (Armor +3, Shld + 2, Dex. +2) | F: +2, R: +2, W: +4 | CMB: +2, CMD: +14 | Offense Spd: 20' Land & 25' Swim | Melee: +2 (1d8+1, X2) Ranged: +3(1d8, 19-20/X2) | Spells: 1st 5/5 | Channel Energy 5/5, DC 15 | Active Conditions: None. | Character sheet

After everything else that has happened, Alex simply walks up and signs the document and then steps back to rejoin the rest of the group.

"Well, now that all actual members of the party," and as she says this she gives Ozzy a meaningful look, "have signed, you may take your copy and go. Be sure to stock up on any supplies you need before heading out as an ill-equipped group would not be too successful. I do hope you are successful in getting rid of this 'Crowned Skull' menace. You may go now."

Character sheet

Ozzy turns and hurries out, back the way they came, still sad about needing to send her companion away and looking for a safe place to summon him again.

Female Werebat-kin Skinwalker (Bloodmarked) CG Witch (Ashiftah)1 5/11 |FL F: +2, R: +2, W: +2 | Ini| HP 9 (1d6+2+1FC) | Defence AC 12 (Touch 12 Flat Footed 10) [/ooc] | CMB: -1, CMD: 1t: +5 | Perc: +4/+6, SM: +0/+2 | Speed 30ft | Hexes Misfortune DC 14, Ward | Spells: lvl0- 3 1st 3 | Active conditions: None.

Boudacia bows to the lady Commander and hurries after Ozzy, not quite sure what she will do and this is not the place for anything impulsive.

I doubt Ozzy going to do anything untoward, but Boudacia does not know that.

Aldhranhald Male N Elf Cle 1/Inq 4 of Irori | Elven Immunities: sleep immune +2 vs. enchantments | Judgement 2/day | Lorekeeper/Track @ will | | HP: 25/25 | AC: 21 (14 Tch, 18 Fl) | CMB: +4, CMD: 19 | F: +6, R: +4, W: +9 | Init: +8 | Perc:+13, SM: +5 | Low-light vision Quarterstaff +4/1d6+1 | +1 Lt. X-bow +7/1d8+1 (19/20x2) | Gauntlet: +4/1d3+1 | Speed 30/20 ft. | Spells 0th:9~; 1st:6; 2nd:2 | Inspiration: +1d6 to Skills (4/4 per day) | Active Conditions: None

After exiting the citadel Aldhranhald says to everyone, and no on in particular, "Well, I don't know about you all, but I would like to spend the rest of my afternoon visiting some of the local shops. I like to have friendly relations with the local merchants wherever I go. Plus my pack could use some resupplying. Should we split up and plan on meeting back at The Helmed Lady for breakfast, and then maybe head out from there?"

Male Aasimar (Angel-Blooded) NG Oracle of Life Lev.2 | HP: 22/22 (1d8+2+1 FCB) Resist Acid, Cold, & Electricity 5 | Init: +2 | Perc: +1 (DV), SM: +1 (Roll twice, take the lowest) | Defense AC: 17, Tch: 12, FF: 15 (Armor +3, Shld + 2, Dex. +2) | F: +2, R: +2, W: +4 | CMB: +2, CMD: +14 | Offense Spd: 20' Land & 25' Swim | Melee: +2 (1d8+1, X2) Ranged: +3(1d8, 19-20/X2) | Spells: 1st 5/5 | Channel Energy 5/5, DC 15 | Active Conditions: None. | Character sheet

"That sounds like a decent plan to me."

Do you all want to actually RP the day away? Or shall I wave my hands to the next morning so we can head on out?

Character sheet

Once outside, Ozzy looks around nervously for a place where she can resummon Mr. Blinky without drawing the guards' attention.

I'd like to RP that, but then I'm fine with some handwaving.

Ozara "Ozzy" wrote:

Once outside, Ozzy looks around nervously for a place where she can resummon Mr. Blinky without drawing the guards' attention.

I'd like to RP that, but then I'm fine with some handwaving.

Feel free to RP it, you have to go a little ways to get away from the guards, but then it's easy enough to find some out of the way corner or alley to do it.

