Mage Sniper

Maltorin Duskstrider's page

10 posts. Alias of Faelyn.

Full Name

Maltorin Duskstrider




2nd Level Chaokineticist | HP 23/23 (NLD 0) | AC 16 | T 13 | FF 13 | CMD 14 | Fort +7 | Ref +6 | Will +1 | Init +3 | Perc +6 | Burn: 0/7







Special Abilities

Burn, Elemental Focus - Void, Gather Power, Infusion Wild Talents, Kinetic Blast, Elemental Defense - Emptiness, Utility Wild Talents


Lawful Evil






Common, Dark Folk, Aklo



Homepage URL

Character Sheet

Strength 10
Dexterity 17
Constitution 18
Intelligence 12
Wisdom 13
Charisma 14

About Maltorin Duskstrider

Maltorin Duskstrider
Male Caligni Kineticist 2
Lawful Evil Humanoid
Init +3; Senses See In Darkness, Perception +6
AC 16, touch 13, flat-footed 13 (+3 Dex, +3 Armor)
hp 23
Fort +7, Ref +6, Will +1
Defensive Abilities Emptiness
Speed 30 ft.
Hanbo +1 (1d6/x2)
Dagger +1 (1d4/19-20/x2)
Dagger +5 (1d4+1/19-20/x2) 10 ft.
Negative Blast +5 (1d6+3/x2) 30 ft.
Extended Reach Negative Blast +4 (1d6+2/x2) 120 ft.
Special Attacks Negative Blast, Point-Blank Shot
Str 10, Dex 17, Con 18, Int 12, Wis 13, Cha 14
Base Atk +1; CMB +1; CMD 14
Feats Point-Blank Shot


Acrobatics +8 (2 Rank, +3 Dex, +3 CS)
Bluff +7 (1 Rank, +2 Cha, +3 CS, +1 Trait)
Climb +0 (0 Rank, +0 Str)
Escape Artist +8 (1 Rank, +3 Dex, +3 CS, +1 Skilled Kineticist)
Knowledge: Dungeoneering +6 (1 Rank, +1 Int, +3 CS, +1 Skilled Kineticist)
Knowledge: Local +5 (1 Rank, +2 Int, +3 CS)
Perception +6 (2 Rank, +1 Wis, +3 CS)
Profession: Harrower +6 (1 Rank, +2 Wis, +3 CS)
Sense Motive +6 (1 Rank, +2 Wis, +3 CS)
Stealth +8 (2 Rank, +3 Dex, +3 CS)

Languages Common, Dark Folk, Aklo
SQ Burn, Elemental Focus (Void), Gather Power, Infusion Wild Talents, Kinetic Blast (Negative Blast), Elemental Defense (Emptiness), Utility Wild Talents
Other Gear Cane (Hanbo), Spring-Loaded Wrist Sheath (Dagger), Masterwork Parade Armor, Masterwork Backpack (Bedroll, Blanket, Flint & Steel, Grooming Kit, Mess Kit, Trail Rations (4), Silk Rope (50 ft.), Grappling Hook, Waterskin, Bandolier), Bandolier (Potion of Cure Light Wounds (2), Potion of Reduce Person (2), Alchemist Fire, Alkali Flask, Holy Water)
Currency - 0pp 268gp 6sp 0cp
Equipment Slot List:

Wrist: Sleeves of Many Garments – 200gp

Fast Talker: You had a knack for getting yourself into trouble as a child, and as a result developed a silver tongue at an early age. Benefit:You gain a +1 trait bonus on Bluff checks, and Bluff is always a class skill for you.

Orphan Scion: You were born on another world, but came to Arch as a child. You were raised at the Temple and joined the Academy as soon as you were old enough. Benefit:Knowledge Local: Arch is always a class skill for you. In addition, your years of proximity to the Godstone have made your body more receptive to magical rejuvenation. Whenever you are magically healed, gain +1 Hit Point per Dice of magical healing. You also gain proficiency in one Simple or Martial weapon (Pistol) from the extra training you received at the academy.
Special Abilities

Kineticist Features:
Elemental Focus (Su): At 1st level, a kineticist chooses one primary element on which to focus. This element determines how she accesses the raw power of the Ethereal Plane, and grants her access to specific wild talents (see below) and additional class skills. She can select aether (telekinesis), air (aerokinesis), earth (geokinesis), fire (pyrokinesis), or water (hydrokinesis). She gains her selected element’s basic utility wild talent (basic telekinesis, basic aerokinesis, basic geokinesis, basic pyrokinesis, or basic hydrokinesis; see page 23) as a bonus wild talent. See Elements on page 14 for the specific abilities granted by each element.

