The Dying City: DM Norv's "Curse of the Crimson Throne"

Game Master The Norv

The classic story of intrigue, magic, and strife in Korvosa, and of five figures caught in the balance of greater forces than they know.

Current Date: Starday, 10th of Lamashan, 4708

Current Map | Flex Time | Loot Tracker | Floorplan for the Rosa in Fiore

Harrow Points and Uses:

Current Harrow Points:
Callie: 3
Korriban: 2
Lantressa: 4
Matoska: 2
Teodor: 3

Flash of Insight: You can spend a Harrow point to attempt a skill check that normally requires training for a skill in which you have no ranks. You gain a one-time +5 bonus to that skill check.

Intelligence Rerolls: You can spend a Harrow point to reroll any one Intelligence-based check. You must abide by the new result, even if it's lower (but you can spend more Harrow points to reroll again if you want to).

Focused Thought: You can reattempt a Knowledge check that you have previously failed. On this attempt, you gain a +10 bonus on the check.

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"Sami? Sami, I'm hungry. D'ya have any of that pastry left?"

"Shut up, Willa! Giggles is watchin'. If you screw this up for me, I swear I'll stick this knife between your ribs. If it's the last thing I do before he drops me down to Gaedren, I will."
--Two of Lamm's Little Lambs, overheard while casing a mark.

Korvosa is a proud city. Known around the world as "the jewel of Varisia," with a heritage dating back to the glories of the Chelaxian Empire and a rich local culture including everything from a renowned school of magic to a hippogriff-mounted cavalry, it is a mighty city-state that dominates the region and draws travelers and trade from around the world.

Korvosa is an old city. Though young in years, weathering the beginning of the Age of Lost Omens has hastened the city's decline. King Eodred II is an elderly and degenerate man, more interested in playing with his soft and pretty young toys than ruling. His young queen, Ileosa, is a petty Chelaxian noblewoman disliked by the public and far too inept to rule in her husband's place. The city is held together more by its traditions and its militaristic bent than by any real civic spirit.

Korvosa is a dying, degenerate city. Crime flourishes, semi-legal thanks to the institution of "vice taxes" and the recognition of the thieves' guild. Enrollment in the Acadamae is down, while the number of prostitutes, pickpockets, and con men has nearly doubled. Visitors are many, but immigrants are few. Trade flows through, yes, but increasingly of an unsavory kind: kidnappers, slavers, and drug peddlers all dock in Korvosa's harbor. It's hard to find a city more simultaneously wrapped up in law and order and abandoned--particularly in its lower classes--to hedonism, crime, and decay.

But none of that concerns you.

You are interested only in one man: Gaedren Lamm, the crime lord who leads a gang of enslaved children known as Lamm's Little Lambs. Whether you seek him out for justice, information, or revenge, he has harmed you in some way. It is time for you to bring his fate home to him.

THE CRUNCH: I am looking for 4-5 PCs for a PbP of Curse of the Crimson Throne, one of my favorite Adventure Paths. Character creation rules are as follows:

Ability Scores 20-point buy.

Race and Class I will consider anything published by Paizo (and, in the case of race, with a reasonable RP--no Drow Nobility, please). However, if you choose an obscure race or class, I must ask for a good backstory to support it. If you're playing a ninja or a samurai, how did you get this training? Or, if you're a native of Tian Xia, how did you end up in Korvosa? If you're playing a human ethnicity, please provide as many details as you can--eg. Shoanti Quah, relative rank in Chelaxian nobility, etc.

Alignment Any non-evil.

HP Max at first level.

Gold and Gear Use the average for your class. If you want to purchase property (per Guide to Korvosa) and have the means to do so, you can.

Traits Use one from the Player's Guide and one other one.

Background I highly recommend both the Player's Guide (above) and the Guide to Korvosa, if you have it. Briefly detail who you are, why you're in Korvosa, what Gaedren has done to you, and what you want from life beyond your immediate, Gaedren-centric goals.

EXTRA CREDIT This is optional, but I would love to see characters "in action" for a brief passage. Therefore, if you want, write up a short exchange/description of the first time you found out who Gaedren Lamm was. Again, totally optional, but will be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance, and I look forward to seeing your characters!

DEADLINE: Recruiting closes at 12:00 noon on December 9, EST (GMT-5:00).