Character sheet

Finding an alley that offers reasonable privacy, Ozzy sits and begins a whispering chant, rocking back and forth. It's incoherent except for Mr. Blinky's name. After a minute of this, anyone who follows will see Ozzy's shadow stretch out and detach, melting in reverse to become Mr. Blinky again. When this happens, Ozzy immediately ceases her chanting and wraps her arms around the creature's furry neck. I'm sorry. she whispers, burying her face in his fur.

When she pulls her face back, Mr. Blinky's long tongue licks a tear from her cheek in wordless forgiveness, and the girl laughs before turning and leading the beast back to the main street.

Tangar Male Human (Ulfen) CG Barbarian 1 | HP: 16/16 (1d12 + 3 + 1 FC) | Init: +5 | Perc: +5, SM: +1 | AC: 19, Tch: 13, FF: 16 (Armor +4, Shld + 2, Dx. +3) | F: +5, R: +3, W: +1 | CMB: +5, CMD: +19/16Fl | Speed 40ft | Melee: MWBattleaxe +6 1d8+7 x3, Dagger +5 1d4+7 19-20 x2 | Ranged: Throwing Axe+4 1d6+5 x2

Looking at the elf the barbarian reaches into his pouch and pulls two gold coins out If you don't mind.. grab some extra rations, and get yourself some as vell, on me. I vant to get a rhoom at dis Jooliwar place, it seems a fine place to spend za night, já..

If he accepts the coins the north-man will head down the road with the others that are going to the Inn

Já is the Icelandic word for yes, it is pronounced more like yow and spoken quickly, sometimes even on the intake of breath, and sounding more breathy.. not Ja, as it is in German.
This may also help.. Yes in Icelandic

Aldhranhald Male N Elf Cle 1/Inq 4 of Irori | Elven Immunities: sleep immune +2 vs. enchantments | Judgement 2/day | Lorekeeper/Track @ will | | HP: 25/25 | AC: 21 (14 Tch, 18 Fl) | CMB: +4, CMD: 19 | F: +6, R: +4, W: +9 | Init: +8 | Perc:+13, SM: +5 | Low-light vision Quarterstaff +4/1d6+1 | +1 Lt. X-bow +7/1d8+1 (19/20x2) | Gauntlet: +4/1d3+1 | Speed 30/20 ft. | Spells 0th:9~; 1st:6; 2nd:2 | Inspiration: +1d6 to Skills (4/4 per day) | Active Conditions: None

Having been planning on getting some rations for himself anyway, Aldhranhald accepts the coins and nods his assent.

Pushing things forward.

Later that evening after a satisfying meal and acquiring a merchant class room at the Juliver Arms, Aldhranhald looks at the spoils of his afternoon shopping excursion: some elven rations for himself, and a couple days worth of regular trail rations for his new friend Tangar; a wonderful alchemical device with so many uses, a buoyant balloon, but best of all three new books from the bindery. The books: Fauna of the Echo Wood, Religions of the River Kingdoms, and Our Planar Allies all covered topics he had found himself interested in of late. Rearranging his pack with all the new items, and hoisting it onto his shoulder to give it a test, he realized, unfortunately, it was just a titch too heavy to carry around without exertion. So, Aldhranhald laid out all his gear on his rented bed, and started to think what could be left behind, here at the inn, with a deposit for safekeeping with the innkeeper. Rope was heavy, but too valuable in so many instances. His lockpicking tools were likewise heavy, but again, just too valuable. Then it struck him, the bedroll. Weighing in at almost five pounds, and providing no more warmth, really than a good blanket that weighed a lot less. He decided that would be what he left behind. After all, he'd slept many night on the floor or ground before, with nothing but a backpack for a pillow and a fire for warmth. Yes, books were more important than a bedroll, for certain. Having it figured out the tired elf, replaced everything in his backpack except for the book Fauna of the Echo Wood; that he began to read by the light of the candelabra. Hmmmmm, interesting. He thought as he read an entry about a particularly strange beast said to live in the woods. After more than an hour of reading, Aldhranhald blew out the candles on the night table, and closed his eyes, dreaming of strange beasts, and thick jungles.

