Maltorin Duskstrider |

Nope, Void/Kinetic Healing require you to take 1 Burn every time you use it and since it is a Utility Wild Talent the only way to mitigate the Burn cost is by using the Internal Buffer feature. Buffer has limited usage per day as well.

DM Doomed Hero |

So the feat essentially replicates the Dhampir race trait that let's them be healed by negative energy?

Maltorin Duskstrider |

Essentially, yes. I will spoiler the powers in question from the source so you can look then over at your convenience and decide if you want to allow them or not. Won't be until later this evening before I will get access to my computer as I'm out and about with the misses and the boy for the day!

Talas Arduinn |

For myself, I may not run a second character-- I'm in a ton of games right now, really, and I keep saying to myself 'lighten the load' but haven't yet. On the other hand I have no will save. >___> I'd probably run a straight cleric or maybe a warpriest if I do cave.

Maltorin Duskstrider |

Okay here are a few options from N. Jolly's Kineticist stuff from Purple Duck Games that might be good for Maltorin. I am presenting them for review.
Element(s) void; Type substance infusion; Level 1; Burn 1
Associated Blasts negative, void
Saving Throw none
Your blasts channel an especially damaging form of negative energy. Your blast are capable of damaging constructs and undead, regardless of immunity to negative energy (although they only take half damage). You can increase the burn cost by 2 to instead deal full damage to constructs and undead. This infusion does not count against the normal limit of 1 substance infusion per blast.
Element(s) void; Type utility (Sp); Level 3; Burn 0
Prerequisite(s) emptiness
Your darkness is far more powerful than others. While your emptiness wild talent is active, you are treated as though your square is under the effects of a darkness spell. You can accept 1 point of burn to increase the radius of this effect by 5 feet.
Element(s) void; Level 5; Type utility (Sp); Burn 0
Prerequisite shroud of shadows
Your darkness grows even stronger, increasing the radius of darkness to 15 ft. You can accept 1 point of burn to reduce the movement speed of all creatures inside of this darkness by 10 ft.
Element(s) void; Level 1; Type utility (Su); Burn —
You are in tune with the darker energies of the universe, allowing you to be healed by negative energy if you are normally hurt by it.
*This one would allow Maltorin to use Void Healer
There are also two interesting feats that I feel would work well with Maltorin's concept.
“Of course it was fair, I was in plain sight the entire time!”
Prerequisite: Gather power class feature
Benefit: Whenever you use your gather power class feature, the visual and sound effects are diminished, only noticeable to those within 10 feet of you.
“I wasn’t even there, you didn’t see a thing!”
Prerequisite: Stealth Gathering
Benefit: You can use your gather energy class feature without any visible or audible display.
These are all options that I feel really help to emphasize Maltorin's shadow power feel. Again, if you do not feel comfortable utilizing these, I completely understand. I just figured that I could at least try and the worst thing that could happen was that you would say "no".

DM Doomed Hero |

I feel I'm having trouble describing the layout of the city.
The bullseye is the Temple grounds. The green around it is the park.
The middle ring is Door Street.
The center group of black and white almost-triangles is the Inner City, each of the almost-triangles is one district. There are 13 noble districts all together.
The wire separators between the districts are the main roads, running out like spokes from the circular road around the park.
The outer group of almost-triangles is the outer city, which is not laid out like that at all, so you can ignore the orderly pattern there.
Does that give everyone a decent idea of what the map looks like?

DM Doomed Hero |

That last post of mine was just full of little errors. Ugh. It's times like this that I hate the one hour edit window.

DM Doomed Hero |
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If there was ever a movie made about Arch, Prime would absolutely be voiced by Peter Cullen.

DM Doomed Hero |

Just lost a post. Grrrr.
I'll have to redo it later when I'm not quite so pissed off about it.

DM Doomed Hero |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Two districts down, eleven to go, then on to Door Street.
I hope you're all enjoying this tour of the city.

DM Doomed Hero |

Meet Prime- Populist Robot Philosopher Secular Humanist Paladin.
He was originally one of Teral's characters from years ago when this campaign setting was in an early incarnation. When that campaign retired he became an NPC in the city. I have a lot of fun writing him.
(Prime's opinions are not necessarily the opinions of everyone in the city, or of your Game Master. He's a little preachy on the subject of freedom of choice and the godstone.)

DM Doomed Hero |

This has been on hiatus for much longer than I wanted it to be. Life's been pretty nuts lately, and it's looking like it's going to stay that way until the end of October.
I'm going to keep up on the main game thread, but this one will not be updated nearly so often. I haven't forgotten about it though. The city tour is pretty important to giving your characters a deeper context of the setting, and I'm really enjoying the discussions that have come up.