Wild Talents: A kineticist can use wild talents—magical abilities similar to spells but drawn from the kineticist’s innate psychic talent and usable at will. Wild talents are typically spell-like abilities (though some are supernatural abilities), and take a standard action to use unless otherwise noted. A wild talent always has the elemental descriptor or descriptors (aether, air, earth, fire, or water) matching its Element entry. A wild talent that can be used with any of several elements gains the appropriate elemental descriptor when used with an element. For example, the wall wild talent gains the earth descriptor when used by a geokineticist.

Every wild talent has an effective spell level. A kineticist can always select 1st-level wild talents, but she can select a wild talent of a higher level only if her kineticist level is at least double the wild talent’s effective spell level. Kinetic blast and defense wild talents are always considered to have an effective spell level equal to 1/2 the kineticist’s class level (to a maximum effective spell level of 9th at kineticist level 18th).

Unless otherwise noted, the DC for a saving throw against a wild talent is equal to 10 + the wild talent’s effective spell level + the kineticist’s Constitution modifier. The kineticist uses her Constitution modifier on all concentration checks for wild talents.

In addition to the wild talents she gains from her other class features, at 2nd level and every 2 levels thereafter, a kineticist selects a new utility wild talent from the list of options available to her. A kineticist can select only universal wild talents or those that match her element (see Elemental Focus above). At 6th, 10th, and 16th levels, a kineticist can replace one of her utility wild talents with another wild talent of the same level or lower. She can’t replace a wild talent that she used to qualify for another of her wild talents.

Burn (Ex): At 1st level, a kineticist can overexert herself to channel more power than normal, pushing past the limit of what is safe for her body by accepting burn. Some of her wild talents allow her to accept burn in exchange for a greater effect, while others require her to accept a certain amount of burn to use that talent at all. For each point of burn she accepts, a kineticist takes 1 point of nonlethal damage per character level. This damage can’t be healed by any means other than getting a full night’s rest, which removes all burn and associated nonlethal damage. Nonlethal damage from burn can’t be reduced or redirected, and a kineticist incapable of taking nonlethal damage can’t accept burn. A kineticist can accept only 1 point of burn per round. This limit rises to 2 points of burn at 6th level, and rises by 1 additional point every 3 levels thereafter. A kineticist can’t choose to accept burn if it would put her total number of points of burn higher than 3 + her Constitution modifier (though she can be forced to accept more burn from a source outside her control). A kineticist who has accepted burn never benefits from abilities that allow her to ignore or alter the effects she receives from nonlethal damage.

Kinetic Blast (Sp): At 1st level, a kineticist gains a kinetic blast wild talent of her choice. This kinetic blast must be a simple blast that matches her element. As a standard action, the kineticist can unleash a kinetic blast at a single target up to a range of 30 feet. She must have at least one hand free to aim the blast (or one prehensile appendage, if she doesn’t have hands). All damage from a kinetic blast is treated as magic for the purpose of bypassing damage reduction. Kinetic blasts count as a type of weapon for the purpose of feats such as Weapon Focus. The kineticist is never considered to be wielding or gripping the kinetic blast (regardless of effects from form infusions; see Infusion on page 12), and she can’t use Vital Strike feats with kinetic blasts. Even the weakest kinetic blast involves a sizable mass of elemental matter or energy, so kinetic blasts always deal full damage to swarms of any size (though only area blasts deal extra damage to swarms). A readied kinetic blast can be used to counterspell any spell of equal or lower level that shares its descriptor. A kinetic blast that deals energy damage of any type (including force) has the corresponding descriptor. The various kinetic blasts, as well as additional rules for simple blasts, are described on pages 15–16.

Gather Power (Su): If she has both hands free (or all of her prehensile appendages free, for unusual kineticists), a kineticist can gather energy or elemental matter as a move action. Gathering power creates an extremely loud, visible display in a 20-foot radius centered on the kineticist, as the energy or matter swirls around her. Gathering power in this way allows the kineticist to reduce the total burn cost of a blast wild talent she uses in the same round by 1 point. The kineticist can instead gather power for 1 full round in order to reduce the total burn cost of a blast wild talent used on her next turn by 2 points (to a minimum of 0 points). If she does so, she can also gather power as a move action during her next turn to reduce the burn cost by a total of 3 points. If the kineticist takes damage during or after gathering power and before using the kinetic blast that releases it, she must succeed at a concentration check (DC = 10 + damage taken + effective spell level of her kinetic blast) or lose the energy in a wild surge that forces her to accept a number of points of burn equal to the number of points by which her gathered power would have reduced the burn cost. This ability can never reduce the burn cost of a wild talent below 0 points.