Female Werebat-kin Skinwalker (Bloodmarked) CG Witch (Ashiftah)1 5/11 |FL F: +2, R: +2, W: +2 | Ini| HP 9 (1d6+2+1FC) | Defence AC 12 (Touch 12 Flat Footed 10) [/ooc] | CMB: -1, CMD: 1t: +5 | Perc: +4/+6, SM: +0/+2 | Speed 30ft | Hexes Misfortune DC 14, Ward | Spells: lvl0- 3 1st 3 | Active conditions: None.
Ozara "Ozzy" wrote:
When she pulls her face back, Mr. Blinky's long tongue licks a tear from her cheek in wordless forgiveness, and the girl laughs before turning and leading the beast back to the main street.

Boudacia had been following Ozzy and observed her summoning Mr Blinky. She smiles and says:-

"I have to head to the Juliver Arms to deliver a note. If you would like to come along I can see about getting a room for two as I know you have little money. We may have to go somewhere more modest however, it seems an expensive place."

With that Boudacia heads to the Juliver Arms and writes out the note needed on who she has recruited. She then asks about the cost of rooms.

Female Dhampir NG Rogue (Sniper) Lev.3 | HP:23/28 (3d8+3+3TB) | Init: +6 | Perc:+12 (DV 60' & LLV), SM: +7 | Defense: AC: 17, Tch: 14, FF: 13 (Armor +3, Dex +4) |F: +2, R: +7, W: +2 | CMB: +3, CMD: +17 | Spd: 30' | Offense:Ranged +6(+7 w/in 30 ft): Short bow(60 ft): 1d6, x2 & Dagger(10ft): 1d4+1, 19-20 x2 Melee +3: (Dagger), Sap: 1d6+1, x2 | Sneak Attack: 2d6 | Character Sheet

Tamlara stays with Boudacia as they wait for Ozzy to re-summon Mr. Blinky in the alley. As they head over to the Juliver Arms, she says,
" I have a tiny room at the Helmed Lady, but once I leave Kagnin to go 'gallivanting across the countryside', as she puts it, it will no longer be mine. I'll have to start renting a room somewhere. Her place will probably be cheaper, but it's not nearly as nice as the Arms. I'd like to get a glimpse inside, if I can.

Character sheet

Ozzy wipes a tear away on her sleeve, then looks up at Boudacia and smiles. Ok. Then turning to the beast, Come on Mr. Blinky! The girl hurries to catch up to the two women, and the beast follows behind.

Female Werebat-kin Skinwalker (Bloodmarked) CG Witch (Ashiftah)1 5/11 |FL F: +2, R: +2, W: +2 | Ini| HP 9 (1d6+2+1FC) | Defence AC 12 (Touch 12 Flat Footed 10) [/ooc] | CMB: -1, CMD: 1t: +5 | Perc: +4/+6, SM: +0/+2 | Speed 30ft | Hexes Misfortune DC 14, Ward | Spells: lvl0- 3 1st 3 | Active conditions: None.

"Well, we would be glad of your company as we walk across town. Mr Blinky caused a huge stir at the Juliver Arms before. I am sure they will be absolutely delighted to see Ozzy and I again. "

Character sheet

As the group is walking, Ozzy turns to the witch. Boudacia, what's a "summoner"?

Female Werebat-kin Skinwalker (Bloodmarked) CG Witch (Ashiftah)1 5/11 |FL F: +2, R: +2, W: +2 | Ini| HP 9 (1d6+2+1FC) | Defence AC 12 (Touch 12 Flat Footed 10) [/ooc] | CMB: -1, CMD: 1t: +5 | Perc: +4/+6, SM: +0/+2 | Speed 30ft | Hexes Misfortune DC 14, Ward | Spells: lvl0- 3 1st 3 | Active conditions: None.

"A summoner, hmmm. You know how humans, elves or other races, have individuals who can use magic? And how they come in different kinds, like witches or wizards, or clerics who draw their powers from gods? Well, a summoner is one of those kinds of people who can use magic. They are especially good at summoning creatures to them and controlling those creatures, hence the name. Lady Iliara Starcloak thought you were a summoner. If she is right, and I think she is, then a summoner is one of these things."

Boudacia points her finger at Ozzy as she finishes speaking.