Radiant Oath

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

I am quite interested. I'm unsure if I wanna be a Knight in Shining Armor type character, or more of a vigilante "Batman-style" type.

Dotting - out of interest, would you be open to considering a character using one of the Advanced Class Playtest Classes?

Dark Archive

I am definitely interested in playing this AP. I have a character ready made for it and will post it for your review.

Here is drayen's submission. He has the Lost Love (widowed) campaign trait. I created him as a Sable Company Marine. Will you be allowing the feat of the same name from the player's guide?

Mark Sweetman wrote:
Dotting - out of interest, would you be open to considering a character using one of the Advanced Class Playtest Classes?

Tentatively, yes, I'm open to that; I haven't had a chance to review the material in there yet, but assuming that everything is relatively balanced I have no objections.

When in doubt, go ahead and whip it up--if I look at it and think that it won't work I'll definitely let you know so that you can create something else if you'd like.

I'd like to play as well. Need to nail down a specific character and campaign trait.

Dark Archive

I would like to submit Naiyra - Half Elf Rogue and Vardel a Halfling Cavalier and his ferocious wolf mount.

The Norv - excellent good, I'll ruminate and then put forward a proposal.

Silver Crusade

Hello! I'd like to join this AP. I would like to submit Andy as a player for this campaign.
The bad guys in my background, can be related to Gaedren, or Gaedren himself is the one at fault.

A quick update. I have edited the background to include the extra credit of the first time Jakthion hears Lamm's name.

Okay, I've made the adjustments needed for Saharken to fit the AP (all I had to change was writing in one of the AP traits). I do want to point out that I rolled on the Variant Tiefling Abilities table back when I first conceived of the character - I have little interest in him having an SLA. If you'd prefer that I reroll a different one, or not roll on the table at all, that's fine as well.

Dotting, and I plan on submitting a character.


I have an idea for a wizard (re-purposed from a different campaign) who migrated here from Cheliax with his sister to study at the Acadamae, and dropped out to look for his sibling when she disappeared after falling in with a bad crowd (he will have the Drug Addict trait). It's easily what fits best for the backstory I have in mind, but neither of the benefits would be doing him any favors. I was wondering if we might be able to tweak those a little bit, especially given that most traits function a little differently in PFRPG than in 3.5. Would it be permissible for the trait to make Sense Motive a class skill, given that the character has been concentrating on investigating his sister's disappearance?

Currently, the character I have in mind is a LN wizard specialized in conjuration. Would you allow either the Egorian Binder archtype (Inner Sea Primer) or the Diabolist prestige class (Book of the Damned)? He works with devil binding, believing that constantly walking a razor's edge keeps his mind and his convictions strong.

Ianthé Jack. Half-Elf. Varisian. Sorcerer(Destined).
Traits: Missing Sibling, Fast-Talker
Feat: Harrowed.
(Will aim for the "Harrower" Prestige Class)

There had been many names that they knew themselves to be called. "Wanderer", "Thief", "Scoundrel", "Good-for-Nothing". They were used to it. Often accepted it, as a matter of course. One thing that could not be said was that they were disloyal. Woe betide anyone who made an enemy of the caravan, because word could spread fast and linger long. Family was important.

This one had gone missing seasons ago, her cousin. Just young enough to get himself into trouble, and not old enough to have learned better. The Family searched for him but found nothing, and when the time to leave arrived, they went reluctantly. Unable to leave without him, and knowing that she would want someone to do the same if she were in his position, she stayed. A few stayed with her, but over time, they followed the caravan as well. "You have the stars on your side", they said. "You're meant for this."

So she made her living while she searched, earning all the names that she had heard spoken about her kind. It was not too hard a thing to do, after all-- It was how she had been taught. There was one name she did earn, that made her smile: "Lucky". Gambling tables groaned when she sauntered into the room, but they could not keep her out. In the time she had spent in the city, she had found something, but not enough to find her cousin. Quietly, in the evenings before bed, on those mornings when she sees the dawn over Korvosa's streets, she prays to The Lady in the Room that her latest name would ring true.

While she's been in Korvosa for a while, she has not been there long enough to forget what she did before this. For her, travel was what she loved. It was always a new town, new people, and some familiar faces. That was what she liked about the caravans. It was never dull. Once she got her cousin back, the caravan was a ways away.. Maybe she could try to catch them, but that would take a while. Either way, that was something that she could deal with after Lamm.