Infusion (Su): At 1st level, a kineticist gains an infusion wild talent from the list of options available based on her elemental focus. She gains additional infusions at 3rd, 5th, 9th, 11th, 13th, 17th, and 19th levels. By using infusions along with her kinetic blasts, a kineticist can alter her kinetic blasts to suit her needs. Infusions come in two types, each of which changes a kinetic blast differently: a substance infusion causes an additional effect, while a form infusion causes the kinetic blast to manifest in a different way. Each infusion can alter only certain kinds of kinetic blasts, which are listed in its Associated Blasts entry. Each time the kineticist uses one of her kinetic blast wild talents, she can apply up to one associated form infusion and up to one associated substance infusion. Some infusions change the action required to activate a kinetic blast or entirely transform the kinetic blast’s normal effects. The burn cost listed in each infusion’s Burn entry is added to the burn cost of the kinetic blast the infusion modifies.

The DC for a save against an infusion is based on the associated kinetic blast’s effective spell level, not the level of the infusion. The DCs for form infusions are calculated using the kineticist’s Dexterity modifier instead of her Constitution modifier. When a kineticist modifies a kinetic blast with a form infusion and a substance infusion that both require saving throws, each target first attempts a saving throw against the form infusion. If a target succeeds and a successful save negates the infusion’s effects, the entire kinetic blast is negated; otherwise, the target then attempts a saving throw against the substance infusion. If a kineticist’s form and substance infusions both alter the kinetic blast’s damage, apply the substance infusion’s alteration first.

At 5th, 11th, and 17th levels, a kineticist can replace one of her infusions with another infusion of the same effective spell level or lower. She can’t replace an infusion that she used to qualify for another of her wild talents.

The descriptions of infusions begin on page 17.

Elemental Defense (Su): At 2nd level, a kineticist gains her element’s defense wild talent ( the descriptions of defense wild talents begin on page 16).

Void Element:
Like aether, void forms where elemental energy meets another material, in this case the substance of the Negative Energy Plane. Chaokineticists command this strange force in a way that in some respects resembles the manipulation of aether.
Class Skills: A chaokineticist adds Knowledge (dungeoneering) and Escape Artist to her list of class skills.

Wild Talents
Simple Blast – Gravity blast, Negative blast
Composite Blasts – Gravitic boost, Negative admixture, Void blast
1st – Basic Chaokinesis, Draining infusion†, Extended range†, Kinetic blade†, Kinetic cover, Kinetic fist†, Pulling Infusion†, Pushing infusion†, Skilled kineticist, Void healer
2nd – Eyes of the void, No breath, Great Skilled kineticist
3rd – Darkness infusion†, Elemental grip, Extreme range†, Flurry of blasts†, Gravity control, Kinetic whip†, Mobile blast†, Snake†,
4th – Expanded defense, Singularity†
5th – Great Eyes of the void, Great Gravity control, Grappling infusion†, Kinetic form, Spark of life, Wall†
6th – Great Darkness infusion†, Ride the blast, Suffocate
7th – Enervating infusion†
8th – Reverse shift
9th – Gravity master

Standard Racial Traits:
Ability Score Racial Traits (1 RP): Caligni are quick and resilient, but generations of isolation and oppression have made them slow to accept new ideas. They gain +2 Dexterity and +2 Constitution but suffer –2 Intelligence..
Size: Caligni are Medium creatures and thus receive no bonuses or penalties due to their size.
Base Speed: Caligni have a base speed of 30 feet.
Languages: Caligni begin play speaking Common and Dark Folk.

Senses Racial Traits:
• See in Darkness (4 RP): Caligni have the see in darkness special ability allowing them to see perfectly in darkness of any kind, including that created by deeper darkness.

Weakness Racial Traits:
• Light Sensitivity (-1 RP): Caligni are dazzled in areas of bright light.

Magic Racial Traits:
• Death Throes (1 RP): When a caligni is slain, its body combusts in a flash of searing light. All creatures within a 5-foot burst must succeed at a Fortitude save (DC = 10 + 1/2 the caligni's Hit Dice + the caligni's Constitution bonus) or be dazzled for 1d4 rounds. The corpse left behind is a third of the caligni's size, withered and unrecognizable as the individual. Raise dead and similar spells cast upon these remains restore a caligni as normal.