Character sheet

She called him an eidolon, what does that mean?

Tangar Male Human (Ulfen) CG Barbarian 1 | HP: 16/16 (1d12 + 3 + 1 FC) | Init: +5 | Perc: +5, SM: +1 | AC: 19, Tch: 13, FF: 16 (Armor +4, Shld + 2, Dx. +3) | F: +5, R: +3, W: +1 | CMB: +5, CMD: +19/16Fl | Speed 40ft | Melee: MWBattleaxe +6 1d8+7 x3, Dagger +5 1d4+7 19-20 x2 | Ranged: Throwing Axe+4 1d6+5 x2

Tangar follows behind the women as they walk and talk, he's quiet and he keeps an eye out for trouble.. at one point he mentions getting a room.. I to vould like a rhoom at dis jooliver place. I am sure dey should haf a rhoom zat I can afford..

His comment is matter-of-factly stated and he seems to be confident of his thought..

Battle Grid ***** Treasure Chart ***** Emerald Spire Skills

HEADS UP! I just posted in the discussion log about prices and inns!

Female Werebat-kin Skinwalker (Bloodmarked) CG Witch (Ashiftah)1 5/11 |FL F: +2, R: +2, W: +2 | Ini| HP 9 (1d6+2+1FC) | Defence AC 12 (Touch 12 Flat Footed 10) [/ooc] | CMB: -1, CMD: 1t: +5 | Perc: +4/+6, SM: +0/+2 | Speed 30ft | Hexes Misfortune DC 14, Ward | Spells: lvl0- 3 1st 3 | Active conditions: None.

"An eidolon is a creature a summoner can, well, summon. The eidolon and summoner are linked, somehow, and a summoner always calls the same one. Or they can change them a bit, I think, but it is the same one. If Lady Starcloak is right, Mr Blinky would be your eidolon.

I could answer your questions a lot better if you asked me about witches, you know. I would have thought you would know about summoners more than I. What did you think Mr Blinky was? Sorry to talk about you like you are not here, Mr Blinky. Perhaps you can explicate matters better than I."

Female Dhampir NG Rogue (Sniper) Lev.3 | HP:23/28 (3d8+3+3TB) | Init: +6 | Perc:+12 (DV 60' & LLV), SM: +7 | Defense: AC: 17, Tch: 14, FF: 13 (Armor +3, Dex +4) |F: +2, R: +7, W: +2 | CMB: +3, CMD: +17 | Spd: 30' | Offense:Ranged +6(+7 w/in 30 ft): Short bow(60 ft): 1d6, x2 & Dagger(10ft): 1d4+1, 19-20 x2 Melee +3: (Dagger), Sap: 1d6+1, x2 | Sneak Attack: 2d6 | Character Sheet

Not knowing (or caring) much about the 'summoner' conversation, Tamlara drops back to walk beside Tangar.

I'm sure they'll be glad to take your gold. I have a room for tonight at least, but I'm pretty sure sure I don't have enough gold to stay at the Arms tonight. Maybe after we return from our first foray into the Spire I'll have a little spending cash.

As they continue to walk, Tamlara begins thinking to herself:
I wonder how things will change, assuming we all come back alive?

Looking up at the really tall man walking next to her, Tamlara is not used to feeling. . . small. Not sure how she feels about that, she looks to the two just ahead talking about magical things she can't quite wrap her head around.
Will these be people be my friends? Or. . . even like a family? Well, there's still a long way to go before that happens. . .

Female Werebat-kin Skinwalker (Bloodmarked) CG Witch (Ashiftah)1 5/11 |FL F: +2, R: +2, W: +2 | Ini| HP 9 (1d6+2+1FC) | Defence AC 12 (Touch 12 Flat Footed 10) [/ooc] | CMB: -1, CMD: 1t: +5 | Perc: +4/+6, SM: +0/+2 | Speed 30ft | Hexes Misfortune DC 14, Ward | Spells: lvl0- 3 1st 3 | Active conditions: None.