Silver Crusade

I'm working a little more in Andy's background and why he is in Korvosa.
I will post some additional information about him and what he want for the future.

Martinaj checking in with Lydran Entelios, Half-Elf Conjurer.

Made his sister a bit younger and went with the Missing Child Trait. All info should be in the profile. Backstory is a little... long.

I'd be interested in this game

Basic premises is a Daemon Spawn tiefling Investigator(from the ACG playtest). The idea is that he is in denial of his actual heritage as it only kicked in a noticeable way during puberty, when he was also addicted to Shiver, supplied by Lamm. He as such blames Lamm and the Shiver for what he is, or has become in his own eyes.

I could cut'n'paste my core entry, but I wold like ot do the additional writing first.

For now, I need to go to work.

Tonight is District Roundtable (Boy Scouts) [a once--month event], so between doing the normal evening chores and the meeting, my time will be more compressed than normal.

So, dot, I guess.

Previous submissions with this character have been an Archery Fighter build. I could rework him as a Slayer instead and still easily match the background.

Here's the character I applied to the last Crimson Throne game with:

Joseph Malson, blinded Oracle of Fire (Unhappy Childhood - Religious).

Joseph Malson isn't sure how he become one of the Little Lamms; his earliest memories involve his being expected to earn his keep with all the other children. The thefts were fairly simple, really; no one notices a child wandering the streets, and a even for someone as young as he, he was fairly nimble. He even took some pride in successfully picking people's pockets, and seeing as it was all he had ever known, he didn't see anything wrong with it.

Temples have always been good places to pick pockets; lots of people making donations, paying attention to the priest during service and not to their belongings. Joseph preferred not to return to a given temple after a successful visit, but one time, when he was eleven years old, he entered a temple of Sarenrae, and his life changed forever. He'd only ever gone in to pick the pockets of a few inattentive worshippers, and maybe swipe some coin from the collection tray as it was passed around, but the priest's sermon made him think.

He could appreciate the morals being preached, and he liked the idea of people helping each other to improve, instead of the dog eat dog world he was used to. So he went back the next weeks, and the week after, and the week after that. He started taking far less pride in his pickpocketing, and prayed in the silence of his heart for the chance to leave this place and never return. And almost half a year later, his prayer was answered.

In the middle of one night, Lamm stormed into the room where Joseph slept and kicked him out of his blankets. Joseph scrambled to his feet, only to be kicked back down.

"So what's this then?" the man asked, holding up Joseph's Ankh. "Well? Don't tell me you've gone and got religion on us! You're coming with me."

That night was one of the worst of Joseph's life; he was beaten so badly that he was blinded in both eyes. When his sight had only barely recovered a week or two later, he was thrown out into the street; deprived of the food and shelter that had been the only good part of his life under Lamm's control. So he prayed. When he awoke the following morning, his belly sore from lack of food, he heard a woman's voice whisper in his ear, "I will protect you, Joseph Malson, if you will protect my followers. If you will aid those who need it, and bring my wrath to those who have earned it."

"But I can't even see; how can I do as you ask?" Joseph asked, too confused to wonder how this woman knew his name.

"Then open your eyes, and let my light show you the way," the woman whispered. Joseph opened his eyes, and gasped. He could see again. He couldn't see very far, certainly, but he could see the people walking past. Even the dark alleys hid nothing in the pre-dawn light.

"Go to my temple, Joseph Malson, and explain yourself to my priests," the woman whispered. "You know which temple I mean. Explain to them everything, and do as they tell you. You have escaped Lamm, as you asked for; it's time to prove yourself worthy of my gift to you."

@The Norv - I'm so glad you decided to run this AP after all!

As mentioned in the other thread, this is my character, Imperia Winthrune.

Working right now, but as soon as I can I'll do the "extra credit" and write a short passage about her. :)

Submitting Gadriel for consideration, her backstory should be written in a couple of hours.

Human Flowing Monk with the tortured campaign trait. Will whip it up after work.

Resubmitting my cavalier (lurking cavlier, musketeer), Adoros Porphyria, from the other thread. I'll post an introduction to a certain minor crime lord once I have a free moment.