Maltorin’s birth in the deep dark beneath the surface of the world was a momentous event to the Dark Folk community. A Caligni birth was regarded as a great omen, and it was widely regarded that he would usher in a period of greatness for the cloistered community, which was beset by enemies upon all sides… Unfortunately for Maltorin, as is all too common within such evil communities, his perceived greatness was not as popular with all. The dark stalkers who reigned over the community were not as keen on the changes that seemed to be coming with Maltorin as he aged into adolescence. A plot began to end the caligni upstart before he could throw the leaders’ tenuous hold into disarray. Maltorin was well-liked within the community and the conspirators knew that he could not dispatched by the standard mysterious murder. Oh no, this caligni would require a more subtle touch. It had been too long since the community had marched upon their enemies, perhaps the duergar could take the blame? Or the dark elves? Or those foul-mouthed Svirfneblin? It was no matter, as long as the blame could not be traced back to them. Such subtlety would take exceptional planning and patience…

Maltorin was now at the age where he was beginning to learn about the dangers of his home and how to use the darkness to his advantage. It was also during this time when the conspiracy began its first hints when a strange crusade of surface dwellers began to invade the underworld. He witnessed what happened to the “good” folk of the surface when they attempted to combat the “vileness” of the darkness below. While the surface people often restrained themselves against their foes, their enemies held no such reservations and utilized tactics that horrified the surface peoples. Such tactics were nearly always effective and he learned an important lesson that would always stick with him; in battle the good die and the unscrupulous often survived. It was during these times he also learned about the horror that could be unleashed by those who allowed true evil into their hearts…

Maltorin was only nine when he suddenly woke in an abandoned tunnel with a pain in his head so strong that it caused him to empty the vile smelling contents of his stomach all over the hard, stone floor. Once he was able to regain control of his stomach he looked around in an attempt to figure out what had happened, but he suddenly realized he was surrounded by a half-dozen or more surface children corpses. His mind reeled as he tried to make sense of what had happened when he suddenly heard the clatter of surface dwellers rushing through the tunnels toward him. It was in that moment he knew he had been betrayed, but by whom he did not know. At that moment, however, it mattered not as he barely had time to scramble to his feet and flee ahead of the mob rushing to greet him. He rushed through tunnels he had never seen before, hoping that perhaps he would find one he recognized, until suddenly the ground crumbled away beneath his feet and he fell screaming… Only to suddenly land hard upon a strange path. He squinted his eyes at the terrible brightness that assailed his eyes. A strange sensation covered his body, as if someone was drawing the softest silk sheet he’d ever felt over his skin. He could hear talking in a strange language that was alien to him. Finally his eyes adjusted to the light enough for him to realize the light was… The sun?!?! He was on the surface! In his terror, Maltorin scrambled to his feet and ran blindly into a nearby stone wall, which knocked him out cold.

Maltorin did not realize it, but he had fallen into a long forgotten (if anyone had ever even known about its existence) portal to a strange city that was located at the very center of existence, Arch. When Maltorin’s story was finally extracted from him, it was determined that returning him to his home world was not in his best interest. Nor did he want to return to the unforgiving darkness beneath the surface world. Even though the sun stung his eyes, everything about the surface world fascinated Maltorin and he quickly fell in love with the great city. He was taken to the Temple and raised alongside the other orphans from strange and innumerous worlds. The first time he stood before the Godstone, he felt and saw a strange penumbral aura seeping out of his pores and surrounding him in a loving embrace. He found that the bright sun no longer stung his eyes! Furthermore he found he could control the darkness that clung to him and do strange things with it. When he finally reached the age of consent, he joined the Academy and further developed his powers as he came to lear ever more about Arch. The longer he stayed within the great city the more he understood its importance and vowed to protect his city with everything he could…

Reference Image.
Height 6'3" Weight 130
Skin Ash w/ black Eyes Silver Hair Long white that darkens to black

Maltorin is tall and terribly thin, but lean and his slender frame belies the extreme constitution he possesses. His handsome face, shoulders, and torso are a bleached grey the color of ash; the ash color then begins to darken along his shoulders and hips to an obsidian hue along his extremities. His long hair is stark white near the scalp and, like his limbs, darkens to jet black at its tips. No matter how short his cuts it, his hair always gradually displays such strange coloration. His eyes are a little unsettling with inky black sclera (where normal people have white) with bright silver iris. He also seems to have a strange, shadowy aura about him at all times…