Boudacia will continue to the Juliver Arms and leave a note for Lady Starcloak about who has been recruited into the group to search for the two missing wizards. Amusing as it might be to create another riot there by entering with Mr Blinky, a heavily armed child, a bat and a massive barbarian, Boudacia will avoid creating an incident. When finished, she will ask Ozzy:-

"The rooms at the Juliver Arms are a bit too expensive for me. We can get a twin room at the Traveler's Spot. You seem short of funds, so I can pay for it. I have plenty of gold for that. Sound good?"

If Ozzy agrees Boudacia will do just that, have an evening meal and an early night.

All this presumes Ozzy will stop asking questions long enough for her to do anything. Which, on reflection, does not seem likely. :P

Female Dhampir NG Rogue (Sniper) Lev.3 | HP:23/28 (3d8+3+3TB) | Init: +6 | Perc:+12 (DV 60' & LLV), SM: +7 | Defense: AC: 17, Tch: 14, FF: 13 (Armor +3, Dex +4) |F: +2, R: +7, W: +2 | CMB: +3, CMD: +17 | Spd: 30' | Offense:Ranged +6(+7 w/in 30 ft): Short bow(60 ft): 1d6, x2 & Dagger(10ft): 1d4+1, 19-20 x2 Melee +3: (Dagger), Sap: 1d6+1, x2 | Sneak Attack: 2d6 | Character Sheet

Tamlara will bid Tangar a good night at The Julivar Arms. As Boudacia decides to cause an incident not at The Julivar Arms, but at The Traveler's Spot instead, Tamlara will see her and Ozzy to that place, and bid them a restful night as well. She then returns to The Helmed Lady for the evening meal, and one last night in her tiny room. After some tossing and turning, she finally drifts off to sleep. . . Only to wake at first light with one thought on her mind!

Aldhranhald Male N Elf Cle 1/Inq 4 of Irori | Elven Immunities: sleep immune +2 vs. enchantments | Judgement 2/day | Lorekeeper/Track @ will | | HP: 25/25 | AC: 21 (14 Tch, 18 Fl) | CMB: +4, CMD: 19 | F: +6, R: +4, W: +9 | Init: +8 | Perc:+13, SM: +5 | Low-light vision Quarterstaff +4/1d6+1 | +1 Lt. X-bow +7/1d8+1 (19/20x2) | Gauntlet: +4/1d3+1 | Speed 30/20 ft. | Spells 0th:9~; 1st:6; 2nd:2 | Inspiration: +1d6 to Skills (4/4 per day) | Active Conditions: None

Waking as well rested as he's been in almost a fortnight, Aldhranhald steps naked from beneath the blankets of his wonderfully comfortable bed in the Juliver Arms to greet the day. The evening's hot bath scrubbed the dust and dirt of the road from his ivory-white, elven skin and refreshed his spirits as well. After taking time to write his journal in the ample notes pages at the rear of his copy of Irori's Unbinding the Fetters, he dresses in his clothes and leathers, shoulders his pack and heads downstairs and out thanking the innkeep on the way. Upon arriving once again at The Helmed Lady he makes his way directly to Kagnin.

"Madam Alemaster! A pleasure to see you again. I wonder... well, two things really. Thing the first, might I leave this bedroll with you for safekeeping whilst I travel to the Emerald Spire with my newfound companions? I'd be willing, of course, to pay a small deposit for your trouble. It seems my pack has just as much as I can carry at the moment, and this hefty bedsack will only slow me down. And thing the second, might I have a heaping plate of whatever it is your serving for breakfast with a bit of hot tea? It smells delicious!" While addressing the keeper of The Helmed Lady Aldhranhald scans the room for any of his newly acquainted companions.

Character sheet

There is relief in Ozzy's voice when she agrees to go elsewhere. It is clear that the expensive Juliver Arms makes her nervous.

Tangar Male Human (Ulfen) CG Barbarian 1 | HP: 16/16 (1d12 + 3 + 1 FC) | Init: +5 | Perc: +5, SM: +1 | AC: 19, Tch: 13, FF: 16 (Armor +4, Shld + 2, Dx. +3) | F: +5, R: +3, W: +1 | CMB: +5, CMD: +19/16Fl | Speed 40ft | Melee: MWBattleaxe +6 1d8+7 x3, Dagger +5 1d4+7 19-20 x2 | Ranged: Throwing Axe+4 1d6+5 x2

Tangar nods his agreement at Tamlara's words. A good place will always take honest coin. When she leaves to go to her room he bids her Góða nótt, he had thought briefly of inviting the pale woman to join him in his room for the night, but figured she wouldn't be good with that set up. His intentions would have been honorable, but she does not know him well enough to stay in a room with him overnight.