This is my submission for the game. Alessio is a witch who was framed, abducted, beaten and humiliated in other ways by Gaedren Lamm. The details of his suffering are in his profile.

I will write up something about his first knowledge of Lamm soon.

All about making characters that mesh with the setting in a slightly odd way. I am thinking that I will be making a male human ranger with favored enemy either Evil or Lawful outsider. He would be an imp hunter.

"Imps are a common sight in the skies above Korvosa, often fighting with their natural enemies, the local pseudodragon population. These tiny devils are summoned by Acadamae students as part of their graduation requirements, but some are unable to fully bind them or otherwise lose control of them. The imps escape into the city where they form into small packs, looking for mischief. They are a particular nuisance in the roof-level Shingles, and often try to form alliances with gangs or other ne'er-do-wells."

As per the wiki it would appear that, to some, the imps would be a pest. All pests have someone working to exterminate them, and my character would specialize in just that. Probably make him an orphan who grew up in the streets, his little brother/sister went missing 2-3 years ago (will give the dm something to work with if he wants to incorporate it) and he wants to, eventually, become a member Sable Company.

He probably knows about Gaedren Lamm from a customer or someone he heard on the streets, and he want's to use this as an opportunity to gain fame and be allowed to join the elite hippogriff-riding school of the Endrin Military Academy, become a member of the Sable Company, and let his dream come true. That and make the world a better place.

My character's backstory is that he was raised in a church of Calistria/brothel. Do I need to purchase that?

Here is a rough sketch of how Alessio learned that his tormentor was Gaedren Lamm:


The water in the bowl had grown nearly opaque from the grime that washed off from Alessio’s hands. Despite this, the small man could still perceive enough of his reflection to note the last bit of rouge caked on his left cheek, near to his ear. It was unusual that any trace of the face-powders had endured underneath the filth that adhered to his skin from the days had he spent on the floor of Gaedren Lamm’s cell. Roughly, Alessio scrubbed his face with a scrap of rag to remove the offending stain of cosmetic paint. He rubbed until he opened a scab that had festered and blood dripped into the bowl.

Alessio stood and lifted the bowl then walked two steps to the open window. After briefly looking below for passers walking, he dumped the bowl and then sat upon his cot again. He refilled the bowl and looked at his reflection once more. The bruises and cuts had faded but were still visible. Red still showed in his eyes from the beating that he received by Lamm’s underlings. Although it had been days since, he could still hear their mockery and feel their rude hands upon him, painting him in the make-up of a streetwalker. He could still feel the ropes that bound him to the chair that rocked this way and that upon its uneven legs. And his nose was still filled with the stench of some unknowable smell that had permeated the room he had been imprisoned in.

For a moment he imagined that a cat purred from the sill of the window. Lamm had killed his familiar, Augustus, and left him powerless to wield magic in the process. The staff of the Academae assured him that they buried Augustus but Alessio was certain that they just threw his corpse into the wagon for the junk-toss. At least they had the decency to dress him in some spare clothes and wipe the face-paints from him. They also avoided mentioning the bodice and stockings Lamm’s goons had put on him, although that was probably motivated by their own embarrassment at finding him so dressed and left on the steps of the school’s main entrance.

The rest of the ordeal played through his mind at a furious pace, often out of sequence and beyond Alessio’s ability to control. Professor Stolmer was murdered. Alessio was accused of the killing. He fled the scene for fear of mob-violence by his fellow students. His race to get to the Hall of Seeing to be exonerated by the diviners there was still viscerally imprinted in his mind and on his heels. But there was a gap that existed somewhere. All he could remember was waking up tied to the unsteady chair in the foul-smelling room.

The rest was a confused torrent of images and emotions that were interrupted by episodes of darkness. Surely, these missing pieces were when he was beaten unconscious. He could not recall being dropped on the main steps of the Acadamae or when he was carried inside by the grounds-keepers. But he could recall the laughter of the students who saw him being taken through the halls. He feigned that he was still unconscious, in order not to face his tormentors, and it seemed as if there were many there that night.

An unfamiliar professor from the school of Halls of Seeing interrogated him about the amulet that had been stuffed in his mouth by Lamm. His questioner demanded to know if Alessio knew what was written on the note pinned to his chest when he was discovered. “No” is all that Alessio could say in reply before the professor cut him off with a stream of invective. When the latter completed his tirade he took his leave without another word. Then the senior of the groundskeepers addressed Alessio.

