About Teral SaevusChannel Energy (1d6): 7/7 Background:
I was born on the storied world of Krynn. There, I grew up on the outskirts of Qualinost with my half-elven parents, where I trained my innate power in sorcery...but honestly, why would we go into that? Let's skip to the important bits. You know the drill. Particularly talented, caught in questionable circumstances, picked up by scouts from the City who thought a half-elf with a knack for twisting destiny to his whim might be a nice addition to the Academy, yadda yadda. Spent a while kicking around in the Academy, trying to figure out my particular niche (they tell you to just point and explode things, but it's not as easy as it sounds, alright?); until I overheard an upperclassman talking about their encounter with a 'useless' magic item that had gotten one of their teammates turned irrevocably blue; a Rod of Wonder. Now, what decent fate-tempting spellslinger wouldn't latch on to that particular piece of interest? ... Well, it seemed like a plan to me, anyway. And let me tell you, it definitely panned out. Turns out, with enough tampering, you can make the things most people call 'random' work out a little more in your favor than it's supposed to. Sure, sometimes you accidentally enlarge an ogre instead of setting it on fire, but just as often, the ooze trying to eat your staff suddenly thinks it's a squirrel - and if you don't think that story alone wasn't worth the trouble, then we are at an impasse. Of course, that's where things get a bit more complicated. I ran Door Street for a while, hit a few missions outside of my pay grade, and all in all did well enough for myself that I found the time to take a break and do a bit of tinkering. I'd been tooling around with my standard bag of tricks for a while, thought it was time to get my hands dirty and upgrade a bit. Well. You know how I mentioned you can tamper with the effects of fate some? Turns out, those rules can be bent easily enough (heck, that's what magic's all about), but breaking them... well, there are forces that apparently don't take kindly to it. Next thing I knew, I was waking up on the floor of the Academy lab in a charred circle, and not a jot of arcane juice left in my veins. The higher ups said something about a 'mnemonic hazard' and explained how my memories had to be scrubbed for the City's safety...long story short, they told me to knock off the research. Of course, they couldn't just have a powerless sorcerer hanging around - in Arch, we pull our weight and then some. But then, I wasn't entirely powerless. Apparently, something came with me out of the wherever-it-was I ended up in when I was doing...well, whatever I was doing. Don't ask me how (because even if I knew, I'm pretty sure I'd have to kill you if I told you), but I ended up with this little guy. Watch it - he bites. I know, cute, right? Vicious little jerk, though. You wouldn't think a hedgehog could be evil, but I'm pretty sure he- Hey! Cut it out, you little... Ahem. Anyway, the point is, somehow I picked up a familiar bonded to my soul, plus a nifty new trick or two. To balance it out, though, they told me I had to take up training as a cleric or the...whatever might get a foothold in our reality. Now, I've never been one for the priestly attitude, but I've also been pretty firmly against unspeakable entities gaining uninvited access through my brain, too, so here we are. Academy time again. Bleh. Here's hoping that damn Forest is less terrifying this time around, hm?
When it comes to appearances, at least, Teral's half-elf blood seems to have served him well. Just under six feet with a narrow build, he seems to have inherited some of the elven grace without their customary fragility. His dusty blonde hair reaches down to his shoulders, and while usually pulled back in a loose tail, it often breaks free of its confines. Given his druthers, he tends to dress stylishly, if a bit garishly, favoring bright colors and proudly displaying the Aces of House Kale. Quite a few of his usual outfits, though, have oddly mismatched patterns with sprays of wildly varying ideas, as if he ran afoul of a madman with a penchant for tie-dye, or possibly a child's paint fight.
Defense and HP:
HP: 13 Total AC: 17 {18} = 10 + 6 (Armor) + 1 (Dexterity) {+1 Buckler}
Melee Attack = 1: 1(Str) Ranged Attack = 1: 1(Dex) Traits and Racial Bonuses:
Trait - Arch Petitioner: When gaining a level in your Favored Class, you may select two benefits rather than one. Trait - Fate's Favored: Whenever you are under the effect of a luck bonus of any kind, that bonus increases by 1. Alternate Racial Trait - Kindred-Raised: Gain a +2 bonus to Charisma and one other ability score of their choice. This racial trait replaces the half-elf's usual racial ability score modifiers, as well as adaptability, elven immunities, keen senses, and multitalented.
Level 1: Extra Hex Skills:
Skill Points: 11 = 4 Class, 2 Int, 4 BG, 1 Favored Class Cleric Bluff = 9: 1 (Rank) + 3 (Class) + 4 (Cha)
Class Abilities:
Familiar Hedgehog: +2 to Will saves. We call him Mr. Prickles, but his true name is unspeakable by mortal tongues. Beware. Hexes
Leadership (Subdomain of Nobility)
Channel Energy
Weapon: Morningstar Armor: Breastplate Shield: Buckler Belt: Body: Chest: Eyes: Feet: Hands: Head: Headband: Neck: Shoulders: Wrist: Ring: Ring: Gear
Cleric Orisons Prepared: Detect Magic, Light, Stabilize 1st Level
1 Domain
1st level