The North-man then makes his way into the Juliver Arms and is impressed with what the halfling has done with the place, but his own home town has a place much like this for visiting VIPs, he gladly sets the required funds on the counter and makes his mark on the record.
Heading up with no fuss, he relaxes in the tub for a short while before stretching out on the bed, his clothes and armor draped over the chair.

Morning finds the youth rolling over and slowly climbing from his restful place to pull on his woolen shirt and breeches, then his chainshirt is pulled on with ease. He finishes by getting his boots and other gear strapped on or belted on. Last but not least he slings his Darkwood shield over his shoulder and grabs up his finely crafted battleaxe, one of his prized possessions from his fathers forge.

Once his gear os on and he checks to make sure he hasn't left anything behind, the northerner heads downstairs and out the door. His brief walk to the Lady helps get the last kinks out of his knees and feet.

Opening the door od the establishment, Tangar looks and finds the Elf has already found a place to sit. Rolling his shoulders he then takes the few steps to the table. Góðan daginn.. he pulls out a chair and drops his gear on the floor next to it. Are you ready for da days happenings..
When a barmaid happens by he also orders up breakfast and a mead to start the trip off right.

Female Dhampir NG Rogue (Sniper) Lev.3 | HP:23/28 (3d8+3+3TB) | Init: +6 | Perc:+12 (DV 60' & LLV), SM: +7 | Defense: AC: 17, Tch: 14, FF: 13 (Armor +3, Dex +4) |F: +2, R: +7, W: +2 | CMB: +3, CMD: +17 | Spd: 30' | Offense:Ranged +6(+7 w/in 30 ft): Short bow(60 ft): 1d6, x2 & Dagger(10ft): 1d4+1, 19-20 x2 Melee +3: (Dagger), Sap: 1d6+1, x2 | Sneak Attack: 2d6 | Character Sheet

So as not too appear over-anxious, Tamlara has asked that Kagnin notify her when two or more of her party appear down in the barroom to break their fast. Upon hearing that Aldhranhald and Tangar are downstairs, she grabs her gear and rushes down the stairs- slowing just as she comes within sight of the dining room. She asks for a meal to be delivered to the table the men are sharing, then walks over to them.

"Good morning! Did you both sleep well?"

Dropping her pack heavily on a nearby table, Tamlara sits down with the men.

Aldhranhald Male N Elf Cle 1/Inq 4 of Irori | Elven Immunities: sleep immune +2 vs. enchantments | Judgement 2/day | Lorekeeper/Track @ will | | HP: 25/25 | AC: 21 (14 Tch, 18 Fl) | CMB: +4, CMD: 19 | F: +6, R: +4, W: +9 | Init: +8 | Perc:+13, SM: +5 | Low-light vision Quarterstaff +4/1d6+1 | +1 Lt. X-bow +7/1d8+1 (19/20x2) | Gauntlet: +4/1d3+1 | Speed 30/20 ft. | Spells 0th:9~; 1st:6; 2nd:2 | Inspiration: +1d6 to Skills (4/4 per day) | Active Conditions: None

Aldhranhald takes a break from eating, wipes his mouth with his napkin, and pats his new barbarian friend on the back. "G'morning Tangar!" Then stands, as the lady Tamlara approaches, and gives a slow half bow at the waist. "Good morrow to you as well m'lady." He then sits back down. "As to your question Tamlara. Yes, I slept most excellently. While the prices at the Juliver are a bit on the high side of things, such luxury was most welcome after weeks on the road." He then turns to Tangar, and says, "As to your question, my exorbitantly muscled friend, yes, I do believe I am most ready for today's excursions. I would ask the same of you both. How as your rest? Acceptable I hope?"