“Take these here” he said and indicated a pile of folded workmen’s clothes. “Come on, quick. You have to be out of here before anyone else sees you”. To reinforce the urgency of the issue, two of his companions stepped closer to Alessio in a menacing fashion.

“You are going to leave by a side door into the alley. And you are never going to set foot here again. If you even look at this place again you will regret it.” And then he spit out a wad of tobacco onto the floor.

The trio waited only until Alessio had one boot on before bundling him out into the alley. They tossed the other boot at him and closed the door with a slam. Alessio had taken three steps toward the main street when he heard the door open behind him. One of the younger groundskeepers stuck his head out and called after Alessio “It’s a shame about Professor Stolmer and all. But you have to admit that Gaedren Lamm is a funny bastard.”

Then the door to Korvosa’s Acadamae was closed to Alessio forever.

tieflingwizard wrote:
My character's backstory is that he was raised in a church of Calistria/brothel. Do I need to purchase that?

I wouldn't think so; I'm assuming that he doesn't own it at the moment. A building like that would be church property, I imagine. If you want to flesh out any details of it, that's completely fine; heck, I wouldn't mind if you decided that you lived there still, rent-free (or in exchange for some sort of service/work). As long as it makes sense with your backstory.

Loving the many submissions so far, thanks all for jumping in!

I made this character for one of other CotCT games that popped up a little while ago. Hope you don't mind I'm "recycling" him. I will update the backstory to conform to what you said you wanted, i.e. goals and such.

I will write the "Extra Credit" bit, too. Will probably get around to it sometime tomorrow afternoon.

Updated to reflect her backstory, reposted here for ease of use.


From the diary of Father Judah, Ward of Erastil
"Korvosa has its share of orphans running about. Some are the leftover progeny of yet to return soldiers, some are abandoned by the more amorous nobles, even a few legitimate orphans of disease and sickness. I try to keep track of them, Father Baddage feels it best to know them in case a lost relative appears or one is suddenly the heir to a Korvosan noble house. Personally, I just want them to know someone cares. The Church of Erastil feeds them, and offers shelter to those who wish it in return for chores and other work. Many at least stay for a time, until they find an apprenticeship or in the worst cases, a cell. A few resist even those few restrictions, coming for food only when they have no way to earn or steal it themselves. She was one of those, an awkward and unsettling creature who spoke very little and came around the food lines even less. Always had that weird monkey on her shoulder, always seemed to prefer feeding the creature rather than herself. Always sitting perched on the backs of the simple chairs instead of sitting in them. I had heard she was a roof-runner, leaping from shingle to shingle, eaves to eaves in the Shingles, some strange connection keeping the imps from harassing her. Of course, I had never actually seen her outside her few times in the food line so this is all rumor and speculation from the other orphans. I tried to engage her, to get to know her some, but something about that child was just… off.
Still, I haven’t seen her for a few weeks…I certainly hope something unsavory hasn’t managed to catch her."

Gadriel knows nothing of her life before Abu. All she remembers is shimmying along the rooftops after the monkey, climbing along the cloth lines, and sleeping in old belfries and warehouses. She knows something is different about her, knows that something is different about Abu, but as long as the wind blows her hair and she is free to run she cares for little else. Gadriel is a withdrawn and uncommunicative child with a severe distrust in adults in general. Her monkey familiar Abu is her only real friend, though if her loyalty is earned without impeding her free spirit she will protect those who are her friends to the death. She has a knack for balancing in precarious positions, and a deep seated need for elevation and isolation.

Meeting with Gaedren Lamm:

She never knew hate until Gaedren Lamm. Collared and shackled, he hoped to break her. Turn her into a perfect cat burglar, able to run through the Shingles as easy as the cobblestone roads, slipping into unlocked windows and darting back out in the blink of an eye. Constant beatings, starvation, and even worse never broke her though. Each time Gaedren would take her out she’d always try and run even though the punishment was… severe. Eventually, with Abu’s help, her nimbleness finally afforded her a chance to escape, the rooftops acting as a highway to safety for her. However, she still seethes at her abuse. Abu tells her about what will happen to the evil man, about how his punishment will one day come. And Abu has never lied to her…

I've got my character down in thought if not in writing. He will be a half-Varisian half-Shoanti Shaman.

He will identify as Varisian first, and his spirits will be flavored as communing with his Shoanti ancestors.

Dotting as requested from the previous thread. Everything, even the extra credit, is in my profile under my background.

OK, finally nailed down my submission. Really solidified as I made him ...I'm itching to play this weirdo now.

Teodor Niculescu:

Male Human Cleric of Groetus 1 (Void/Dark Tapestry and Madness/Nightmare Domains)
CN Medium Humanoid (Human)
Init +0 ; Perception +2
AC 15, 17 with shield (10 touch, 15 flat)
hp 11
Fort +5, Ref +0, Will + 4
Speed 30 ft.
Melee: Heavy Flail +2 (1d10+3)19/20 disarm, trip
Melee: Morningstar +2 (1d8+2)
Melee: Sickle +2 (1d6+2)

Str 14, Dex 11, Con 15, Int 10, Wis 15 , Cha 17
Base Atk +0; CMB +2; CMD 12
Feats : Extra Channel, Skill Focus: Bluff
Traits: Drug Addict (Personal), Fast Talker

Skills: Bluff 11 (3+1+3+1+3)

, Diplomacy 7 (3+1+3), Sense Motive 6 (+2+1+3)
Languages: Common
Spells and Special Abilities
Channel Energy (Su) 1d6 8/day
Regardless of alignment, any cleric can release a wave of energy by channeling the power of her faith through her holy (or unholy) symbol. This energy can be used to cause or heal damage, depending on the type of energy channeled and the creatures targeted.
A good cleric (or a neutral cleric who worships a good deity) channels positive energy and can choose to deal damage to undead creatures or to heal living creatures. An evil cleric (or a neutral cleric who worships an evil deity) channels negative energy and can choose to deal damage to living creatures or to heal undeadcreatures. A neutral cleric of a neutral deity (or one who is not devoted to a particular deity) must choose whether she channels positive or negative energy. Once this choice is made, it cannot be reversed. This decision also determines whether the cleric can cast spontaneous cure or inflict spells (see spontaneous casting).
Channeling energy causes a burst that affects all creatures of one type (either undead or living) in a 30-foot radius centered on the cleric. The amount of damage dealt or healed is equal to 1d6 points of damage plus 1d6 points of damage for every two cleric levels beyond 1st (2d6 at 3rd, 3d6 at 5th, and so on). Creatures that take damage from channeled energy receive a Will save to halve the damage. The DC of this save is equal to 10 + 1/2 the cleric's level + the cleric's Charisma modifier. Creatures healed by channel energy cannot exceed their maximum hit point total—all excess healing is lost. A cleric may channel energy a number of times per day equal to 3 + her Charisma modifier. This is a standard action that does not provoke an attack of opportunity. A cleric can choose whether or not to include herself in this effect.
A cleric must be able to present her holy symbol to use this ability.

Domain Abilities:

It Came From Beyond (Ex): Once per day, when you cast a summoning spell, any one creature you summon is more powerful than normal. The creature gains the advanced creature simple template. If you summon more than one creature with a spell, only one of the summoned creatures gains the advanced creature simple template. A summoned creature that gains the advanced creature simple template in this manner appears unnervingly deformed or unnaturally hideous, bringing with it a whiff of the emptiness of the void. This ability only works on spells you cast as a cleric—it does not work on spellcasting abilities gained from any other spellcasting classes you might have.

Fearful Touch (Su): As a standard action, you can make a melee touch attack against a creature, causing it to experience terrible hallucinations for 1 round. During this time, the creature loses any immunity to fear effects it might possess and takes a –2 penalty on attack rolls made against you. In addition, the creature takes a penalty onWill saves made against fear effects equal to 1/2 your cleric level (minimum –1). This power is a mind-affecting effect. You can use this ability for a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Wisdom modifier.

Domain Spells:
1st: Feather Fall or Lesser Confusion
Cleric Spells a Day:
0 (3):
1 (2+1):.