Female Dhampir NG Rogue (Sniper) Lev.3 | HP:23/28 (3d8+3+3TB) | Init: +6 | Perc:+12 (DV 60' & LLV), SM: +7 | Defense: AC: 17, Tch: 14, FF: 13 (Armor +3, Dex +4) |F: +2, R: +7, W: +2 | CMB: +3, CMD: +17 | Spd: 30' | Offense:Ranged +6(+7 w/in 30 ft): Short bow(60 ft): 1d6, x2 & Dagger(10ft): 1d4+1, 19-20 x2 Melee +3: (Dagger), Sap: 1d6+1, x2 | Sneak Attack: 2d6 | Character Sheet

"I slept as well as could be expected with something like this looming on the horizon. I tend to get a bit jittery just before setting out. Have either of you seen the others?"
Tamlara will do her best to make small talk, but she's not very good at it, never really having had much practice.

When her food is delivered, Tamlara sets to it. She's not uncouth, but neither is she daintily nibbling away at the food on her plate. It's fairly obvious she has a good appetite, and enjoys her food.

Mmmmm, this sausage is wonderful! I wonder if we're going out by the Stonde homestead on the way out? Hmm. I'll have to mention it if no one else does.

Aldhranhald wrote:

Waking as well rested as he's been in almost a fortnight, Aldhranhald steps naked from beneath the blankets of his wonderfully comfortable bed in the Juliver Arms to greet the day. The evening's hot bath scrubbed the dust and dirt of the road from his ivory-white, elven skin and refreshed his spirits as well. After taking time to write his journal in the ample notes pages at the rear of his copy of Irori's Unbinding the Fetters, he dresses in his clothes and leathers, shoulders his pack and heads downstairs and out thanking the innkeep on the way. Upon arriving once again at The Helmed Lady he makes his way directly to Kagnin.

"Madam Alemaster! A pleasure to see you again. I wonder... well, two things really. Thing the first, might I leave this bedroll with you for safekeeping whilst I travel to the Emerald Spire with my newfound companions? I'd be willing, of course, to pay a small deposit for your trouble. It seems my pack has just as much as I can carry at the moment, and this hefty bedsack will only slow me down. And thing the second, might I have a heaping plate of whatever it is your serving for breakfast with a bit of hot tea? It smells delicious!" While addressing the keeper of The Helmed Lady Aldhranhald scans the room for any of his newly acquainted companions.

First in reference to your journal entry, nicely done! I enjoyed it, ... but poor Alex the ignored ...

I realize he is a NPC/PC being played by the DM, but technically he is a party member as well. And this goes to EVERYBODY,It would be nice if you all would treat him as such on occasion at least. I don't expect him to be the center of attention, or to be the 'star' either! No, that is your all's roll to play! But, just things like, when you make a list of the party members, at least mention him in passing? Thank you.

"So you want me to hang onto this bedroll for ya young man? Sure I can do that! And for such simple tasks we only charge 1 copper a day! You won't find a better bargain! Mind you, after 1 month or upon news of your death, it becomes ours to do with as we please.

Male Aasimar (Angel-Blooded) NG Oracle of Life Lev.2 | HP: 22/22 (1d8+2+1 FCB) Resist Acid, Cold, & Electricity 5 | Init: +2 | Perc: +1 (DV), SM: +1 (Roll twice, take the lowest) | Defense AC: 17, Tch: 12, FF: 15 (Armor +3, Shld + 2, Dex. +2) | F: +2, R: +2, W: +4 | CMB: +2, CMD: +14 | Offense Spd: 20' Land & 25' Swim | Melee: +2 (1d8+1, X2) Ranged: +3(1d8, 19-20/X2) | Spells: 1st 5/5 | Channel Energy 5/5, DC 15 | Active Conditions: None. | Character sheet

Alex comes walking in and seeing the big warrior, the bookish elf, and the fiery haired ... human looking one ... though there's something just not ... what is it? I don't know, but I just feel as if I don't know something about her that perhaps I should ... hmmm ... all sitting together, he will stop by the bar to order a fast breaking meal Boudacia, I hope you enjoyed that one! A meal that is fast, but it's hitting its brakes! ;) and a an ale, then head over to join the others.