Heavy Flail
Heavy Wooden Shield
Scale Mail
Wooden Holy Symbol
20gp bottle of Absinthe
Spell Components Pouch

22 gp

Backstory in Brief:
Teodor grew up poor but witty and ever curious. A fast-talking hedonist, he fancied himself an up-and-coming rake or conman. But the partying eventually took its toll, and he found himself in the depths of addiction. The night he bottomed out, the last time he took Shiver, he had a religious revelation. All things end. Everything. Even the torment and the pain. Groetus, the mysterious moon in Pharasma's graveyard, the God that will one day draw the curtain on existence, appeared to him. All things must end.

This, as you might imagine, left quite a mark on young Teodor. Some think him mad, some eccentric, and perhaps a few find him charmingly devout. He's definitely not the man he once was, but his endgame remains mysterious. He seems to preach about the end of all things, but he has been seen helping the less fortunate as well. One thing is for certain: he would quite like to meet the man that set him on his current path, and to thank him in a very special way.

Hearing about Lamm:

The smell was acrid, nearly tear-jerking. The man cried out in a combination of pain and horror. "Oh, Gods! No! No! I'm not ready! No! I haven't done anything yet! No!"

Teodor watched the man, head tilted slightly. "Aha. The con-man pro-tests. Tests my patience, tests my mercy, tests my faith. You give me words, but not the ones I want. Words, words, words. We name with words. Words are names. Words are shames. Shame-name, same-name? Who. Who. Who. I'm no Al, now Owl, no. Curiosity got this cat, and this cat now has your tongue. Want it back? Use it well. Who. Who. Who."

"Who WHAT??? Just keep it away, I'll tell you!"

Teodor tsked at the man. "Manners, man. But you know who who who. Who's the man with the plan no one understands? Who puts the shiv in the shiver? Who puts the death in the liver?"

"Lamm! Lamm! Gaedren Lamm!"

The tentacled beast beside Teodor disappeared. "Lamm? You wouldn't pull the wool over my eyes, would you, shiver-giver? Lamm. Bah! Bah! Lamm! Every where the Lamm goes then I am sure to go. To give thanks! Groetus' thanks! All things end, wretch. Get your house in order, or better yet in chaos. Live right, cause I'll be watching from the skies, from the darkness. Have you seen the light? I have seen what's between the lights."

By the time the dealer realized he was unharmed and alive, Teodor was long gone.

I'm going to come up with a background for this character this weekend, but I'll be submitting a Half-Elf Magus with the dropout trait.

Hey, odd question. But do we need to purchase things like bandanas, scarves, and tattoos during character creation?

Liberty's Edge

Dotting for interest. :)

tieflingwizard wrote:
Hey, odd question. But do we need to purchase things like bandanas, scarves, and tattoos during character creation?

I'm not entirely sure of the usual practice, but for me I would say no, assuming that they're purely cosmetic and not magical/utilitarian. So for example, a Shoanti would likely have tattoos he earned from his tribe, and a Varisian would have scarves because, well, Varisians like scarves. If you want a magical tattoo, or a pocketed/bladed scarf, though, you should purchase that.

The Norv wrote:
tieflingwizard wrote:
Hey, odd question. But do we need to purchase things like bandanas, scarves, and tattoos during character creation?
I'm not entirely sure of the usual practice, but for me I would say no, assuming that they're purely cosmetic and not magical/utilitarian. So for example, a Shoanti would likely have tattoos he earned from his tribe, and a Varisian would have scarves because, well, Varisians like scarves. If you want a magical tattoo, or a pocketed/bladed scarf, though, you should purchase that.

If we are buying gear/equipment, what is our starting gold limit, or do we do the standard gold start?

Jakthion Tauranor wrote:
Here is drayen's submission. He has the Lost Love (widowed) campaign trait. I created him as a Sable Company Marine. Will you be allowing the feat of the same name from the player's guide?

Hi drayen, sorry I missed this one earlier. To answer your question, yes, I see no reason not to allow the feat; however, be aware that it's a very urban campaign, and taking a hippogriff with you everywhere won't always necessarily be viable... ;)

HumanInDisguise wrote:
The Norv wrote:
tieflingwizard wrote:
Hey, odd question. But do we need to purchase things like bandanas, scarves, and tattoos during character creation?
I'm not entirely sure of the usual practice, but for me I would say no, assuming that they're purely cosmetic and not magical/utilitarian. So for example, a Shoanti would likely have tattoos he earned from his tribe, and a Varisian would have scarves because, well, Varisians like scarves. If you want a magical tattoo, or a pocketed/bladed scarf, though, you should purchase that.
If we are buying gear/equipment, what is our starting gold limit, or do we do the standard gold start?

Use the average gold listed for your class.

Catcher wrote:

Hello! I'd like to join this AP. I would like to submit Andy as a player for this campaign.

The bad guys in my background, can be related to Gaedren, or Gaedren himself is the one at fault.

Hi Catcher, for some reason the link to the alias doesn't seem to be working. Can you try to re-link it (or post as Andy)?

Liberty's Edge

Hi, Norv. Would you allow drawbacks from Ultimate Campaign? (Minor drawback allows you to take an additional trait.)

martinaj wrote:

I have an idea for a wizard (re-purposed from a different campaign) who migrated here from Cheliax with his sister to study at the Acadamae, and dropped out to look for his sibling when she disappeared after falling in with a bad crowd (he will have the Drug Addict trait). It's easily what fits best for the backstory I have in mind, but neither of the benefits would be doing him any favors. I was wondering if we might be able to tweak those a little bit, especially given that most traits function a little differently in PFRPG than in 3.5. Would it be permissible for the trait to make Sense Motive a class skill, given that the character has been concentrating on investigating his sister's disappearance?

Currently, the character I have in mind is a LN wizard specialized in conjuration. Would you allow either the Egorian Binder archtype (Inner Sea Primer) or the Diabolist prestige class (Book of the Damned)? He works with devil binding, believing that constantly walking a razor's edge keeps his mind and his convictions strong.

Yes, I think that archetype or prestige would be fine. As far as the trait goes, I personally eel as though the +2 bonus would translate more directly to Diplomacy than to Sense Motive.

Here's my

Extra Credit:
Jack was rarely cold, but there was a fire in her eyes. "Lamm." It was not said as a question, more of a statement. She looked at the older man that she sat across from in a tavern that took almost everything she had just to walk into. She could feel the eyes on her even as she sat down, and the feeling had not vanished.

"Yes. That's a slippery one, an'findin'him is apt to be hard." Those words came from an elder that she had only managed to meet because she sharked someone's marker. She had wanted to keep out of sight of the Scarzni, for good or ill. Yet, here she was, tempting fate, and calling in a favor. She had a name, but could find little about it.

She was still slightly skeptical, despite it having been almost a month. More on the fact that he thought that Lamm could not be found. "I'm not intending on catching him.", she said flatly, trying to give away less than she gained.

"Oh, not many people'll care what y'do", said the greybeard. "Lamm's had his time, and missed it. You, however.. Maybe your time is yet to come, hm?"

She did not like the feeling of those eyes on her anymore. One hand snapped a tile etched with arcane runes as she rose, angry but calm. If she did not keep her head, she would not make it out of this section of town that the tavern was in. "Thank you", she said, ever courteous when the situation called for it.

As she turned to head for the door, a double of her exited the same spot she had been seated in and headed up the tavern stairs as she ducked under the chest-high flap in the entryway. If they were planning on waylaying her, they would have to have their wits about them.


Dark Archive

The Norv wrote:
Jakthion Tauranor wrote:
Here is drayen's submission. He has the Lost Love (widowed) campaign trait. I created him as a Sable Company Marine. Will you be allowing the feat of the same name from the player's guide?
Hi drayen, sorry I missed this one earlier. To answer your question, yes, I see no reason not to allow the feat; however, be aware that it's a very urban campaign, and taking a hippogriff with you everywhere won't always necessarily be viable... ;)

I understand that it won't be of use all the time. It would probably end up more as flavor than crunch.

The Norv wrote:
tieflingwizard wrote:
Hey, odd question. But do we need to purchase things like bandanas, scarves, and tattoos during character creation?
I'm not entirely sure of the usual practice, but for me I would say no, assuming that they're purely cosmetic and not magical/utilitarian. So for example, a Shoanti would likely have tattoos he earned from his tribe, and a Varisian would have scarves because, well, Varisians like scarves. If you want a magical tattoo, or a pocketed/bladed scarf, though, you should purchase that.

Thanks, Norv! I was just confused because you can buy scarves and tattoos. But there's no exact pricing for them.

Should have my app ready. I'm also going to include info about the brothel my character lives in. There's going to be info on residents, hierarchy, and its structure (through the room system from Ultimate Campaign).

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