"Good morning all! I hope all is well with you today. I'm certainly getting anxious to head to the Spire! How about you three? ... Any news of the gracious bat-lady, the young child or that creature that was so protective of her?"

Tick, tock, tick, tock, ... 9 hrs and 35 +/- minutes remaining. Just to point out I have not seen either Boudacia or Ozzy do either an RP or a post to move into the new day. I am currently waiting for them to either RP themselves into this day or just post in discussion to go ahead, before the party moves out.

Female Werebat-kin Skinwalker (Bloodmarked) CG Witch (Ashiftah)1 5/11 |FL F: +2, R: +2, W: +2 | Ini| HP 9 (1d6+2+1FC) | Defence AC 12 (Touch 12 Flat Footed 10) [/ooc] | CMB: -1, CMD: 1t: +5 | Perc: +4/+6, SM: +0/+2 | Speed 30ft | Hexes Misfortune DC 14, Ward | Spells: lvl0- 3 1st 3 | Active conditions: None.

I have not had a post from Ozzy, so I don't really know if we are sharing a room. that kind of holds up my post.

Character sheet

Sorry, I was waiting for you and you were waiting for me (also, super busy day, so not much time to post RP). Yes, Ozzy stayed with Boudacia.

Tangar Male Human (Ulfen) CG Barbarian 1 | HP: 16/16 (1d12 + 3 + 1 FC) | Init: +5 | Perc: +5, SM: +1 | AC: 19, Tch: 13, FF: 16 (Armor +4, Shld + 2, Dx. +3) | F: +5, R: +3, W: +1 | CMB: +5, CMD: +19/16Fl | Speed 40ft | Melee: MWBattleaxe +6 1d8+7 x3, Dagger +5 1d4+7 19-20 x2 | Ranged: Throwing Axe+4 1d6+5 x2

Delaying his response until Tamlara and then Alex joins them Tangar nods as he speaks.... Indeed I am looking forvard to today's adventure, I did sleep most excellently, and am qvite refreshed. Those beds are most comfortable. Za bath last night vas so relaxing, I barely made it to za bed before crashing.. slept like a babe fresh from ze vomb.

When food and drink start arriving the north-man eats quite heartily and finishes every last bite to be had on his plate..

Female Werebat-kin Skinwalker (Bloodmarked) CG Witch (Ashiftah)1 5/11 |FL F: +2, R: +2, W: +2 | Ini| HP 9 (1d6+2+1FC) | Defence AC 12 (Touch 12 Flat Footed 10) [/ooc] | CMB: -1, CMD: 1t: +5 | Perc: +4/+6, SM: +0/+2 | Speed 30ft | Hexes Misfortune DC 14, Ward | Spells: lvl0- 3 1st 3 | Active conditions: None.

Arriving at the Traveller's Spot Boudacia has Ozzy and Mr Blinky wait outside while she negotiates the room. She enters and finds a rougher and clearly less wealthy crowd at the Juliver Arms. She enquires about a standard room and requests to see it first. The room is small and sparsely furnished with items that do not match, but clean and adequate.

Boudacia pays for the room and arranges for Ozzy and "that bizarre creature" to use the back entrance after agreeing to pay for any damage Mr Blinky might cause. She then checks over her gear and answers a further barrage of questions from Ozzy.

Boudacia has their evening meal delivered to their room and takes the opportunity, while there is nobody else around to embarrass Ozzy, to demonstrate the use of eating utensils.

The two make their way to the Juliver arms after breakfast. Entering alone, Boudacia hears Alex mention her and replies:-

"The bat lady, or more correctly bat witch, is present and ready to sally forth. I am going to wait outside with Ozzy and Mr Blinky, he caused a near riot last time he entered here. Good to see you all well."

Character sheet

Ozzy balks at being instructed in the use of silverware. When pressed, it becomes clear that she is aware of their proper use. She simply lacks practice in the art, and feels more comfortable wielding the utensils as weapons than using them as tools.

In the room at the Traveller's spot, Ozzy sleeps on the floor, burying herself in Mr. Blinky's fur in lieu of a blanket.

Though she pouted a little at being asked to wait outside and enter through the back at the Traveller's spot, she is happy to wait outside when returning to the Juliver Arms.

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